V. V. Rykhlov


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Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
A. Yu. Anikin 3
А. И. Шафаревич 2
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV 2009 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Noncompact Lagrangian manifolds corresponding to the spectral series of the Schrödinger operator with delta-potential on a surface of revolution 2012 Tudor S. Raţiu
Tat'yana Aleksandrovna Filatova
А. И. Шафаревич
+ Singular Perturbations of Differential Operators 2000 S. Albeverio
Pavel Kurasov
+ Efficient Formulas for the Maslov Canonical Operator near a Simple Caustic 2018 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ PDF Chat Scattering on compact manifolds with infinitely thin horns 2003 J. Brüning
V. A. Geyler
+ PDF Chat Spectral series of the Schrödinger operator with delta-potential on a three-dimensional spherically symmetric manifold 2013 Tudor S. Raţiu
Alina Suleimanova
А. И. Шафаревич
+ New integral representations of the Maslov canonical operator in singular charts 2016 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
А. И. Шафаревич
+ Semiclassical spectral series of the Schrödinger operator with a delta potential on a straight line and on a sphere 2010 Tat'yana Aleksandrovna Filatova
А. И. Шафаревич
+ Diophantine Tori and Pragmatic Calculation of Quasimodes for Operators with Integrable Principal Symbol 2020 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
+ Uniform Asymptotic Solution in the Form of an Airy Function for Semiclassical Bound States in One-Dimensional and Radially Symmetric Problems 2019 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
A. V. Tsvetkova
+ Новые интегральные представления канонического оператора Маслова в особых картах 2017 Sergey Yur'evich Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
А. И. Шафаревич
+ On the asymptotics of a Bessel-type integral having applications in wave run-up theory 2017 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Scalarization of stationary semiclassical problems for systems of equations and its application in plasma physics 2017 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
A. I. Klevin
B. Tirozzi
+ Averaging and Spectral Bands for The 2-D Magnetic Schrödinger Operator with Growing and One-Direction Periodic Potential 2019 A. Yu. Anikin
J. Brüning
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
E. V. Vybornyi
+ Lagrangian Tori and Quantization Conditions Corresponding to Spectral Series of the Laplace Operator on a Surface of Revolution with Conical Points 2019 А. И. Шафаревич
+ Uniformization of Equations with Bessel-Type Boundary Degeneration and Semiclassical Asymptotics 2020 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
+ PDF Chat Quantum averaging. I. Poincare-von Zeipel is Rayleigh Schrodinger 1994 Wolfgang Scherer
+ Semiclassical Asymptotics of the Solution to the Cauchy Problem for the Schrödinger Equation with a Delta Potential Localized on a Codimension 1 Surface 2020 А. И. Шафаревич
Olga Alexandrovna Shchegortsova
+ Constructive Semiclassical Asymptotics of Bound States of Graphene in a Constant Magnetic Field with Small Mass 2022 A. Yu. Anikin
V. V. Rykhlov
+ Nonstandard Liouville tori and caustics in asymptotics in the form of Airy and Bessel functions for 2D standing coastal waves 2022 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
A. V. Tsvetkova
+ PDF Chat Квазиклассическая асимптотика решения задачи Коши для уравнения Шрeдингера с дельта-потенциалом, локализованным на поверхности коразмерности 1 2020 А. И. Шафаревич
А. И. Шафаревич
Ольга Александровна Щегорцова
Olga Alexandrovna Shchegortsova
+ PDF Chat Maslov complex germ and semiclassical contracted states in the Cauchy problem for the Schrödinger equation with delta potential 2022 А. И. Шафаревич
Ольга Александровна Щегорцова
+ PDF Chat Uniformization and Semiclassical Asymptotics for a Class of Equations Degenerating on the Boundary of a Manifold 2023 A. Yu. Anikin
S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
В. Е. Назайкинский
А. А. Толченников
+ Another Billiard Problem 2024 Sergey Bolotin
Dmitry Treschev
+ Semiclassical Asymptotics on Stratified Manifolds 2024 В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Quantum Algebras and Poisson Geometry in Mathematical Physics 2005 M. V. Karasev
Maria Shishkova
+ PDF Chat Equation de Schrödinger avec champ magnétique et équation de Harper 1989 Bernard Helffer
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ Second Order Equations With Nonnegative Characteristic Form 1973 O. A. Oleĭnik
E. V. Radkevič
+ Spectre conjoint d’operateurs pseudo-differentiels qui commutent I. le cas non integrable 1979 Yves Colin de Verdìère
+ High-Frequency Asymptotics of Edge Waves on a Beach of Nonconstant Slope 1998 Anatoli Merzon
P. Zhevandrov
+ The Maslov canonical operator on Lagrangian manifolds in the phase space corresponding to a wave equation degenerating on the boundary 2014 В. Е. Назайкинский
+ Asymptotic methods in the theory of non-linear oscillations 1963 N. DeClaris
+ The asymptotic eigenfunctions of the operator ∇D(x, y)∇ corresponding to Liouville metrics and waves on water captured by bottom irregularities 1996 Vladimir S. Matveev
+ PDF Chat Unitary reduction for the two‐dimensional Schrödinger operator with strong magnetic field 2009 Andrei Eckstein
+ Asymptotic and geometric quantization 1984 M. V. Karasev
V. P. Maslov
+ Phase space geometry for a wave equation degenerating on the boundary of the domain 2012 В. Е. Назайкинский
+ The Maupertuis-Jacobi principle for Hamiltonians of the form F(x, |p|) in two-dimensional stationary semiclassical problems 2015 S. Yu. Dobrokhotov
D. S. Minenkov
Michel Rouleux