Taja Yaying


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Exploring the $ q $-analogue of Fibonacci sequence spaces associated with $ c $ and $ c_0 $ 2025 Taja Yaying
S. A. Mohiuddine
Jabr Aljedani
+ A study of novel telephone sequence spaces and some geometric properties 2024 Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat On the Double Sequence Space $\mathcal{H}_{\vartheta}$ as an Extension of Hahn Space $h$ 2024 Orhan Tuğ
Eberhard Malkowsky
Vladimir Rakočević
Taja Yaying
+ A Novel Study on q-Fibonacci Sequence Spaces and Their Geometric Properties 2024 Taja Yaying
Ekrem Savaş
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat Sequence spaces derived by $q_{\lambda}$ operators in $\ell _{p}$ spaces and their geometric properties 2024 Naim L. Braha
Taja Yaying
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ Matrix Transformation and Compactness on <i>q</i> -Catalan Sequence Spaces 2024 Taja Yaying
Feyzı Başar
+ A study on Fibo-Pascal sequence spaces and associated matrix transformations and applications of Hausdorff measure of non-compactness 2024 Muhammet Cihat Dağlı
Taja Yaying
+ Compactness via Hausdorff measure of noncompactness on q-Pascal difference sequence spaces 2024 Taja Yaying
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ A study on some paranormed sequence spaces due to Lambda–Pascal matrix 2024 Taja Yaying
Feyzı Başar
+ Cesàro $$\mathfrak {q}$$-Difference Sequence Spaces and Spectrum of Weighted $$\mathfrak {q}$$-Difference Operator 2024 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
P. Baliarsingh
M. Mursaleen
+ New sequence spaces derived by using generalized arithmetic divisor sum function and compact operators 2024 Taja Yaying
Nipen Saikia
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ A study of the q-analogue of the paranormed Cesàro sequence spaces 2024 H. M. Srivastava
Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Matrix transformation and application of Hausdorff measure of non-compactness on newly defined Fibo-Pascal sequence spaces 2024 Muhammet Cihat Dağlı
Taja Yaying
+ On Some New BK-Spaces as the Domain of (p,q)-Cesàro Matrix and Point Spectrum 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat On Some Sequence Spaces via q-Pascal Matrix and Its Geometric Properties 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Mikâil Et
+ On Sequence Spaces Due to lth Order q-Difference Operator and its Spectrum 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
Mikâil Et
+ Norm inequalities involving upper bounds for certain matrix operators on Orlicz–Euler and Orlicz–Taylor double sequence spaces 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
Awad A. Bakery
+ Some results on matrix transformation and compactness for fibonomial sequence spaces 2023 Muhammet Cihat Dağlı
Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat Mappings Ideal of Type the Domain of Generalized <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M1"> <mfenced open="(" close=")" separators="|"> <mrow> <mi>p</mi> <mo>,</mo> <mi>q</mi> </mrow> </mfenced> </math>-Euler Matrix in <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M2"> <msub> <mrow> <mi>c</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mn>0</mn> </mrow> </msub> </math> and <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M3"> <mi>c</mi> </math> 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
OM Kalthum S. K. Mohamed
Awad A. Bakery
+ PDF Chat On the domain of q-Euler matrix in c and c0 with its point spectra 2023 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Liquan Mei
+ PDF Chat A study on q-analogue of Catalan sequence spaces 2023 Taja Yaying
Merve Kara
Bipan Hazarika
Emrah Evren Kara
+ On the spaces of absolutely p-summable and bounded q-Euler difference sequences 2022 Taja Yaying
+ On sequence spaces defined by arithmetic function and Hausdorff measure of noncompactness 2022 Taja Yaying
Nipen Saikia
+ PDF Chat On the New Generalized Hahn Sequence Space <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M1"> <msubsup> <mrow> <mi>h</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mi>p</mi> </mrow> </msubsup> </math> 2022 Orhan Tuğ
Eberhard Malkowsky
Bipan Hazarika
Taja Yaying
+ Upper bounds of some matrix operators on binomial and Orlicz-binomial double sequence spaces 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Some new paranormed sequence spaces derived by regular Tribonacci matrix 2022 Muhammet Cihat Dağlı
Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat Sequence Spaces and Spectrum of q-Difference Operator of Second Order 2022 Abdullah Alotaibi
Taja Yaying
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ On some Lambda–Pascal sequence spaces and compact operators 2022 Taja Yaying
Feyzı Başar
+ Domain of Generalized Riesz Difference Operator of Fractional Order in Maddox's Space ℓ ( p ) and Certain Geometric Properties 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ PDF Chat On New Banach Sequence Spaces Involving Leonardo Numbers and the Associated Mapping Ideal 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
O. M. Kalthum S. K. Mohamed
Awad A. Bakery
+ Cesàro sequence spaces via (p, q)-calculus and compact matrix operators 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat The Spectrum of Second Order Quantum Difference Operator 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Binod Chandra Tripathy
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat Domain of Padovan q-difference matrix in sequence spaces lp and l∞ 2022 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ A Study on q-Euler Difference Sequence Spaces 2022 Taja Yaying
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ PDF Chat Domain of q-Cesàro matrix in Hahn sequence space hd and the space bv of the sequences of bounded variation 2022 Taja Yaying
Murat Ki̇ri̇şçi̇
Bipan Hazarika
Orhan Tuğ
+ Poisson like matrix operator and its application in <i>p</i>-summable space 2021 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Merve İlkhan
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ On generalized Fibonacci difference sequence spaces and compact operators 2021 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Mikâil Et
+ PDF Chat On Generalized<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M1"><mfenced open="(" close=")"><mrow><mi>p</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>q</mi></mrow></mfenced></math>-Euler Matrix and Associated Sequence Spaces 2021 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ Matrix mappings and Hausdorff measure of non-compactness on Riesz difference spaces of fractional order 2021 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Mikâil Et
+ On sequence spaces defined by the domain of tribonacci matrix in $c_0$ and $c$ 2021 Taja Yaying
Merve İlkhan
+ On the paranormed Nörlund difference sequence space of fractional order and geometric properties 2021 Taja Yaying
+ Domain of generalized Riesz difference operator of fractional order in Maddox's space ℓ(p) 2021 Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat Compact operators on Riesz difference sequence space of fractional order 2021 Taja Yaying
Hüseyi̇n Çakallı
+ On the Domain of q-Euler Matrix in $$c_0$$ and c 2021 Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat On Λ-Fibonacci difference sequence spaces of fractional order 2021 Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat Norm of matrix operator on Orlicz-binomial spaces and related operator ideal 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat Sequence spaces derived by the triple band generalized Fibonacci difference operator 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
M. ‎Mursaleen
Khursheed J‎. ‎Ansari
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Cesàro matrix and associated sequence spaces 2020 Hadi Roopaei
Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat On a Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces of Fractional Order associated with Multiplier Sequence Defined by A Modulus Function 2020 Taja Yaying
+ On sequence space derived by the domain of q-Cesàro matrix in ℓ space and the associated operator ideal 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ On difference sequence spaces of fractional-order involving Padovan numbers 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
+ Estimation of upper bounds of certain matrix operators on Binomial weighted sequence spaces 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat Lacunary Arithmetic Statistical Convergence 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic continuity in cone metric space 2020 Taja Yaying
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic summable sequence space over non-Newtonian field 2019 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat On a new class of generalized difference sequence spaces of fractional order defined by modulus function 2019 Taja Yaying
+ On sequence spaces generated by binomial difference operator of fractional order 2019 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat Sequential definitions of fuzzy continuity in fuzzy spaces 2019 Taja Yaying
Ahu Açıkgöz
Hüseyi̇n Çakallı
+ G−fuzzy sequential continuity in FTS 2019 Taja Yaying
Ahu Açıkgöz
Hüseyi̇n Çakallı
+ Compactness of binomial difference operator of fractional order and sequence spaces 2018 Taja Yaying
Anupam Das
Bipan Hazarika
P. Baliarsingh
+ Arithmetic summable sequence space over non-Newtonian field 2018 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic convergent sequence space defined by modulus function 2018 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Arithmetic summable sequence space over non-Newtonian field 2018 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ On arithmetic continuity in metric spaces 2017 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Lacunary arithmetic statistical convergence 2017 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Lacunary arithmetic statistical convergence 2017 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ On Arithmetical Summability and Multiplier Sequences 2016 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat New results in quasi cone metric spaces 2016 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
Hüseyi̇n Çakallı
+ Lacunary Arithmetic convergence 2016 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat None 2003 Hadi Haghshenas
G. A. Afrouzi
R. K. Sharma
Amit Kumar Singh
Ait Mustapha
Aouda Lakeb
Zineb Kaisserli
Djillali Bouagada
Abbas Najati
Prasanna K. Sahoo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On sequence space derived by the domain of q-Cesàro matrix in ℓ space and the associated operator ideal 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ On the Euler sequence spaces which include the spaces ℓp and ℓ∞ I☆ 2005 Bilâl Altay
Feyzı Başar
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ On sequence spaces generated by binomial difference operator of fractional order 2019 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ Some new sequence spaces derived by the domain of generalized difference matrix 2010 Murat Ki̇ri̇şçi̇
Feyzı Başar
+ Compactness by the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness 2010 M. ‎Mursaleen
Abdullah K. Noman
+ PDF Chat On Certain Sequence Spaces 1981 Hüsnü Kizmaz
+ PDF Chat Ordinary, absolute and strong summability and matrix transformations 2003 Abdullah M. Jarrah
Eberhard Malkowsky
+ PDF Chat On Some Euler Sequence Spaces of Nonabsolute Type 2005 Bilâl Altay
Feyzı Başar
+ Sequence Spaces 2020 M. Mursaleen
Feyzı Başar
+ On the Euler sequence spaces which include the spaces and II 2005 M. ‎Mursaleen
Feyzı Başar
Bilâl Altay
+ Matrix Transformations between the Sequence Spaces of Maddox 1993 Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann
+ PDF Chat A New Banach Space Defined By Euler Totient Matrix Operator 2019 Merve İlkhan
Emrah Evren Kara
+ None 2003 Feyzı Başar
Bilâl Altay
+ Matrix transformations between some classes of sequences 1970 Constantine G. Lascarides
I. J. Maddox
+ Summability Theory And Its Applications 2012 Robert Ellis Powell
S. M. Shah
+ Generalized difference sequence spaces and their dual spaces 2004 Çiğdem A. Bektaş
Mikâil Et
Rifat Çolak
+ Compactness of binomial difference operator of fractional order and sequence spaces 2018 Taja Yaying
Anupam Das
Bipan Hazarika
P. Baliarsingh
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-Cesáro matrix and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-statistical convergence 2010 Hüseyin Aktuğlu
Şerife Bekar
+ PDF Chat On certain Euler difference sequence spaces of fractional order and related dual properties 2015 Uğur Kadak
P. Baliarsingh
+ None 1997 Mikâil Et
Metin Başarır
+ PDF Chat A unifying approach to the difference operators and their applications 2013 P. Baliarsingh
S. Dutta
+ PDF Chat Some topological and geometrical properties of new Banach sequence spaces 2013 Emrah Evren Kara
+ Some new difference sequence spaces of fractional order and their dual spaces 2013 P. Baliarsingh
Shweta Parashar
+ PDF Chat The binomial sequence spaces which include the spaces ℓ p $\ell_{p}$ and ℓ ∞ $\ell_{\infty}$ and geometric properties 2016 Mustafa Cemil Bişgin
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff measure of noncompactness of matrix operators on some BK spaces 2011 M. ‎Mursaleen
Abdullah K. Noman
+ A new conservative matrix derived by Catalan numbers and its matrix domain in the spaces<i>c</i>and<i>c</i><sub>0</sub> 2019 Merve İlkhan
+ On the classes of fractional order difference sequence spaces and their matrix transformations 2014 P. Baliarsingh
S. Dutta
+ Some Euler spaces of difference sequences of order m 2007 Harun Polat
Feyzı Başar
+ PDF Chat Some topological and geometric properties of generalized Euler sequence space 2010 Emrah Evren Kara
Mahpeyker Öztürk
Metin Başarır
+ PDF Chat Some new Fibonacci difference spaces of non-absolute type and compact operators 2017 Anupam Das
Bipan Hazarika
+ Arithmetical summability 2012 William H. Ruckle
+ PDF Chat Paranormed Riesz Difference Sequence Spaces of Fractional Order 2022 TAJA YAYING
+ Matrix Domain of a Regular Matrix Derived by Euler Totient Function in the Spaces $$c_0$$ and c 2019 Merve İlkhan
+ PDF Chat The binomial sequence spaces of nonabsolute type 2016 Mustafa Cemil Bişgin
+ On compact operators and some Euler<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-difference sequence spaces 2011 Emrah Evren Kara
Metin Başarır
+ Some topological and geometric properties of a new BK-space derived by using regular matrix of Fibonacci numbers 2016 Sinan Ercan
Çiğdem A. Bektaş
+ On Arithmetical Summability and Multiplier Sequences 2016 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
+ PDF Chat A study on q-analogue of Catalan sequence spaces 2023 Taja Yaying
Merve Kara
Bipan Hazarika
Emrah Evren Kara
+ PDF Chat On Generalized<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" id="M1"><mfenced open="(" close=")"><mrow><mi>p</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>q</mi></mrow></mfenced></math>-Euler Matrix and Associated Sequence Spaces 2021 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
M. ‎Mursaleen
+ PDF Chat On arithmetic continuity 2016 Bipan Hazarika
+ A new regular infinite matrix defined by Jordan totient function and its matrix domain in <i>ℓ</i><sub><i>p</i></sub> 2020 Merve İlkhan
Necip Şi̇mşek
Emrah Evren Kara
+ Summability through Functional Analysis 1984 Albert Wilansky
+ PDF Chat Binomial difference sequence spaces of fractional order 2018 Jian Meng
Liquan Mei
+ The matrix domain and the spectra of a generalized difference operator 2018 Jian Meng
Liquan Mei
+ PDF Chat Sequence spaces derived by the triple band generalized Fibonacci difference operator 2020 Taja Yaying
Bipan Hazarika
S. A. Mohiuddine
M. ‎Mursaleen
Khursheed J‎. ‎Ansari
+ A note on compact operators on matrix domains 2007 Ivana Djolović
Eberhard Malkowsky
+ PDF Chat Norm of Hilbert operator on sequence spaces 2020 Hadi Roopaei
+ Almost convergence and generalized difference matrix 2010 Feyzı Başar
Murat Ki̇ri̇şçi̇