Varsha Dani


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Low-Distortion Clustering in Bounded Growth Graphs 2024 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
+ PDF Chat Wake up and join me! An energy-efficient algorithm for maximal matching in radio networks 2022 Varsha Dani
Aayush Gupta
Thomas P. Hayes
Seth Pettie
+ How to Wake Up Your Neighbors: Safe and Nearly Optimal Generic Energy Conservation in Radio Networks 2022 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
+ Improved Reconstruction of Random Geometric Graphs. 2021 Varsha Dani
Josep Dı́az
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ Reconstruction of Random Geometric Graphs: Breaking the Omega(r) distortion barrier 2021 Varsha Dani
Josep Dı́az
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ Wake Up and Join Me! An Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Maximal Matching in Radio Networks 2021 Varsha Dani
Aayush Gupta
Thomas P. Hayes
Seth Pettie
+ The Energy Complexity of BFS in Radio Networks 2020 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Seth Pettie
+ The Energy Complexity of BFS in Radio Networks 2020 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Seth Pettie
+ The Energy Complexity of Broadcast 2018 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Qizheng He
Wenzheng Li
Seth Pettie
+ PDF Chat Interactive communication with unknown noise rate 2018 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ PDF Chat Sending a Message with Unknown Noise 2018 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in the<i>q</i>-coloring of random hypergraphs 2017 Marylou Gabrié
Varsha Dani
Guilhem Semerjian
Lenka Zdeborová
+ The Energy Complexity of Broadcast 2017 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Qizheng He
Wenzheng Li
Seth Pettie
+ Secure Multiparty Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate. 2016 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
Nico Döttling
Thomas P. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ PDF Chat Codes, lower bounds, and phase transitions in the symmetric rendezvous problem 2016 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
Alexander Russell
+ PDF Chat Secure multi-party computation in large networks 2016 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Mahdi Zamani
+ Codes, Lower Bounds, and Phase Transitions in the Symmetric Rendezvous Problem 2016 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
Alexander Russell
+ Secure one-way interactive communication. 2016 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ Sending a Message with Unknown Noise 2016 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ Distributed Computing with Channel Noise 2016 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ Codes, Lower Bounds, and Phase Transitions in the Symmetric Rendezvous Problem 2016 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
Alexander Russell
+ Sending a Message with Unknown Noise 2016 Abhinav Aggarwal
Varsha Dani
T. Hayes
Jared Saia
+ Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate 2015 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ Spatial Mixing for Independent Sets in Poisson Random Trees 2015 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate 2015 Varsha Dani
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate 2015 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ Spatial Mixing for Independent Sets in Poisson Random Trees 2015 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Scalable mechanisms for rational secret sharing 2014 Varsha Dani
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ PDF Chat Quorums Quicken Queries: Efficient Asynchronous Secure Multiparty Computation 2014 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ Quorums Quicken Queries: Efficient Asynchronous Secure Multiparty Computation 2013 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ PDF Chat The Power of Choice for Random Satisfiability 2013 Varsha Dani
Josep Dı́az
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ Quorums Quicken Queries: Efficient Asynchronous Secure Multiparty Computation 2013 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ The Power of Choice for Random Satisfiability 2012 Varsha Dani
Josep Dı́az
Thomas P. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ Scalable Mechanisms for Rational Secret Sharing 2012 Varsha Dani
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ Asynchronous Multi-Party Computation in Large Networks 2012 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Mahdi Zamani
+ Secure Multi-Party Computation in Large Networks 2012 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Mahdi Zamani
+ An Empirical Comparison of Algorithms for Aggregating Expert Predictions 2012 Varsha Dani
Omid Madani
David M. Pennock
Sumit Sanghai
Brian Galebach
+ PDF Chat Tight Bounds on the Threshold for Permuted k-Colorability 2012 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
Anna Olson
+ Scalable Mechanisms for Rational Secret Sharing 2012 Varsha Dani
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ The Power of Choice for Random Satisfiability 2012 Varsha Dani
Josep Dı́az
T. Hayes
Cristopher Moore
+ Secure Multi-Party Computation in Large Networks 2012 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Mahdi Zamani
+ Tight bounds on the threshold for permuted k-colorability 2011 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
Anna Olson
+ PDF Chat Independent Sets in Random Graphs from the Weighted Second Moment Method 2011 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
+ Tight bounds on the threshold for permuted k-colorability 2011 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
Anna Olson
+ Independent sets in random graphs from the weighted second moment method 2010 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
+ Independent sets in random graphs from the weighted second moment method 2010 Varsha Dani
Cristopher Moore
+ How to Beat the Adaptive Multi-Armed Bandit 2006 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis 2005 Michael Mitzenmacher
Eli Upfal
+ PDF Chat Tree codes and a conjecture on exponential sums 2014 Cristopher Moore
Leonard J. Schulman
+ Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate 2015 Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ PDF Chat Random <i>k</i>‐SAT: Two Moments Suffice to Cross a Sharp Threshold 2006 Dimitris Achlioptas
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Catching the k-NAESAT threshold 2012 Amin Coja-Oglan
Κωνσταντίνος Παναγιώτου
+ PDF Chat Radio Network Lower Bounds Made Easy 2014 Calvin Newport
+ PDF Chat Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited 2014 Bernhard Haeupler
+ PDF Chat Breathe before speaking 2014 Ofer Feinerman
Bernhard Haeupler
Amos Korman
+ PDF Chat Gibbs states and the set of solutions of random constraint satisfaction problems 2007 Florent Krząkała
Andrea Montanari
Federico Ricci‐Tersenghi
Guilhem Semerjian
Lenka Zdeborová
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction of Random Colourings 2009 Allan Sly
+ PDF Chat Coloring Random Graphs 2002 Roberto Mulet
Andrea Pagnani
Martin Weigt
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in the coloring of random graphs 2007 Lenka Zdeborová
Florent Krząkała
+ Small-depth counting networks and related topics 1994 Michael Klugerman
+ The condensation transition in random hypergraph 2-coloring 2012 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
Lenka Zdeborová
+ Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited 2014 Bernhard Haeupler
+ PDF Chat Threshold values of random <i>K</i>‐SAT from the cavity method 2005 Stephan Mertens
Marc Mézard
Riccardo Zecchina
+ PDF Chat Quorums Quicken Queries: Efficient Asynchronous Secure Multiparty Computation 2014 Varsha Dani
Valerie King
Mahnush Movahedi
Jared Saia
+ Birth control for giants 2007 Joel Spencer
Nicholas Wormald
+ PDF Chat Almost all graphs with $2.522 n$ edges are not 3-colorable 1999 Dimitris Achlioptas
Michael Molloy
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction for Colorings on Trees 2011 Nayantara Bhatnagar
Juan C. Vera
Eric Vigoda
Dror Weitz
+ PDF Chat The threshold for random k-SAT is 2<sup>k</sup> (ln 2 - O(k)) 2003 Dimitris Achlioptas
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Chat Optimal Error Rates for Interactive Coding II: Efficiency and List Decoding 2014 Mohsen Ghaffari
Bernhard Haeupler
+ The Energy Complexity of Broadcast 2018 Yi‐Jun Chang
Varsha Dani
Thomas P. Hayes
Qizheng He
Wenzheng Li
Seth Pettie
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Non-Colorability Threshold of a Random Graph 2000 Alexis C. Kaporis
Lefteris M. Kirousis
Yannis C. Stamatiou
+ The Phase Transition in Exact Cover. 2005 Vamsi Kalapala
Cris Moore
+ Almost all graphs with average degree 4 are 3-colorable 2002 Dimitris Achlioptas
Cristopher Moore
+ Submodular functions and convexity 1983 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Exploiting Spontaneous Transmissions for Broadcasting and Leader Election in Radio Networks 2017 Artur Czumaj
Peter Maxwell Davies
+ PDF Chat The two possible values of the chromatic number of a random graph 2005 Dimitris Achlioptas
Assaf Naor
+ PDF Chat Differential Equations for Random Processes and Random Graphs 1995 Nicholas Wormald
+ Parallel Graph Decompositions Using Random Shifts 2013 Gary L. Miller
Richard Peng
Shen Xu
+ PDF Chat Hamiltonian paths in Cayley graphs 2009 Igor Pak
Radoš Radoičić
+ PDF Chat On the satisfiability threshold and clustering of solutions of random 3-SAT formulas 2008 Elitza Maneva
Alistair Sinclair
+ Breaking the O(n^2) Bit Barrier: Scalable Byzantine agreement with an Adaptive Adversary 2010 Valerie King
Jared Saia
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction and Clustering in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2011 Andrea Montanari
Ricardo Restrepo
Prasad Tetali
+ Adaptively secure multi-party computation 1996 Ran Canetti
Uri Feige
Oded Goldreich
Moni Naor
+ On independent sets in random graphs 2011 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
Charilaos Efthymiou
+ PDF Chat Avoiding a giant component 2001 Tom Bohman
Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat On the 2-Colorability of Random Hypergraphs 2002 Dimitris Achlioptas
Cristopher Moore
+ On the independence number of random graphs 1990 Alan Frieze
+ PDF Chat The Chromatic Number of Random Regular Graphs 2004 Dimitris Achlioptas
Cristopher Moore
+ Sharp concentration of the chromatic number on random graphsG n, p 1987 Eli Shamir
Joel Spencer
+ PDF Chat Sharp thresholds of graph properties, and the $k$-sat problem 1999 Ehud Friedgut
appendix by Jean Bourgain
+ Exponential separations in the energy complexity of leader election 2017 Yi‐Jun Chang
Tsvi Kopelowitz
Seth Pettie
Ruosong Wang
Wei Zhan
+ Maximum matching in sparse random graphs 1981 Richard M. Karp
M. Sipser
+ PDF Chat A resource-competitive jamming defense 2017 Valerie King
Seth Pettie
Jared Saia
Maxwell Young
+ Explosive Percolation in Random Networks 2009 Dimitris Achlioptas
Raissa M. D’Souza
Joel Spencer
+ Random k-SAT and the Power of Two Choices 2012 Will Perkins
+ PDF Chat Creating a Giant Component 2006 Tom Bohman
David Kravitz
+ PDF Chat Potts glass on random graphs 2008 Florent Krząkała
Lenka Zdeborová