Marc Lassonde


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Subdifferential Stability and Subdifferential Sum Rules 2019 Marc Lassonde
+ Subdifferential stability and subdifferential sum rules 2018 Marc Lassonde
+ Links between functions and subdifferentials 2018 Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Limits of maximal monotone operators driven by their representative functions 2018 Yboon García
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Upper Semismooth Functions and the Subdifferential Determination Property 2018 Marc Lassonde
+ Subdifferential stability and subdifferential sum rules 2018 Marc Lassonde
+ Limits of maximal monotone operators driven by their representative functions 2017 Yboon García
Marc Lassonde
+ Links between subderivatives and subdifferentials 2017 Marc Lassonde
+ Upper semismooth functions and the subdifferential determination property 2017 Marc Lassonde
+ Limits of maximal monotone operators driven by their representative functions 2017 Yboon García
Marc Lassonde
+ Upper semismooth functions and the subdifferential determination property 2017 Marc Lassonde
+ Subderivative-subdifferential duality formula 2016 Marc Lassonde
+ Quasiconvex Linear Perturbations and Convexity 2016 Pham Duy Khanh
Marc Lassonde
+ Subderivative-subdifferential duality formula 2016 Marc Lassonde
+ Convex KKM maps, monotone operators and Minty variational inequalities 2015 Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Convex KKM maps, monotone operators and Minty variational inequalities 2015 Marc Lassonde
+ Linear Perturbations of Quasiconvex Functions and Convexity 2015 Khanh Pham Duy
Marc Lassonde
+ Convex KKM maps, monotone operators and Minty variational inequalities 2015 Marc Lassonde
+ Linear Perturbations of Quasiconvex Functions and Convexity 2015 Khanh Pham Duy
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the monotone polar of subdifferentials 2013 Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Subdifferential test for optimality 2013 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Extended forward–backward algorithm 2013 Marc Lassonde
Ludovic Nagesseur
+ Brøndsted-Rockafellar property of subdifferentials of prox-bounded functions 2013 Marc Lassonde
+ Utilisation de l'élargissement d'opérateurs maximaux monotones pour la résolution d'inclusions variationnelles 2012 Ludovic Nagesseur
Patrick L. Combettes
Didier Aussel
Marc Lassonde
Annika Pietrus
+ Subdifferential estimate of the directional derivative, optimality criterion and separation principles 2012 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Representable Monotone Operators and Limits of Sequences of Maximal Monotone Operators 2011 Yboon García
Marc Lassonde
+ Limits of sequences of maximal monotone operators 2011 Yboon García
Marc Lassonde
+ Dense Subdifferentiability and Trustworthiness for Arbitrary Subdifferentials 2010 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Asplund Spaces, Stegall Variational Principle and the RNP 2009 Marc Lassonde
+ Subdifferential characterization of approximate convexity: the lower semicontinuous case 2007 Aris Daniilidis
Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Stability of slopes and subdifferentials 2005 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Fragmentability of sequences of set-valued mappings with applications to variational principles 2005 Marc Lassonde
J. P. Revalski
+ PDF Chat Stability of slopes and sub differentials with respect to Wijsman convergence 2003 Marc Lassonde
+ None 2003 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ Formulas for subdifferentials of sums of convex functions 2002 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray–Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ First-order rules for nonsmooth constrained optimization 2001 Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Leray-Schauder spaces 2001 Charles D. Horvath
Marc Lassonde
+ Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics 2001 Marc Lassonde
+ On a convergence of lower semicontinuous functions linked with the graph convergence of their subdifferentials 1999 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization and Multidirectional Mean Value Inequalities 1999 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Hahn-Banach Theorems for Convex Functions 1998 Marc Lassonde
+ Relations développementales entre les potentiels évoqués cognitifs et l'intelligence non verbale évaluée par l'épreuve de Raven: une étude longitudinale 1997 Johannes Stauder
Maurits W. van der Molen
Peter C. M. Molenaar
Sophie Bayard
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Mean Value Property and Subdifferential Criteria for Lower Semicontinuous Functions 1995 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Families sélectantes 1995 Paul Deguire
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Some elementary general principles of convex analysis 1995 Andrzej Granas
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Mean value property and subdifferential criteria for lower semicontinuous functions 1995 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ Approximation and fixed points for compositions of Rδ-maps 1994 Lech Górniewicz
Marc Lassonde
+ Subdifferential characterization of quasiconvexity and convexity 1994 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ PDF Chat Sur un principe géométrique en analyse convexe 1991 Andrzej Granas
Marc Lassonde
+ Fixed points for Kakutani factorizable multifunctions 1990 Marc Lassonde
+ On the KKM principle 1990 Marc Lassonde
+ Réduction du cas multivoque au cas univoque dans les problèmes de coïncidence 1989 Marc Lassonde
+ On the use of KKM multifunctions in fixed point theory and related topics 1983 Marc Lassonde
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the variational principle 1974 Ivar Ekeland
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ PDF Chat On the maximality of sums of nonlinear monotone operators 1970 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Subdifferential estimate of the directional derivative, optimality criterion and separation principles 2012 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Integration of Subdifferentials of Lower Semicontinuous Functions on Banach Spaces 1995 Lionel Thibault
Dariusz Zagrodny
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Sur la somme de sous-différentiels de fonctions semi-continues inférieurement 2003 Florence Jules
+ PDF Chat On the theory of subdifferentials 2012 A. D. Ioffe
+ PDF Chat A smooth variational principle with applications to subdifferentiability and to differentiability of convex functions 1987 Jonathan M. Borwein
David Preiss
+ Approximate mean value theorem for upper subderivatives 1988 Dariusz Zagrodny
+ PDF Chat On the maximal monotonicity of subdifferential mappings 1970 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Proximité et dualité dans un espace hilbertien 1965 Jean Jacques Moreau
+ A Smooth Variational Principle with Applications to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Infinite Dimensions 1993 Robert Deville
G. Godefroy
Václav Zizler
+ On a convergence of lower semicontinuous functions linked with the graph convergence of their subdifferentials 1999 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ Monotone Operators Representable by l.s.c. Convex Functions 2005 Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz
B. F. Svaiter
+ A generalization of Tychonoff's fixed point theorem 1961 Ky Fan
+ First-order rules for nonsmooth constrained optimization 2001 Marc Lassonde
+ Links between directional derivatives through multidirectional mean value inequalities 2007 Rafaël Correa
Pedro Gajardo
Lionel Thibault
+ Subdifferential characterization of quasiconvexity and convexity 1994 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ Subdifferential Determination of Essentially Directionally Smooth Functions in Banach Space 2010 Lionel Thibault
Dariusz Zagrodny
+ PDF Chat Characterization of lower semicontinuous convex functions 1992 Rafaël Correa
A. Jofré
Lionel Thibault
+ PDF Chat Mean value inequalities in Hilbert space 1994 Francis Clarke
Yu. S. Ledyaev
+ PDF Chat Generalized Directional Derivatives and Subgradients of Nonconvex Functions 1980 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Mean value property and subdifferential criteria for lower semicontinuous functions 1995 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ Sub differential Monotonicity as Characterization of Convex Functions 1994 Rafaël Correa
Alejandro Jofré
Lionel Thibault
+ Averaged norms 1967 Edgar Asplund
+ None 1998 A. D. Ioffe
+ None 1998 Qiji Jim Zhu
+ The least slope of a convex function and the maximal monotonicity of its subdifferential 1991 Stephen Simons
+ PDF Chat Subgradient Criteria for Monotonicity, The Lipschitz Condition, and Convexity 1993 Francis Clarke
Ronald J. Stern
Peter R. Wolenski
+ Formulas for subdifferentials of sums of convex functions 2002 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Tangentially continuous directional derivatives in nonsmooth analysis 1989 Rafaël Correa
A. Jofré
+ The fixed point theory of multi-valued mappings in topological vector spaces 1968 Felix E. Browder
+ Proximal Subgradients, Marginal Values, and Augmented Lagrangians in Nonconvex Optimization 1981 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Monotone Linear Relations: Maximality and Fitzpatrick Functions 2008 Heinz H. Bauschke
Xianfu Wang
Liangjin Yao
+ Directionally Lipschitzian Functions and Subdifferential Calculus 1979 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat A Chain Rule for Essentially Smooth Lipschitz Functions 1998 Jonathan M. Borwein
Warren B. Moors
+ Approximate convexity and submonotonicity 2003 Aris Daniilidis
Pando Georgiev
+ PDF Chat Subgradients of a convex function obtained from a directional derivative 1973 Peter Taylor
+ PDF Chat Semismooth and Semiconvex Functions in Constrained Optimization 1977 Robert Mifflin
+ PDF Chat Convergence of sequences of convex sets, cones and functions. II 1966 Robert A. Wijsman
+ Stability of slopes and subdifferentials 2005 Michel Geoffroy
Marc Lassonde
+ Applications of a theorem concerning sets with convex sections 1966 Ky Fan
+ Generalized sums of monotone operators 1999 J. P. Revalski
Michel Théra
+ PDF Chat Submonotone subdifferentials of Lipschitz functions 1981 Jonathan E. Spingarn
+ Topologies on Closed and Closed Convex Sets 1993 Gerald Beer
+ Representing monotone operators by convex functions 1988 Simon Fitzpatrick
+ The hypertangent cone 1989 Jonathan M. Borwein
H. M. Stròjwas
+ PDF Chat Subdifferential test for optimality 2013 Florence Jules
Marc Lassonde
+ Proximal Analysis and Approximate Subdifferentials 1990 A. D. Ioffe