Alberto Torchinsky


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integration of monomials over the unit spere and unit ball in $R^n$ 2025 Calixto P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Hausdorff–Young Inequality and Freud weights 2023 Calixto P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Coda 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Introduction 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ A Convergence Theorem 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Pattern and Uniform Integrals 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Modified Π-Riemann Sums 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Improper and Dominated Integrals 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Π-Riemann Integral 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ A Modern View of the Riemann Integral 2022 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A characterization of the Lorentz space $L(p,r)$ in terms of Orlicz type classes 2021 Calixto P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ A Characterization of the Lorentz space $L(p,r)$ in terms of Orlicz type classes 2019 Calixto P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Bessel functions and the wave equation 2019 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The change of variable formula for Riemann-Stieltjes integrals 2019 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The change of variable formula for the Riemann integral 2019 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Modified Riemann sums of Riemann-Stieltjes integrable functions 2019 Alberto Torchinsky
+ A Characterization of the Lorentz space $L(p,r)$ in terms of Orlicz type classes 2019 Calixto P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Bessel Functions and the Wave Equation 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Fubini’s Theorem 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ L p Spaces 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Cardinal Numbers 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Measurable Functions 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Hilbert Spaces 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Bessel Functions and the Wave Equation 2018 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Characterizations of the Hardy space 𝐻¹(ℝ) and BMO(ℝ) 2017 Wael Abu-Shammala
Ji‐Liang Shiu
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Problems in Real and Functional Analysis 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Normed linear spaces. Linear operators 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Sequences of functions 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Set theory and metric spaces 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Measurable and integrable functions 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Normed linear spaces. Linear operators 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Lebesgue measure 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Measurable and integrable functions 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Lebesgue measure 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Sequences of functions 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Normed linear spaces. Functionals 2015 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Weighted local estimates for singular integral operators 2015 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Weighted Local Estimates for Fractional Type Operators 2014 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Local Sharp Maximal Functions 2014 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Weighted Local Estimates for Singular Integral Operators 2013 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Weighted Local Estimates for Singular Integral Operators 2013 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Medians, Continuity, and Oscillation 2012 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ On a Local Mean Oscillation Decomposition 2012 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Medians, continuity, and vanishing oscillation 2012 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Medians, Continuity, and Oscillation 2012 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat The Fourier Transform and the Wave Equation 2011 Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Fourier transform and the wave equation 2009 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Spaces between $H^{1}$ and $L^{1}$ 2008 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat From dyadic $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ to $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ 2008 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ The atomic decomposition in 𝐿¹(𝑅ⁿ) 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ From dyadic $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ to $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Hardy-Lorentz Spaces $H^{p,q}(R^n)$ 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ FROM DYADIC α TO α 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat The Hardy–Lorentz spaces H<sup>p,q</sup>(R<sup>n</sup>) 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ From dyadic $Λ_α$ to $Λ_α$ 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Hardy-Lorentz Spaces $H^{p,q}(R^n)$ 2007 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Spaces between $H^1$ and $L^1$ 2005 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Characterizations of the Hardy Space $H^1$ and BMO 2005 Wael Abu-Shammala
Ji‐Liang Shiu
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Spaces between $H^1$ and $L^1$ 2005 Wael Abu-Shammala
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A weighted version of Journé's Lemma 1994 Donald Krug
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Poincare and Sobolev Inequalities in Product Spaces 1993 Xianliang Shi
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Poincaré and Sobolev inequalities in product spaces 1993 Xian Liang Shi
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A note on the Marcinkiewicz integral 1990 Alberto Torchinsky
Shilin Wang
+ Weighted Hardy Spaces 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Singular integrals and multipliers 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Sharp maximal functions 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Decomposition of weights 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Extensions of distributions 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Functions in the upper half-space 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ The Hardy spaces 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Weighted Hardy Spaces 1989 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Functions of Vanishing Mean Oscillation 1987 Xianliang Shi
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A Note on Real Interpolation of Hardy Spaces in the Polydisk 1986 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A note on real interpolation of Hardy spaces in the polydisk 1986 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Sharp function and weighted Lp estimates for a class of pseudo-differential operators 1985 Sagun Chanillo
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Local sharp maximal functions 1985 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Box maximal functions 1984 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat On a Hardy and Littlewood imbedding theorem. 1984 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat The strong maximal function with respect to measures 1984 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ An Introduction to Classical Real Analysis. 1983 Alberto Torchinsky
Karl Stromberg
+ <i>An Introduction to Classical Real Analysis</i>. By Karl R. Stromberg 1983 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Integral inequalities with weights for the Hardy maximal function 1982 Ron Kerman
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Weights, sharp maximal functions and hardy spaces 1980 Jan-Olov Strömberg
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Multipliers in Hp(Rn), 0&lt; p&lt;∞ 1979 Juan Carlos Peral
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Restrictions and extensions of potentials of Hp distributions 1979 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Weighted norm inequalities for the Littlewood-Paley function 𝑔*_{𝜆} 1979 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat The K-functional for rearrangement invariant spaces 1979 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Parabolic maximal functions associated with a distribution, II 1977 A. P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of operations and Orlicz classes 1976 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Parabolic maximal functions associated with a distribution 1975 A. P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat On a mean value inequality 1975 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Singular integrals in the space Λ(B,X) 1973 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Singular integrals in the spaces $\Lambda \left( {B,X} \right)$ 1972 Alberto Torchinsky
+ Inequalities for Fourier transforms 1971 Max Jodeit
Alberto Torchinsky
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hp spaces of several variables 1972 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat BMO from dyadic BMO 1982 John B. Garnett
Peter W. Jones
+ Parabolic maximal functions associated with a distribution, II 1977 A. P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ A pointwise estimate for the local sharp maximal function with applications to singular integrals 2010 Andrei K. Lerner
+ Local Sharp Maximal Functions 2014 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Estimates for singular integral operators in terms of maximal functions 1972 A. Calderón
+ Transition from the dyadic to the real nonperiodic Hardy space. 2000 S. Fridli
+ Parabolic maximal functions associated with a distribution 1975 A. P. Calderón
Alberto Torchinsky
+ Spaces formed by special atoms I 1984 Geraldo Soares de Souza
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of operations and Orlicz classes 1976 Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A Simple Proof of the A2 Conjecture 2012 Andrei K. Lerner
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of Quasi-Normed Spaces. 1970 Tord Holmstedt
+ PDF Chat A condition for a two-weight norm inequality for singular integral operators 1991 Nobuhiko Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the atomic decomposition for Hardy spaces 1985 James Wilson
+ PDF Chat Singular integrals and multiplier operators 1971 N. M. Rivière
+ PDF Chat Bounded mean oscillation with Orlicz norms and duality of Hardy spaces 1976 Jan-Olov Strömberg
+ Some function spaces defined using the mean oscillation over cubes 1965 Sven Spanne
+ Some Maximal Inequalities 1971 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ PDF Chat On Sufficient Conditions for the Boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Operator between Weighted L<sup>p</sup> -Spaces with Different Weights 1995 Carlos Pérez
+ Local sharp maximal functions 1985 Björn Jawerth
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A characterization of a two-weight norm inequality for maximal operators 1982 Eric T. Sawyer
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ Two-weight norm inequalities for maximal operators and fractional integrals on non-homogenous spaces 2001 José Garcı́a-Cuerva
Jose Maria-Martell
+ PDF Chat A real variable characterization of $H^{p}$ 1974 Ronald R. Coifman
+ PDF Chat A Fractional Muckenhoupt–Wheeden Theorem and its Consequences 2013 David Cruz-Uribe
Kabe Moen
+ PDF Chat Medians, continuity, and vanishing oscillation 2012 Jonathan Poelhuis
Alberto Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat A weighted norm inequality for singular integrals 1976 Antonio Cordóba
Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat On the John-Strömberg Characterization of &lt;em&gt;BMO&lt;/em&gt; for Nondoubling Measures 2003 Andrei K. Lerner
+ PDF Chat Results on weighted norm inequalities for multipliers 1979 Douglas S. Kurtz
Richard L. Wheeden
+ Marcinkiewicz integral on hardy spaces 2002 Yong Ding
Shanzhen Lu
Qingying Xue
+ PDF Chat Distribution function inequalities for the area integral 1972 D. E. Burkholder
Richard F. Gundy
+ PDF Chat Morrey spaces in harmonic analysis 2011 David R. Adams
Jie Xiao
+ Fourier domain rotational anisotropy-second harmonic generation 2018 Baozhu Lu
Darius H. Torchinsky
+ PDF Chat Functions of vanishing mean oscillation 1975 Donald Sarason
+ PDF Chat Weighted Norm Inequalities for Singular Integral Operators 1994 Carlos Pérez
+ PDF Chat None 1994 Carlos Pérez
+ Distribution Function Inequalities for Singular Integrals 1972 Ronald R. Coifman
+ PDF Chat Weighted Sobolev spaces and pseudodifferential operators with smooth symbols 1982 Nicholas Miller
+ PDF Chat Weighted inequalities for integral operators with some homogeneous kernels 2005 María Silvina Riveros
Marta Urciuolo
+ Boundedness of Sublinear Operators and Commutators on Generalized Morrey Spaces 2011 Vagif S. Guliyev
Seymur S. Aliyev
Turhan Karaman
Parviz S. Shukurov
+ Existence and computation of Riemann-Stieltjes integrals through Riemann integrals 2011 Rodrigo López Pouso
+ Weighted Estimates for Singular Integral Operators Satisfying Hörmander’s Conditions of Young Type 2005 María Lorente
María Silvina Riveros
A. de la Torre
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat BMO is the intersection of two translates of dyadic BMO 2003 Tao Mei
+ PDF Chat Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces 1960 Lars Hörmander
+ An atomic decomposition of distributions in parabolic Hp spaces 1977 Alberto P. Calderón
+ Weighted Norm Inequalities and Related Topics 1985 José Garcı́a-Cuerva
J.-L. Rubio de Francia
+ Integral operators with variable kernels on weak Hardy spaces 2005 Yong Ding
Shanzhen Lu
Shuanglin Shao
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for maximal functions and singular integrals 1974 Ronald R. Coifman
Charles Fefferman