César R. de Oliveira


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Exact solvable family of discrete Schrödinger operators with long-range hoppings 2024 César R. de Oliveira
Mariane Pigossi
+ PDF Chat On rank one and Weyl–von Neumann theorem for multiplicative perturbations of unitary operators 2024 Vanderléa R. Bazao
César R. de Oliveira
Pablo A. Diaz
+ PDF Chat Slow dynamics for self-adjoint semigroups and unitary evolution groups 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ On spectral measures and convergence rates in von Neumann’s Ergodic theorem 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Edson Souza
+ Dynamical confinement for Schrödinger operators with magnetic potential and Aharonov–Bohm effect 2024 César R. de Oliveira
Renan G. Romano
+ PDF Chat On the Fourier asymptotics of absolutely continuous measures with power-law singularities 2024 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Edélcio G. de Souza
+ PDF Chat On the Birman–Krein Theorem 2023 Vanderléa R. Bazao
César R. de Oliveira
Pablo Díaz
+ PDF Chat Effective Quantum Graph Models of Some Nonequilateral Graphyne Materials 2023 César R. de Oliveira
Vinícius L. Rocha
+ Bidimensional Honeycomb Materials: A Graph Model Through Dirac Operator 2022 César R. de Oliveira
Vinícius L. Rocha
+ PDF Chat Positive Fractal Dimensions of Bound States Spectral Measures: Application to the Hydrogen Atom 2022 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ On the Fourier asymptotics of absolutely continuous measures with power-law singularities 2022 M. Aloisio
Sérgio Luís de Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Edélcio G. de Souza
+ On spectral measures and convergence rates in von Neumann's Ergodic Theorem 2022 M. Aloisio
S. L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Edélcio G. de Souza
+ On the Birman-Krein Theorem 2022 Vanderléa R. Bazao
César R. de Oliveira
Pablo Díaz
+ PDF Chat Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Density of States and Lifshitz Tails for Discrete 1D Random Dirac Operators 2021 Roberto A. Prado
César R. de Oliveira
E. Capelas de Oliveira
+ Generic properties of purely $\alpha$-Hausdorff continuous operators 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ PDF Chat Spectral Hausdorff dimensions for a class of Schrödinger operators in bounded intervals 2021 Vanderléa R. Bazao
Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Dirac cones for graph models of multilayer AA-stacked graphene sheets 2021 César R. de Oliveira
Vinícius L. Rocha
+ PDF Chat All self-adjoint extensions of the magnetic Laplacian in nonsmooth domains and gauge transformations 2021 César R. de Oliveira
Wagner Monteiro
+ PDF Chat Generic zero-Hausdorff and one-packing spectral measures 2021 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Slow dynamics for self-adjoint semigroups and unitary evolution groups 2021 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Genilson Santana
+ PDF Chat Dirac cones for bi- and trilayer Bernal-stacked graphene in a quantum graph model 2020 César R. de Oliveira
Vinícius L. Rocha
+ PDF Chat Category Theorems for Schrödinger Semigroups 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ All self-adjoint extensions of the magnetic Laplacian in nonsmooth domains and gauge transformations 2020 César R. de Oliveira
Wagner Monteiro
+ Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Hydrogen atom bound states whose spectral measures have positive upper fractal dimensions 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat A New Version of the Aharonov–Bohm Effect 2020 César R. de Oliveira
Renan G. Romano
+ Lower bounds for fractal dimensions of spectral measures of the period doubling Schrödinger operator 2020 Vanderléa R. Bazao
Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Persistence of Point Spectrum for Perturbations of One-Dimensional Operators with Discrete Spectra 2020 César R. de Oliveira
Mariane Pigossi
+ All self-adjoint extensions of the magnetic Laplacian in nonsmooth domains and gauge transformations 2020 César R. de Oliveira
Wagner Monteiro
+ Some generic fractal properties of bounded self-adjoint operators 2020 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Refined scales of decaying rates of operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces: Typical behavior 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Refined scales of weak-mixing dynamical systems: typical behaviour 2019 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Quantum quasiballistic dynamics and thick point spectrum 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ On the Neumann Laplacian in nonuniformly collapsing strips 2019 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Category theorems for Schr\"odinger semigroups 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Effective Hamiltonians in surfaces of thin quantum waveguides 2019 César R. de Oliveira
Luiz Hartmann
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Category theorems for Schrödinger semigroups 2019 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Point Spectrum and SULE for Time-Periodic Perturbations of Discrete 1D Schrödinger Operators with Electric Fields 2018 César R. de Oliveira
Mariane Pigossi
+ Proof of dynamical localization for perturbations of discrete 1D Schrödinger operators with uniform electric fields 2018 César R. de Oliveira
Mariane Pigossi
+ Refined scales of decaying rates of operator semigroups on Hilbert spaces: typical behaviour 2018 Moacir Aloisio
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Aharonov-Bohm effect without contact with the solenoid 2017 César R. de Oliveira
Renan G. Romano
+ Generalized Kotani’s trick for unitary operators 2017 César R. de Oliveira
Wagner Monteiro
+ On the spectral Hausdorff dimension of 1D discrete Schrödinger operators under power decaying perturbations 2017 Vanderléa R. Bazao
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Localization for Discrete Anderson Dirac Operators 2017 Roberto A. Prado
César R. de Oliveira
Silas L. Carvalho
+ Mild singular potentials as effective Laplacians in narrow strips 2017 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Norm resolvent approximation of thin homogeneous tubes by heterogeneous ones 2016 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat A characterization of singular packing subspaces with an application to limit-periodic operators 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Correlation dimension Wonderland theorems 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ A characterization of singular packing subspaces with an application to limit-periodic operators 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ On the spectral Hausdorff dimension of 1D discrete Schrödinger operators under power decaying perturbations 2016 Vanderléa R. Bazao
Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ A characterization of singular packing subspaces with an application to limit-periodic operators 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Generic quasilocalized and quasiballistic discrete Schrödinger operators 2015 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Norm resolvent convergence of Dirichlet Laplacian in unbounded thin waveguides 2015 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Complex $\Gamma$-convergence and magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian in bounded thin tubes 2014 Roxana Bedoya
César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Spectral and dynamical properties of sparse one-dimensional continuous Schrödinger and Dirac operators 2013 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Complex $Γ$-convergence and magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian in bounded thin tubes 2013 Roxana Bedoya
César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Asymptotic spectrum for the Dirichlet Laplacian in thin deformed tubes with scaled geometry 2012 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Spectral Packing Dimensions through Power-Law Subordinacy 2012 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Mathematical predominance of Dirichlet condition for the one-dimensional Coulomb potential 2012 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ On Norm Resolvent and Quadratic Form Convergences in Asymptotic Thin Spatial Waveguides 2012 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ Sparse 1D discrete Dirac operators I: Quantum transport 2011 Roberto A. Prado
César R. de Oliveira
+ Sparse one-dimensional discrete Dirac operators II: Spectral properties 2011 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ On the spectrum and weakly effective operator for Dirichlet Laplacian in thin deformed tubes 2011 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Quantum singular operator limits of thin Dirichlet tubes via Γ-convergence 2011 César R. de Oliveira
+ Impenetrability of Aharonov–Bohm Solenoids: Proof of Norm Resolvent Convergence 2010 César R. de Oliveira
Marciano Pereira
+ PDF Chat Scattering and self-adjoint extensions of the Aharonov–Bohm Hamiltonian 2010 César R. de Oliveira
Marciano Pereira
+ Intermediate Spectral Theory and Quantum Dynamics 2009 César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Quantum Energy Expectation in Periodic Time-Dependent Hamiltonians via Green Functions 2009 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Justification of the Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian 2008 César R. de Oliveira
Marciano Pereira
+ PDF Chat Self-adjoint extensions of Coulomb systems in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions 2008 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Almost periodic orbits and stability for quantum time-dependent Hamiltonians 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ Cantor singular continuous spectrum for operators along interval exchange transformations 2007 Milton Cobo
Carlos Gutiérrez
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat A Floquet Operator with Purely Point Spectrum and Energy Instability 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ PDF Chat Dynamical lower bounds for 1D Dirac operators 2007 Roberto A. Prado
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Quasicrystals, Transport and Localization in Products of Minimal Sets 2007 Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Quantum Hamiltonians with quasi-ballistic dynamics and point spectrum 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ Almost Periodic Orbits and Stability for Quantum Time-Dependent Hamiltonians 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ A Floquet Operator with Pure Point Spectrum and Energy Instability 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ Quantum Hamiltonians with Quasi-Ballistic Dynamics and Point Spectrum 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ Dynamical Lower Bounds for 1D Dirac Operators 2007 Roberto A. Prado
César R. de Oliveira
+ Cantor Singular Continuous Spectrum for Operators Along Interval Exchange Transformations 2007 Milton Cobo
Carlos Gutiérrez
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Dimensionalities of weak solutions in hydrogenic systems 2006 Alejandro López‐Castillo
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Spectral and localization properties for the one-dimensional Bernoulli discrete Dirac operator 2005 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ PDF Chat Dynamical delocalization for the 1D Bernoulli discrete Dirac operator 2005 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ Almost periodic Schrödinger operators along interval exchange transformations 2003 César R. de Oliveira
Carlos Gutiérrez
+ Critical energies in random palindrome models 2003 Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Eigenfunction entropy as a criterion of localization 2002 César R. de Oliveira
+ None 2002 Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Singular continuous spectrum for a class of nonprimitive substitution Schrödinger operators 2001 César R. de Oliveira
Marcus V. Lima
+ PDF Chat (De)localization in the prime Schrödinger operator 2001 César R. de Oliveira
G. Q. Pellegrino
+ PDF Chat Autocorrelation Scaling and Fourier Transform of Non-Autonomous Systems 2000 César R. de Oliveira
+ A nonprimitive substitution Schrödinger operator with generic singular continuous spectrum 2000 César R. de Oliveira
Marcus V. Lima
+ Correlation dimension and spectrum for the almost periodic bouncing ball 1999 César R. de Oliveira
Paulo S. Gonçalves
+ PDF Chat Quantum return probability for substitution potentials 1999 César R. de Oliveira
G. Q. Pellegrino
+ Equivalence of some quantum stability concepts 1998 César R. de Oliveira
Maria C. de Toledo
+ Bifurcations and chaos for the quasiperiodic bouncing ball 1997 César R. de Oliveira
Paulo S. Gonçalves
+ Some remarks concerning stability for nonstationary quantum systems 1995 César R. de Oliveira
+ On kicked systems modulated along the Thue-Morse sequence 1994 César R. de Oliveira
+ Instability for a class of randomly kicked systems 1993 César R. de Oliveira
+ Attractors and characteristic exponents 1988 César R. de Oliveira
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Operators with singular continuous spectrum, IV. Hausdorff dimensions, rank one perturbations, and localization 1996 Rafael del Río
Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Yoram Last
Barry Simon
+ Intermediate Spectral Theory and Quantum Dynamics 2009 César R. de Oliveira
+ Quantum Dynamics and Decompositions of Singular Continuous Spectra 1996 Yoram Last
+ PDF Chat Transfer matrices and transport for Schrödinger operators 2004 François Germinet
Alexander Kiselev
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Remarks on the Relation between Quantum Dynamics and Fractal Spectra 1997 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
J. M. Combes
R Montcho
+ PDF Chat Delocalization in Random Polymer Models 2003 Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Hermann Schulz‐Baldes
Günter Stolz
+ PDF Chat On the curvature and torsion effects in one dimensional waveguides 2007 Guy Bouchitté
M. L. Mascarenhas
L. Trabucho
+ PDF Chat Spectral and localization properties for the one-dimensional Bernoulli discrete Dirac operator 2005 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ PDF Chat Dynamical delocalization for the 1D Bernoulli discrete Dirac operator 2005 César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado
+ Generalized fractal dimensions: equivalences and basic properties 2001 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
François Germinet
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ PDF Chat Operators with Singular Continuous Spectrum: I. General Operators 1995 Barry Simon
+ Correlation dimension Wonderland theorems 2016 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunctions, transfer matrices, and absolutely continuous spectrum of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators 1999 Yoram Last
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with potentials generated by substitutions 1993 Anton Bovier
Jean-Michel Ghez
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian in a narrow strip 2009 Leonid Friedlander
Michael Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Quantum singular operator limits of thin Dirichlet tubes via Γ-convergence 2011 César R. de Oliveira
+ Fractal dimensions and the phenomenon of intermittency in quantum dynamics 2001 Jean-Marie Barbaroux
François Germinet
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ PDF Chat Singular continuous spectrum under rank one perturbations and localization for random hamiltonians 1986 Barry Simon
Tom Wolff
+ PDF Chat Generic quasilocalized and quasiballistic discrete Schrödinger operators 2015 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Lower bounds on wave packet propagation by packing dimensions of spectral measures 2002 Italo Guarneri
Hermann Schulz‐Baldes
+ PDF Chat On the spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian in a narrow infinite strip 2008 Leonid Friedlander
Michael Solomyak
+ Power-law bounds on transfer matrices and quantum dynamics in one dimension–II 2004 David Damanik
András Sütö
Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ Singular continuous spectrum on a cantor set of zero Lebesgue measure for the Fibonacci Hamiltonian 1989 András Sütö
+ Dynamical Analysis of Schr�dinger Operators with Growing Sparse Potentials 2004 Serguei Tcheremchantsev
+ PDF Chat Power-law subordinacy and singular spectra I. Half-line operators 1999 Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Yoram Last
+ Absence of localization in a class of Schr�dinger operators with quasiperiodic potential 1986 Fran�ois Delyon
Dimitri Petritis
+ PDF Chat Singular continuous spectrum for palindromic Schrödinger operators 1995 At L. Hof
Oliver Knill
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Lower Transport Bounds for One-dimensional Continuum Schrödinger Operators 2006 David Damanik
Daniel Lenz
Günter Stolz
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization for Bernoulli and other singular potentials 1987 René Carmona
Abel Klein
Fabio Martinelli
+ A characterization of the Anderson metal-insulator transport transition 2004 François Germinet
Abel Klein
+ Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces: Fractals and Rectifiability 1995 Pertti Mattila
+ PDF Chat Modified Prüfer and EFGP Transforms and the Spectral Analysis of One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators 1998 Alexander Kiselev
Yoram Last
Barry Simon
+ Fractal wavelet dimensions and localization 1994 Matthias Hoschneider
+ A Course in Differential Geometry 1978 Wilhelm Klingenberg
+ None 1998 Riccardo Adami
Alessandro Teta
+ On subordinacy and analysis of the spectrum of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators 1987 D. J. Gilbert
D. B. Pearson
+ Spectral analysis of rank one perturbations and applications 1995 Barry Simon
+ Electronic Energy Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Solids and a Chain of C Atoms from a Quantum Network Model 2004 C. Amovilli
Frederik Leys
N. H. March
+ On the spectrum and weakly effective operator for Dirichlet Laplacian in thin deformed tubes 2011 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Spectral properties of one dimensional quasi-crystals 1989 Jean Bellissard
Bruno Iochum
Elisabetta Scoppola
D. Testard
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the mathematics of Anderson localization 2011 Günter Stolz
+ Critical energies in random palindrome models 2003 Túlio O. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
+ Spectral properties of a periodically kicked quantum Hamiltonian 1990 Monique Combescure
+ On Norm Resolvent and Quadratic Form Convergences in Asymptotic Thin Spatial Waveguides 2012 César R. de Oliveira
Alessandra A. Verri
+ PDF Chat Aharonov–Bohm effect with δ-type interaction 1998 Ludwik Dąbrowski
P. Šťovı́ček
+ Dynamical Localization for Discrete and Continuous Random Schrödinger Operators 1998 François Germinet
Stephan De Bièvre
+ PDF Chat A Floquet Operator with Purely Point Spectrum and Energy Instability 2007 César R. de Oliveira
Mariza Stefanello Simsen
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger operators with dynamically defined potentials 2016 David Damanik
+ Sparse one-dimensional discrete Dirac operators II: Spectral properties 2011 Silas L. Carvalho
César R. de Oliveira
Roberto A. Prado