Rufus Mitchell‐Heggs


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On simplicity and complexity in the brave new world of large-scale neuroscience 2015 Peiran Gao
Surya Ganguli
+ Bayesian curve-fitting with free-knot splines 2001 Ilaria Dimatteo
Christopher R. Genovese
Robert E. Kass
+ PDF Chat Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems 2007 Norbert Marwan
M. Carmen Romano
Marko Thiel
Jürgen Kurths
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel 1906 Maurice Fréchet
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Network Models of Sequence Generation and Memory 2016 Kanaka Rajan
Christopher D. Harvey
David W. Tank
+ Best Subsets Logistic Regression 1989 David W. Hosmer
Borko Jovanovic
Stanley Lemeshow
+ Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data 2016 Dmitry Kobak
Wieland Brendel
Christos Constantinidis
Claudia E. Feierstein
Ádám Kepecs
Zachary F. Mainen
Xue-Lian Qi
Ranulfo Romo
Naoshige Uchida
Christian K. Machens
+ PDF Chat Collective Behavior of Place and Non-place Neurons in the Hippocampal Network 2017 Leenoy Meshulam
Jeffrey L. Gauthier
Carlos D. Brody
David W. Tank
William Bialek
+ PDF Chat A statistical method for analyzing and comparing spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns 2018 Patrick Krauß
Claus Metzner
Achim Schilling
Konstantin Tziridis
Maximilian Traxdorf
Andreas Wollbrink
Stefan Rampp
Christo Pantev
Holger Schulze
+ Extensions of Lipschitz mappings into a Hilbert space 1984 William B. Johnson
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat Strong and weak principles of neural dimension reduction 2021 Mark D. Humphries
+ PDF Chat Interpreting neural computations by examining intrinsic and embedding dimensionality of neural activity 2021 Mehrdad Jazayeri
Srdjan Ostojic
+ Neural population geometry: An approach for understanding biological and artificial neural networks 2021 SueYeon Chung
L. F. Abbott
+ PDF Chat Learnable latent embeddings for joint behavioural and neural analysis 2023 Steffen Schneider
Jin Hwa Lee
Mackenzie Weygandt Mathis