Stefan Bergman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Properties of Solutions of a System of Partial Differential Equations 2013 Stefan Bergman
M. M. Schiffer
+ On the mathematical theory of flow patterns of compressible fluids 1976 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A representation of solutions of a class of equations of mixed type 1976 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Bounds for distortion in pseudoconformal mappings 1975 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On pseudo-conformal mappings of circular domains 1972 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On an initial value problem in the theory of two-dimensional transonic flow patterns 1970 Stefan Bergman
+ On the Decision Problem for Algebraic Rings 1970 Julia Robinson
Gábor Szegő
Charles Loewner
Stefan Bergman
M. M. Schiffer
Jerzy Neyman
+ On pseudo-conformal images of circular domains 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Differential equations in two variables with entire coefficients 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Differential equations in three variables 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Systems of differential equations 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Equations of mixed type and elliptic equations with singular and non-analytic coefficients 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Systems of differential equations 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ Differential equations in three variables 1969 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: “Procedure for conformal mapping of triply-connected domains” 1968 Stefan Bergman
+ Interior distinguished points in the theory of functions of two complex variables 1967 Stefan Bergman
+ On computation of flow patterns of compressible fluids in the transonic region 1967 Stefan Bergman
John G. Herriot
Paul L. Richman
+ PDF Chat A procedure for conformal mapping of triply-connected domains 1967 Stefan Bergman
Bruce L. Chalmers
+ PDF Chat Some distortion theorems related to an invariant metric in C² 1967 Stefan Bergman
+ Approximation of harmonic functions of three variables by harmonic polynomials 1966 Stefan Bergman
+ Numerical solution of Boundary-Value problems by the method of integral operators 1965 Stefan Bergman
John G. Herriot
+ Some Properties of Pseudo-conformal Images of Circular Domains in the Theory of Two Complex Variables 1965 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations. 1964 Alvin M. White
Stefan Bergman
+ The distinguished boundary sets and value distribution of functions of two complex variables 1964 Stefan Bergman
+ On Integral Operators Generating Stream Functions of Compressible Fluids**This work was supported in part by NSF Grant 21344 and ONR Nonr 225 (11) at Stanford University. 1964 Stefan Bergman
+ On the coefficient problem in the theory of a system of linear partial differential equations 1963 Stefan Bergman
+ Integral operators in the study of an algebra and of a coefficient problem in the theory of three-dimensional harmonic functions 1963 Stefan Bergman
+ Some Distortion Theorems of Quasi-Analytic Mappings in the Space of Two Complex Variables 1963 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Some bounds for coefficients of schlicht pseudo-conformal mappings 1962 Stefan Bergman
+ Application of integral operators to the theory of partial differential equations with singular coefficients 1962 Stefan Bergman
R. Bojanić
+ Distinguished boundary sets in the theory of functions of two complex variables 1962 Stefan Bergman
+ Application of the method of the kernel function for solving boundary-value problems 1961 Stefan Bergman
John G. Herriot
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Mathematical aspects of subsonic and transonic gas dynamics 1961 Stefan Bergman
+ Some properties of a harmonic function of three variables given by its series development 1961 Stefan Bergman
+ Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1961 Stefan Bergman
+ The number of intersection points of two analytic surfaces in the space of two complex variables 1959 Stefan Bergman
+ A class of pseudo-conformal and quasi-pseudo-conformal mappings 1958 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Properties of Solutions of Certain Differential Equations in Three Variables 1958 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A Class of Quasi-Pseudo-Conformal Transformations in the Theory of Functions of Two Complex Variables 1958 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On singularities of solutions of certain differential equations in three variables 1957 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Solutions of a System of Partial Differential Equations 1956 Stefan Bergman
+ Some methods for solutions of boundary-value problems of linear partial differential equations 1956 Stefan Bergman
+ Bounds for analytic functions in domains with a distinguished boundary surface 1955 Stefan Bergman
+ Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 1954 Lipman Bers
Stefan Bergman
S. Bochner
Franklin John
+ PDF Chat On zero and pole surfaces of functions of two complex variables 1954 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Essential Singularities of Solutions of a Class of Linear Partial Differential Equations in Three Variables 1954 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A theorem of Green’s type for functions of two complex variables 1953 Stefan Bergman
+ On Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations of Mixed Type 1952 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat The coefficient problem in the theory of linear partial differential equations 1952 Stefan Bergman
+ The solution of boundary value problems by the method of the kernel function 1952 Stefan Bergman
+ Operatorenmethoden in der Gasdynamik 1952 Stefan Bergman
+ Potential-theoretic methods in the theory of functions of two complex variables 1952 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping 1951 H. G. Eggleston
Stefan Bergman
+ Kernel functions and partial differential equations 1951 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ A Majorant Method For Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations 1951 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ Kernel functions and conformal mapping 1951 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ Generalization of potential-theoretical and certain subclasses of functions 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Partial differential equations 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ The kernel function and associated minimum problems 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Canonical conformal transformations 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ The invariant metric and the method of the minimum integral 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Kernel functions and Hilbert space 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Existence proofs 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Some Linear Operators in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 1950 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ On solutions with algebraic character of linear partial differential equations 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat An initial value problem for a class of equations of mixed type 1949 Stefan Bergman
+ Kernel functions in the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic type 1948 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat Functions of extended class in the theory of functions of several complex variables 1948 Stefan Bergman
+ Sur la fonction-noyau d'un domaine et ses applications dans la théorie des transformations pseudo-conformes 1948 Stefan Bergman
+ A representation of Green’s and Neumann’s functions in the theory of partial differential equations of second order 1947 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ Functions satisfying certain partial differential equations of elliptic type and their representation 1947 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On Green’s and Neumann’s functions in the theory of partial differential equations 1947 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ On supersonic and partially supersonic flows 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ Classes of solutions of linear partial differential equations in three variables 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A Class of Harmonic Functions in Three Variables and Their Properties 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A class of harmonic functions in three variables and their properties 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ A Remark on the Mapping of Multiply-Connected Domains 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Certain Classes of Analytic Functions of Two Real Variables and Their Properties 1945 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Certain classes of analytic functions of two real variables and their properties 1945 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat A class of nonlinear partial differential equations and their properties 1945 Stefan Bergman
+ Solutions of linear partial differential equations of the fourth order 1944 Stefan Bergman
+ Bounded Functions of Two Complex Variables 1944 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat The determination of some properties of a function satisfying a partial differential equation from its series development 1944 Stefan Bergman
+ The Behavior of the Kernel Function at Boundary Points of the Second Order 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Linear operators in the theory of partial differential equations 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Residue theorems of harmonic functions of three variables 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Linear Operators in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ A property of pseudo-conformal transformations in the neighborhood of boundary points 1942 Stefan Bergman
D. C. Spencer
+ A Remark on the Paper “Sur Les Fonctions Analytiques de deux Variables Complexes” 1942 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On distortion in pseudo-conformal mapping 1942 Stefan Bergman
D. C. Spencer
+ On the Surface Integrals of Functions of Two Complex Variables 1941 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On a generalized Green’s function and certain of its applications 1941 Stefan Bergman
+ The approximation of functions satisfying a linear partial differential equation 1940 Stefan Bergman
+ A modified moment problem in two variables 1940 Stefan Bergman
W. T. Martin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Sur les fonctions orthogonales de plusieurs variables complexes avec les applications à la théorie des fonctions analytiques 1947 Stefan Bergmann
+ PDF Chat Linear operators in the theory of partial differential equations 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Linear Operators in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ Über die Kernfunktion eines Bereiches und ihr Verhalten am Rande. I. 1933 Stefan Bergmann
+ PDF Chat Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations. 1964 Alvin M. White
Stefan Bergman
+ Integral Operators in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1961 Stefan Bergman
+ The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping 1951 H. G. Eggleston
Stefan Bergman
+ Sur la fonction-noyau d'un domaine et ses applications dans la théorie des transformations pseudo-conformes 1948 Stefan Bergman
+ On Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations of Mixed Type 1952 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Certain classes of analytic functions of two real variables and their properties 1945 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Certain Classes of Analytic Functions of Two Real Variables and Their Properties 1945 Stefan Bergman
+ Zur Theorie der algebraischen Potentialfunktionen des dreidimensionalen Raumes. I 1928 Stefan Bergmann
+ On solutions with algebraic character of linear partial differential equations 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Some properties of solutions of partial differential equations given by their series development 1946 Josephine Mitchell
+ Über meromorphe Funktionen von zwei komplexen Veränderlichen 1939 Stefan Bergmann
+ On the Differential Equation u xx + u yy + N(x)u = 0 1949 Martin M. E. Eichler
+ Zur Theorie der ein- und mehrwertigen harmonischen Funktionen des dreidimensionalen Raumes 1926 Stefan Bergmann
+ Über die Existenz von Repräsentantenbereichen in der Theorie der Abbildung durch Paare von Funktionen zweier komplexen Veränderlichen 1930 Stefan Bergmann
+ PDF Chat On the differential equation 𝑢ₓₓ+𝑢_{𝑦𝑦}+𝑁(𝑥)𝑢=0 1949 Martin M. E. Eichler
+ PDF Chat On a class of differential equations in mechanics of continua 1943 Lipman Bers
Abe Gelbart
+ �ber eine in gewissen Bereichen mit Maximumfl�che g�ltige Integraldarstellung der Funktionen zweier komplexer Variabler. I 1935 Stefan Bergmann
+ Essai sur l'étude des fonctions données par leur développement de Taylor 1892 Jacques Hadamard
+ The Behavior of the Kernel Function at Boundary Points of the Second Order 1943 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat Minimum problems of Plateau type in the Bergman metric space 1964 Kyong T. Hahn
+ Analytic functions in three-dimensional Riemannian spaces 1949 Martin M. E. Eichler
+ �ber die Integralformeln in der Funktionentheorie mehrerer komplexer Ver�nderlichen 1952 Friedrich Sommer
+ PDF Chat A class of harmonic functions in three variables and their properties 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ PDF Chat On the growth properties of a function of two complex variables given by its power series expansion 1941 Abe Gelbart
+ Le Theoreme de Picard-Borel et la Theorie des Fonctions Meromorphes. 1930 J. L. Walsh
Rolf Nevanlinna
+ PDF Chat The determination of some properties of a function satisfying a partial differential equation from its series development 1944 Stefan Bergman
+ Special Chapters in the Theory of Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables 1965 Benjamin Fuks
+ Some Properties of Pseudo-conformal Images of Circular Domains in the Theory of Two Complex Variables 1965 Stefan Bergman
+ �ber die analytischen Abbildungen von Kreisk�rpern und Hartogsschen Bereichen 1930 H. Welke
+ PDF Chat On Solutions With Algebraic Character of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1950 Stefan Bergman
+ Kernel functions and conformal mapping 1951 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ �ber Kurvenintegrale von Funktionen zweier komplexen Ver�nderlichen, die die Differentialgleichung ?V+V=0 befriedigen 1930 Stefan Bergmann
+ The approximation of functions satisfying a linear partial differential equation 1940 Stefan Bergman
+ Kernel functions in the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic type 1948 Stefan Bergman
M. Schiffer
+ Potential Theory in Bounded Symmetric Homogeneous Complex Domains 1958 D. B. Lowdenslager
+ L'int�grale de Cauchy et les fonctions de plusieurs variables 1935 Andr� Weil
+ Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Abelschen Transcendenten 1902 Karl Weierstraß
+ PDF Chat Sur les fonctions entières de deux variables ďordre apparent total fini 1911 Marie-Anne Sire
+ On Bounded Analytic Functions of Two Complex Variables in Certain Domains with Distinguished Boundary Surface 1942 Lipman Bers
+ PDF Chat A Class of Harmonic Functions in Three Variables and Their Properties 1946 Stefan Bergman
+ Bounds for analytic functions in domains with a distinguished boundary surface 1955 Stefan Bergman
+ Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Domain 1935 J. L. Walsh
+ PDF Chat Recherches sur le théorème de M. Borel dans la théorie des fonctions méromorphes 1929 Georges Valiron
+ PDF Chat Functions of extended class in the theory of functions of several complex variables 1948 Stefan Bergman
+ Orthogonal Families of Analytic Functions. 1967 G. M. Leibowitz
Bernard Epstein
+ Classes of solutions of linear partial differential equations in three variables 1946 Stefan Bergman