Ritesh Kolte


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Multicoding Schemes for Interference Channels 2016 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Haim H. Permuter
+ PDF Chat Cooperative Binning for Semideterministic Channels 2016 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Haim H. Permuter
+ Phase Retrieval via Incremental Truncated Wirtinger Flow 2016 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ PDF Chat Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay Networks 2015 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Abbas El Gamal
+ Multicoding Schemes for Interference Channels 2015 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Haim H. Permuter
+ PDF Chat When Are Dynamic Relaying Strategies Necessary in Half-Duplex Wireless Networks? 2015 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Suhas Diggavi
+ Multicoding Schemes for Interference Channels 2015 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Haim H. Permuter
+ PDF Chat Energy-Efficient Communication Over the Unsynchronized Gaussian Diamond Network 2014 Ritesh Kolte
Urs Niesen
Piyush Gupta
+ Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay Networks 2014 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Abbas El Gamal
+ PDF Chat Energy-efficient communication over the unsynchronized Gaussian diamond network 2014 Ritesh Kolte
Urs Niesen
Piyush Gupta
+ Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay Networks 2014 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Abbas El Gamal
+ PDF Chat Improved capacity approximations for Gaussian relay networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ PDF Chat Generalized diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of half-duplex relay networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ Generalized Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Half-Duplex Relay Networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ Improved Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay Networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ Improved Capacity Approximations for Gaussian Relay Networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ Generalized Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Half-Duplex Relay Networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Wireless Network Information Flow: A Deterministic Approach 2011 A. Salman Avestimehr
Suhas Diggavi
David Tse
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Interference Alignment 2012 Bobak Nazer
Michael Gastpar
Syed A. Jafar
Sriram Vishwanath
+ PDF Chat Compute-and-Forward: Harnessing Interference Through Structured Codes 2011 Bobak Nazer
Michael Gastpar
+ PDF Chat Computation Alignment: Capacity Approximation Without Noise Accumulation 2013 Urs Niesen
Bobak Nazer
Phil Whiting
+ PDF Chat Approximately achieving Gaussian relay network capacity with lattice codes 2010 Ayfer Özgür
Suhas Diggavi
+ PDF Chat Cooperative multiplexing in the multiple antenna half duplex relay channel 2009 Vinayak Nagpal
Sameer Pawar
David Tse
Borivoje Nikolić
+ PDF Chat The Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of the MIMO Half-Duplex Relay Channel 2012 Sanjay Karmakar
Mahesh K. Varanasi
+ PDF Chat Multiple-Access Channel With Partial and Controlled Cribbing Encoders 2012 Himanshu Asnani
Haim H. Permuter
+ PDF Chat Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the half-duplex relay channel 2008 Sameer Pawar
Amir Salman Avestimehr
David Tse
+ PDF Chat The Approximate Capacity of the Gaussian $N$-Relay Diamond Network 2012 Urs Niesen
Suhas Diggavi
+ PDF Chat Modeling and information rates for synchronization error channels 2011 Aravind R. Iyengar
Paul H. Siegel
Jack K. Wolf
+ PDF Chat On the Optimal Compressions in the Compress-and-Forward Relay Schemes 2013 Xiugang Wu
Liang‐Liang Xie
+ PDF Chat Interference Channel With Generalized Feedback (a.k.a. With Source Cooperation): Part I: Achievable Region 2011 Shuang Yang
Daniela Tuninetti
+ Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of the Half-Duplex Relay Channel 2008 Sameer Pawar
Amir Salman Avestimehr
David Tse
+ PDF Chat Interference Mitigation Through Limited Transmitter Cooperation 2011 I-Hsiang Wang
David Tse
+ PDF Chat Using Superposition Codebooks and Partial Decode-and-Forward in Low-SNR Parallel Relay Networks 2012 Farzad Parvaresh
Raúl Etkin
+ On the Achievable Rate-Regions for State-Dependent Gaussian Interference Channel 2013 Shahab Ghasemi-Goojani
Hamid Behroozi
+ PDF Chat A comparison of superposition coding schemes 2013 Lele Wang
Eren Şaşoğlu
Bernd Bandemer
Young-Han Kim
+ PDF Chat Interference Channels With Source Cooperation 2010 Vinod M. Prabhakaran
Pramod Viswanath
+ Sub-optimality of the Han--Kobayashi Achievable Region for Interference Channels 2015 Chandra Nair
Lingxiao Xia
Mehdi Yazdanpanah
+ PDF Chat Improved capacity approximations for Gaussian relay networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ PDF Chat Information-Theoretic Operating Regimes of Large Wireless Networks 2010 Ayfer Özgür
Ramesh Johari
David Tse
Olivier Lévêque
+ PDF Chat Energy-efficient communication in the presence of synchronization errors 2013 Yu-Chih Huang
Urs Niesen
Piyush Gupta
+ PDF Chat The Capacity Region of a Class of Discrete Degraded Interference Channels 2008 Nan Liu
Şennur Ulukuş
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Interference Channel Capacity to Within One Bit 2008 Raúl Etkin
David Tse
Hua Wang
+ PDF Chat On the deletion channel with small deletion probability 2010 Yashodhan Kanoria
Andrea Montanari
+ PDF Chat The State-Dependent Semideterministic Broadcast Channel 2012 Amos Lapidoth
Ligong Wang
+ Computation Alignment: Capacity Approximation without Noise Accumulation 2011 Urs Niesen
Bobak Nazer
Phil Whiting
+ PDF Chat Achieving the capacity of the N-relay Gaussian diamond network within logn bits 2012 Bobbie Chern
Ayfer Özgür
+ PDF Chat Multiple access channel with partial and controlled cribbing encoders 2011 Himanshu Asnani
Haim H. Permuter
+ Phase retrieval from coded diffraction patterns 2014 Emmanuel J. Candès
Xiaodong Li
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
+ Simultaneous Nonunique Decoding Is Rate-Optimal 2012 Bernd Bandemer
Abbas El Gamal
Young-Han Kim
+ PDF Chat Interference Channels With Destination Cooperation 2010 Vinod M. Prabhakaran
Pramod Viswanath
+ PDF Chat Achievable Rates for Channels With Deletions and Insertions 2013 Ramji Venkataramanan
Sekhar Tatikonda
Kannan Ramchandran
+ PDF Chat Multiple Access Channels With States Causally Known at Transmitters 2013 Min Li
Osvaldo Simeone
Aylin Yener
+ PDF Chat The state-dependent multiple-access channel with states available at a cribbing encoder 2010 Shraga I. Bross
Amos Lapidoth
+ On the Achievable Rate-Regions for State-Dependent Gaussian Interference Channel 2013 Shahab Ghasemi-Goojani
Hamid Behroozi
+ PDF Chat Sub-optimality of Han-Kobayashi achievable region for interference channels 2015 Chandra Nair
Lingxiao Xia
Mehdi Yazdanpanah
+ Message and State Cooperation in a Relay Channel When Only the Relay Knows the State 2011 Min Li
Osvaldo Simeone
Aylin Yener
+ PDF Chat The approximate optimality of simple schedules for half-duplex multi-relay networks 2015 Martina Cardone
Daniela Tuninetti
Raymond Knopp
+ PDF Chat Capacity of a Class of Deterministic Relay Channels 2007 Thomas M. Cover
Young-Han Kim
+ On the Capacity of the Two-User Gaussian Causal Cognitive Interference Channel 2014 Martina Cardone
Daniela Tuninetti
Raymond Knopp
Umer Salim
+ PDF Chat Compress-and-Forward Scheme for Relay Networks: Backword Decoding and Connection to Bisubmodular Flows 2014 Adnan Raja
Pramod Viswanath
+ PDF Chat Generalized diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of half-duplex relay networks 2013 Ritesh Kolte
Ayfer Özgür
+ PDF Chat Asynchronous capacity per unit cost 2010 Venkat Chandar
Aslan Tchamkerten
David Tse
+ PDF Chat Energy-efficient communication over the unsynchronized Gaussian diamond network 2014 Ritesh Kolte
Urs Niesen
Piyush Gupta
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the Capacity of the Relay Channel With Noncausal State at the Source 2012 Abdellatif Zaidi
Shlomo Shamai
Pablo Piantanida
Luc Vandendorpe
+ PDF Chat Interference Mitigation Through Limited Receiver Cooperation 2011 I-Hsiang Wang
David Tse
+ PDF Chat Achievable rates for channels with deletions and insertions 2011 Ramji Venkataramanan
Sekhar Tatikonda
Kannan Ramchandran
+ PDF Chat On the Capacity of Memoryless Finite-State Multiple-Access Channels With Asymmetric State Information at the Encoders 2011 Giacomo Como
Serdar Yüksel