Goro Shimura


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Arithmetic of Hermitian Forms 2016 Goro Shimura
+ The Critical Values of Certain Dirichlet Series 2016 Goro Shimura
+ The Critical Values of Generalizations of the Hurwitz Zeta Function 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Integer-Valued Quadratic Forms and Quadratic Diophantine Equations 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Some Remarks and Open Problems on the Woods Hole Fixed Point Formula 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Classification of Integer-Valued Symmetric Forms 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic Diophantine Equations, the Class Number, and the Mass Formula 2016 Goro Shimura
+ The Representation of Integers as Sums of Squares 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Classification, Construction, and Similitudes of Quadratic Forms 2016 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic Diophantine Equations and Orders in Quaternion Algebras 2016 Goro Shimura
+ The Rationality and Eisenstein Series 2011 Goro Shimura
+ The Arithmeticity of Critical Values of Dirichlet Series 2011 Goro Shimura
+ The Correspondence between Forms of Integral and Half-integral Weight 2011 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Arithmeticity in the Theory of Automorphic Forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Zeta functions associated with Hecke eigenforms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmeticity of the critical values of zeta functions and Eisenstein series of general types 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Eisenstein series of simpler types 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of differential operators and nearly holomorphic functions 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Automorphic forms and families of abelian varieties 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmeticity of automorphic forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Analytic continuation and near holomorphy of Eisenstein series of general types 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Various Basic Theorems 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic Diophantine Equations 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic in an Algebraic Number Field 2010 Goro Shimura
+ The Quadratic Reciprocity Law 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Deeper Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic Forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ PDF The critical values of generalizations of the Hurwitz zeta function 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Algebras Over a Field 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 2009 Goro Shimura
+ Classification of integer-valued symmetric forms 2008 Goro Shimura
+ PDF The critical values of certain Dirichlet series 2008 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Arithmetic of Hermitian forms 2008 Goro Shimura
+ Elementary Dirichlet Series and Modular Forms 2007 Goro Shimura
+ Classification, construction, and similitudes of quadratic forms 2006 Goro Shimura
+ Complex multiplication 2006 Goro Shimura
+ Modular forms of half integral weight 2006 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Quadratic Diophantine equations, the class number, and the mass formula 2006 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic diophantine equations and orders in quaternion algebras 2006 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Integer-valued quadratic forms and quadratic Diophantine equations. 2006 Goro Shimura
+ Inhomogeneous quadratic forms and triangular numbers 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic forms, Clifford algebras, and spin groups over a local or global field 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Euler products and Eisenstein series on orthogonal groups 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Euler products and Eisenstein series on Clifford groups 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Groups and symmetric spaces over R 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic theory of quadratic forms, Clifford algebras, and spin groups 2004 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Arithmetic and Analytic Theories of Quadratic Forms and Clifford Groups 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Quadratic Diophantine equations 2004 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic relations between critical values of zeta functions and inner products 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On some problems of algebraicity 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On the Eisenstein series of Hilbert modular groups 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of differential operators on symmetric domains 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On certain reciprocity-laws for theta functions and modular forms 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On Eisenstein series of half-integral weight 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On the critical values of certain Dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On Eisenstein series 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The critical values of certain zeta functions associated with modular forms of half-integral weight 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The arithmetic of certain zeta functions and automorphic forms on orthogonal groups 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Models of an abelian variety with complex multiplication over small fields 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On certain zeta functions attached to two Hilbert modular forms: I. The case of Hecke characters 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On a class of nearly holomorphic automorphic forms 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The arithmetic of automorphic forms with respect to a unitary group 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On differential operators attached to certain representations of classical groups 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The periods of certain automorphic forms of arithmetic type 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Nearly holomorphic functions on hermitian symmetric spaces 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Confluent hypergeometric functions on tube domains 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Automorphic forms and the periods of abelian varieties 2003 Goro Shimura
+ On certain zeta functions attached to two Hilbert modular forms: II. The case of automorphic forms on a quaternion algebra 2003 Goro Shimura
+ Differential operators and the singular values of Eisenstein series 2003 Goro Shimura
+ The representation of integers as sums of squares 2002 Goro Shimura
+ An ℓ-adic method in the theory of automorphic forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ A reciprocity law in non-solvable extensions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On purely transcendental fields of automorphic functions of several variables 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Fonctions automorphes et correspondances modulaires 2002 Goro Shimura
+ La fonction ζ du corps des fonctions modulaires elliptiques 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On complex multiplications 2002 Goro Shimura
+ A note on the normalization-theorem of an integral domain 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Number fields and zeta functions associated with discontinuous groups and algebraic varieties 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Unitary groups and theta functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the fields of definition for fields of automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms of several variables 2002 Goro Shimura
+ The zeta function of an algebraic variety and automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Moduli of abelian varieties and number theory 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the holomorphy of certain Dirichlet series 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On abelian varieties with complex multiplication 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Class fields over real quadratic fields in the theory of modular functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On arithmetic automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On specializations of abelian varieties 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of unitary groups 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On modular forms of half integral weight 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On some arithmetic properties of modular forms of one and several variables 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic varieties without deformation and the Chow variety 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the trace formula for Hecke operators 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of alternating forms and quaternion hermitian forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the periods of modular forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Discontinuous groups and abelian varieties 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the cohomology groups attached to certain vector valued differential forms on the product of the upper half planes 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On vector differential forms attached to automorphic forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with cusp forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Correspondances modulaires et les fonctions zeta de courbes algébriques 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic number fields and symplectic discontinuous groups 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions: II 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the theory of automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Theta functions with complex multiplication 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the zeta functions of the algebraic curves uniformized by certain automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the zeta funciton of a fibre variety whose fibres are abelian varieties 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Class-fields and automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the factors of the jacobian variety of a modular function field 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the field of rationality for an abelian variety 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Reduction of algebraic varieties with respect to a discrete valuation of the basic field 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On canonical models of arithmetic quotients of bounded symmetric domains 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the derivatives of theta functions and modular forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the field of definition for a field of automorphic functions: III 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Local representations of Galois groups 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the real points of an arithmetic quotient of a bounded symmetric domains 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On modular correspondences for Sρ(n, Z) and their congruence relations 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the zeta-function of an abelian variety with complex multiplication 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On elliptic curves with complex multiplication as factors of the Jacobians of modular function fields 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the class-fields obtained by complex multiplication of abelian varieties 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On analytic families of polarized abelian varieties and automorphic functions 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Sur les intégrales attachées aux formes automorphes 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Class fields over real quadratic fields and Hecke operators 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On canonical models of arithmetic quotients of bounded symmetric domains: II 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On Dirichlet series and abelian varieties attached to automorphic forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Modules des variétés abéliennes polarisées et fonctions modulaires 2002 Goro Shimura
+ Construction of class fields and zeta functions of algebraic curves 2002 Goro Shimura
+ The number of representations of an integer by a quadratic form 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Some exact formulas on quaternion unitary groups 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Generalized Bessel functions on symmetric spaces 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Generalized Bessel functions on symmetric spaces 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Some exact formulas on quaternion unitary groups 1999 Goro Shimura
+ An exact mass formula for orthogonal groups 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions 1998 Goro Shimura
+ V. The Zeta Function of an Abelian Variety with Complex Multiplication 1998 Goro Shimura
+ I. Preliminaries on Abelian Varieties 1998 Goro Shimura
+ Preface to Complex Multiplication of Abelian Varieties and Its Applications to Number Theory (1961) 1998 Goro Shimura
+ VII. Theta Functions and Periods on Abelian Varieties 1998 Goro Shimura
+ II. Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication 1998 Goro Shimura
+ Zeta functions and Eisenstein series on classical groups 1997 Goro Shimura
+ Adelization of algebraic groups and automorphic forms (Chapter II) 1997 Goro Shimura
+ Euler factors on local groups and Eisenstein series (Chapter III) 1997 Goro Shimura
+ Main theorems on Euler products, Eisenstein series, and the mass formula (Chapter IV) 1997 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Algebraic and local theories of generalized unitary groups (Chapter I) 1997 Goro Shimura
+ Euler Products and Eisenstein Series 1997 Goro Shimura
+ Convergence of zeta functions on symplectic and metaplectic groups 1996 Goro Shimura
+ Eisenstein series and zeta functions on symplectic groups 1995 Goro Shimura
+ Zeta functions and Eisenstein series on metaplectic groups 1995 Goro Shimura
+ Euler products and Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on symplectic groups 1994 Goro Shimura
+ Differential operators, holomorphic projection, and singular forms 1994 Goro Shimura
+ Fractional and Trigonometric Expressions for Matrices 1994 Goro Shimura
+ Fractional and Trigonometric Expressions for Matrices 1994 Goro Shimura
+ On the Transformation Formulas of Theta Series 1993 Goro Shimura
+ On the Fourier coefficients of Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight 1993 Goro Shimura
Goro Shimura
+ The critical values of certain Dirichlet series attached to Hilbert modular forms 1991 Goro Shimura
+ On the fundamental periods of automorphic forms of arithmetic type 1990 Goro Shimura
+ Invariant Differential Operators on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces 1990 Goro Shimura
+ On the critical values of certain Dirichlet series and the periods of automorphic forms 1988 Goro Shimura
+ On Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight 1987 Goro Shimura
+ Nearly holomorphic functions on hermitian symmetric spaces 1987 Goro Shimura
+ Typesetter's Correction to "On a Class of Nearly Holomorphic Automorphic Forms" 1986 Goro Shimura
+ On a Class of Nearly Holomorphic Automorphic Forms 1986 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the Eisenstein Series of Hilbert Modular Groups 1985 Goro Shimura
+ On Eisenstein series of half-integral weight 1985 Goro Shimura
+ On differential operators attached to certain representations of classical groups 1984 Goro Shimura
+ Differential operators and the singular values of Eisenstein series 1984 Goro Shimura
+ On Eisenstein series 1983 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic Relations Between Critical Values of Zeta Functions and Inner Products 1983 Goro Shimura
+ Confluent hypergeometric functions on tube domains 1982 Goro Shimura
+ Models of an abelian variety with complex multiplication over small fields 1982 Goro Shimura
+ The periods of certain automorphic forms of arthmetic type 1982 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of differential operators on symmetric domains 1981 Goro Shimura
+ On Certain Zeta Functions Attached to Two Hilbert Modular Forms: II. The Case of Automorphic Forms on a Quaternion Algebra 1981 Goro Shimura
+ PDF The critical values of certain zeta functions associated with modular forms of half-integral weight 1981 Goro Shimura
+ Corrections to “The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms,” Vol. 45 (1978), 637–679 1981 Goro Shimura
+ On Certain Zeta Functions Attached to Two Hilbert Modular Forms: I. The Case of Hecke Characters 1981 Goro Shimura
+ The Arithmetic of Certain Zeta Functions and Automorphic Forms on Orthogonal Groups 1980 Goro Shimura
+ PDF The periods of abelian varieties with complex multiplication and the spectral values of certain zeta functions 1980 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Automorphic forms and the periods of abelian varieties 1979 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ The Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms With Respect to a Unitary Group 1978 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On certain reciprocity-laws for theta functions and modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ On the periods of modular forms 1977 Goro Shimura
+ On the derivatives of theta functions and modular forms 1977 Goro Shimura
+ On Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication 1977 Goro Shimura
+ Theta functions with complex multiplication 1976 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with cusp forms 1976 Goro Shimura
+ On Some Arithmetic Properties of Modular Forms of One and Several Variables 1975 Goro Shimura
+ On the Holomorphy of Certain Dirichlet Series 1975 Goro Shimura
+ On the real points of an arithmetic quotient of a bounded symmetric domain 1975 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the trace formula for Hecke operators 1974 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the factors of the jacobian variety of a modular function field 1973 Goro Shimura
+ On Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 1973 Goro Shimura
+ Complex Multiplication 1973 Goro Shimura
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the Field of Rationality for an Abelian Variety 1972 Goro Shimura
+ Class Fields Over Real Quadratic Fields and Hecke Operators 1972 Goro Shimura
+ On the Zeta-Function of an Abelian Variety with Complex Multiplication 1971 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication as Factors of the Jacobians of Modular Function Fields 1971 Goro Shimura
+ Class fields over real quadratic fields in the theory of modular functions 1971 Goro Shimura
+ Introduction to the arithmetic theory of automorphic functions 1971 Goro Shimura
+ On Canonical Models of Arithmetic Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains: II 1970 Goro Shimura
+ On Canonical Models of Arithmetic Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains 1970 Goro Shimura
+ Local Representations of Galois Groups 1969 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Algebraic varieties without deformation and the Chow variety 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Infinite galois extensions with l-adic representations 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Relation between the points of finite order on an elliptic curve and the modular functions of higher level 1968 Goro Shimura
+ The endomorphism-ring of an abelian variety; the field of moduli of an abelian variety with many complex multiplications 1968 Goro Shimura
+ The hasse zeta function of an algebraic curve 1968 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Automorphic Functions and Number Theory 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Elliptic curves and the fundamental theorems of the classical theory of complex multiplication 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Automorphic functions on the upper half plane, especially modular functions 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Abelian varieties and siegel modular functions 1968 Goro Shimura
+ The class-field-theoretical characterization of K’ (φ(z)) 1968 Goro Shimura
+ An l-adic method in the theory of automorphic forms 1968 Goro Shimura
+ Discontinuous groups and abelian varieties 1967 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic Number Fields and Symplectic Discontinuous Groups 1967 Goro Shimura
+ Construction of Class Fields and Zeta Functions of Algebraic Curves 1967 Goro Shimura
+ Moduli and Fibre Systems of Abelian Varieties 1966 Goro Shimura
+ On the Field of Definition for a Field of Automorphic Functions: III 1966 Goro Shimura
+ Moduli of abelian varieties and number theory 1966 Goro Shimura
+ A reciprocity law in non-solvable extensions. 1966 Goro Shimura
+ On the Zeta Function of a Fibre Variety whose Fibres are Abelian Varieties 1965 Michio Kuga
Goro Shimura
+ On the Field of Definition for a Field of Automorphic Functions: II 1965 Goro Shimura
+ Class-fields and Automorphic Functions 1964 Goro Shimura
+ On the Field of Definition for a Field of Automorphic Functions 1964 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of Unitary Groups 1964 Goro Shimura
+ On purely transcendental fields automorphic functions of several variable 1964 Goro Shimura
+ On the Cohomology Groups Attached to Certain Vector Valued Differential Forms on the Product of the Upper Half Planes 1963 YOZÔ MATSUSHIMA
Goro Shimura
+ On Analytic Families of Polarized Abelian Varieties and Automorphic Functions 1963 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Arithmetic of alternating forms and quaternion hermitian forms 1963 Goro Shimura
+ On Dirichlet Series and Abelian Varieties Attached to Automorphic Forms 1962 Goro Shimura
+ On the class-fields obtained by complex multiplication of abelian varieties 1962 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the zeta-functions of the algebraic curves uniformized by certain automorphic functions 1961 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On vector differential forms attached to automorphic forms. 1960 Michio Kuga
Goro Shimura
+ On the Theory of Automorphic Functions 1959 Goro Shimura
+ Fonctions automorphes et variétés abéliennes 1958 Goro Shimura
+ Modules des variétés abéliennes polarisées et fonctions modulaires, III 1958 Goro Shimura
+ Reduction of Algebraic Varieties with Respect to a Discrete Valuation of the Basic Field 1955 Goro Shimura
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Michio Kuga 2
Marvin Tretkoff 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ Complex multiplication of Abelian varieties and its applications to number theory 1961 五郎 志村
豊 谷山
+ The Arithmetic of Certain Zeta Functions and Automorphic Forms on Orthogonal Groups 1980 Goro Shimura
+ On Analytic Families of Polarized Abelian Varieties and Automorphic Functions 1963 Goro Shimura
+ On Some Arithmetic Properties of Modular Forms of One and Several Variables 1975 Goro Shimura
+ On Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 1973 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the zeta-functions of the algebraic curves uniformized by certain automorphic functions 1961 Goro Shimura
+ On Canonical Models of Arithmetic Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains 1970 Goro Shimura
+ Construction of Class Fields and Zeta Functions of Algebraic Curves 1967 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic Number Fields and Symplectic Discontinuous Groups 1967 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Sur les int\'egrales attach\'ees aux formes automorphes. 1959 Par Goro SHIMURA
+ On the Field of Definition for a Field of Automorphic Functions: II 1965 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ On Eisenstein series 1983 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of Unitary Groups 1964 Goro Shimura
+ On the derivatives of theta functions and modular forms 1977 Goro Shimura
+ On the Theory of Automorphic Functions 1959 Goro Shimura
+ On Dirichlet Series and Abelian Varieties Attached to Automorphic Forms 1962 Goro Shimura
+ On Automorphic Forms on GL 2 and Hecke Operators 1971 Toshitsune Miyake
+ On Eisenstein series of half-integral weight 1985 Goro Shimura
+ Euler Products and Eisenstein Series 1997 Goro Shimura
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with cusp forms 2002 Goro Shimura
+ On the Holomorphy of Certain Dirichlet Series 1975 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On the Eisenstein Series of Hilbert Modular Groups 1985 Goro Shimura
+ Confluent hypergeometric functions on tube domains 1982 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Correspondances modulaires et les fonctions $\zeta$ de courbes alg\'ebriques. 1958 Par Goro SHIMURA
+ Class-fields and Automorphic Functions 1964 Goro Shimura
+ Moduli and Fibre Systems of Abelian Varieties 1966 Goro Shimura
+ Eine Verallgemeinerung der Abelschen Integrale 1957 Martin Eichler
+ On Certain Zeta Functions Attached to Two Hilbert Modular Forms: I. The Case of Hecke Characters 1981 Goro Shimura
+ Allgemeine Kongruenzklasseneinteilungen der Ideale einfacher Algebren über algebraischen Zahlkörper und ihre L-Reihen. 1938 Martin Eichler
+ Quaternäre quadratische Formen und die Riemannsche Vermutung fÜr die Kongruenzzetafunktion 1954 Martin Eichler
+ PDF Sur certains groupes d'opérateurs unitaires 1964 André Weil
+ Theta functions with complex multiplication 1976 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic of differential operators on symmetric domains 1981 Goro Shimura
+ The Arithmetic of Automorphic Forms With Respect to a Unitary Group 1978 Goro Shimura
+ On the periods of modular forms 1977 Goro Shimura
+ Über Modulfunktionen und die Dirichletschen Reihen mit Eulerscher Produktentwicklung. I 1937 E. Hecke
+ On Hilbert modular forms of half-integral weight 1987 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Arithmetic and Analytic Theories of Quadratic Forms and Clifford Groups 2004 Goro Shimura
+ PDF On certain reciprocity-laws for theta functions and modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ Special Values of Zeta Functions, and Eisenstein Series of Half Integral Weight 1980 Jacob Sturm
+ Reduction of Algebraic Varieties with Respect to a Discrete Valuation of the Basic Field 1955 Goro Shimura
+ On Zeta Functions of Quaternion Algebras 1965 Hideo Shimizu
+ An exact mass formula for orthogonal groups 1999 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Automorphic forms and the periods of abelian varieties 1979 Goro Shimura
+ Algebraic Relations Between Critical Values of Zeta Functions and Inner Products 1983 Goro Shimura
+ The number of representations of an integer by a quadratic form 1999 Goro Shimura
+ Nearly holomorphic functions on hermitian symmetric spaces 1987 Goro Shimura
+ PDF $L$ -functions of number fields and zeta functions of abelian varieties. 1957 Yutaka Taniyama