Osamu Saeki


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of algebraic knots defined by Brieskorn polynomials, II 2024 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simplifying generic smooth maps to the 2-sphere and to the plane 2024 Osamu Saeki
+ Reeb spaces of smooth functions on manifolds II 2024 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat An Algorithm for Correct Computation of Reeb Spaces for PL Bivariate Fields 2024 Amit Chattopadhyay
Yashwanth Ramamurthi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Reeb Complements for Exploring Inclusions Between Isosurfaces From Two Scalar Fields 2024 Akito Fujii
Osamu Saeki
Daisuke Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Differentiable maps on links of complex isolated hypersurface singularities 2024 Osamu Saeki
Shuntaro Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Round fold maps on 3–manifolds 2023 Naoki Kitazawa
Osamu Saeki
+ Special generic maps and Gromoll filtration 2023 Osamu Saeki
+ Special generic maps and Gromoll filtration 2023 Osamu Saeki
+ Reeb spaces of smooth functions on manifolds II 2023 Osamu Saeki
+ Algebraic knots associated with Milnor fibrations 2022 Raimundo N. Araújo dos Santos
Osamu Saeki
Taciana O. Souza
+ Round fold maps on $3$--manifolds 2021 Naoki Kitazawa
Osamu Saeki
+ Round fold maps of n--dimensional manifolds into ${\mathbb{R}}^{n-1}$ 2021 Naoki Kitazawa
Osamu Saeki
+ Simplifying indefinite fibrations on 4-manifolds 2020 R. Baykur
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Reeb Spaces of Smooth Functions on Manifolds 2020 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Linking between singular locus and regular fibers 2020 Osamu Saeki
+ Reeb spaces of smooth functions on manifolds 2020 Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of fibered knots and related topics 2019 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ A signature invariant for stable maps of 3-manifolds into surfaces 2019 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simplified broken Lefschetz fibrations and trisections of 4-manifolds 2018 R. İnanç Baykur
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat An algebraic description of screw dislocations in SC and BCC crystal lattices 2018 Hiroyasu Hamada
Shigeki Matsutani
Junichi Nakagawa
Osamu Saeki
Masaaki Uesaka
+ On 4-Manifolds Homotopy Equivalent to the 2-Sphere 2018 Osamu Saeki
+ Singular Fibers of Stable Maps of Manifold Pairs and Their Applications 2018 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ Linking between singular locus and regular fibers 2018 Osamu Saeki
+ Simplified broken Lefschetz fibrations and trisections of 4-manifolds 2017 R. İnanç Baykur
Osamu Saeki
+ Simplifying indefinite fibrations on 4-manifolds 2017 R. İnanç Baykur
Osamu Saeki
+ Theory of Singular Fibers and Reeb Spaces for Visualization 2017 Osamu Saeki
+ Elimination of definite fold II 2017 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Singular fibers of stable maps of 3–manifolds with boundary into surfaces and their applications 2016 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Multivariate topology simplification 2016 Amit Chattopadhyay
Hamish Carr
David Duke
Zhao Geng
Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of manifolds and global theory of singularities (Theory of singularities of smooth mappings and around it) 2016 Osamu Saeki
+ An algebraic description of screw dislocations in SC and BCC crystal lattices 2016 Hiroyasu Hamada
Shigeki Matsutani
Junichi Nakagawa
Osamu Saeki
Masaaki Uesaka
+ PDF Chat New examples of Neuwirth–Stallings pairs and non-trivial real Milnor fibrations 2016 Raimundo N. Araújo dos Santos
Maria A. P. Hohlenwerger
Osamu Saeki
Taciana O. Souza
+ Cobordism group of Morse functions on surfaces with boundary 2016 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Interactive Visualization for Singular Fibers of Functions <i>f</i> : <i>R</i><sup>3</sup> → <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> 2015 Daisuke Sakurai
Osamu Saeki
Hamish Carr
Hsiang‐Yun Wu
Takahiro Yamamoto
David Duke
Shigeo Takahashi
+ Singularities in Geometry and Topology 2011 2015 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ CO-ORIENTABLE SINGULAR FIBERS OF STABLE MAPS OF 3-MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY INTO SURFACES (Singularity theory of differential maps and its applications) 2015 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ Multivariate Topology Simplification 2015 Amit Chattopadhyay
Hamish Carr
David Duke
Zhao Geng
Osamu Saeki
+ Connected components of regular fibers of differentiable maps 2014 Jorge T. Hiratuka
Osamu Saeki
+ Triangulating Stein factorizations of generic maps and Euler characteristic formulas: Dedicated to Professor Masahiko Suzuki on the occation of his sixtieth birthday (Singularity theory, geometry and topology) 2013 Jorge T. Hiratuka
Osamu Saeki
+ Desingularizing special generic maps 2013 Osamu Saeki
Masamichi Takase
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of exact links 2012 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat The Fox property for codimension one embeddings of products of three spheres into spheres 2011 Laércio Aparecido Lucas
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of Algebraic Knots Defined by Brieskorn Polynomials 2011 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of exact links 2011 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of exact links 2011 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of exact links 2011 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of exact links 2011 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Curves in homogeneous spaces and their contact with 1-dimensional orbits 2011 Vanderlei M. do Nascimento
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Height functions on surfaces with three critical values 2011 Fumiya Morishita
Osamu Saeki
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Singular fibers and 4-dimensional cobordism group 2010 Osamu Saeki
+ SPECIAL GENERIC MAPS ON OPEN 4-MANIFOLDS (Singularity theory of smooth maps and related geometry) 2010 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Obstructions to the existence of fold maps 2010 Rustam Sadykov
Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ PDF Chat Special generic maps on open 4-manifolds 2010 Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism of Morse maps and its application to map germs 2009 Kazuichi Ikegami
Osamu Saeki
Yasushi Takeda
+ Number of Singularities of Stable Maps 2008 Jorge T. Hiratuka
Osamu Saeki
+ COBORDISM OF MORSE MAPS AND ITS APPLICATION TO MAP GERMS (The second Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities) 2008 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat On 2-knots with total width eight 2008 Osamu Saeki
Yasushi Takeda
+ PDF Chat Concordance des nœuds de dimension 4 2007 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ Singular fibers and characteristic classes 2007 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Singular fibers of stable maps and signatures of 4–manifolds 2006 Osamu Saeki
Takahiro Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of Morse functions on surfaces, the universal complex of singular fibers and their application to map germs 2006 Osamu Saeki
+ Morse functions with sphere fibers 2006 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Extending generalized Fibonacci sequences and their binet-type formula 2006 Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ Open book structures on (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-manifolds 2006 Osamu Saeki
Sadao Massago
Manzoli Neto Oziride
+ A method for solving a class of mixed integer linear programming problem with block angular structure 2005 Osamu Saeki
Keita Tsuji
+ Generic smooth maps with sphere fibers 2005 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Stable mapping class groups of $4$-manifolds with boundary 2005 Osamu Saeki
+ Factorial Binet Formula And Distributional Moment Formulation Of Generalized Fibonacci Sequences 2004 Benaissa Bernoussi
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
Yukio Matsumoto
Osamu Saeki
+ Codimension one embeddings of product of three spheres 2004 Laércio Aparecido Lucas
Osamu Saeki
+ Canceling branch points and cusps on projections of knotted surfaces in 4-space 2004 Osamu Saeki
Yasushi Takeda
+ Extending the Bernoulli-Euler Method for Finding Zeros of Holomorphic Functions 2004 Benaissa Bernoussi
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ Generalized Fibonacci sequences and Ostrowski’s theorem 2004 Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable Maps 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Part I: Classification of Singular Fibers 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Part II: Universal Complex of Singular Fibers 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Part III: Epilogue 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of singular fibers of differentiable maps 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable Maps 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Cobordism group of Morse functions on surfaces 2003 Kazuichi Ikegami
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Fold maps on 4-manifolds 2003 Osamu Saeki
+ Self-intersection class for singularities and its application to fold maps 2003 Toru Ohmoto
Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of S<sup>p</sup>× S<sup>q</sup>× S<sup>r</sup>in S<sup>p+q+r+1</sup> 2002 Laércio Aparecido Lucas
Osamu Saeki
+ Evaluation of the implementations of the Mehrotra type predictor-corrector method on MARKAL type energy models 2002 Osamu Saeki
Keita Tsuji
+ Diffeomorphisms of a product of spheres and embedded spheres 2002 Laércio Aparecido Lucas
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Spin structures and codimension two embeddings of $3$-manifolds up to regular homotopy 2002 Osamu Saeki
Masamichi Takase
+ Open books on 5-dimensional manifolds 2002 Osamu Saeki
+ A theory of concordance for non-spherical 3-knots 2002 Vincent Blanlœil
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Regular homotopy classes of immersions of 3-manifolds into 5-space 2002 Osamu Saeki
András Szűcs
Masamichi Takase
+ PDF Chat Cobordism groups of special generic functions and groups of homotopy spheres 2002 Osamu Saeki
+ An Application of Interior Point Method to 0-1 Mixed Integer Programing Problems 2001 Osamu Saeki
Kiichiro Tsuji
Kazunori Sawai
+ Approximation of Infinite Generalized Fibonacci Sequences and Their Asymptotic Binet Formula 2001 Benaissa Bernoussi
Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ Maps of manifolds into the plane which lift to standard embeddings in codimension two 2001 Vera Lucia Carrara
María Aparecida Soares Ruas
Osamu Saeki
+ Euler characteristic formulas for simplicial maps 2001 J. J. Nuño–Ballesteros
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat A primary obstruction to topological embeddings for maps between generalized manifolds 2001 Carlos Biasi
Janey Daccach
Osamu Saeki
+ A primary obstruction to topological embeddings¶and its applications 2001 Carlos Biasi
Janey Daccach
Osamu Saeki
+ Approximation of ∞-generalized Fibonacci sequences and their asymptotic binet formula 2001 Benaissa Bernoussi
Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ On R-bordism of maps and obstruction to topological embeddings 2000 Carlos Biasi
Janey Daccach
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat The Rubinstein–Scharlemann graphic of a 3-manifold as the discriminant set of a stable map 2000 Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Real Seifert form determines the spectrum for semiquasihomogeneous hypersurface singularities in C3 2000 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Gluck surgery along a 2-sphere in a 4-manifold is realized by surgery along a projective plane. 1999 Atsuko Katanaga
Osamu Saeki
Masakazu Teragaito
Yuichi Yamada
+ PDF Chat On Algebraic Unknotting Numbers of Knots 1999 Osamu Saeki
+ On ∞-Generalized Fibonacci Sequences 1999 Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ Elimination of Singularities: Thom Polynomials and Beyond 1999 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ PDF Chat On the Betti number of the union of two generic map images 1999 Carlos Biasi
Alice Kimie Miwa Libardi
Osamu Saeki
+ Stable Maps between 4-Manifolds and Elimination of their Singularities 1999 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ Special generic maps of 4-manifolds and compact complex analytic surfaces 1999 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ On punctured 3-manifolds in 5-sphere 1999 Osamu Saeki
+ Theory of Fibered 3-Knots in S 5 and its Applications 1999 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of quaternion space in <i>S</i><sup>4</sup> 1998 Atsuko Katanaga
Osamu Saeki
+ Maps with only Morin singularities and the Hopf invariant one problem 1998 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ An Application of a Block Iterative Method on the Primal-Dual Interior Point Method 1998 Osamu Saeki
Kiichiro Tsuji
Eiji Yoshida
+ PDF Chat On special generic maps into R<sup>3</sup> 1998 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ PDF Chat On the number of singularities of a generic surface with boundary in a 3-manifold 1998 J. J. Nuño–Ballesteros
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat On transversality with deficiency and a conjecture of Sard 1998 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ Maps with only Morin singularities and the Hopf invariant one problem (Maps with only Morin singularities) 1998 Kazuhiro Sakuma
Osamu Saeki
+ On topological invariance of weights for quasihomogeneous polynomials 1998 Osamu Saeki
+ Finiteness results for knots and singularities 1997 Osamu Saeki
Cherry Kearton
S.M.J. Wilson
+ PDF Chat On the self-intersection set and the image on a generic map. 1997 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat On the Betti number of the image of a generic map 1997 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ On weighted r-generalized Fibonacci sequences 1997 François Dubeau
Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ On Weighted <i>r</i> -Generalized Fiboancci Sequences 1997 Francçis Dubeau
Walter Motta
Mustapha Rachidi
Osamu Saeki
+ A generalization of alexander's torus theorem to higher dimensions and an unknotting theorem for S^p×S^q embedded in S^ 1996 Aparecido Lucas Laercio
Manzoli Neto Oziride
Osamu Saeki
+ On bordism invariance of an obstruction to topological embeddings 1996 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simple stable maps of 3-manifolds into surfaces 1996 Osamu Saeki
+ Self-intersection set of a generic map and a characterization of embeddings 1996 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat A converse of the Jordan-Brouwer Theorem for quasi-regular immersions 1996 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simplifying stable mappings into the plane from a global viewpoint 1996 Mahito Kobayashi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Immersed 𝑛-manifolds in 𝐑²ⁿ and the double points of their generic projections into 𝐑²ⁿ⁻¹ 1996 Osamu Saeki
Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ On the number of pyramids of a generic space curve(Geometric aspects of real singularities) 1995 J. J. Nuño‐Ballesteros
Osamu Saeki
+ Separation by a codimension-1 map with a normal crossing point 1995 Osamu Saeki
+ Stable Maps of 3-Manifolds Into the Plane and their Quotient Spaces 1995 Walter Motta
Paulo Porto
Osamu Saeki
+ An Application of Dual Affine Scaling Method to MARKAL Type Energy Models 1995 Osamu Saeki
Kiichiro Tsuji
+ Studying the topology of Morin singularities from a global viewpoint 1995 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the Topology of Folds 1995 Shigeki Kikuchi
Osamu Saeki
+ A remark on the separation by immersions in codimension 1 1995 Carlos Biasi
Walter Motta
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the topology of folds 1995 Shigeki Kikuchi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat On the Betti number of the image of a codimension-𝑘 immersion with normal crossings 1995 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Constructing generic smooth maps of a manifold into a surface with prescribed singular loci 1995 Osamu Saeki
+ Singular surfaces in 3-manifolds, the tangent developable of a space curve and the dual of an immersed surface in 3-space 1995 Osamu Saeki
J. J. Nuño‐Ballesteros
+ On Milnor's curvature-torsion invariant for knots and links 1994 Honma Noriyuki
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Stable maps and links in $3$-manifolds 1994 Osamu Saeki
+ A note on separation properties of codimension-1 immersions with normal crossings 1993 Carlos Biasi
Walter Motta
Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of special generic maps of manifolds into Euclidean spaces 1993 Osamu Saeki
+ Simple stable maps of $3$-manifolds into surfaces II 1993 Osamu Saeki
+ Topology of special generic maps into R3 1993 Osamu Saeki
+ SIMPLE STABLE MAPS OF 3-MANIFOLDS INTO SURFACES(Real Singularities and Real Algebraic Geometry) 1992 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Notes on the topology of folds 1992 Osamu Saeki
+ An estimate for the unknotting numbers of torus knots 1991 Shinji Fukuhara
Yukio Matsumoto
Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simply connected 4-manifolds of second betti number 1 bounded by homology lens spaces 1989 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Topological types of complex isolated hypersurface singularities 1989 Osamu Saeki
+ Topological Invariance of Weights for Weighted Homogeneous Isolated Singularities in C 3 1988 Osamu Saeki
+ Cobordism classification of knotted homology 3-spheres in S^5 1988 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Topological invariance of weights for weighted homogeneous isolated singularities in 𝐶³ 1988 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Knotted homology 3-spheres in S5 1988 Osamu Saeki
+ On simple fibered knots inS 5 and the existence of decomposable algebraic 3-knots 1987 Osamu Saeki
+ Knotted homology spheres defined by weighted homogeneous polynomials 1987 Osamu Saeki
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Stable Mappings and Their Singularities 1973 Martin Golubitsky
Victor Guillemin
+ Topology of special generic maps of manifolds into Euclidean spaces 1993 Osamu Saeki
+ Stable mappings and their singularities 1973 Martin Golubitsky
Victor Guillemin
+ Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable Maps 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Classifying Immersions into ℝ4 over Stable Maps of 3-Manifolds into ℝ2 1985 Harold Levine
+ Groups of Homotopy Spheres: I 1963 Michel Kervaire
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Les singularités des applications différentiables 1956 René Thom
+ Topology of Singular Fibers of Differentiable Maps 2004 Osamu Saeki
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat The topology of four-dimensional manifolds 1982 Michael Freedman
+ On special generic maps from a closed manifold into the plane 1990 Paulo Porto
Yolanda K.S. Furuya
+ PDF Chat Notes on the topology of folds 1992 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphisms of the 2-sphere 1959 Stephen T. Smale
+ Fibered knots and algebraic singularities 1974 Alan H. Durfee
+ On special generic maps of simply connected 2n-manifolds into R3 1993 Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane into the Plane 1955 Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Chat Constructing framed 4-manifolds with given almost framed boundaries 1979 Steve J. Kaplan
+ PDF Chat Simple stable maps of 3-manifolds into surfaces 1996 Osamu Saeki
+ An algebraic classification of some knots of codimension two 1970 Jerome Levine
+ PDF Chat A classification of simple spinnable structures on a 1-connected Alexander manifold 1974 Mitsuyoshi Kato
+ Lectures on the H-Cobordism Theorem 1965 John Milnor
+ Stability of C∞ mappings: VI the nice dimensions 1971 John N. Mather
+ On the Structure of Manifolds 1962 Stephen T. Smale
+ On simple fibered knots inS 5 and the existence of decomposable algebraic 3-knots 1987 Osamu Saeki
+ The topology of 4-manifolds 1989 Robion Kirby
+ PDF Chat A converse of the Jordan-Brouwer theorem 1992 Carlos Biasi
M. C. Romero Fuster
+ Multiple Points of Immersed Manifolds 1981 Ralph J. Herbert
+ On Singularities of Mappings of Euclidean Spaces. I. Mappings of the Plane Into the Plane 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ Separation by a codimension-1 map with a normal crossing point 1995 Osamu Saeki
+ Knot cobordism groups in codimension two 1969 Jerome Levine
+ PDF Chat Singular Lefschetz pencils 2005 Denis Auroux
Simon Donaldson
Ludmil Katzarkov
+ PDF Chat On the Betti number of the image of a codimension-𝑘 immersion with normal crossings 1995 Carlos Biasi
Osamu Saeki
+ Knots and Links 1976 Dale Rolfsen
+ PDF Chat On the Topology of Simple Fold Maps 1994 Kazuhiro Sakuma
+ Diffeomorphisms of the 2-Sphere 1959 Stephen T. Smale
+ Simple stable maps of $3$-manifolds into surfaces II 1993 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat Simply-connected 4-manifolds with a given boundary 1986 Steven Boyer
+ The stable topology of 4-manifolds 1983 Frank Quinn
+ PDF Chat Sur les difféomorphismes de la sphère de dimension trois (Γ4 = O) 1968 Jean Cerf
+ A Proof of the Smale Conjecture, Diff(S 3 ) ≃O(4) 1983 Allen Hatcher
+ Pontrjagin–thom-type construction for maps with singularities 1998 Richárd Rimányi
A. Szűcs
+ Branched coverings, open books and knot periodicity 1974 Louis H. Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Knotted homology 3-spheres in S5 1988 Osamu Saeki
+ PDF Chat A calculus for plumbing applied to the topology of complex surface singularities and degenerating complex curves 1981 Walter D. Neumann
+ Trivializing 5-dimensional h-cobordisms by stabilization 1979 Terry Lawson
+ Generic Projections 1973 John N. Mather
+ PDF Chat Topological Stability of Smooth Mappings 1976 C. G. Gibson
Klaus Wirthmüller
Andrew A. du Plessis
Eduard Looijenga