Giovanni Falcone


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Extensions of Steiner Triple Systems 2025 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Mario Galici
+ Non-totally real number fields and toroidal groups 2024 Alessandro Dioguardi Burgio
Giovanni Falcone
Mario Galici
+ PDF Chat Mumford representation and Riemann-Roch space of a divisor on a hyperelliptic curve 2024 Giovanni Falcone
Giuseppe Filippone
+ Mumford representation and Riemann Roch space of a divisor on a hyperelliptic curve 2023 Giovanni Falcone
Giuseppe Filippone
+ PDF Chat Permutations of zero-sumsets in a finite vector space 2020 Giovanni Falcone
Marco Pavone
+ PDF Chat Steiner Loops of Affine Type 2020 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Carolin Hannusch
+ PDF Chat Additivity of affine designs 2020 Andrea Caggegi
Giovanni Falcone
Marco Pavone
+ PDF Chat Our Friend and Mathematician Karl Strambach 2020 Olga Belova
Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Josef Mikeš
Péter T. Nagy
Heinrich Wefelscheid
+ Explicit bases of the Riemann-Roch spaces on divisors on hyperelliptic curves 2020 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Carolin Hannusch
+ PDF Chat Solvable Extensions of Nilpotent Complex Lie Algebras of Type {2n,1,1} 2018 Claudio Bartolone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative Loops of Quasifields Having Complex Numbers as Kernel 2017 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ A class of nilpotent Lie algebras admitting a compact subgroup of automorphisms 2017 Rory Biggs
Giovanni Falcone
+ Lie Groups, Differential Equations, and Geometry 2017 Giovanni Falcone
+ Derivations of the (n, 2, 1)-nilpotent Lie Algebra 2016 Claudio Bartolone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ PDF Chat On the additivity of block designs 2016 Andrea Caggegi
Giovanni Falcone
Marco Pavone
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative Loops of 2-Dimensional Topological Quasifields 2016 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ PDF Chat The action of a compact Lie group on nilpotent Lie algebras of type {{<i>n</i>,2}} 2015 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
+ Multiplicative loops of $2$-dimensional topological quasifields 2015 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ The action of a compact Lie group on nilpotent Lie algebras of type {n,2} 2015 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
+ PDF Chat The periods of the generalized Jacobian of a complex elliptic curve 2015 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ Multiplicative loops of $2$-dimensional topological quasifields 2015 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ The action of a compact Lie group on nilpotent Lie algebras of type {n,2} 2015 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Karl Strambach
+ Nilpotent Lie algebras with 2-dimensional commutator ideals 2010 Claudio Bartolone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ PDF Chat Locally compact (2, 2)‐transformation groups 2010 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
Karl Strambach
+ A spinorial decomposition of gl_4(R) 2010 Giovanni Falcone
+ Witt vectors and Fermat quotients 2008 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ Boolean 2-designs and the embedding of a 2-design in a group 2008 Andrea Caggegi
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups with Few Factors 2008 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ Fermat quotient and the p-th root of a p-adic integer 2008 Giovanni Falcone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
+ On the p-th root of a p-adic number 2007 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ PDF Chat Monothetic algebraic groups 2007 Giovanni Falcone
Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ A property of cyclotomic polynomials 2007 Giovanni Falcone
+ Binomial coefficients modulo p^2 2007 Giovanni Falcone
Giovanni Falcone
+ Trigonometry on a finite cyclic group 2007 Giovanni Falcone
Giovanni Falcone
+ On the p-th root of a p-adic number 2007 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ Monothetic algebraic groups 2005 Giovanni Falcone
Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ Kronecker modules and reductions of a pair of bilinear forms 2004 Giovanni Falcone
Maria Alessandra Vaccaro
+ k-rational generators of elliptic curves and abelian varieties 2004 Giovanni Falcone
Giovanni Falcone
+ Centralizers of unipotent subgroups 2004 Giovanni Falcone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
Di Bartolo A
+ A Combination of Cyclotomic Polynomials: 10914 2003 Giovanni Falcone
Richard Stong
Nasha Komanda
+ None 2001 Giovanni Falcone
+ Algebraic Frobenius groups 2000 Giovanni Falcone
+ On finite strongly canonical hypergroups 2000 Giovanni Falcone
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory 2002 Péter Tamás Nagy
Karl Strambach
+ Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups with Few Factors 2008 Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ PDF Chat Problems of classifying associative or Lie algebras and triples of symmetric or skew-symmetric matrices are wild 2005 Genrich Belitskii
Ruvim Lipyanski
Vladimir V. Sergeichuk
+ Schreier loops 2008 Péter T. Nagy
Karl Strambach
+ Zweidimensionale Quasialgebren mit Nullteilern 1977 Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ PDF Chat On the classification of metabelian Lie algebras 1973 Michael A. Gauger
+ PDF Chat Loops on spheres having a compact-free inner mapping group 2008 Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ Nilpotent Lie algebras with 2-dimensional commutator ideals 2010 Claudio Bartolone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Giovanni Falcone
+ 4-dimensionale Translationsebenen mit 8-dimensionaler Kollineationsgruppe 1973 Dieter Betten
+ A fast randomized geometric algorithm for computing Riemann-Roch spaces 2020 Aude Le Gluher
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ 4-dimensionale Translationsebenen 1972 Dieter Betten
+ PDF Chat On the additivity of block designs 2016 Andrea Caggegi
Giovanni Falcone
Marco Pavone
+ The generalized Hamming weights of some hyperelliptic codes 1998 Mario A. de Boer
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1975 James E. Humphreys
+ Lie groups locally isomorphic to generalized Heisenberg groups 2008 Hiroshi Tamaru
Hisashi Yoshida
+ Some Basic Theorems on Algebraic Groups 1956 Maxwell Rosenlicht
+ Isometry groups on homogeneous nilmanifolds 1982 EdwardN. Wilson
+ Generalized Jacobian Varieties 1954 Maxwell Rosenlicht
+ A new family of locally compact 4-dimensional translation planes admitting a 7-dimensional collineation group 2008 Sigrun Ortleb
+ Canonical Forms for Hermitian Matrix Pairs under Strict Equivalence and Congruence 2005 Peter Lancaster
Leiba Rodman
+ Linear algebraic groups 1966 Armand Borel
+ PDF Chat Fast Jacobian arithmetic for hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 2019 Andrew V. Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative Loops of 2-Dimensional Topological Quasifields 2016 Giovanni Falcone
Ágota Figula
Karl Strambach
+ Zyklische Körper und Algebren der Charakteristik p vom Grad pn. Struktur diskret bewerteter perfekter Körper mit vollkommenem Restklassenkörper der Charakteristik p. 1937 Ernst Witt
+ Quasigroups and loops : theory and applications 1990 Orin Chein
Hala O. Pflugfelder
Jonathan D. H. Smith
+ Efficient Algorithms for the Riemann-Roch Problem and for Addition in the Jacobian of a Curve 1994 Ming-Deh A. Huang
Doug Ierardi
+ Toroidal Groups: Line Bundles, Cohomology and Quasi-Abelian Varieties 2001 幸隆 阿部
Klaus Kopfermann
+ Compact Projective Planes 1995 Helmut Salzmann
Dieter Betten
Theo Grundhöfer
Hermann Hähl
Rainer Löwen
Markus Stroppel
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie des algèbres de Lie nilpotentes. Application à l'étude de la variété des algèbres de Lie nilpotentes 1970 Michèle Vergne
+ Fixed-point free automorphisms of abelian varieties 1994 Ch. Birkenhake
Herbert Lange
+ PDF Chat Additivity of affine designs 2020 Andrea Caggegi
Giovanni Falcone
Marco Pavone
+ PDF Chat Computing in the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve 1987 David G. Cantor
+ The Structure of Frobenius Algebraic Groups 1961 David Hertzig
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1991 Armand Borel
+ Classification of 6-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras over fields of characteristic not 2 2006 Willem A. de Graaf
+ Groups with automorphisms that leave only the neutral element fixed 1956 Β Neumann
+ Fixed-Point-Free Automorphisms of Algebraic Tori 1968 David Hertzig
+ Translation groups of Steiner loops 2009 Karl Strambach
Izabella Stuhl
+ Computing Riemann–Roch Spaces in Algebraic Function Fields and Related Topics 2002 Florian Heß
+ PDF Chat Algebraic (2, 2)-transformation groups 2008 Claudio Bartolone
Alfonso Di Bartolo
Karl Strambach
+ PDF Chat On the discriminant of a hyperelliptic curve 1994 Paul Lockhart
+ Projektive Ebenen 1955 Günter Pickert
+ PDF Chat Period matrices for quasi-Abelian varieties 2003 T. Umeno
+ Local Near-Rings and Triply Factorized Groups 2004 Peter Hubert
+ Zur Klassifikation achtdimensionaler kompakter Ebenen mit mindestens 16-dimensionaler Automorphismengruppe 2000 Sven Boekholt
+ PDF Chat Monothetic algebraic groups 2007 Giovanni Falcone
Peter Plaumann
Karl Strambach
+ Leçons de géométrie différentielle 1947 G. Vranceanu
+ PDF Chat Some results in the theory of linear non-associative algebras 1944 R. H. Bruck
+ On projective and affine hyperplanes 1980 Luc Teirlinck
+ Fermat Quotients for Composite Moduli 1997 Takashi Agoh
Karl Dilcher
Ladislav Skula