George Sterman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Locally finite two-loop amplitudes for electroweak production through gluon fusion 2024 Charalampos Anastasiou
Julia Karlen
George Sterman
Aniruddha Venkata
+ PDF Chat Soft Photon Theorem in QCD with Massless Quarks 2024 Yao Ma
George Sterman
Aniruddha Venkata
+ PDF Chat Local infrared safety in time-ordered perturbation theory 2024 George Sterman
Aniruddha Venkata
+ PDF Chat 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics 2023 Franz Gross
E. Klempt
Stanley J. Brodsky
Andrzej J. Buras
Volker Burkert
Gudrun Heinrich
K. Jakobs
C. A. Meyer
Kostas Orginos
Michael Strickland
+ PDF Chat Locally finite two-loop QCD amplitudes from IR universality for electroweak production 2023 Charalampos Anastasiou
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections to electroweak boson production from threshold resummation 2023 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Local infrared safety in time-ordered perturbation theory 2023 George Sterman
Aniruddha Venkata
+ Soft photon theorem in QCD with massless quarks 2023 Yao Ma
George Sterman
Aniruddha Venkata
+ Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider 2022 Rabah Abdul Khalek
Alberto Accardi
J. Adam
Daniel Adamiak
W. Akers
M. Albaladejo
A. Baty
M. Alexeev
F. Ameli
P. Antonioli
+ PDF Chat QCD factorization for hadronic quarkonium production at high $p_T$ 2022 Kyle Lee
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
K. Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Probing hadronization with flavor correlations of leading particles in jets 2022 Yang-Ting Chien
A. Deshpande
M. M. Mondal
George Sterman
+ Comments on collinear factorization 2022 George Sterman
+ Power Corrections to Electroweak Boson Production from Threshold Resummation 2022 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Theory Techniques for Precision Physics -- Snowmass 2021 TF06 Topical Group Report 2022 Radja Boughezal
Zoltan Ligeti
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
Supratim Das Bakshi
Fabrizio Caola
M. Chala
Alvaro Diaz-Carmona
Wen Chen
Neda Darvishi
Brian Henning
+ PDF Chat Subleading power corrections to heavy quarkonium production in QCD factorization approach 2022 Kyle Lee
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
K. Watanabe
+ Locally finite two-loop QCD amplitudes from IR universality for electroweak production 2022 Charalampos Anastasiou
George Sterman
+ Probing hadronization with flavor correlations of leading particles in jets 2021 Yang-Ting Chien
A. Deshpande
M. M. Mondal
George Sterman
+ Vision for QCD to the 2030s and Beyond 2021 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat QCD factorization for hadronic quarkonium production at high $p_T$ 2021 Kyle Lee
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
K. Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Locally finite two-loop amplitudes for off-shell multi-photon production in electron-positron annihilation 2021 Charalampos Anastasiou
Rayan Haindl
George Sterman
Zhou Yang
Mao Zeng
+ PDF Chat High energy scattering in perturbative quantum gravity at next-to-leading power 2021 Ratindranath Akhoury
Ryo Saotome
George Sterman
+ Vision for QCD to the 2030s and Beyond 2021 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power expansion for heavy quarkonium production at next-to-leading order in e+e− annihilation 2020 Kyle Lee
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Removing infrared divergences from two-loop integrals 2019 Charalampos Anastasiou
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation at NNLL for single-particle production in hadronic collisions 2019 Patriz Hinderer
Felix Ringer
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Path description of coordinate-space amplitudes 2017 Ozan Erdoğan
George Sterman
+ A coordinate description of partonic processes 2016 George Sterman
Ozan Erdoğan
+ PDF Chat Yang–Mills Theories at High Energy Accelerators 2016 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Yang–Mills theories at high energy accelerators 2016 George Sterman
+ A coordinate description of partonic processes 2016 Ozan Erdoğan
George Sterman
+ A coordinate description of partonic processes 2016 Ozan Erdoğan
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Ultraviolet divergences and factorization for coordinate-space amplitudes 2015 Ozan Erdoğan
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Heavy quarkonium production at collider energies: Partonic cross section and polarization 2015 Zhong-Bo Kang
Yan-Qing Ma
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Toward NNLL threshold resummation for hadron pair production in hadronic collisions 2015 Patriz Hinderer
Felix Ringer
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory webs and surfaces 2015 Ozan Erdoğan
George Sterman
+ QCD factorization for high $p_T$ heavy quarkonium production 2015 Yan-Qing Ma
George Sterman
Jian-Wei Qiu
Hong Zhang
+ Toward NNLL Resummation for Hadron Production in Hadronic Collisions 2015 Patriz Hinderer
Felix Ringer
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Factorized Power Expansion for High-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>Heavy Quarkonium Production 2014 Yan-Qing Ma
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
Hong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Heavy quarkonium production at collider energies: Factorization and evolution 2014 Zhong-Bo Kang
Yan-Qing Ma
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Quantifying comparisons of threshold resummations 2014 George Sterman
Mao Zeng
+ PDF Chat Comparing and counting logs in direct and effective methods of QCD resummation 2014 Leandro G. Almeida
Stephen Ellis
Christopher Lee
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
Jonathan R. Walsh
+ PDF Chat QCD at Short Distances: Jets and Factorization 2014 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Perturbation theory in (2,2) signature 2013 Stanislav Srednyak
George Sterman
+ Snowmass 2013 Top quark working group report 2013 Kaustubh Agashe
R. Erbacher
C. E. Gerber
Kirill Melnikov
R. Schwienhorst
Alexander Mitov
M. Vos
S. J. Wimpenny
J. Adelman
Matthew Baumgart
+ PDF Chat Final state interactions in single- and multiparticle inclusive cross sections for hadronic collisions 2012 Alexander Mitov
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Three-particle templates for a boosted Higgs boson 2012 Leandro G. Almeida
Ozan Erdoğan
José Juknevich
Seung J. Lee
Gilad Perez
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Heavy Quarkonium Production and Polarization 2012 Zhong-Bo Kang
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Collinear and soft divergences in perturbative quantum gravity 2011 Ratindranath Akhoury
Ryo Saotome
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Diagrammatic exponentiation for products of Wilson lines 2010 Alexander Mitov
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
+ PDF Chat Template overlap method for massive jets 2010 Leandro G. Almeida
Seung J. Lee
Gilad Perez
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
+ PDF Chat Computation of the soft anomalous dimension matrix in coordinate space 2010 Alexander Mitov
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
+ Threshold resummation for dihadron production in hadronic collisions 2009 Leandro G. Almeida
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Threshold resummation for top-pair hadroproduction to next-to-next-to-leading log 2009 M. Czakon
Alexander Mitov
George Sterman
+ The massive soft anomalous dimension matrix at two loops 2009 Alexander Mitov
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
+ PDF Chat Substructure of high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>jets at the LHC 2009 Leandro G. Almeida
Seung J. Lee
Gilad Perez
George Sterman
Ilmo Sung
Joseph Virzi
+ Soft-gluon cancellation, phases and factorization with initial-state partons 2008 S. Mert Aybat
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Factorization of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>event shape distributions with hadronic final states in soft collinear effective theory 2008 C. Bauer
Sean Fleming
Christopher Lee
George Sterman
+ Universal structure of subleading infrared poles in gauge theory amplitudes 2008 Lance J. Dixon
Lorenzo Magnea
George Sterman
+ Some Basic Concepts of Perturbative QCD 2008 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation for the top quark charge asymmetry 2008 Leandro G. Almeida
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Color-transfer enhancement for heavy quarkonium production 2008 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ Some Basic Concepts of Perturbative QCD 2008 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Color Transfer in Associated Heavy-Quarkonium Production 2007 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Momentum flow correlations from event shapes: Factorized soft gluons and soft-collinear effective theory 2007 Christopher Lee
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Crossed threshold resummation 2006 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Nonrelativistic QCD factorization and the velocity dependence of NNLO poles in heavy quarkonium production 2006 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Two-loop soft anomalous dimension matrix and resummation at next-to-next-to-leading poles 2006 S. Mert Aybat
Lance J. Dixon
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Two-Loop Anomalous-Dimension Matrix for Soft-Gluon Exchange 2006 S. Mert Aybat
Lance J. Dixon
George Sterman
+ The Two-loop Anomalous Dimension Matrix for Soft Gluon Exchange 2006 S. Mert Aybat
Lance J. Dixon
George Sterman
+ Review of Theoretical Status: the Long and Short of High Energy Jets 2006 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat QCD Corrections to Dilepton Production near Partonic Threshold in Scattering 2006 H. Shimizu
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
Hiroshi Yokoya
+ Universality of nonperturbative effects in event shapes 2006 Christopher Lee
George Sterman
+ Universality of Nonperturbative Effects in Event Shapes 2006 Christopher Lee
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation, NRQCD and Factorization in Heavy Quarkonium Production 2006 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ Review of Theoretical Status: the Long and Short of High Energy Jets 2006 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation, nonrelativistic QCD, and NNLO factorization analysis in heavy quarkonium production 2005 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Dilepton production near partonic threshold in transversely polarized<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>collisions 2005 H. Shimizu
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
Hiroshi Yokoya
+ Fragmentation, factorization and infrared poles in heavy quarkonium production 2005 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Recoil and power corrections in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">h</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">i</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">g</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">h</mml:mi><mml:mtext mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mtext><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>direct photon production 2005 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Energy Flow Observables 2005 George Sterman
+ Quantum Chromodynamics 2005 George Sterman
+ QCD and Jets 2004 George Sterman
+ Resummations, Power Corrections and Interjet Radiation 2004 George Sterman
+ Factorization of Hard Processes in QCD 2004 John C. Collins
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Joint resummation for Higgs boson production 2004 Anna Kulesza
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Resummations, Power Corrections and Interjet Radiation 2004 George Sterman
+ Factorization of Hard Processes in QCD 2004 John C. Collins
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ QCD and Jets 2004 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections to e+ e– Dijet event shapes 2003 Carola F. Berger
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Scaling rule for nonperturbative radiation in a class of event shapes 2003 Carola F. Berger
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Interjet Energy Flow/Event Shape Correlations 2003 Carola F. Berger
Tibor Kúcs
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Event shape–energy flow correlations 2003 Carola F. Berger
Tibor Kúcs
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Phenomenological studies in QCD resummation 2003 Anna Kulesza
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat QCD and Rescattering in Nuclear Targets 2003 Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Multi-loop amplitudes and resummation 2002 George Sterman
María Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
+ Multi-loop Amplitudes and Ressumation 2002 George Sterman
María Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Joint resummation in electroweak boson production 2002 Anna Kulesza
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Energy flow in interjet radiation 2002 Carola F. Berger
Tibor Kúcs
George Sterman
+ The QCD/SM Working Group: Summary Report 2002 S. Alekhin
Csaba Balázs
Richard D. Ball
T. Binoth
E.G. Boos
M. Botje
Matteo Cacciari
Stefano Catani
Vittorio Del Duca
M. Dobbs
+ PDF Chat Recent developments in perturbative quantum chromodynamics 2002 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Summary : working group on QCD and strong interactions. 2002 Edmond L. Berger
S. Magill
Ina Sarčević
J. Jalilian-Marian
William B. Kilgore
Anna Kulesza
Werner Vogelsang
Robert Harlander
E. Kinney
Richard D. Ball
+ Summary: Working Group on QCD and Strong Interactions 2002 Edmond L. Berger
S. Magill
Ina Sarčević
J. Jalilian-Marian
William B. Kilgore
Anna Kulesza
Werner Vogelsang
Robert Harlander
E. Kinney
Richard D. Ball
+ Electroweak vector boson production in joint resummation 2002 Anna Kulesza
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Energy flow in QCD and event shape functions 2001 A.V. Belitsky
G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Recoil and threshold corrections in short-distance cross sections 2001 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation and rapidity dependence 2001 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Ultrahigh energy neutrinos, small x and unitarity 2001 Mary Hall Reno
Ina Sarčević
George Sterman
M. Stratmann
Werner Vogelsang
+ QCD Theory at High Energy 2000 George Sterman
+ Parton Distributions Working Group 2000 L. de Barbaro
Edmond L. Berger
R. Brock
D. Casey
R. Demina
Walter T. Giele
R. Hirosky
J. Huston
J. M. Kalk
Spencer Keller
+ PDF Chat Higher-Order QCD Corrections in Prompt Photon Production 2000 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Soft-Gluon Resummation and PDF Theory Uncertainties 2000 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Current Issues in Prompt Photon Production 2000 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Combined recoil and threshold resummation for hard scattering cross sections 2000 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Power corrections in eikonal cross sections 2000 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ QCD Theory at High Energy 2000 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections to event shapes and factorization 1999 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ Recent Progress in QCD 1999 George Sterman
+ A non-local OPE for hard QCD processes near the elastic limit 1999 Ratindranath Akhoury
Michael G. Sotiropoulos
George Sterman
+ Resummation and power corrections for factorized cross sections 1999 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ Resummation for Heavy Quark Production Near Partonic Threshold 1999 Gianluca Oderda
Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ Interjet Rapidity Gaps in Perturbative QCD 1999 Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ Recent Progress in QCD 1999 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Single transverse-spin asymmetries in hadronic pion production 1998 Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Operator Expansion for the Elastic Limit 1998 Ratindranath Akhoury
Michael G. Sotiropoulos
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Energy and Color Flow in Dijet Rapidity Gaps 1998 Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Evolution of color exchange in QCD hard scattering 1998 Nikolaos Kidonakis
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Light masses in short distance penguin loops 1998 M. Abud
Giulia Ricciardi
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Resummation of threshold corrections for single-particle inclusive cross sections 1998 Eric Laenen
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Factorization is not violated 1998 John C. Collins
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation for dijet cross sections 1998 Nikolaos Kidonakis
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ Resummation, Power Corrections and Prediction in Perturbative QCD 1998 George Sterman
+ A novel factorization for $F_L$ in the large $x$ limit 1998 Ratindranath Akhoury
Michael G. Sotiropoulos
George Sterman
+ NLL Resummation for Dijet Production 1998 Nikolaos Kidonakis
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
P. Stoler
+ PDF Chat Resummation for QCD hard scattering 1997 Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Sudakov factorization and resummation 1997 Harry Contopanagos
Eric Laenen
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Summary, DIS 97 1997 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections and nonlocal operators 1997 G.P. Korchemsky
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation for QCD hard scattering 1997 Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ Hard Scattering in QCD 1996 George Sterman
+ Partons, Factorization and Resummation, TASI95 1996 George Sterman
+ On the Resummation of Singular Distributions in QCD Hard Scattering 1996 Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ PQCD Analysis of Hard Scattering in Nuclei 1996 Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ Partons, Factorization and Resummation, TASI95 1996 George Sterman
+ Resummation in Heavy Quark and Jet Cross Sections 1996 Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Soft gluon resummation 1996 George Sterman
+ Hard Scattering in QCD 1996 George Sterman
+ Universality of infrared renormalons in hadronic cross sections 1995 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative corrections in resummed cross sections 1995 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ Universality of infrared renormalons in hadronic cross sections 1995 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Infrared factorization in inclusive B meson decays 1994 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Proton-proton near-forward hard elastic scattering 1994 Michael G. Sotiropoulos
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Color exchange in near-forward hard elastic scattering 1994 Michael G. Sotiropoulos
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Principal value resummation 1994 Harry Contopanagos
George Sterman
+ Principal-Value Resummation for Dilepton Production 1994 Harry Contopanagos
Lyndon Alvero
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat QCD sum rules and Campton scattering 1993 Claudio Corianò
Anatoly Radyushkin
George Sterman
+ The Goldstone theorem and π<sup>0</sup> → 2γ 1993 George Sterman
+ Classical fields and symmetries 1993 George Sterman
+ Path integrals, perturbation theory and Feynman rules 1993 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Introduction to renormalization 1993 George Sterman
+ Loops, regularization and unitarity 1993 George Sterman
+ Path integrals for fermions and gauge fields 1993 George Sterman
+ Cross sections and Feynman rules 1993 George Sterman
+ Collinear-infrared factorization and asymptotic evolution 1989 Vittorio Del Duca
Lorenzo Magnea
George Sterman
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ All-order factorization for Drell-Yan cross sections 1984 John C. Collins
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ Q/sub T/ distribution in the Drell-Yan process 1982 John C. Collins
D.E. Soper
George Sterman
+ An operator approach to weighted cross sections 1980 F. R. Ore
George Sterman
+ Zero-mass limit for a class of jet-related cross sections 1979 George Sterman
+ Rotational analyticity of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:math>matrix 1974 Alex J. Dragt
George Sterman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Exponentiation of eikonal cross sections in nonabelian gauge theories 1983 J.G.M. Gatheral
+ PDF Chat The resummation of soft gluons in hadronic collisions 1996 Stefano Catani
+ PDF Chat Sudakov factorization and resummation 1997 Harry Contopanagos
Eric Laenen
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Resummation for QCD hard scattering 1997 Nikolaos Kidonakis
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Recoil and threshold corrections in short-distance cross sections 2001 Eric Laenen
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
Davison E. Soper
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Evolution of color exchange in QCD hard scattering 1998 Nikolaos Kidonakis
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Two-loop soft anomalous dimension matrix and resummation at next-to-next-to-leading poles 2006 S. Mert Aybat
Lance J. Dixon
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Soft-collinear factorization in effective field theory 2002 C. Bauer
Dan Pirjol
Iain W. Stewart
+ PDF Chat Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium 1995 Geoffrey T. Bodwin
Eric Braaten
G. Peter Lepage
+ PDF Chat An effective field theory for collinear and soft gluons: Heavy to light decays 2001 C. Bauer
Sean Fleming
Dan Pirjol
Iain W. Stewart
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation, nonrelativistic QCD, and NNLO factorization analysis in heavy quarkonium production 2005 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat The singular behaviour of QCD amplitudes at two-loop order 1998 Stefano Catani
+ PDF Chat Higher orders in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mo>[</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mi>−</mml:mi><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo>]</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>of nonsinglet … 2002 Carola F. Berger
+ PDF Chat Event shape–energy flow correlations 2003 Carola F. Berger
Tibor Kúcs
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation for dijet cross sections 1998 Nikolaos Kidonakis
Gianluca Oderda
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative corrections in resummed cross sections 1995 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Dispersive approach to power-behaved contributions in QCD hard processes 1996 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
G. Marchesini
B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat Joint resummation in electroweak boson production 2002 Anna Kulesza
George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Jets and quantum field theory 1996 N.A. Sveshnikov
F.V. Tkachov
+ PDF Chat The three-loop splitting functions in QCD: the non-singlet case 2004 S. Moch
J.A.M. Vermaseren
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Resummation of non-global QCD observables 2001 Mrinal Dasgupta
Gavin P. Salam
+ PDF Chat Exponentiation of the Drell-Yan cross section near partonic threshold in the DIS and MS-bar schemes 2003 Tim Oliver Eynck
Eric Laenen
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Power corrections and renormalons in Drell-Yan production 1995 Μ. Beneke
V. M. Braun
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium [Phys. Rev. D<b>51</b>, 1125 (1995)] 1997 Geoffrey T. Bodwin
Eric Braaten
G. Peter Lepage
+ PDF Chat Effects of higher-order threshold corrections in high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>jet production 2001 Nikolaos Kidonakis
J. F. Owens
+ PDF Chat Threshold resummation and rapidity dependence 2001 George Sterman
Werner Vogelsang
+ PDF Chat Partonic distributions for large x and renormalization of Wilson loop 1993 G.P. Korchemsky
G. Marchesini
+ Fragmentation, factorization and infrared poles in heavy quarkonium production 2005 Gouranga C. Nayak
Jian-Wei Qiu
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Power corrections to event shapes and factorization 1999 G.P. Korchemsky
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Scaling of power corrections for angularities from dressed gluon exponentiation 2004 Carola F. Berger
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Summing Sudakov logarithms in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mover><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>→</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi></mml:math>in effective field theory 2000 C. Bauer
Sean Fleming
Michael Luke
+ PDF Chat Two-Loop Anomalous-Dimension Matrix for Soft-Gluon Exchange 2006 S. Mert Aybat
Lance J. Dixon
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Multi-loop amplitudes and resummation 2002 George Sterman
María Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
+ PDF Chat Momentum flow correlations from event shapes: Factorized soft gluons and soft-collinear effective theory 2007 Christopher Lee
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Factorization constraints for soft anomalous dimensions in QCD scattering amplitudes 2009 Einan Gardi
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Soft gluon radiation in Higgs boson production at the LHC 1998 Michael Krämer
Eric Laenen
Michael Spira
+ PDF Chat Soft-gluon resummation for Higgs boson production at hadron colliders 2003 Stefano Catani
Daniel de Florian
Massimiliano Grazzini
Paolo Nason
+ Threshold resummation for electroweak annihilation from DIS data 2005 Eric Laenen
Lorenzo Magnea
+ PDF Chat Estimation of power corrections to hadronic event shapes 1994 B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat On power corrections to the event shape distributions in QCD 2000 G.P. Korchemsky
Sofiane Tafat
+ PDF Chat Next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic threshold resummation for deep-inelastic scattering and the Drell–Yan process 2001 A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Soft-Collinear Effective Theory 2015 Thomas Becher
Alessandro Broggio
Andrea Ferroglia
+ PDF Chat Principal value resummation 1994 Harry Contopanagos
George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Hard-soft-collinear factorization to all orders 2014 Ilya Feige
Matthew D. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat On the structure of infrared singularities of gauge-theory amplitudes 2009 Thomas Becher
Matthias Neubert
+ Zero-mass limit for a class of jet-related cross sections 1979 George Sterman
+ PDF Chat Calculation of power corrections to hadronic event shapes 1995 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
B.R. Webber
+ PDF Chat Two-loop renormalization of Wilson loop for Drell-Yan production 1998 A.V. Belitsky
+ Conformal properties of four-gluon planar amplitudes and Wilson loops 2008 J. M. Drummond
G.P. Korchemsky
E. Sokatchev