Nore Wijns


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat It is probably a pattern: does spontaneous focusing on regularities in preschool predict reasoning about randomness four years later? 2022 Anne-Sophie Supply
Nore Wijns
Wim Van Dooren
Patrick Onghena
+ PDF Chat Stimulating preschoolers’ focus on structure in repeating and growing patterns 2021 Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
Laure De Keyser
Joke Torbeyns
+ Early childhood mathematical development: the association between patterning and proportional reasoning 2021 Elien Vanluydt
Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Wim Van Dooren
+ PDF Chat Associations Between Repeating Patterning, Growing Patterning, and Numerical Ability: A Longitudinal Panel Study in 4‐ to 6‐Year Olds 2021 Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
Joke Torbeyns
+ PDF Chat No Association Between the Home Math Environment and Numerical and Patterning Skills in a Large and Diverse Sample of 5- to 6-year-olds 2020 Laure De Keyser
Merel Bakker
Sanne Rathé
Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
+ PDF Chat Ecuadorian children’s repeating patterning abilities and its association with early mathematical abilities 2020 Gina Bojorque
Neli GonzĂĄles
Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Joke Torbeyns
+ Young Children’s Early Mathematical Competencies: The Role of Mathematical Focusing Tendencies 2020 Lieven Verschaffel
Sanne Rathé
Nore Wijns
Tine Degrande
Wim Van Dooren
Bert De Smedt
Joke Torbeyns
+ PDF Chat Are preschoolers who spontaneously create patterns better in mathematics? 2019 Nore Wijns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
Joke Torbeyns
+ Young Children’s Patterning Competencies and Mathematical Development: A Review 2019 Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Four-year olds’ understanding of repeating and growing patterns and its association with early numerical ability 2019 Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Merel Bakker
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ PDF Chat Gender equality in 4‐ to 5‐year‐old preschoolers’ early numerical competencies 2018 Merel Bakker
Joke Torbeyns
Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
+ Preschoolers’ early numerical competencies: gender equality or gender differences? 2018 Merel Bakker
Joke Torbeyns
Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
+ Ordinal numerical processing in 4-year-old preschool children: Associations with other early numerical competencies and gender differences 2018 Merel Bakker
Joke Torbeyns
Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Beyond numeracy in preschool: Adding patterns to the equation 2015 Bethany Rittle‐Johnson
Emily R. Fyfe
Abbey M. Loehr
Michael R. Miller
+ Informal Numeracy Skills 2012 David J. Purpura
Christopher J. Lonigan
+ Early Math Trajectories: Low‐Income Children's Mathematics Knowledge From Ages 4 to 11 2016 Bethany Rittle‐Johnson
Emily R. Fyfe
Kerry G. Hofer
Dale C. Farran
+ PDF Chat Number Sense Growth in Kindergarten: A Longitudinal Investigation of Children at Risk for Mathematics Difficulties 2006 Nancy C. Jordan
David Kaplan
Leslie Nabors OlĂĄh
Maria N. Locuniak
+ Young Children’s Structure Sense 2012 Miriam LĂŒken
+ Assessing the Development of Preschoolers' Mathematical Patterning 2011 Marina Papic
Joanne Mulligan
Michael Mitchelmore
+ Young Children’s Patterning Competencies and Mathematical Development: A Review 2019 Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ The roles of patterning and spatial skills in early mathematics development 2018 Bethany Rittle‐Johnson
Erica L. Zippert
Katherine L. Boice
+ PDF Chat Which preschool mathematics competencies are most predictive of fifth grade achievement? 2016 Tutrang Nguyen
Tyler W. Watts
Greg J. Duncan
Douglas H. Clements
Julie S. Sarama
Christopher B. Wolfe
Mary Elaine Spitler
+ Awareness of pattern and structure in early mathematical development 2009 Joanne Mulligan
Michael Mitchelmore
+ Four-year olds’ understanding of repeating and growing patterns and its association with early numerical ability 2019 Nore Wijns
Joke Torbeyns
Merel Bakker
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ PDF Chat Gender equality in 4‐ to 5‐year‐old preschoolers’ early numerical competencies 2018 Merel Bakker
Joke Torbeyns
Nore Wijns
Lieven Verschaffel
Bert De Smedt
+ Emerging Understanding of Patterning in 4-Year-Olds 2013 Bethany Rittle‐Johnson
Emily R. Fyfe
Laura McLean
Katherine L. McEldoon
+ PDF Chat Identifying Opportunities for Grade One Children to Acquire Foundational Number Sense: Developing a Framework for Cross Cultural Classroom Analyses 2014 Paul Andrews
Judy Sayers
+ Working memory and individual differences in mathematics achievement: A longitudinal study from first grade to second grade 2009 Bert De Smedt
Rianne Janssen
Kelly Bouwens
Lieven Verschaffel
Bart Boets
Pol GhesquiĂšre
+ Preschoolers’ strategies for solving visual pattern tasks 2015 Melissa A. Collins
Elida V. Laski
+ Enhancing young children’s mathematical knowledge through a pre-kindergarten mathematics intervention 2004 Prentice Starkey
Alice Klein
Ann Wakeley
+ Repeating Patterns and Multiplicative Thinking: Analysis of Classroom Interactions with 9 -Year- Old Students that Support the Transition from the Known to the Novel 2007 Elizabeth Warren
Thomas J. Cooper
+ PDF Chat Young children's early mathematical competencies: Analysis and stimulation 2017 Lieven Verschaffel
Joke Torbeyns
Bert De Smedt
+ Influence of early repeating patterning ability on school mathematics learning 2014 Miriam LĂŒken
Andrea Peter-Koop
Sebastian Kollhoff
+ Relations between numerical, spatial, and executive function skills and mathematics achievement: A latent-variable approach 2019 Zachary Hawes
Joan Moss
Beverly Caswell
Ji-Soo Seo
Daniel Ansari
+ PDF Chat Empirical Studies of Patterning 2017 Robert Pasnak
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous focusing on numerosity and mathematical skills of young children 2005 Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Whole Number Thinking, Learning and Development: Neuro-cognitive, Cognitive and Developmental Approaches 2018 Joanne Mulligan
Lieven Verschaffel
Anna Baccaglini‐Frank
Alf Coles
Peter Gould
Shengqing He
Yunpeng Ma
Јasmina Milinković
Andreas Obersteiner
Nicole Roberts
+ Instructing First-Grade Children on Patterning Improves Reading and Mathematics 2013 Julie K. Kidd
Robert Pasnak
K. Marinka Gadzichowski
Debbie A. Gallington
Patrick E. McKnight
Caroline E. Boyer
Abby G. Carlson
+ Relations between patterning skill and differing aspects of early mathematics knowledge 2017 Emily R. Fyfe
Julia L. Evans
Lauren Eisenband Matz
Kayla M. Hunt
Martha W. Alibali
+ Not Just IQ: Patterning Predicts Preschoolers’ Math Knowledge Beyond Fluid Reasoning 2019 Erica L. Zippert
Kelsey A. Clayback
Bethany Rittle‐Johnson
+ Understanding number sequences leads to understanding mathematics concepts 2016 Robert Pasnak
Katrina Lea Schmerold
Melissa Robinson
K. Marinka Gadzichowski
Allison M. Bock
Sarah E. O’Brien
Julie K. Kidd
Deb A. Gallington
+ Patterns supporting the development of early algebraic thinking 2005 Elizabeth Warren
+ PDF Chat Patterning Abilities of First Grade Children: Effects of Dimension and Type 2012 K. Marinka Gadzichowski
+ Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning 2013 Lyn D. English
Joanne Mulligan
+ Supporting early mathematical development through a ‘pattern and structure’ intervention program 2020 Joanne Mulligan
Gabrielle Oslington
Lyn D. English
+ Improving early numeracy through a pattern and structure mathematics awareness project (PASMAP) 2006 Joanne Mulligan
Marina Papic
Anne Prescott
Mike Mitchelmore
+ Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Early Childhood 2019 Katherine M. Robinson
Helena P. Osana
Donna Kotsopoulos
+ Home numeracy experiences and children’s math performance in the early school years. 2009 Jo‐Anne LeFevre
Sheri‐Lynn Skwarchuk
Brenda L. Smith‐Chant
Lisa Fast
Deepthi Kamawar
Jeffrey Bisanz
+ Patterning strategies in early childhood: a mixed methods study examining 3- to 5-year-old children’s patterning competencies 2020 Miriam LĂŒken
Odile Sauzet
+ PDF Chat Are preschoolers who spontaneously create patterns better in mathematics? 2019 Nore Wijns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
Joke Torbeyns
+ Spontaneous focusing on Arabic number symbols and its association with early mathematical competencies 2019 Sanne Rathé
Joke Torbeyns
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Spontaneous Focusing on Quantitative Relations in the Development of Children's Fraction Knowledge 2014 Jake McMullen
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
+ Pattern discernment and pseudo-conceptual development in early childhood mathematics education 2013 Camilla Björklund
Niklas Pramling
+ Preschool Children’s Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity, Subitizing, and Counting Skills as Predictors of Their Mathematical Performance Seven Years Later at School 2015 Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Erno Lehtinen
Pekka RÀsÀnen
+ An Approach to Geometric and Numeric Patterning that Fosters Second Grade Students’ Reasoning and Generalizing about Functions and Co-variation 2011 Joan Moss
Susan London McNab
+ Spontaneous Focusing on Quantitative Relations: Towards a Characterization 2017 Tine Degrande
Lieven Verschaffel
Wim Van Dooren
+ Effects of Patterning Instruction on the Academic Achievement of 1st-Grade Children 2013 Julie K. Kidd
Abby G. Carlson
K. Marinka Gadzichowski
Caroline E. Boyer
Debbie A. Gallington
Robert Pasnak
+ PDF Chat How do symbolic and non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills relate to individual differences in children's mathematical skills? A review of evidence from brain and behavior 2013 Bert De Smedt
Marie‐Pascale NoĂ«l
Camilla Gilmore
Daniel Ansari
+ PDF Chat The Acquisition of Preschool Mathematical Abilities: Theoretical, Methodological and Educational Considerations 2015 Joke Torbeyns
Camilla Gilmore
Lieven Verschaffel
+ PDF Chat Pattern Understanding: Relationships With Arithmetic and Reading Development 2017 Kelly Burgoyne
Kate Witteveen
Georgina A. Tolan
Stephanie A. Malone
Charles Hulme
+ Early Childhood Corner: What Comes Next? The Mathematics of Pattern in Kindergarten 1998 Karen Economopoulos
+ Spontaneous focusing on numerosity: A review of recent research 2016 Sanne Rathé
Joke Torbeyns
Minna M. Hannula‐Sormunen
Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
+ How Important is Where you Start? Early Mathematics Knowledge and Later School Success 2013 Amy Claessens
Mimi Engel