George A. Hagedorn


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Kronecker Products and Semiclassical Wave Packets 2017 George A. Hagedorn
Caroline Lasser
+ Symmetric Kronecker products and semiclassical wave packets 2016 George A. Hagedorn
Caroline Lasser
+ Symmetric Kronecker products and semiclassical wave packets 2016 George A. Hagedorn
Caroline Lasser
+ PDF Chat Generating function and a Rodrigues formula for the polynomials in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:math>-dimensional semiclassical wave packets 2015 George A. Hagedorn
+ Generating Function and a Rodrigues Formula for the Polynomials in $d$-Dimensional Semiclassical Wave Packets 2015 George A. Hagedorn
+ Generating Functions for the Polynomials in d-Dimensional Semiclassical Wave Packets 2015 George A. Hagedorn
+ Born–Oppenheimer Approximation, Adiabatic Limit, and Related Math. Issues 2015 George A. Hagedorn
+ Generating Function and a Rodrigues Formula for the Polynomials in $d$-Dimensional Semiclassical Wave Packets 2015 George A. Hagedorn
+ Semiclassical Dynamics and Exponential Asymptotics 2015 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Explicit Bound States for Certain N-Body Hamiltonians 2014 George A. Hagedorn
Edward F. Valeev
+ PDF Chat A Minimal Uncertainty Product for One Dimensional Semiclassical Wave Packets 2013 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Convergence of a semiclassical wavepacket based time-splitting for the Schrödinger equation 2013 Vasile Gradinaru
George A. Hagedorn
+ A Minimal Uncertainty Product for One Dimensional Semiclassical Wave Packets 2013 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat A note on the switching adiabatic theorem 2012 Alexander Elgart
George A. Hagedorn
+ Beurling-Lax Representations of Shift-Invariant Spaces, Zero-Pole Data Interpolation, and Dichotomous Transfer Function Realizations: Half-Plane/Continuous-Time Versions 2012 Austin J. Amaya
Joseph A. Ball
George A. Hagedorn
Martin Klaus
Michael Renardy
+ PDF Chat An adiabatic theorem for resonances 2011 Alexander Elgart
George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Exponentially accurate semiclassical tunneling wavefunctions in one dimension 2010 Vasile Gradinaru
George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ An Adiabatic Theorem for Resonances 2010 Alexander Elgart
George A. Hagedorn
+ An Adiabatic Theorem for Resonances 2010 Alexander Elgart
George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat A Mathematical Theory for Vibrational Levels Associated with Hydrogen Bonds 2009 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Diatomic molecules with large angular momentum in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation 2008 Sharon Marie Hughes
George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat A Mathematical Theory for Vibrational Levels Associated with Hydrogen Bonds I: The Symmetric Case 2007 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Mathematical analysis of Born-Oppenheimer approximations 2007 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Recent results on non-adiabatic transitions in quantum mechanics 2006 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Determination of Non-adiabatic Scattering Wave Functions in a Born-Oppenheimer Model 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Exponentially accurate semiclassical asymptotics of low-lying eigenvalues for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math> matrix Schrödinger operators 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Julio H. Toloza
+ Exponentially accurate quasimodes for the time‐independent Born–Oppenheimer approximation on a one‐dimensional molecular system 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Julio H. Toloza
+ Recent Results on Non--Adiabatic Transitions in Quantum Mechanics 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Time Development of Exponentially Small Non-Adiabatic Transitions 2004 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat A Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation with Exponentially Small Error Estimates 2001 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Exponentially Accurate Semiclassical Dynamics: Propagation, Localization, Ehrenfest Times, Scattering, and More General States 2000 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Resonances in a box 2000 George A. Hagedorn
Bernhard Meller
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Dynamics¶with Exponentially Small Error Estimates 1999 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Landau-Zener transitions through small electronic eigenvalue gaps in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 1997 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Landau-Zener formula in an adiabatic limit with small eigenvalue gaps 1991 George A. Hagedorn
+ Adiabatic expansions near eigenvalue crossings 1989 George A. Hagedorn
+ Analysis of a nontrivial, explicitly solvable multichannel scattering system 1989 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat High order corrections to the time-dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximation. II: Coulomb systems 1988 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat High order corrections to the time-independent Born-Oppenheimer approximation II: Diatomic Coulomb systems 1988 George A. Hagedorn
+ "High Order Corrections to the Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation I: Smooth Potentials" 1987 George A. Hagedorn
+ High Order Corrections to the Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation I: Smooth Potentials 1986 George A. Hagedorn
+ Asymptotic completeness of certain four-body Schrödinger operators 1986 George A. Hagedorn
Peter Perry
+ Reflection and transmission of high frequency pulses at an interface 1985 Winfried R. E. Weiss
George A. Hagedorn
+ Scattering Theory for Many-Body Quantum Mechanical Systems–Rigorous Results (Israel Michael Sigal) 1985 George A. Hagedorn
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics, IV : large order asymptotics and more general states in more than one dimension 1985 George A. Hagedorn
+ Asymptotic Completeness for Few Body Schrödinger Operators 1984 George A. Hagedorn
Peter Perry
+ A particle limit for the wave equation with a variable wave speed 1984 George A. Hagedorn
+ Asymptotic completeness for certain three‐body schrödinger operators 1983 George A. Hagedorn
Peter Perry
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics. III. The large order asymptotics and more general states 1981 George A. Hagedorn
+ Asymptotic Completeness for Classes of Two, Three, and Four Particle Schrodinger Operators 1980 George A. Hagedorn
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics 1980 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic completeness for classes of two, three, and four particle Schrödinger operators 1980 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat A link between scattering resonances and dilation analytic resonances in few body quantum mechanics 1979 George A. Hagedorn
+ Born series for (2 cluster) ? (2 cluster) scattering of two, three, and four particle Schrïżœdinger operators 1979 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic completeness for a class of four particle Schrödinger operators 1978 George A. Hagedorn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Landau–Zener formula 1994 Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Asymptotics Beyond All Orders for Simple Scattering Systems 1995 Alain Joye
Charles‐Edouard Pfister
+ PDF Chat Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for n-Level Scattering Systems 1997 Alain Joye
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics, IV : large order asymptotics and more general states in more than one dimension 1985 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat A Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation with Exponentially Small Error Estimates 2001 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics 1980 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ High Order Corrections to the Time-Dependent Born-Oppenheimer Approximation I: Smooth Potentials 1986 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat High order corrections to the time-independent Born-Oppenheimer approximation II: Diatomic Coulomb systems 1988 George A. Hagedorn
+ Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions for multiparticle Schrödinger operators 1973 J. M. Combes
Lawrence E. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Dynamics¶with Exponentially Small Error Estimates 1999 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Semiclassical quantum mechanics. III. The large order asymptotics and more general states 1981 George A. Hagedorn
+ On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 2005 J. M. Combes
+ PDF Chat High order corrections to the time-dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximation. II: Coulomb systems 1988 George A. Hagedorn
+ Résonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer I 1991 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Landau-Zener formula in an adiabatic limit with small eigenvalue gaps 1991 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Theorem without a Gap Condition 1999 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
+ PDF Chat On the Born-Oppenheimer expansion for polyatomic molecules 1992 Markus Klein
André Martínez
R. Seiler
Xueyin Wang
+ Superadiabatic evolution and adiabatic transition probability between two nondegenerate levels isolated in the spectrum 1993 Alain Joye
Charles‐Edouard Pfister
+ PDF Chat A general reduction scheme for the time-dependent Born–Oppenheimer approximation 2002 AndrĂ© MartĂ­nez
Vania Sordoni
+ Semiclassical limit for multistate Klein–Gordon systems: almost invariant subspaces, and scattering theory 2004 G. Nenciu
Vania Sordoni
+ On the mathematical theory of predissociation 1987 Markus Klein
+ Asymptotic completeness in two- and three-particle quantum mechanical scattering 1975 Lawrence E. Thomas
+ The Born–Oppenheimer Approximation: Straight-Up and with a Twist 1997 Jeph Herrin
James S. Howland
+ Mathematical foundations of quantum scattering theory for multiparticle systems 1978 Israel Michael Sigal
+ PDF Chat Exponentially Accurate Semiclassical Dynamics: Propagation, Localization, Ehrenfest Times, Scattering, and More General States 2000 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Precise Coupling Terms in Adiabatic Quantum Evolution: The Generic Case 2005 Volker Betz
Stefan Teufel
+ PDF Chat Precise Coupling Terms in Adiabatic Quantum Evolution 2005 Volker Betz
Stefan Teufel
+ PDF Chat Resonances dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer II-largeur des resonances 1991 André Martínez
+ PDF Chat The classical limit for quantum mechanical correlation functions 1974 K. Hepp
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic completeness for classes of two, three, and four particle Schrödinger operators 1980 George A. Hagedorn
+ PDF Chat Exponential decay of bound state wave functions 1973 A. J. O'Connor
+ PDF Chat Computing Semiclassical Quantum Dynamics with Hagedorn Wavepackets 2009 Erwan Faou
Vasile Gradinaru
Christian Lubich
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory and quadratic forms: On a theorem of Schechter 1977 Barry Simon
+ The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 1981 J. M. Combes
Pierre Duclos
R. Seiler
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of many-body Schrödinger operators with dilatation-analytic interactions 1971 Erik Balslev
J. M. Combes
+ DĂ©veloppements asymptotiques et effet tunnel dans l'approximation de Born-Oppenheimer 1989 A. Martinez
+ Precise exponential estimates in adiabatic theory 1994 André Martínez
+ Absence of positive eigenvalues in a class of multiparticle quantum systems 1974 Barry Simon
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 4
+ PDF Chat Determination of Non-adiabatic Scattering Wave Functions in a Born-Oppenheimer Model 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ PDF Chat Landau-Zener transitions through small electronic eigenvalue gaps in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 1997 George A. Hagedorn
Alain Joye
+ Spectral Analysis of N-Body Schrodinger Operators 1981 Peter Perry
Israel Michael Sigal
Barry Simon
+ Exponentially accurate quasimodes for the time‐independent Born–Oppenheimer approximation on a one‐dimensional molecular system 2005 George A. Hagedorn
Julio H. Toloza
+ <i>m</i>th-order adiabatic invariance for quantum systems 1966 F.J. Sancho
+ From Quantum to Classical Molecular Dynamics: Reduced Models and Numerical Analysis 2008 Christian Lubich
+ Semi-Classical Inelastic S-Matrix for One-Dimensional N-States Systems 1994 Philippe Martin
G. Nenciu
+ Absence of positive eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators 1975 Erik Balslev
+ Adiabatic theorem and spectral concentration 1981 G. Nenciu