John Leahy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Differential Geometry 2024 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Elliptic Operators 2024 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Positive Curvature 2024 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Sotirios Louridas and Michael Rassias: Problem-solving and Selected Topics in Euclidean Geometry 2014 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Sequences and Series: The Limit Comparison Test 2012 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Sequences and Series: Alternating Series Test 2012 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Maclaurin Series: Exponential Functions 2012 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Maclaurin Series: Composite Functions 2012 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Maclaurin Series: Trigonometric Functions 2012 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Partial Fractions: Multiplicity of a Root 2011 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Inverse Trigonometric Identities 2011 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Trigonometric Integrals 2011 John Leahy
+ MathsCasts: Inverse Trigonometric Identities: When the X-Coefficient is Not One 2011 John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Orbits of quantum states and geometry of Bloch vectors for<i>N</i>-level systems 2004 S. G. Schirmer
T Zhang
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Criteria for reachability of quantum states 2002 S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Degrees of controllability for quantum systems and application to atomic systems 2002 S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
John Leahy
+ Dynamical Lie group action on kinematical equivalence classes and criteria for reachability of states for quantum systems 2001 S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Limits of control for quantum systems: Kinematical bounds on the optimization of observables and the question of dynamical realizability 2001 S. G. Schirmer
John Leahy
+ An sS Model with Adverse Selection 2000 Christopher House
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Efficient algorithm for optimal control of mixed-state quantum systems 1999 S. G. Schirmer
M. D. Girardeau
John Leahy
+ The weak subintegral closure of an ideal 1999 Marie A. Vitulli
John Leahy
+ Spectral Geometry, Riemannian Submersions, and the Gromov-Lawson Conjecture 1999 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ PDF Chat The eigenforms of the complex Laplacian for a Hermitian submersion 1999 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Riemannian manifolds whose skewd-symmetric curvature operator has constant eigenvalues 1999 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
Hal Sadofsky
+ Eigenforms of the spin Laplacian and projectable spinors for principal bundles 1998 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the form valued Laplacian for Riemannian submersions 1998 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Spinors, spectral geometry, and Riemannian submersions 1998 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ The spectral geometry of the Hopf fibration 1996 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Poisson structures due to Lie algebra representations 1995 K. Rama
K. H. Bhaskara
John Leahy
+ Gel'fand-Dorfman theorem and exact cocycle Poisson structures 1995 K. H. Bhaskara
John Leahy
K. Rama
+ PDF Chat On the cup product for groups 1992 Micheal N. Dyer
John Leahy
L. J. Mooney
+ Real Hilbert rings and the real Nullstellensatz 1988 John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Seminormal graded rings and weakly normal projective varieties 1985 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ PDF Chat Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties 1981 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ A topological criterion for local optimality of weakly normal complex spaces 1979 William A. Adkins
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat An analogue of Oka’s theorem for weakly normal complex spaces 1977 William A. Adkins
Aldo Andreotti
John Leahy
+ Criteria for finite generation of ideals of differentiable functions 1975 William A. Adkins
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Weakly normal varieties: The multicross singularity and some vanishing theorems on local cohomology 1975 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Manifold maps commuting with the Laplacian 1973 Bill Watson
+ PDF Chat Riemannian submersion and the Laplace-Beltrami operator 1978 Yosio MutĂ´
+ PDF Chat Riemannian submersions commuting with the Laplacian 1978 S. I. Goldberg
TĹŤru Ishihara
+ PDF Chat An analogue of Oka’s theorem for weakly normal complex spaces 1977 William A. Adkins
Aldo Andreotti
John Leahy
+ The spectral geometry of the Hopf fibration 1996 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ Laplacians and Riemannian submersions with totally geodesic fibres 1982 Lionel BĂ©rard Bergery
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
+ Laplacian and riemannian submersions with totally geodesic fibres 1981 Lionel BĂ©rard Bergery
J P Bourguignon
+ A rapid monotonically convergent iteration algorithm for quantum optimal control over the expectation value of a positive definite operator 1998 Wusheng Zhu
Herschel Rabitz
+ PDF Chat Degrees of controllability for quantum systems and application to atomic systems 2002 S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Les variétés de Poisson et leurs algèbres de Lie associées 1977 André Lichnerowicz
+ PDF Chat Projective modules over polynomial rings 1963 Shizuo EndĂł
+ On the R-invariance of R[X] 1975 Eloise Hamann
+ Transformation Groups of Spheres 1943 Deane Montgomery
Hans Samelson
+ A topological criterion for local optimality of weakly normal complex spaces 1979 William A. Adkins
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Complete controllability of quantum systems 2001 S. G. Schirmer
Hongyan Fu
A. I. Solomon
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Nonlinear canonical transformations and their representations in quantum mechanics 1975 Pier A. Mello
M. Moshińsky
+ Quadratic Poisson structures 1991 K. H. Bhaskara
K. Rama
+ Vector Fields on Spheres 1962 J. F. Adams
+ PDF Chat The eigenforms of the complex Laplacian for a Hermitian submersion 1999 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ PDF Chat Limits of control for quantum systems: Kinematical bounds on the optimization of observables and the question of dynamical realizability 2001 S. G. Schirmer
John Leahy
+ PDF Chat Efficient algorithm for optimal control of mixed-state quantum systems 1999 S. G. Schirmer
M. D. Girardeau
John Leahy
+ Hydrogen atom in the phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics 1984 José M. Gracia-Bondí­a
+ PDF Chat Complete controllability of finite-level quantum systems 2001 Hongyan Fu
S. G. Schirmer
A. I. Solomon
+ PDF Chat Seminormal rings and weakly normal varieties 1981 John Leahy
Marie A. Vitulli
+ Lie algebras under constraints and non-bijective canonical transformations 1988 M. Kibler
P. Winternitz
+ Generalized canonical transformations for time-dependent systems 1983 M. Asorey
José F. Cariñena
Alberto Ibort
+ La convexité holomorphe dans l'espace analytique des cycles d'une variété algébrique 1967 Aldo Andreotti
François Norguet
+ PDF Chat Spin c Manifolds and Complex Contact Structures 1998 Andrei Moroianu
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ Seminormal graded rings, II 1982 David F. Anderson
+ PDF Chat Analytic sets as branched coverings 1972 John Stutz
+ Gap-sheaves and extension of coherent analytic subsheaves 1971 Yum-Tong Siu
GĂĽnther Trautmann
+ PDF Chat The essential uniqueness of bounded nonoscillatory solutions of certain even order differential equations 1977 Garret J. Etgen
W. E. Taylor
+ Segre Numbers and Hypersurface Singularities 1996 Terence Gaffney
Robert Gassler
+ PDF Chat A theorem on injectivity of the cup product 1973 John Carter Wood
+ C*-algebras, positive scalar curvature, and the Novikov conjecture 1983 Jonathan Rosenberg
+ PDF Chat Almost Hermitian submersions 1976 Bill Watson
+ PDF Chat Kähler submersions and holomorphic connections 1980 David L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the form valued Laplacian for Riemannian submersions 1998 Peter Gilkey
John Leahy
JeongHyeong Park
+ On the controllability of quantum-mechanical systems 1983 Garng M. Huang
T.J. Tarn
John W. Clark
+ PDF Chat A characterization of normal analytic spaces by the homological codimension of the structure sheaf 1974 Andrew Markoe
+ PDF Chat Information-Theoretic Limits of Control 2000 Hugo Touchette
Seth Lloyd
+ <i>a</i>-Transforms of Local Rings and a Theorem on Multiplicities of Ideals 1961 D. Andrew S. Rees
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic extension of continuous, weakly holomorphic functions on certain analytic varieties 1973 Nozomu Mochizuki
+ PDF Chat Quantum feedback with weak measurements 2000 Seth Lloyd
Jean-Jacques Slotine
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of Hopf manifolds 1976 Eric Bedford
Tatsuo Suwa
+ PDF Chat Algebras of iterated path integrals and fundamental groups 1971 Kuo-tsai Chen
+ PDF Chat Gauge groups and classification of bundles with simple structural group 1977 Wendell Curtis
Forrest Miller
+ PDF Chat Abstractly split group extensions 1977 G. Hochschild
David Wigner