Steven Schochet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Funnel theorems for spreading on networks 2024 Gadi Fibich
Tomer Levin
Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Monotone convergence of spreading processes on networks 2024 Gadi Fibich
Amit Golan
Steven Schochet
+ Moderately Fast Three-Scale Singular Limits 2020 Steven Schochet
Xin Xu
+ PDF Chat Uniform discrete Sobolev estimates of solutions to finite difference schemes for singular limits of nonlinear PDEs 2016 L Mandel
Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Convergence of solutions to finite difference schemes for singular limits of nonlinear evolutionary PDEs 2016 L Mandel
Steven Schochet
+ A simple justification of the singular limit for equatorial shallow‐water dynamics 2008 Alexandre Dutrifoy
Steven Schochet
Andrew J. Majda
+ PDF Chat A criterion for the equivalence of the Birkhoff-Rott and Euler descriptions of vortex sheet evolution 2007 Milton C. Lopes Filho
Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes
Steven Schochet
+ The Mathematical Theory of the Incompressible Limit in Fluid Dynamics 2007 Steven Schochet
+ Breakdown Criterion for a Conservation Law with Saturating Dissipation 2006 Shlomo Engelberg
Steven Schochet
+ Nonintegrable perturbations of scalar viscous shock profiles 2006 Shlomo Engelberg
Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat The mathematical theory of low Mach number flows 2005 Steven Schochet
+ A Criterion for the Equivalence of the Birkhoff-Rott and Euler Descriptions of Vortex Sheet Evolution 2005 Milton C. Lopes Filho
Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes
Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Global asymptotic stability for finite-cross-section planar shock profiles of viscous scalar conservation laws 2004 S. Kamin
Steven Schochet
+ Critical exponents and collapse of nonlinear Schr dinger equations with anisotropic fourth-order dispersion 2003 Gadi Fibich
Boaz Ilan
Steven Schochet
+ Similarity stabilizes blow up 2003 Steven Schochet
+ Averaging theorems for conservative systems and the weakly compressible Euler equations 2002 Guy Métivier
Steven Schochet
+ The Incompressible Limit of the Non-Isentropic Euler Equations 2001 Guy Métivier
Steven Schochet
+ Limite incompressible des équations d’Euler non isentropiques 2001 Guy Métivier
Steven Schochet
+ A priori temporal regularity for the stream function of 2D incompressible, inviscid flow 1999 Jorge Hounie
Milton C. Lopes Filho
H.J. NussenzveigLopes
Steven Schochet
+ Interactions trilinéaires résonantes 1996 Guy Métivier
Steven Schochet
+ The weak vorticity formulation of the 2-d euler equations and concentration-cancellation 1995 Steven Schochet
+ Fast Singular Limits of Hyperbolic PDEs 1994 Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat The regularized Chapman-Enskog expansion for scalar conservation laws 1992 Steven Schochet
Eitan Tadmor
+ Sufficient conditions for local existence via Glimm's scheme for large BV data 1991 Steven Schochet
+ Glmm's scheme for systems with almost–planar inreraction 1991 Steven Schochet
+ Regularized Chapman-Enskog expansion for scalar conservation laws. Final report 1990 Steven Schochet
Eitan Tadmor
+ The Rate of Convergence of Spectral-Viscosity Methods for Periodic Scalar Conservation Laws 1990 Steven Schochet
+ Examples of measure-valued solutions 1989 Steven Schochet
+ Asymptotics for symmetric hyperbolic systems with a large parameter 1988 Steven Schochet
+ The instant-response limit in Whitham's nonlinear traffic-flow model: uniform well-posedness and global existence 1988 Steven Schochet
+ Singular limits in bounded domains for quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems having a vorticity equation 1987 Steven Schochet
+ Hyperbolic-hyperbolic singular limits 1987 Steven Schochet
+ The nonlinear Schr�dinger limit of the Zakharov equations governing Langmuir turbulence 1986 Steven Schochet
Michael I. Weinstein
+ Explicit solutions of the viscous model vorticity equation 1986 Steven Schochet
+ Symmetric hyperbolic systems with a large parameter 1986 Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat The incompressible limit in nonlinear elasticity 1985 Steven Schochet
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Singular limits of quasilinear hyperbolic systems with large parameters and the incompressible limit of compressible fluids 1981 Sergiù Klainerman
Andrew J. Majda
+ Compressible and incompressible fluids 1982 Sergiù Klainerman
Andrew J. Majda
+ PDF Chat The compressible Euler equations in a bounded domain: Existence of solutions and the incompressible limit 1986 Steve Schochet
+ Problems with Different Time Scales for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1982 G. L. Browning
H.- Kreiss
+ Fast Singular Limits of Hyperbolic PDEs 1994 Steven Schochet
+ Problems with different time scales for partial differential equations 1980 Heinz‐Otto Kreiss
+ Motion of slightly compressible fluids in a bounded domain. I 1982 David G. Ebin
+ PDF Chat The incompressible limit in nonlinear elasticity 1985 Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ The nonlinear Schr�dinger limit of the Zakharov equations governing Langmuir turbulence 1986 Steven Schochet
Michael I. Weinstein
+ PDF Chat The incompressible limit and the initial layer of the compressible Euler equation 1986 Seiji Ukai
+ Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 1949 Gerald B. Folland
+ The Motion of Slightly Compressible Fluids Viewed as a Motion With Strong Constraining Force 1977 David G. Ebin
+ Pseudo-differential energy estimates of singular perturbations 1997 Éric Grenier
+ Asymptotics for symmetric hyperbolic systems with a large parameter 1988 Steven Schochet
+ Singular limits for the compressible Euler equation in an exterior domain. II. Bodies in a uniform flow 1989 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 1976 Gerald B. Folland
+ On the incompressible limit of the compressible Euler equation 1987 Kiyoshi Asano
+ Compensated compactness and applications to partial differential equations 1979 Luc Tartar
+ PDF Chat Reduced Hausdorff dimension and concentration-cancellation for two-dimensional incompressible flow 1988 Ronald J. DiPerna
Andrew J. Majda
+ PDF Chat Existence de nappes de tourbillon en dimension deux 1991 Jean-Marc Delort
+ PDF Chat Singular limits for the compressible Euler equation in an exterior domain. 1987 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ PDF Chat Wave operators and the incompressible limit of the compressible Euler equation 1987 Hiroshi Isozaki
+ PDF Chat The mathematical theory of low Mach number flows 2005 Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Hardy spaces and the two-dimensional Euler equations with nonnegative vorticity 1994 L. C. Evans
Stefan Müller
+ Asymptotic adaptive methods for multi-scale problems in fluid mechanics 2001 Rupert Klein
Nicola Botta
Thomas Schneider
C.‐D. Munz
Sabine Roller
A. Meister
Lone Hoffmann
Thomas Sonar
+ Semi-implicit extension of a godunov-type scheme based on low mach number asymptotics I: One-dimensional flow 1995 Rupert Klein
+ Singular limits in bounded domains for quasilinear symmetric hyperbolic systems having a vorticity equation 1987 Steven Schochet
+ Partial Differential Equations 2022 Avner Friedman
+ Convergence of approximate solutions to conservation laws 1983 Ronald J. DiPerna
+ PDF Chat Concentration-cancellation for the velocity fields in two dimensional incompressible fluid flows 1991 Yuxi Zheng
+ PDF Chat Oscillations and concentrations in weak solutions of the incompressible fluid equations 1987 Ronald J. DiPerna
Andrew J. Majda
+ Applications of Schochet's methods to parabolic equations 1998 Isabelle Gallagher
+ Measure-valued solutions to conservation laws 1985 Ronald J. DiPerna
+ Concentrations in regularizations for 2‐D incompressible flow 1987 Ronald J. DiPerna
Andrew J. Majda
+ Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1990 Lawrence Evans
+ Symmetric hyperbolic systems with a large parameter 1986 Steven Schochet
+ The Incompressible Limit of the Non-Isentropic Euler Equations 2001 Guy Métivier
Steven Schochet
+ The interaction of nonlinear analysis and modern applied mathematics 1990 Andrew J. Majda
+ A refined estimate of the size of concentration sets for 2D incompressible inviscid flow 1997 Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes
+ A Numerical Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems 1997 Alexandre J. Chorin
+ Solutions in the large for nonlinear hyperbolic systems of equations 1965 James Glimm
+ Navier–Stokes Equations for Almost Incompressible Flow 1991 Bertil Gustafsson
Hans Stoor
+ On the Singular Incompressible Limit of Inviscid Compressible Fluids 2000 Paolo Secchi
+ On a class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. I. The Cauchy problem, general case 1979 J. Ginibre
G. Velo
+ A Quasi-linear, Singular Perturbation Problem of Hyperbolic Type 1985 Aart van Harten
R. R. van Hassel
+ Hyperbolic-hyperbolic singular limits 1987 Steven Schochet
+ PDF Chat Fourier analysis and its applications 1992 Gerald B. Folland
+ Nonlinear Schr�dinger equations and sharp interpolation estimates 1983 Michael I. Weinstein
+ Asymptotic of the Solutions of Hyperbolic Equations with a Skew-Symmetric Perturbation 1998 Isabelle Gallagher