Salem Said


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Beyond R-barycenters: an effective averaging method on Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds 2025 Florent Bouchard
Nils Laurent
Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Statistics Meets Random Matrix Theory: Toward Learning From High-Dimensional Covariance Matrices 2022 Salem Said
Simon Heuveline
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ Gaussian distributions on Riemannian symmetric spaces of nonpositive curvature 2022 Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
Simon Heuveline
+ Riemannian barycentres of Gibbs distributions: new results on concentration and convexity in compact symmetric spaces 2021 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Gaussian distributions on Riemannian symmetric spaces, random matrices, and planar Feynman diagrams. 2021 Simon Heuveline
Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ On Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes with Fixed Step-Size 2021 Alain Durmus
Pablo Jiménez
Éric Moulines
Salem Said
+ On Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes with Fixed Step-Size 2021 Alain Durmus
Pablo Jiménez
Éric Moulines
Salem Said
+ Online learning of Riemannian hidden Markov models in homogeneous Hadamard spaces 2021 Quinten Tupker
Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ Gaussian distributions on Riemannian symmetric spaces in the large N limit 2021 Simon Heuveline
Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ Hidden Markov chains and fields with observations in Riemannian manifolds 2021 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Statistical models and probabilistic methods on Riemannian manifolds 2021 Salem Said
+ From Bayesian Inference to MCMC and Convex Optimisation in Hadamard Manifolds 2021 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Distributions on Riemannian Symmetric Spaces in the Large N Limit 2021 Simon Heuveline
Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ On Riemannian and non-Riemannian Optimisation, and Optimisation Geometry 2021 Jeanne Lefevre
Florent Bouchard
Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Online Learning of Riemannian Hidden Markov Models in Homogeneous Hadamard Spaces 2021 Quinten Tupker
Salem Said
Cyrus Mostajeran
+ Hidden Markov chains and fields with observations in Riemannian manifolds 2021 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ From Bayesian Inference to MCMC and Convex Optimisation in Hadamard Manifolds 2021 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
JH Manton
+ On Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes with Fixed Step-Size 2021 Alain Durmus
Pablo Jiménez
Éric Moulines
Salem Said
+ PDF Chat Riemannian geometry for compound Gaussian distributions: Application to recursive change detection 2020 Florent Bouchard
Ammar Mian
Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
Guillaume Ginolhac
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Riemannian geometry for Compound Gaussian distributions: application to recursive change detection 2020 Florent Bouchard
Ammar Mian
Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
Guillaume Ginolhac
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Convergence Analysis of Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes 2020 Alain Durmus
Pablo Jiménez
Éric Moulines
Salem Said
Hoi-To Wai
+ Riemannian information gradient methods for the parameter estimation of ECD: Some applications in image processing 2020 Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Online estimation of MGGD: the Riemannian Averaged Natural Gradient method 2019 Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Fast, Asymptotically Efficient, Recursive Estimation in a Riemannian Manifold 2019 Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
+ PDF Chat Recursive algorithm for estimation of mixture models on Riemannian symmetric space 2019 Jialun Zhou
Nicolas Le Bihan
Salem Said
+ The Riemannian barycentre as a proxy for global optimisation 2019 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat The Riemannian Barycentre as a Proxy for Global Optimisation 2019 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ On the Riemannian barycentre of a Markov chain 2019 Salem Said
+ Online estimation of MGGD: the Riemannian Averaged Natural Gradient method 2019 Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Warped Riemannian Metrics for Location-Scale Models 2018 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Recursive parameter estimation in a Riemannian manifold 2018 Jialun Zhou
Salem Said
+ Gaussian Distributions on Riemannian Symmetric Spaces: Statistical Learning With Structured Covariance Matrices 2017 Salem Said
Hatem Hajri
Lionel Bombrun
Baba C. Vemuri
+ Warped metrics for location-scale models 2017 Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2017 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Positive-Definite Quaternion Matrices 2017 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Warped Metrics for Location-Scale Models 2017 Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Maximum Likelihood Estimators on Manifolds 2017 Hatem Hajri
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR and Classification of Remote Sensing Images 2016 Roxana Rosu
Marc Donias
Lionel Bombrun
Salem Said
Olivier Regniers
Jean‐Pierre da Costa
+ PDF Chat An M-estimator for robust centroid estimation on the manifold of covariance matrices: Performance analysis and application to image classification 2016 Ioana Ilea
Hatem Hajri
Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Christian Germain
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Gaussian distributions on Riemannian symmetric spaces: statistical learning with structured covariance matrices 2016 Salem Said
Hatem Hajri
Lionel Bombrun
Baba C. Vemuri
+ Parameters estimate of Riemannian Gaussian distribution in the manifold of covariance matrices 2016 Paolo Zanini
Marco Congedo
Christian Jutten
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Parameters estimate of Riemannian Gaussian distribution in the manifold of covariance matrices 2016 Paolo Zanini
Marco Congedo
Christian Jutten
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Laplace Distribution on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2016 Hatem Hajri
Ioana Ilea
Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Filtering from observations on Stiefel manifolds 2015 Jérémie Boulanger
Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2015 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Texture Classification Using Rao’s Distance on the Space of Covariance Matrices 2015 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Filtering from Observations on Stiefel Manifolds 2014 Jérémie Boulanger
Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat New Riemannian Priors on the Univariate Normal Model 2014 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Parameterized Diffusion in a Manifold 2014 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Stationary Random Fields Arising From Second-Order Partial Differential Equations on Compact Lie Groups 2013 Salem Said
Pierre‐Olivier Amblard
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat On Filtering with Observation in a Manifold: Reduction to a Classical Filtering Problem 2013 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Brownian Processes for Monte Carlo Integration on Compact Lie Groups 2012 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Extrinsic Mean of Brownian Distributions on Compact Lie Groups 2012 Salem Said
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Decompounding on Compact Lie Groups 2010 Salem Said
Christian Lageman
Nicolas Le Bihan
Ludovic Margerin
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Nonparametric estimation for compound poisson processes on compact Lie groups 2009 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Christian Lageman
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Decompounding on compact Lie groups 2008 Salem Said
Christian Lageman
Nicolas Le Bihan
Ludovic Margerin
Jonathan H. Manton
+ PDF Chat Higher-order statistics of Stokes parameters in a random birefringent medium 2008 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
+ PDF Chat Fast Complexified Quaternion Fourier Transform 2008 Salem Said
Nicolas Le Bihan
Stephen J. Sangwine
+ PDF Chat Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis for Data on SO(3) 2007 Salem Said
Nicolas Courty
Nicolas Le Bihan
Stephen J. Sangwine
+ Espaces de bergman ponderes sur un domaine borne symetrique 2000 Salem Said
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing 2005 Xavier Pennec
Pierre Fillard
Nicholas Ayache
+ Gaussian Distributions on Riemannian Symmetric Spaces: Statistical Learning With Structured Covariance Matrices 2017 Salem Said
Hatem Hajri
Lionel Bombrun
Baba C. Vemuri
+ PDF Chat Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2017 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds 2007 P.-A. Absil
Robert Mahony
Rodolphe Sepulchre
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements 2006 Xavier Pennec
+ Riemannian Medians and Means With Applications to Radar Signal Processing 2013 Marc Arnaudon
Frédéric Barbaresco
Le Yang
+ PDF Chat Riemannian $L^{p}$ center of mass: Existence, uniqueness, and convexity 2010 Bijan Afsari
+ PDF Chat A Novel Dynamic System in the Space of SPD Matrices with Applications to Appearance Tracking 2013 Guang Cheng
Baba C. Vemuri
+ PDF Chat Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds 2003 Rabi Bhattacharya
Vic Patrangenaru
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Gradient Descent on Riemannian Manifolds 2013 Silvère Bonnabel
+ Stochastic algorithms for computing means of probability measures 2011 Marc Arnaudon
Clément Dombry
Anthony Phan
Le Yang
+ Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I 1985 Audrey Terras
+ Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat General state space Markov chains and MCMC algorithms 2004 Gareth O. Roberts
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
+ Riemannian Geometry 2006 Isaac Chavel
+ Lévy Processes in Lie Groups 2004 Ming Liao
+ Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing 2006 Christophe Lenglet
Mikaël Rousson
Rachid Deriche
Olivier Faugeras
+ Riemannian Gaussian distributions, random matrix ensembles and diffusion kernels 2020 Leonardo Santilli
Miguel Tierz
+ Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications II 1988 Audrey Terras
+ On the Geometry of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Models 2011 Geert Verdoolaege
Paul Scheunders
+ Modern Directional Statistics 2017 Christophe Ley
Thomas Verdebout
+ PDF Chat Parameters estimate of Riemannian Gaussian distribution in the manifold of covariance matrices 2016 Paolo Zanini
Marco Congedo
Christian Jutten
Salem Said
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Modern Probability 2002 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Chat Newton Algorithms for Riemannian Distance Related Problems on Connected Locally Symmetric Manifolds 2013 Ricardo Ferreira
João Xavier
João Paulo Costeira
V. Barroso
+ PDF Chat A globally convergent numerical algorithm for computing the centre of mass on compact Lie groups 2005 Jonathan H. Manton
+ Computing the Karcher mean of symmetric positive definite matrices 2011 Dario A. Bini
Bruno Iannazzo
+ PDF Chat A Distribution-Free $M$-Estimator of Multivariate Scatter 1987 David E. Tyler
+ Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2015 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
Jonathan H. Manton
+ Stochastic Calculus in Manifolds 1989 Michel Émery
+ Engineering Applications of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis 2000 Gregory S. Chirikjian
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Algorithms with Orthogonality Constraints 1998 Alan Edelman
T. A. Arias
Steven T. Smith
+ Convergence Analysis of Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes 2020 Alain Durmus
Pablo Jiménez
Éric Moulines
Salem Said
Hoi-To Wai
+ Chern-Simons Theory, Matrix Models, and Topological Strings 2005 Marcos Mariño
+ PDF Chat A Differential Geometric Approach to the Geometric Mean of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices 2005 Maher Moakher
+ PDF Chat Texture Classification Using Rao’s Distance on the Space of Covariance Matrices 2015 Salem Said
Lionel Bombrun
Yannick Berthoumieu
+ The Random Matrix Theory of the Classical Compact Groups 2019 Elizabeth Meckes
+ Representations of Compact Lie Groups 1985 Theodor Bröcker
Tammo tom Dieck
+ Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds 2002 Elton P. Hsu
+ PDF Chat Kernel Methods on the Riemannian Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices 2013 Sadeep Jayasumana
Richard Hartley
Mathieu Salzmann
Hongdong Li
Mehrtash Harandi
+ Geodesic Estimation in Elliptical Distributions 1997 Maia Berkane
Kevin Oden
Peter M. Bentler
+ An Expectation–Maximization algorithm for the Wishart mixture model: Application to movement clustering 2010 Sullivan Hidot
Christophe Saint‐Jean
+ The Evolution of the Normal Distribution 2006 Saul Stahl
+ Rotations, quaternions, and double groups 1986 S. L. Altmann
+ Interactions between Symmetric Cone and Information Geometries: Bruhat-Tits and Siegel Spaces Models for High Resolution Autoregressive Doppler Imagery 2009 Frédéric Barbaresco
+ Stochastic algorithms for computing p-means of probability measures, geometry of radar Toeplitz covariance matrices and applications to HR Doppler processing 2011 Marc Arnaudon
Le Yang
Frédéric Barbaresco
+ Foundations of Differential Geometry 1963 Shôshichi Kobayashi
Katsumi Nomizu
+ PDF Chat Conic Geometric Optimization on the Manifold of Positive Definite Matrices 2015 Suvrit Sra
Reshad Hosseini
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Gopakumar–Vafa Large N Duality 2007 Dave Auckly
Sergiy Koshkin