Carlos Tomei


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Higher Dimensional Versions of Theorems of Euler and Fuss 2024 Peter C. Gibson
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Linearizing Toda and SVD flows on large phase spaces of matrices with real spectrum 2023 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
David Martínez Torres
Carlos Tomei
+ Linearizing Toda and SVD flows on large phase spaces of matrices with real spectrum 2023 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
David Martínez Torres
Carlos Tomei
+ Using the critical set to induce bifurcations 2023 O. Kaminski
Diego Monteiro
Carlos Tomei
+ The geometry of spectral interlacing 2022 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ An Atlas Adapted to the Toda Flow 2022 David Martínez Torres
Carlos Tomei
+ Higher dimensional versions of theorems of Euler and Fuss 2022 Peter Gibson
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Discrete line fields on surfaces 2021 Tiago Novello
João Paixão
Carlos Tomei
Thomas Lewiner
+ The geometry of spectral interlacing 2021 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ On the open Toda chain with external forcing 2020 Percy Deift
Luen-Chau Li
Herbert Spohn
Carlos Tomei
Thomas Trogdon
+ PDF Chat Positive eigenvectors and simple nonlinear maps 2020 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Directed graphs and interferometry 2020 Bruno Melo
Igor Brandão
Carlos Tomei
Thiago Guerreiro
+ Discrete Line Fields on Surfaces 2020 Tiago Novello
João Paixão
Carlos Tomei
Thomas Lewiner
+ On the open Toda chain with external forcing 2020 Percy Deift
Luen-Chau Li
Herbert Spohn
Carlos Tomei
Thomas Trogdon
+ Discrete Line Fields on Surfaces 2020 Tiago Novello
João Paixão
Carlos Tomei
Thomas Lewiner
+ Teaching as an Indicator of Mathematical Practices 2019 Carlos Tomei
+ Eigenvectors from eigenvalues revisited 2019 Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Results of Ambrosetti–Prodi type for non-selfadjoint elliptic operators 2018 Boyan Sirakov
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Cusps and a converse to the Ambrosetti-Prodi theorem 2017 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Discrete Gradient Line Fields on Surfaces 2017 Thomas Lewiner
Tiago Novello
João Paixão
Carlos Tomei
+ Results of Ambrosetti-Prodi type for non-selfadjoint elliptic operators 2017 Boyan Sirakov
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Global folds between Banach spaces as perturbations 2017 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Results of Ambrosetti-Prodi type for non-selfadjoint elliptic operators 2017 Boyan Sirakov
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Discrete Gradient Line Fields on Surfaces 2017 Thomas Lewiner
Tiago Novello
João Paixão
Carlos Tomei
+ The Toda lattice, old and new 2015 Carlos Tomei
+ Abundance of cusps and a converse to the Ambrosetti-Prodi theorem 2015 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ PDF Chat Fibers and global geometry of functions 2015 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Geometric Aspects of Ambrosetti-Prodi operators with Lipschitz nonlinearities 2015 Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ The Toda lattice, old and new 2015 Carlos Tomei
+ Abundance of cusps and a converse to the Ambrosetti-Prodi theorem 2015 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Fibers and global geometry of functions 2015 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
Andre Zaccur
+ PDF Chat Geometric Aspects of Ambrosetti–Prodi Operators with Lipschitz Nonlinearities 2014 Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ Analysis and Topology in Nonlinear Differential Equations 2014 D.G. de Figueiredo
João Marcos do Ó
Carlos Tomei
+ Analysis and topology in nonlinear differential equations : a tribute to Bernhard Ruf on the occasion of his 60th birthday 2014 Djairo G. de Figueiredo
João Marcos do Ó
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat A Numerical Algorithm for Ambrosetti–Prodi Type Operators 2012 José Teixeira Cal Neto
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem with Shift Strategies 2012 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Numerical analysis of semilinear elliptic equations with finite spectral interaction 2012 José Teixeira Cal Neto
Carlos Tomei
+ The geometry of finite difference discretizations of semilinear elliptic operators 2012 Eduardo Teles
Carlos Tomei
+ Numerical analysis of semilinear elliptic equations with finite spectral interaction 2011 José Cal Neto
Carlos Tomei
+ Epiciclos e interpolação trigonométrica 2011 Carlos Tomei
Humberto José Bortolossi
Projeto Condigital Mec
+ Numerical analysis of semilinear elliptic equations with finite spectral interaction 2011 José Cal Neto
Carlos Tomei
+ Spectral Transformation Algorithms for Computing Unstable Modes of Large Scale Power Systems 2010 Licio H. Bezerra
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Cut-and-paste of quadriculated disks and arithmetic properties of the adjacency matrix 2009 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of Wilkinson’s Shift: Loss of Cubic Convergence 2009 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Convergence rates to deflation of simple shift strategies 2009 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The geometry of the critical set of nonlinear periodic Sturm–Liouville operators 2008 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat An atlas for tridiagonal isospectral manifolds 2008 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Ordinary differential equations and the symmetric eigenvalue problem 2008 Percy Deift
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Arithmetic properties of the adjacency matrix of quadriculated disks 2008 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Correction of “Morin singularities and global geometry in a class of ordinary differential operators” 2008 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Integrable systems and random matrices : in honor of Percy Deift : conference on integrable systems, random matrices, and applications in honor of Percy Deift's 60th birthday 2008 Jinho Baik
Thomas Kriecherbauer
Luen-Chau Li
K. T-R McLaughlin
Carlos Tomei
Percy Deift
+ Morin singularities and global geometry in a class of ordinary differential operators 2007 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ New inverse data for tridiagonal matrices 2006 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The topology of the monodromy map of a second order ODE 2006 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The complete integrability of a Lie-Poisson system proposed by Bloch and Iserles 2006 L.-C. Li
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The Topology of Critical Sets of Some Ordinary Differential Operators 2005 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Reconstruction of tridiagonal matrices from spectral data 2005 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The complete integrability of a Lie-Poisson system proposed by Bloch and Iserles 2005 Carlos Tomei
Luen-Chau Li
+ The topology of the monodromy map of the second order ODE 2005 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The topology of critical sets of some ordinary differential operators 2005 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The asymptotics of Wilkinson's shift iteration 2004 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Tilings of quadriculated annuli 2003 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Results on infinite-dimensional topology and applications to the structure of the critical set of nonlinear Sturm–Liouville operators 2003 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Parameterization by polytopes of intersections of orbits by conjugation 2002 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ Functions from R 2 to R 2 : a study in nonlinearity 2002 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Rouche goes real: why $z^7 + 5 \bar{z}^4 + z = 0$ has 17 solutions 2002 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Critical sets of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville operators of Ambrosetti-Prodi type 2002 Hamilton Bueno
Carlos Tomei
+ Slices of matrices - a scenario for spectral theory 2002 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ The kernel of the adjacency matrix of a rectangular mesh 2002 Carlos Tomei
Tania Vieira
+ Functions from $R^2$ to $R^2$: a study in nonlinearity 2002 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ A special tiling of the rectangle 2001 Carlos Tomei
Tania Vieira
+ Two results on tilings of quadriculated annuli 2001 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Results on infinite dimensional topology and applications to the structure of the critical set of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville operators 2001 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Parametrization by polytopes of intersections of orbits by conjugation 2001 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ Arithmetic properties of the adjacency matrix of quadriculated disks 2001 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Tilings of quadriculated annuli 2000 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Tilings of quadriculated annuli 2000 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Geometric proofs of some theorems of Schur-Horn type 1999 Ricardo S. Leite
T.R.W. Richa
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Spectra of semi-regular polytopes 1998 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ An overview of domino and lozenge tilings 1998 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ An overview of domino and lozenge tilings 1998 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Moment maps on symplectic cones 1997 Suzana Falcão B. de Moraes
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Morin singularities and global geometry in a class of ordinary differential operators 1997 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Regular Level Sets of Averages of Nemytskiı Operators Are Contractible 1997 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Spectra of semi-regular polytopes 1997 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Critical sets of proper Whitney functions in the plane 1997 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The accumulated distribution of quadratic forms on the sphere 1996 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The numerical inversion of functions from the plane to the plane 1996 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ New methods for fast small-signal stability assessment of large scale power systems 1995 L.T.G. Lima
Licio H. Bezerra
Carlos Tomei
N. Martins
+ PDF Chat Spaces of domino tilings 1995 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
M. A. Casarin
D. Romualdo
+ Symplectic Aspects of Some Eigenvalue Algorithms 1993 Percy Deift
L.‐C. Li
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Spectra of regular polytopes 1992 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Loop groups, discrete versions of some classical integrable systems, and rank 2 extensions 1992 Percy Deift
Luen-Chau Li
Carlos Tomei
+ The billiard on an ellipsoid as an integrable system 1992 Percy Deift
Luen-Chau Li
Carlos Tomei
+ On the problem of solving F(x)=y in the plane 1992 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Singularities of vector fields arising from one-dimensional Riemann problems 1991 Iaci Malta
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The Bidiagonal Singular Value Decomposition and Hamiltonian Mechanics 1991 Percy Deift
James Demmel
Luen-Chau Li
Carlos Tomei
+ A Monotonicity Property for Toda-Type Flows 1991 Percy Deift
Saul Rivera
Carlos Tomei
David S. Watkins
+ Dynamical Aspects of the Bidiagonal Singular Value Decomposition 1991 Percy Deift
James Demmel
Luen-Chau Li
Carlos Tomei
+ Tetrahedral Decompositions of Hexahedral Meshes 1989 Derek Hacon
Carlos Tomei
+ The Problem of the Calissons 1989 Guy David
Carlos Tomei
+ Inverse scattering for self-adjoint nth order differential operators on the line 1987 Richard Beals
Percy Deift
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The toda flow on a generic orbit is integrable 1986 Percy Deift
L.‐C. Li
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Toda flows with infinitely many variables 1985 Percy Deift
L.-C. Li
Carlos Tomei
+ The topology of isospectral manifolds of tridiagonal matrices 1984 Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat The Toda flow on a generic orbit is integrable 1984 Percy Deift
L. C. Li
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Ordinary Differential Equations and the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1983 Percy Deift
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ Inverse scattering and the boussinesq equation 1982 Percy Deift
Carlos Tomei
Eugene Trubowitz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hamiltonian group actions and integrable systems 1980 William W. Symes
+ Ordinary Differential Equations and the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1983 Percy Deift
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ The topology of isospectral manifolds of tridiagonal matrices 1984 Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat On the inversion of some differentiable mappings with singularities between Banach spaces 1972 Antonio Ambrosetti
G. A. Prodi
+ PDF Chat Morin singularities and global geometry in a class of ordinary differential operators 1997 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ Un'estensione della teoria variazionale classica degli autovalori per operatori ellittici del secondo ordine 1973 Alessandra Manes
Micheletti Am
+ The solution to a generalized Toda lattice and representation theory 1979 Bertram Kostant
+ A convexity theorem for isospectral manifolds of Jacobi matrices in a compact Lie algebra 1990 Anthony M. Bloch
H. Flaschka
Tudor S. Raţiu
+ On a trace functional for formal pseudo-differential operators and the symplectic structure of the Korteweg-devries type equations 1978 Mark Adler
+ Convexity and Commuting Hamiltonians 1982 Michael Atiyah
+ PDF Chat Spaces of domino tilings 1995 Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
M. A. Casarin
D. Romualdo
+ Parameterization by polytopes of intersections of orbits by conjugation 2002 Ricardo S. Leite
Carlos Tomei
+ Singularity Theory and Bifurcation Phenomena in Differential Equations 1997 Bernhard Ruf
+ The statistics of dimers on a lattice 1961 Piet Kasteleyn
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear integral equations of the Hammerstein type 1949 C. L. Dolph
+ PDF Chat Critical sets of nonlinear Sturm-Liouville operators of Ambrosetti-Prodi type 2002 Hamilton Bueno
Carlos Tomei
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ PDF Chat The toda flow on a generic orbit is integrable 1986 Percy Deift
L.‐C. Li
T. Nanda
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat An atlas for tridiagonal isospectral manifolds 2008 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The principal eigenvalue and maximum principle for second‐order elliptic operators in general domains 1994 Henri Berestycki
Louis Nirenberg
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Results on infinite-dimensional topology and applications to the structure of the critical set of nonlinear Sturm–Liouville operators 2003 Dan Burghelea
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The asymptotics of Wilkinson's shift iteration 2004 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Inverse Spectral Theory 1987 Jürgen Pöschel
Eugene Trubowitz
+ PDF Chat The numerical inversion of functions from the plane to the plane 1996 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ Regular Level Sets of Averages of Nemytskiı Operators Are Contractible 1997 Iaci Malta
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane into the Plane 1955 Hassler Whitney
+ Convexity properties of the moment mapping. II 1984 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane Into the Plane 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Integrals of nonlinear equations of evolution and solitary waves 1968 Peter D. Lax
+ On the number of solutions of a nonlinear Dirichlet problem 1981 A. C. Lazer
P. J. McKenna
+ Alternating sign matrices and domino tilings 1992 Noam D. Elkies
Greg Kuperberg
Michael Larsen
James Propp
+ A Monotonicity Property for Toda-Type Flows 1991 Percy Deift
Saul Rivera
Carlos Tomei
David S. Watkins
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of Wilkinson’s Shift: Loss of Cubic Convergence 2009 Ricardo S. Leite
Nicolau C. Saldanha
Carlos Tomei
+ The exact number of solutions for a class of ordinary differential equations through Morse Index computation 1992 David G. Costa
Djairo G. de Figueiredo
P. N. Srikanth
+ PDF Chat Accurate Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices 1990 James Demmel
W. Kahan
+ Numerical analysis of semilinear elliptic equations with finite spectral interaction 2012 José Teixeira Cal Neto
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Fluxes, Laplacians, and Kasteleyn’s theorem 1993 Élliott H. Lieb
Michael Loss
+ Geometry of some simple nonlinear differential operators 1986 Huang Ke-an
James C. Scovel
+ Convexity properties of the moment mapping 1982 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ Global Structure for Nonlinear Operators in Differential and Integral Equations I. Folds 1997 P. T. Church
J. G. Timourian
+ PDF Chat The structure of a nonlinear elliptic operator 1993 P. T. Church
E. N. Dancer
J. G. Timourian
+ Spectral distributions and isospectral sets of tridiagonal matrices 2002 Peter C. Gibson
+ PDF Chat Geometric Aspects of Ambrosetti–Prodi Operators with Lipschitz Nonlinearities 2014 Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ PDF Chat The Bidiagonal Singular Value Decomposition and Hamiltonian Mechanics 1991 Percy Deift
James Demmel
Luen-Chau Li
Carlos Tomei
+ PDF Chat Fibers and global geometry of functions 2015 Marta Calanchi
Carlos Tomei
André Zaccur
+ PDF Chat Computer-assisted proofs for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems 2009 Michael Plum
+ Global fold maps in differential and integral equations 1992 P. T. Church
J. G. Timourian
+ Le nombre de solutions de certains problèmes semi-linéaires elliptiques 1981 Henri Berestycki
+ PDF Chat Numerical Continuation Methods--An Introduction. 1992 Layne T. Watson
Eugene L. Allgower
Kurt Georg