Marcel Moralès


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Irreducible decomposition of powers of edge ideals, computing dstab, astab. 2025 Marcel Moralès
Dung Nguyen Thi
+ Factor-critical graphs and dstab, astab for an edge ideal 2024 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ A “pseudo-polynomial” algorithm for the Frobenius number and Gröbner basis 2023 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ PDF Chat Symmetric and Almost Symmetric semigroups generated by an almost generalized arithmetic sequence, Frobenius number 2021 Marcel Moralès
+ Naissance de la théorie des jeux combinatoires 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ Fibonacci – quelques éléments contextuels 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ La combinatoire des carrés magiques chez Frolov 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ Vers l’Initiation mathématique 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ Les « Questions ingenieuses » dans la Collection mathematique 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ Les « Questions ingenieuses » dans la Collection mathematique 2020 Dominique Tournès
Nathalie Chevalarias
Michèle Gandit
Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Tilings, Tessellations. Learn Geometry by hand. 2020 Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Irreducible decomposition of powers of edge ideals 2020 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ Noether resolutions in dimension 2 2019 I. Bermejo
Eva García-Llorente
Ignacio García-Marco
Marcel Moralès
+ Simplicial Toric Varieties Which Are Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections 2018 Marcel Moralès
+ Noether resolutions in dimension 2 2017 Isabel Bermejo
Eva García-Llorente
Ignacio García-Marco
Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat A Study of the Length Function of Generalized Fractions of Modules 2016 Marcel Moralès
Phạm Hùng Quý
+ Betti numbers of binomial ideals 2016 Hernán de Alba
Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Regularity and Free Resolution of Ideals Which Are Minimal To $d$-Linearity 2016 Marcel Moralès
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi
+ Veronese transform and Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity of modules 2016 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ Gröbner basis. A new algorithm for computing the Frobenius number 2015 Marcel Moralès
Dung Nguyen Thi
+ PDF Chat Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity and Segre–Veronese transform 2015 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ Gr{ö}bner basis. a "pseudo-polynomial" algorithm for computing the Frobenius number 2015 Marcel Moralès
Dung Nguyen Thi
+ Segre Product, H-Polynomials, and Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity 2014 Marcel Moralès
Nguyễn Thị Phương Dung
+ PDF Chat Monomial ideals with 3-linear resolutions 2014 Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Marcel Moralès
Abbas Nasrollah Nejad
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity under reduction processes on Graphs and Hypergraphs 2014 Marcel Moralès
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi
+ Hilbert series of Segre transform, and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 2014 Marcel Moralès
Dung Nguyen Thi
+ Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity And Segre-Veronese Transform 2014 Marcel Moralès
Dung Nguyen Thi
+ Segre embeddings, Hilbert series and Newcomb's problem 2013 Marcel Moralès
+ The ${\rm N}_{2,p}$-property of binomial extensions of simplicial complexes 2012 Hernan de Alba Casillas
Marcel Moralès
+ Sums of toric ideals 2012 Hernan de Alba Casillas
Marcel Moralès
+ The regularity of edge ideals of graphs 2012 Marcel Moralès
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi
+ Non-linear behaviour of Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity 2012 Lê Tuâń Hoa
Marcel Moralès
+ The ${\rm N}_{2,p}$-property of binomial extensions of simplicial complexes 2012 Hernan de Alba Casillas
Marcel Moralès
+ Regularity and Free Resolution of Ideals which are Minimal to $d$-linearity 2012 Marcel Moralès
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi
+ Sums of toric ideals 2012 Hernan de Alba Casillas
Marcel Moralès
+ Simplicial ideals, 2-linear ideals and arithmetical rank 2010 Marcel Moralès
+ Binomial generation of the radical of a lattice ideal 2010 Anargyros Katsabekis
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ Fiber Cone of Codimension 2 Lattice Ideals 2009 Minh Lam Ha
Marcel Moralès
+ Binomial extensions of Simplicial ideals and reduction number 2009 Minh Lam Ha
Marcel Moralès
+ Local cohomology Modules with support in 2-regular Monomial Ideals 2008 Marcel Moralès
Ha Dao Than
+ $p-$Ferrer diagram, $p-$linear ideals and arithmetical rank 2008 Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Some Numerical Criteria for the Nash Problem on Arcs for Surfaces 2008 Marcel Moralès
+ Equations of 2-linear ideals and arithmetical rank 2008 Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat On the<i>S</i><sub>2</sub>-Fication of Some Toric Varieties 2007 Marcel Moralès
+ Simplicial ideals, 2-linear ideals and arithmetical rank 2007 Marcel Moralès
+ Simplicial ideals, 2-linear ideals and arithmetical rank 2007 Marcel Moralès
+ Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of projective monomial varieties of codimension two 2006 Isabel Bermejo
Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
+ GeneralizedF-Modules and the Associated Primes of Local Cohomology Modules 2006 Le Thanh Nhan
Marcel Moralès
+ The Nash problem on arcs for surface singularities 2006 Marcel Moralès
+ Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of projective monomial varieties of codimension two 2006 María Isabel Bermejo Díaz
Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
+ On the $S_2$-fication of Some Toric Varieties 2006 Marcel Moralès
+ Stanley–Reisner rings and the radicals of lattice ideals 2005 Anargyros Katsabekis
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ Complete intersection lattice ideals 2004 Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ The finiteness of certain sets of attached prime ideals and the length of generalized fractions 2004 Nguyen Tu Cuong
Marcel Moralès
Le Thanh Nhan
+ Complete Intersection Lattice Ideals 2004 Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ On the length of generalized fractions 2003 Nguyen Tu Cuong
Marcel Moralès
Le Thanh Nhan
+ Commutative Algebra 2003 Luchézar L. Avramov
Marc Chardin
Marcel Moralès
Claudia Polini
+ Stanley-Reisner rings and the radicals of lattice ideals 2003 Anargyros Katsabekis
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ PDF Chat Set-theoretic complete intersections on binomials 2001 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ On Free Complete Intersections 2001 Apostolos Thoma
Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
+ On Simplicial Toric Varieties Which Are Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections 2000 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ On the equations defining minimal varieties 2000 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat On Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of codimension two monomial varieties 1999 I. Bermejo
Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat On equations defining monomial varieties 1999 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ The analytic spread of codimension two monomial varieties 1999 Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
Aron Simis
+ Classification des Courbes Toriques dans l'Espace Projectif, Module de Rao et Liaison 1999 Laurence Coudurier
Marcel Moralès
+ On Certain Algebras of Reduction Number One 1998 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
+ On the equations defining projective monomial curves 1998 Margherita Barlie
Marcel Moralès
+ Equations of Monomial Varieties in Codimension Two 1995 Marcel Moralès
+ The analytic spread of the ideal of a monomial curve in projective 3-space 1993 Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
Aron Simis
+ Arithmetically cohen-macaulay monomial curves in ℙ<sup>3</sup> 1993 Marcel Moralès
Aron Simis
+ Symbolic powers of monomial curves in P<sup>3</sup>lying on a quadric surface 1992 Marcel Moralès
Aron Simis
+ Noetherian symbolic blow-ups 1991 Marcel Moralès
+ Sur la fonction de Hilbert-Samuel des clôtures intégrales des puissances d'idéaux engendrés par un système de paramètres 1990 Marcel Moralès
Ngô Viêt Trung
Orlando E. Villamayor
+ Resolution of quasi-homogeneous singularities and plurigenera 1987 Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Polynôme d'Hilbert-Samuel des clôtures intégrales des puissances d'un idéal m-primaire 1984 Marcel Moralès
+ PDF Chat Polyèdre de Newton et genre géométrique d'une singularité intersection complète 1984 Marcel Moralès
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Equations of Monomial Varieties in Codimension Two 1995 Marcel Moralès
+ Linear free resolutions and minimal multiplicity 1984 David Eisenbud
Shirô Gotô
+ PDF Chat On Stanley-Reisner rings 1990 Ralf Fröberg
+ On Certain Algebras of Reduction Number One 1998 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
+ Gröbner bases and convex polytopes 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Restricting linear syzygies: algebra and geometry 2005 David Eisenbud
Mark Green
Klaus Hulek
Sorin Popescu
+ Binomial ideals 1996 David Eisenbud
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Local Cohomology: An Algebraic Introduction with Geometric Applications 1998 Markus Brodmann
R. Y. Sharp
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Affine semigroup rings that are complete intersections 1997 Klaus G. Fischer
Walter D. Morris
Jay Shapiro
+ Binomial Ideals 1994 David Eisenbud
Bernd Sturmfels
+ On Simplicial Toric Varieties Which Are Set-Theoretic Complete Intersections 2000 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1996 Richard P. Stanley
+ Introduzione alla geometria proiettiva degli iperspazi con appendice sulle curve algebriche e loro singolarità 1907 Eugenio Bertini
+ On the equations defining minimal varieties 2000 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
+ Note on set-theoretic intersections of subvarieties of projective space 1979 Thomas Schmitt
Wolfgang Vogel
+ The analytic spread of codimension two monomial varieties 1999 Philippe Giménez
Marcel Moralès
Aron Simis
+ On projective varieties of minimal degree 1981 Sebastián Xambó Descamps
+ On set-theoretic complete intersections in the projective space 1983 Lorenzo Robbiano
Giuseppe Valla
+ Combinatorial Commutative Algebra 2005 Ezra Miller
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Set-theoretic complete intersections on binomials 2001 Margherita Barile
Marcel Moralès
Apostolos Thoma
+ Regularity and Segre-Veronese embeddings 2009 David A. Cox
Evgeny Materov
+ Resolutions of Stanley-Reisner rings and Alexander duality 1998 J. A. Eagon
Victor Reiner
+ Radicals of binomial ideals 1997 Eberhard Becker
Rudolf Grobe
M. Niermann
+ PDF Chat Algebraic geometry: a first course 1993 Joe Harris
+ Set-theoretic complete intersections in characteristic 𝑝 2005 Margherita Barile
Gennady Lyubeznik
+ PDF Chat Set-theoretic complete intersections 1985 T. T. Moh
+ On regular sequences of binomials 1999 G�nter Scheja
Ortwin Scheja
Uwe Storch
+ On the binomial arithmetical rank 2000 Apostolos Thoma
+ PDF Chat Gröbner Bases and Convex Polytopes 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat On systems of binomials in the ideal of a toric variety 2001 Shalom Eliahou
Rafael H. Villarreal
+ PDF Chat Dualisierende Komplexe in der Iokalen Algebra und Buchsbaum - Ringe 1982 Peter Schenzel
+ Semigroup rings and simplicial complexes 1997 Winfried Bruns
Jürgen Herzog
+ Spectra and eigenvectors of the Segre transformation 2013 Ilse Fischer
Martina Kubitzke
+ On the length of generalized fractions 2003 Nguyen Tu Cuong
Marcel Moralès
Le Thanh Nhan
+ On Presentations of Subsemigroups of {\blackboard N}^n 1997 J. C. Rosales
+ Classification des Courbes Toriques dans l'Espace Projectif, Module de Rao et Liaison 1999 Laurence Coudurier
Marcel Moralès
+ Syzygies of codimension 2 lattice ideals 1998 Irena Peeva
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Generators and relations of abelian semigroups and semigroup rings 1970 J�rgen Herzog
+ On complete intersection affine semigroups 1995 J. C. Rosales
Pedro A. García-Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Affine semigroups and Cohen-Macaulay rings generated by monomials 1986 Ngô Viêt Trung
Lê Tuâń Hoa
+ Mixed matrices and binomial ideals 1996 Klaus G. Fischer
Jay Shapiro
+ Lengths of certain generalized fractions 1985 R. Y. Sharp
M. A. Hamieh
+ Powers of Ideals Having Small Analytic Deviation 1992 Sam Huckaba
Craig Huneke
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ Every algebraic set inn-space is the intersection ofn hypersurfaces 1973 David Eisenbud
E. Graham Evans
+ The Geometry of Syzygies: A Second Course in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 2004 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat Monomial ideals whose powers have a linear resolution 2004 Jürgen Herzog
Takayuki Hibi
Xinxian Zheng
+ PDF Chat On the least degree of polynomials bounding above the differences between lengths and multiplicities of certain systems of parameters in local rings 1992 Nguyen Tu Cuong
+ The regularity of edge ideals of graphs 2012 Marcel Moralès
Ali Akbar Yazdan Pour
Rashid Zaare-Nahandi