Amey Kulkarni


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 3D Reconstruction with Generalizable Neural Fields using Scene Priors 2023 Yang Fu
Shalini De Mello
Xueting Li
Amey Kulkarni
Jan Kautz
Xiaolong Wang
Sifei Liu
+ COLMAP-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting 2023 Yang Fu
Sifei Liu
Amey Kulkarni
Jan Kautz
Alexei A. Efros
Xiaolong Wang
+ Image Inpainting using Partial Convolution 2021 Harsh Patel
Amey Kulkarni
Shivam Sahni
Udit Vyas
+ CS-Based Secured Big Data Processing on FPGA 2016 Amey Kulkarni
Ali Jafari
Colin Shea
Tinoosh Mohsenin
+ A Note on a Path Counting Formula 2006 Ananda Sen
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Convergence Criteria for Hierarchical Overlapping Coordination of Linearly Constrained Convex Design Problems 2001 Hyungju Park
Nestor Michelena
Amey Kulkarni
Panos Y. Papalambros
+ Edge version of the matrix tree theorem for trees 2000 R.B. Bapat
Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
+ Minors of some matrices associated with a tree 2000 R.B. Bapat
Amey Kulkarni
+ Generalized matrix tree theorem for mixed graphs 1999 R.B. Bapat
Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of tridiagonal pseudo-Toeplitz matrices 1999 Amey Kulkarni
Darrell Schmidt
Sze-Kai Tsui
+ Hierarchical Overlapping Coordination for Large-Scale Optimization by Decomposition 1999 Nestor Michelena
Panos Y. Papalambros
Hyungju A. Park
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical overlapping coordination under nonlinear constraints 1998 Nestor Michelena
Panos Y. Papalambros
Hyungju Park
Amey Kulkarni
+ Multivariable Lagrange Inversion, Gessel-Viennot Cancellation, and the Matrix Tree Theorem 1997 I. P. Goulden
Amey Kulkarni
+ Counting of paths and coefficients of the Hilbert polynomial of a determinantal ideal 1996 Amey Kulkarni
+ Stepwise Stability for the Heat Equation with a Nonlocal Constraint 1995 Baruch Cahlon
Amey Kulkarni
Peter Shi
+ On the minors of an incidence matrix and its Smith normal form 1995 Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
Irwin E. Schochetman
+ Algebraic graph theory without orientation 1994 Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
Irwin E. Schochetman
+ Coinsertion and standard bitableaux 1990 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat On the semigroup of an ordinary multiple point 1990 Amey Kulkarni
+ Bijection between indexed monomials and standard bitableaux 1990 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Amey Kulkarni
+ On Hilbertian ideals 1989 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Analysis of straightening formula 1988 Amey Kulkarni
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Enumerative Combinatorics of Young Tableaux 1988 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
+ Enumerative combinatorics of young tableaux 1989 4
+ Young diagrams and determinantal varieties 1980 C. DeConcini
David Eisenbud
Claudio Procesi
+ A Combinatorial Proof of the All Minors Matrix Tree Theorem 1982 Seth Chaiken
+ Nonlinear Programming 1995 Dimitri P. Bertsekas
+ Laplacian matrices of graphs: a survey 1994 Russell Merris
+ Determinantal Loci and Enumerative Combinatorics of Young Tableaux**Supported by the National Science Foundation under grant umber DMS-8500491 and by the Office of Naval Research under University Research Initiative grant number N00014-86-0689. 1988 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
+ Longest Increasing and Decreasing Subsequences 2009 C. Schensted
+ An edge version of the matrix-tree theorem and the wiener index 1989 Russell Merris
+ On the minors of an incidence matrix and its Smith normal form 1995 Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
Irwin E. Schochetman
+ On Hilbertian ideals 1989 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Amey Kulkarni
+ On the Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: IX Combinatorial Methods in Invariant Theory 1974 Peter Doubilet
Gianā€Carlo Rota
Joƫl Stein
+ Young tableaux and linear independence of standard monomials in multiminors of a multimatrix 1991 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Sudhir R. Ghorpade
+ PDF Chat Permutations, matrices, and generalized Young tableaux 1970 Donald Knuth
+ On the Representations of the Symmetric Group 1938 G. de B. Robinson
+ An Introduction to Numerical Analysis 1990 F. S.
Kendall Atkinson
+ Bijection between indexed monomials and standard bitableaux 1990 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Longest Increasing and Decreasing Subsequences 1961 C. Schensted
+ A numerical method for the diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary specifications 1990 Shingmin Wang
Yanping Lin
+ The irreducibility of ladder determinantal varieties 1986 Himanee Narasimhan
+ PDF Chat An iteration procedure for a class of integro-differential of parabolic type 1989 John Chadam
Honghui Yin
+ Generalized matrix tree theorem for mixed graphs 1999 R.B. Bapat
Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
+ A class of parameter estimation techniques for fluid flow in porous media 1991 Richard E. Ewing
Tao Lin
+ Moore-penrose inverse of the incidence matrix of a tree 1997 R.B. Bapat
+ On orthogonal polynomials 1979 Paul Nevai
+ Combinatorial meaning of the coefficients of a Hilbert polynomial 1992 Mrudul Modak
+ Stepwise Stability for the Heat Equation with a Nonlocal Constraint 1995 Baruch Cahlon
Amey Kulkarni
Peter Shi
+ PDF Chat On Hilbert polynomial of certain determinantal ideals 1989 Shrinivas G. Udpikar
+ A characteristic free approach to invariant theory 1976 Corrado De Concini
Claudio Procesi
+ Unimodular equivalence of graphs 1992 Russell Merris
+ Combinatorial theory and statistical design 1987 Gregory M. Constantine
+ Hilbert functions of ladder determinantal varieties 2002 Sudhir R. Ghorpade
+ On the eigenvalue problem for Toeplitz band matrices 1985 William F. Trench
+ Algebraic graph theory without orientation 1994 Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
Irwin E. Schochetman
+ Some approximations to the multivariate hypergeometric distribution with applications to hypothesis testing 2000 Aaron Childs
N. Balakrishnan
+ PDF Chat On the Hilbert function of determinantal rings and their canonical module 1994 Aldo Conca
JĆ¼rgen Herzog
+ The Chebyshev polynomials 1974 T. J. Rivlin
+ A combinatorial proof of the multivariable lagrange inversion formula 1987 Ira M. Gessel
+ A class of non-linear non-classical parabolic equations 1989 John R. Cannon
Hongā€Ming Yin
+ Stability of the numerical solution of a parabolic system with integral subsidiary conditions 1990 R. W. Lardner
+ Quasi-symmetric designs and the Smith Normal Form 1992 A. Blokhuis
A.R. Calderbank
+ Edge version of the matrix tree theorem for trees 2000 R.B. Bapat
Jerrold W. Grossman
Amey Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Second-order correct boundary conditions for the numerical solution of the mixed boundary problem for parabolic equations 1963 George W. Batten
+ Projective normality of flag varieties and Schubert varieties 1985 S. Ramanan
A. Ramanathan
+ The Reformulation and Numerical Solution of Certain Nonclassical Initial-Boundary Value Problems 1991 Graeme Fairweather
Rick Saylor
+ Binomial determinants, paths, and hook length formulae 1985 Ira M. Gessel
GĆ©rard Viennot
+ A boundary value problem in the theory of heat conduction with a nonclassical boundary condition 1964 L. I. Kamynin
+ The application of invariant theory to the existence of quasi-symmetric designs 1987 A.R. Calderbank
+ PDF Chat XV. On systems of linear indeterminate equations and congruences 1861 Henry J. Stephen Smith
+ Geometric invariants for quasi-symmetric designs 1988 A.R. Calderbank