Askold Khovanskiĭ


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On solvability of linear differential equations in finite terms 2024 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Aaron Tronsgard
+ PDF Chat Center of Mass Technique and Affine Geometry 2024 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Cohomology Rings of Toric Bundles and the Ring of Conditions 2023 Johannes Hofscheier
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Generalized Virtual Polyhedra 2023 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Fibered toric varieties 2023 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Обобщенные виртуальные многогранники и квазиторические многообразия 2022 Ivan Limonchenko
Leonid Monin
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Generalized Virtual Polytopes and Quasitoric Manifolds 2022 Ivan Limonchenko
Leonid Monin
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Comments on J.F. Ritt’s Book Integration in Finite Terms 2022 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Generalized virtual polytopes and quasitoric manifolds 2022 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Ivan Limonchenko
Leonid Monin
+ Interpolation Polynomials and Linear Algebra 2022 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Sushil Singla
Aaron Tronsgard
+ Total order compatible with addition on commutative semigroups 2022 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Cohomology rings of quasitoric bundles 2022 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Ivan Limonchenko
Leonid Monin
+ Newton polytopes and tropical geometry 2021 B. Ya. Kazarnovskii
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Esterov
+ Gorenstein algebras and toric bundles 2021 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Cohomology rings of quasitoric bundles 2021 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Ivan Limonchenko
Leonid Monin
+ PDF Chat Newton Polyhedra and Good Compactification Theorem 2020 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Misha Shubin. 1944 -- 2020 2020 Maxim Braverman
B. M. Buchshtaber
M. Gromov
Victor Ivrii
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Peter Kuchment
Vladimir Maz′ya
S. P. Novikov
Toshikazu Sunada
Leonid Friedlander
+ PDF Chat Intersections of Hypersurfaces and Ring of Conditions of a Spherical Homogeneous Space 2020 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and good compactification theorem 2020 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and good compactification theorem 2020 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Cohomology rings of toric bundles and the ring of conditions 2020 Johannes Hofscheier
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Misha Shubin. 1944 -- 2020 2020 Maxim Braverman
B. M. Buchshtaber
M. Gromov
Victor Ivrii
Yuri A. Kordyukov
Peter Kuchment
Vladimir Maz′ya
S. P. Novikov
Toshikazu Sunada
Leonid Friedlander
+ Intersections of hypersurfaces and ring of conditions of spherical varieties 2019 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Integrability in Finite Terms and Actions of Lie Groups 2019 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On Representability of Algebraic Functions by Radicals 2019 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Comments on J. F. Ritt's book "Integration in Finite Terms" 2019 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Multidimensional topological Galois theory 2019 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ One dimensional topological Galois theory 2019 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Vladimir Antonovich Zorich 2018 А. И. Аптекарев
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
M. Gromov
Yu. Ilyashenko
Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Владимир Михайлович Кесельман
В. В. Козлов
Maxim Kontsevich
I. M. Krichever
+ PDF Chat Solvability of Equations by Quadratures and Newton’s Theorem 2018 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Integrability in Finite Terms And Actions of Lie Groups 2018 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Solvability of Equations by Quadratures and Newton's Theorem. 2018 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ A short survey on Newton polytopes, tropical geometry and ring of conditions of algebraic torus 2018 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Integrability in Finite Terms And Actions of Lie Groups 2018 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Solvability of Equations by Quadratures and Newton's Theorem 2018 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra, tropical geometry and the ring of condition for $(C^*)^n$ 2017 Boris Kazarnovskii
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat The Resultant of Developed Systems of Laurent Polynomials 2017 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Newton polyhedra, tropical geometry and the ring of condition for $(C^*)^n$ 2017 Boris Kazarnovskii
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ The Resultant of Developed Systems of Laurent Polynomials 2017 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Viktor Anatol'evich Vassiliev (on his 60th birthday) 2016 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
S. M. Gusein‐Zade
Максим Эдуардович Казарян
Валерий Васильевич Козлов
S. K. Lando
S P Novikov
Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Complete intersections in spherical varieties 2016 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polytopes and irreducible components of complete intersections 2016 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Polynomials Invertible in k-Radicals 2016 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polytopes and irreducible components of complete intersections 2016 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat The Resultant of Developed Systems of Laurent Polynomials 2016 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Leonid Monin
+ Topological Galois theory: solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite terms 2015 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Vladlen Timorin
V. A. Kirichenko
Lucy Kadets
Yuri Burda
+ Okounkov Bodies and Applications 2015 Megumi Harada
Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On algebraic functions integrable in finite terms 2015 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Complete intersections in spherical varieties 2015 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Combinatorics of sections of polytopes and Coxeter groups in Lobachevsky spaces 2015 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies and multiplicities of ideals 2014 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat On the Theory of Coconvex Bodies 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Vladlen Timorin
+ PDF Chat Galois theory, coverings, and Riemann surfaces 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies and representation theory, Part 1 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Topological Galois Theory 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Construction of Liouvillian Classes of Functions and Liouville’s Theory 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Coverings and Galois Theory 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Solvability and Picard–Vessiot Theory 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat One-Dimensional Topological Galois Theory 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Solvability of Fuchsian Equations 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Signatures of Branched Coverings and Solvability in Quadratures 2014 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Convex Bodies and Multiplicities of Ideals 2014 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Note on the Grothendieck Group of Subspaces of Rational Functions and Shokurov's Cartier b-divisors 2013 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On mixed multiplicities of ideals 2013 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Ramified Coverings and Galois Theory 2013 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On the theory of coconvex bodies 2013 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Vladlen Timorin
+ Note on the Grothendieck group of subspaces of rational functions and Shokurov's b-divisors 2013 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Galois Theory, Coverings, and Riemann Surfaces 2013 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies and multiplicities of ideals 2013 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory 2012 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Mini-Workshop: New Developments in Newton-Okounkov Bodies 2012 Megumi Harada
Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Completions of convex families of convex bodies 2012 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Tribute to Vladimir Arnold 2012 Boris Khesin
Serge Tabachnikov
Alexander Givental
Yakov G. Sinai
Steve Smale
Mikhail B. Sevryuk
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Varchenko
Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Пополнения выпуклых семейств выпуклых множеств 2012 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Signatures of Branched Coverings 2012 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional integrals 2012 Vladimir I. Arnold
Alexander Varchenko
Alexander Givental
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Polynomials invertible in k-radicals 2012 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Convex Bodies Associated to Actions of Reductive Groups 2012 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Equations and Convex Bodies 2011 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Intersection theory and Hilbert function 2011 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Branching Data for Algebraic Functions and Representability by Radicals 2011 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Теория пересечений и функция Гильберта 2011 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Branching data for algebraic functions and representability by radicals 2011 Yuri Burda
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii’s theorem 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii's theorem 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies associated to actions of reductive groups 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polytopes for horospherical spaces 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Mixed Volume and an Extension of Intersection Theory of Divisors 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies associated to actions of reductive groups 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii's theorem 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory 2009 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Mixed volume and an analogue of intersection theory of divisors for non-complete varieties 2008 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Degree of rational mappings, and the theorems of Sturm and Tarski 2008 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Yuri Burda
+ PDF Chat Elimination theory and Newton polytopes 2008 Alexander Esterov
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Mixed volume and an extension of intersection theory of divisors 2008 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies and algebraic equations on affine varieties 2008 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic functional and reciprocity laws 2008 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Algebraic equations and convex bodies 2008 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Elimination theory and Newton polytopes 2006 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Esterov
+ An analog of determinant related to Parshin—Kato theory and integer polytopes 2006 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Mapping degree and Euler characteristic 2006 Toshizumi Fukui
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ The Hilbert polynomial for systems of linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients 2006 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Сергей Павлович Чулков
+ PDF Chat On Affine Hypersurfaces with Everywhere Nondegenerate Second Quadratic Form 2006 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
+ Elimination theory and Newton polytopes 2006 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Esterov
+ Hilbert and Hilbert—Samuel polynomials and partial differential equations 2005 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Сергей Павлович Чулков
+ On solvability and unsolvability of equations in explicit form 2004 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ L-convex-concave body in ${\boldmath{$\mathbb{R}P^3$}}$ contains a line 2003 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
+ THREE LECTURES ON FEWNOMIALS AND NOETHERIAN INTERSECTIONS (Several topics in singularity theory) 2003 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Three Lectures on Fewnomials and Noetherian Intersections (特異点論におけるいくつかの話題 短期共同研究報告集) 2003 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On the Monodromy of a Multivalued Function along Its Ramification Locus 2003 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat L-Convex-Concave Sets in Real Projective Space and L-Duality 2003 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
D. Novikov
+ Convex-concave body in $\mathbb{R}P^3$ contains a line 2002 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
+ Toric Geometry and Grothendieck Residues 2002 O. A. Gelfond
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On affine hypersurfaces with everywhere nondegenerate Second Quadratic Form 2002 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
+ L-convex-concave sets in real projective space and L-duality 2002 Askold Khovanskiĭ
D. Novikov
+ THREE LECTURES ON NEWTON POLYHEDRA (Newton polyhedrons and Singularities) 2001 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Families of sections of quadrics and classical geometries 2000 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Newton polyhedra, a new formula for mixed volume, product of roots of a system of equations 1999 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity of a Noetherian intersection 1998 Andrei Gabrielov
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Geometry of Differential Equations 1998 Askold Khovanskiĭ
A. Varchenko
V. A. Vassiliev
various names
+ Newton polygons, curves on torus surfaces, and the converse Weil theorem 1997 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ On a lemma of Kontsevich 1997 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Consistent partitions of polytopes and polynomial measures 1997 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ BRANCHED COVERS OF S<sup>2</sup> AND BRAID GROUPS 1996 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Smilka Zdravkovska
+ Sixth Painlevé Equation, Universal Elliptic Curve, and Mirror of $\bold{P}^2$ 1996 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander Varchenko
V. A. Vassiliev
Yu. I. Manin
+ Generalized Rolle theorem in ℝ n and ℂ 1996 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Sums of finite sets, orbits of commutative semigroups, and Hilbert functions 1995 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Topological obstructions to the representability of functions by quadratures 1995 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Integral transforms based on euler characerisic and their applications 1993 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Alexander V. Pukhliskov
+ The Riemann-Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials on virtual polytopes 1993 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedron, Hilbert polynomial, and sums of finite sets 1992 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Two Simple Versions of the Theory of Fewnomials 1991 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ An Analogue of the Bezout Theorem for a System of Real Elementary Equations 1991 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Real-Analytic Varieties with Finiteness Properties and Complex Abelian Integrals 1991 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Hyperplane sections of polyhedra, toroidal manifolds, and discrete groups in Lobachevskii space 1986 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Cycles of dynamical systems on the plane and Rolle's theorem 1985 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra (resolution of singularities) 1984 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Real analytic varieties with the finiteness property and complex abelian integrals 1984 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Rectification of circles 1981 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ In this note we describe diffeomorphisms of regions in the plane which take all lines into lines and circles. Diffeomorphisms of this type are useful in nomography (cf. (i, 2)). I am grateful to G. S. Khovanskii for interesting me in nomography. 1981 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Real Liouville functions 1980 O. A. Gelfond
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Index of a polynomial field 1979 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and toroidal varieties 1978 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and the genus of complete intersections 1978 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ We consider an algebraic variety X defined in space (~ \ 0) ~ by a nondegenerate system of polynomial equations f~ = . = fk = 0 with Newton polyhedra A~, ., A k. The gen- eral problem consists of calculating the discrete invariants of variety X in terms of poly- hedra A (see (i)). Here we carry out the preparation for such calculations. Space (C~0) ~ is compactified by means of imbedding in a compact nonsingular toroidal 1978 Newton Polyhedra
Toroidal Varieties
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ The representability of algebroidal functions by superpositions of analytic functions and algebroidal functions of one variable 1970 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Poly�dres de Newton et nombres de Milnor 1976 A. G. Kouchnirenko
+ The number of roots of a system of equations 1979 D. N. Bernshtein
+ PDF Chat Newton-Okounkov bodies, semigroups of integral points, graded algebras and intersection theory 2012 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Brunn-Minkowski inequality for multiplicities 1996 Andreĭ Okounkov
+ PDF Chat Convex bodies associated to linear series 2009 Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţă
+ PDF Chat Mixed Volume and an Extension of Intersection Theory of Divisors 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and the genus of complete intersections 1978 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedron, Hilbert polynomial, and sums of finite sets 1992 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Convex bodies and algebraic equations on affine varieties 2008 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Newton polyhedra and toroidal varieties 1978 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Convex Bodies Associated to Actions of Reductive Groups 2012 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Groupe de Picard et nombres caracteristiques des varietes spheriques 1989 Michel Brion
+ PDF Chat On algebraic functions which can be expressed in terms of radicals 1922 J. F. Ritt
+ PDF Chat Chern classes of reductive groups and an adjunction formula 2006 Valentina Kiritchenko
+ Finite-dimensional representations of the group of unimodular matrices 1950 Israel M. Gelfand
Michael .L. Zetlin
+ PDF Chat Complete Symmetric Varieties II Intersection theory 2018 Corrado De Concini
Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat Moment polytopes, semigroup of representations and Kazarnovskii’s theorem 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Around rational functions invertible in radicals 2010 Yuri Burda
+ PDF Chat Tensor product multiplicities, canonical bases and totally positive varieties 2001 Arkady Berenstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat On volumes of arithmetic line bundles 2009 Xinyi Yuan
+ Liouvillian Solutions of n-th Order Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations 1981 Michael F. Singer
+ Newton polytopes for horospherical spaces 2010 Kiumars Kaveh
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Toric degenerations of spherical varieties 2005 Valery Alexeev
Michel Brion
+ Formal solutions of differential equations 1990 Michael F. Singer
+ Cones, crystals, and patterns 1998 Peter Littelmann
+ Valuations and Euler-Type Relations on Certain Classes of Convex Polytopes 1977 Peter McMullen
+ On solvability and unsolvability of equations in explicit form 2004 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Toric Geometry and Grothendieck Residues 2002 O. A. Gelfond
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ The Riemann-Roch theorem for integrals and sums of quasipolynomials on virtual polytopes 1993 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Note on the Hilbert polynomial of a spherical variety 1997 Andreĭ Okounkov
+ Algebraic Matric Groups and the Picard-Vessiot Theory of Homogeneous Linear Ordinary Differential Equations 1948 E. R. Kolchin
+ Topological obstructions to the representability of functions by quadratures 1995 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ The representability of algebroidal functions by superpositions of analytic functions and algebroidal functions of one variable 1970 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Some integral calculus based on Euler characteristic 1988 Oleg Viro
+ Fewnomials 1991 5
+ On simple polytopes 1993 Peter McMullen
+ An introduction to differential algebra 1957 Irving Kaplansky
+ Convex polytopes, Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions 1991 Michael W. Davis
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian convex bodies: basics of Brunn–Minkowski theory 2013 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat On Intersection Indices of Subvarieties in Reductive Groups 2007 Valentina Kiritchenko
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous Spaces and Equivariant Embeddings 2011 Dmitry A. Timashev
+ Convex Bodies Associated to Linear Series 2008 Robert Lazarsfeld
Mircea Mustaţǎ
+ Why Would Multiplicities be Log-Concave? 2003 Andreĭ Okounkov
+ On the Integration of Algebraic Functions 1981 James H. Davenport
+ An analogue of the Hodge-Riemann relations for simple convex polytopes 1999 Vladlen Timorin
+ On a Theorem of B. Teissier on Multiplicities of Ideals in Local Rings 1978 D. Andrew S. Rees
R. Y. Sharp
+ Tame Topology and O-minimal Structures 1998 L. P. D. van den Dries
+ Vorlesungen über Allgemeine Funktionentheorie und Elliptische Funktionen 1925 Adolf Hurwitz
Richard Courant
+ PDF Chat Liouville’s theorem on functions with elementary integrals 1968 Maxwell Rosenlicht
+ Sums of finite sets, orbits of commutative semigroups, and Hilbert functions 1995 Askold Khovanskiĭ