Ryan J. Martin


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Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Implications of Recent Research 2008 Theodore J. Christ
Sarah Scullin
Anick Tolbize
Cynthia L. Jiban
+ Performance Indicators in Math: Implications for Brief Experimental Analysis of Academic Performance 2009 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Matthew K. Burns
+ Assessing the Instructional Level for Mathematics: A Comparison of Methods 2006 Matthew K. Burns
Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Cynthia L. Jiban
+ Using Curriculum-Based Assessment and Curriculum-Based Measurement to Guide Elementary Mathematics Instruction: Effect on Individual and Group Accountability Scores 2005 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Matthew K. Burns
+ Meta-Analysis of Acquisition and Fluency Math Interventions With Instructional and Frustration Level Skills: Evidence for a Skill-by-Treatment Interaction 2010 Matthew K. Burns
Robin S. Codding
Christina H. Boice
Gracia Lukito
+ Progress Monitoring Measures in Mathematics 2007 Anne Foegen
Cynthia L. Jiban
Stanley L. Deno
+ Randomized Evaluation of a Supplemental Grade-Wide Mathematics Intervention 2012 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Tara McLaughlin
James Algina
Patricia Snyder
+ Meta-Analysis of Mathematic Basic-Fact Fluency Interventions: A Component Analysis 2011 Robin S. Codding
Matthew K. Burns
Gracia Lukito
+ Examining a classwide application of cover-copy-compare with and without goal setting to enhance mathematics fluency. 2009 Robin S. Codding
Lisa Chan-Iannetta
Molley Palmer
Grace Lukito
+ Early Numeracy Intervention Program for First-Grade Students with Mathematics Difficulties 2011 Diane Pedrotty Bryant
Brian R. Bryant
Greg Roberts
Sharon Vaughn
Kathleen Hughes Pfannenstiel
Jennifer Porterfield
Russell Gersten
+ Mathematics Instruction for Students with Special Needs 1992 Diane Rivera
Brian R. Bryant
+ Examination of the Utility of Various Measures of Mathematics Proficiency 2008 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
Matthew K. Burns
+ PDF Chat Developing Math Automatically in Learning Handicapped Children: The Role of Computerized Drill and Practice 1988 Ted S. Hasselbring
Laura I. Goin
John D. Bransford
+ Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis 2003 J. David Singer
John B. Willett
+ A preliminary investigation of within-year growth patterns in reading and mathematics curriculum-based measures 2009 Suzanne Bamonto Graney
Kristen N. Missall
Rebecca S. MartĂ­nez
Melissa Bergstrom
+ Technology-Enhanced Assessment of Math Fact Automaticity 2012 Eric M. Stickney
Lindsay B. Sharp
Amanda S. Kenyon
+ Determining Early Mathematical Risk: Ideas for Extending the Research 2010 Amanda M. VanDerHeyden
+ Differences in Growth on Math Curriculum-Based Measures Using Triannual Benchmarks 2012 Milena A. Keller‐Margulis
Sterett H. Mercer
Edward S. Shapiro
+ Effects of Curriculum-Based Measurement and Consultation on Teacher Planning and Student Achievement in Mathematics Operations 1991 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs Carol L. Hamlett
Pamela M. Stecker
+ Potential Bias in Predictive Validity of Universal Screening Measures Across Disaggregation Subgroups 2011 John L. Hosp
Michelle A. Hosp
Janice K. Dol
+ Supporting valid decision making: Uses and misuses of assessment data within the context of RTI 2012 Carrie R. Ball
Theodore J. Christ
+ PDF Chat Logistic Regression in Rare Events Data 2001 Gary King
Langche Zeng
+ Long-Term Diagnostic Accuracy of Curriculum-Based Measures in Reading and Mathematics 2008 Milena A. Keller‐Margulis
Edward S. Shapiro
John M. Hintze
+ Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. 1959 Donald T. Campbell
Donald W. Fiske
+ A Conceptual Model for Evaluating System Effects of Response to Intervention 2009 Edward S. Shapiro
Nathan H. Clemens
+ PDF Chat Intensive Intervention for Students with Mathematics Disabilities: Seven Principles of Effective Practice 2008 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Sarah R. Powell
Pamela M. Seethaler
Paul T. Cirino
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Detect, Practice, and Repair: The Effects of a Classwide Intervention on Elementary Students' Math-Fact Fluency. 2006 Brian C. Poncy
Christopher H. Skinner
Tish O'Mara
+ Number Sense 1999 Russell Gersten
David J. Chard
+ Curriculum‐based assessment 2005 John M. Hintze
Theodore J. Christ
Scott A. Methe
+ A comparative analysis of massed vs. distributed practice on basic math fact fluency growth rates 2015 Greg Schutte
Gary J. Duhon
Benjamin G. Solomon
Brian C. Poncy
K.N. Moore
Bailey Story
+ Concurrent Validity and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills and the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 2003 John M. Hintze
Amanda L. Ryan
Gary D. Stoner
+ The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 2015 Murat Akkuş
+ Curricular Coherence and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 2012 William H. Schmidt
Richard T. Houang
+ The Instructional Hierarchy as a Model of Stimulus Control over Student and Teacher Behavior: We're Close but are We Close Enough? 2006 Brian K. Martens
Tanya L. Eckert
+ Mathematics Screening and Progress Monitoring at First Grade: Implications for Responsiveness to Intervention 2007 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Donald L. Compton
Joan Bryant
Carol L. Hamlett
Pamela M. Seethaler
+ Curriculum-Based Measures and Performance on State Assessment and Standardized Tests 2006 Edward S. Shapiro
Milena A. Keller
J. Gary Lutz
Lana Edwards Santoro
John M. Hintze
+ What is Measured in Mathematics Tests? Construct Validity of Curriculum-Based Mathematics Measures 2002 Robin Schul Thurber
Mark R. Shinn
Keith Smolkowski
+ PDF Chat The effects of overlearning and distributed practise on the retention of mathematics knowledge 2006 Doug Rohrer
Kelli Taylor
+ PDF Chat Two-Stage Screening for Math Problem-Solving Difficulty Using Dynamic Assessment of Algebraic Learning 2011 Lynn S. Fuchs
Donald L. Compton
Douglas Fuchs
Kurstin N. Hollenbeck
Carol L. Hamlett
Pamela M. Seethaler
+ The Statistical Evaluation of Medical Tests for Classification and Prediction 2003 Margaret S. Pepe
+ Fractions: the new frontier for theories of numerical development 2012 Robert S. Siegler
Lisa K. Fazio
Drew H. Bailey
Xinlin Zhou
+ Comparing mathematics interventions: Does initial level of fluency predict intervention effectiveness? 2007 Robin S. Codding
Mariya Shiyko
Maria Grazia Russo
Sarah Birch
Erica Fanning
Deborah Jaspen
+ The Differential Effects of Teaching Addition Through Strategy Instruction Versus Drill and Practice to Students With and Without Learning Disabilities 2003 Nelly Tournaki
+ None 1997 Christopher H. Skinner
T. F. McLaughlin
Pat Logan
+ Improving sixth-grade students perceptions of high-effort assignments by assigning more work: Interaction of additive interspersal and assignment effort on assignment choice 2004 Eric J. Billington
Christopher H. Skinner
Natalie M. Cruchon
+ Using Detect, Practice, and Repair (DPR) to Differentiate and Individualize Math Fact Instruction in a Class-Wide Setting 2013 Brian C. Poncy
Scuddy Fontenelle
Christopher H. Skinner
+ Mathematical disabilities: Cognitive, neuropsychological, and genetic components. 1993 David C. Geary
+ Self-Regulation Strategies to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving for Students with Learning Disabilities 2008 Marjorie Montague
+ Mathematics learning in early childhood : paths toward excellence and equity 2009 Christopher T. Cross
Taniesha A. Woods
Heidi A. Schweingruber
+ Strategy choices in simple and complex addition: Contributions of working memory and counting knowledge for children with mathematical disability 2004 David C. Geary
Mary K. Hoard
Jennifer Byrd‐Craven
M. Catherine DeSoto