Michele Correggi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Quasi-classical Limit of a Spin Coupled to a Reservoir 2024 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Michele Fantechi
Marco Merkli
+ PDF Chat Quasi-classical Limit of a Spin Coupled to a Reservoir 2024 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Michele Fantechi
Marco Merkli
+ PDF Chat Quantum Point Charges Interacting with Quasi-classical Electromagnetic Fields 2024 SĂ©bastien Breteaux
Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Jérémy Faupin
+ Pauli Hamiltonians with an Aharonov–Bohm flux 2024 William Borrelli
Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger Operators with Multiple Aharonov–Bohm Fluxes 2024 Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ PDF Chat On the Ginzburg-Landau Energy of Corners 2024 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
Ayman Kachmar
+ PDF Chat Deficiency Indices for Singular Magnetic Schrödinger Operators 2024 Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ PDF Chat Ground state properties in the quasiclassical regime 2023 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ Schrödinger operators with multiple Aharonov-Bohm fluxes 2023 Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ Deficiency indices for singular magnetic Schrödinger operators 2023 Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ Pauli Hamiltonians with an Aharonov-Bohm Flux 2023 William Borrelli
Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ Quasi-classical dynamics 2022 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ Quasi-Classical Spin-Boson Models 2022 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Merkli
+ Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Theory for Interacting Fermions in a Trap 2022 Andrea Calignano
Michele Correggi
+ PDF Chat Almost flat angles in surface superconductivity 2021 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat Effects of corners in surface superconductivity 2021 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat Magnetic perturbations of anyonic and Aharonov–Bohm Schrödinger operators 2021 Michele Correggi
Davide Fermi
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Time-Dependent Point Interactions in Polaron Models 2021 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Time-Dependent Point Interactions in Polaron Models 2021 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ Almost Flat Angles in Surface Superconductivity 2020 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ Stability of the standing waves of the concentrated NLSE in dimension two 2020 Riccardo Adami
Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Lorenzo Tentarelli
+ PDF Chat Surface effects in superconductors with corners 2020 Michele Correggi
+ Ground State Properties in the Quasi-Classical Regime 2020 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ Blow-up for the pointwise NLS in dimension two: Absence of critical power 2019 Riccardo Adami
Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Lorenzo Tentarelli
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Schrödinger operators as the quasi-classical limit of Pauli–Fierz-type models 2019 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ Effects of Corners in Surface Superconductivity. 2019 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat Vortex patterns in the almost-bosonic anyon gas 2019 Michele Correggi
Romain Duboscq
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat A Quantum Model of Feshbach Resonances 2019 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Domenico Finco
Alessandro Teta
+ Quasi-Classical Dynamics 2019 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics 2018 Michele Correggi
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness of the two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with concentrated nonlinearity 2018 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Lorenzo Tentarelli
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation with nonlinear point interactions 2018 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Lorenzo Tentarelli
+ Hamiltonians for Two-Anyon Systems. 2018 Michele Correggi
Luca Oddis
+ Hamiltonians for Two-Anyon Systems 2018 Michele Correggi
Luca Oddis
+ PDF Chat Local density approximation for almost-bosonic anyons 2018 Michele Correggi
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Universal and shape dependent features of surface superconductivity 2017 Michele Correggi
Bharathiganesh Devanarayanan
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Effective Potentials Generated by Field Interaction in the Quasi-Classical Limit 2017 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
+ PDF Chat Local density approximation for the almost-bosonic anyon gas 2017 Michele Correggi
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Local Density Approximation for Almost-Bosonic Anyons 2017 Michele Correggi
Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional time-dependent point interactions 2017 Raffaele Carlone
Michele Correggi
Rodolfo Figari
+ PDF Chat Surface superconductivity in presence of corners 2017 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat On the third critical speed for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates 2016 Michele Correggi
Daniele Dimonte
+ PDF Chat Effects of Boundary Curvature on Surface Superconductivity 2016 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ Low-Temperature Spin-Wave Approximation for the Heisenberg Ferromagnet 2016 Michele Correggi
Alessandro Giuliani
Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat A Class of Hamiltonians for a Three-Particle Fermionic System at Unitarity 2015 Michele Correggi
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
Domenico Finco
Alessandro Michelangeli
Alessandro Teta
+ PDF Chat Boundary Behavior of the Ginzburg–Landau Order Parameter in the Surface Superconductivity Regime 2015 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Energy lower bound for the unitary N + 1 fermionic model 2015 Michele Correggi
Domenico Finco
Alessandro Teta
+ PDF Chat Validity of the Spin-Wave Approximation for the Free Energy of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet 2015 Michele Correggi
Alessandro Giuliani
Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat Validity of spin-wave theory for the quantum Heisenberg model 2014 Michele Correggi
Alessandro Giuliani
Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat On the Ginzburg–Landau Functional in the Surface Superconductivity Regime 2014 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous Vortex Patterns in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates 2013 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Vortex Phases of Rotating Superfluids 2013 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Giant vortex phase transition in rapidly rotating trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 2013 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat The Free Energy of the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet at Large Spin 2012 Michele Correggi
Alessandro Giuliani
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
Domenico Finco
Alessandro Michelangeli
Alessandro Teta
+ PDF Chat Critical rotational speeds for superfluids in homogeneous traps 2012 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Rotating superfluids in anharmonic traps: From vortex lattices to giant vortices 2011 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Critical Rotational Speeds in the Gross-Pitaevskii Theory on a Disc with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 2011 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat The Transition to a Giant Vortex Phase in a Fast Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate 2011 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat The Transition to a Giant Vortex Phase in a Fast Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate 2010 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ Energy and vorticity in fast rotating Bose–Einstein condensates 2008 Michele Correggi
Jakob Yngvason
+ Spectral analysis of a two body problem with zero-range perturbation 2008 Michele Correggi
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
Domenico Finco
+ PDF Chat The TF Limit for Rapidly Rotating Bose Gases in Anharmonic Traps 2008 J.-B. Bru
Michele Correggi
Peter Pickl
Jakob Yngvason
+ Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in homogeneous traps 2007 Michele Correggi
Tanja Rindler-Daller
Jakob Yngvason
+ Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in strongly anharmonic traps 2007 Michele Correggi
Tanja Rindler-Daller
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Decay of a bound state under a time-periodic perturbation: a toy case 2005 Michele Correggi
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
+ PDF Chat Ionization for Three Dimensional Time-Dependent Point Interactions 2005 Michele Correggi
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
Rodolfo Figari
Andrea Mantile
+ PDF Chat Rotating Singular Perturbations of the Laplacian 2004 Michele Correggi
Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
+ PDF Chat Quantum Mechanics and Stochastic Mechanics for Compatible Observables at Different Times 2002 Michele Correggi
G. Morchio
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Transition to a Giant Vortex Phase in a Fast Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate 2011 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Critical rotational speeds for superfluids in homogeneous traps 2012 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ Energy and vorticity in fast rotating Bose–Einstein condensates 2008 Michele Correggi
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Critical Rotational Speeds in the Gross-Pitaevskii Theory on a Disc with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions 2011 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous Vortex Patterns in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates 2013 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Vortex States of Rapidly Rotating Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensates 2003 Uwe R. Fischer
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Spectral Methods in Surface Superconductivity 2010 SĂžren Fournais
Bernard Helffer
+ Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications 2006 Amandine Aftalion
+ The Distribution of Surface Superconductivity Along the Boundary: On a Conjecture of X. B. Pan 2007 Yaniv Almog
Bernard Helffer
+ Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in strongly anharmonic traps 2007 Michele Correggi
Tanja Rindler-Daller
Jakob Yngvason
+ Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in anharmonic potentials 2003 G. M. Kavoulakis
Gordon Baym
+ PDF Chat Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for Rotating Bose Gases 2006 Élliott H. Lieb
Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat Rotating superfluids in anharmonic traps: From vortex lattices to giant vortices 2011 Michele Correggi
Florian Pinsker
Nicolas Rougerie
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat On the Ginzburg–Landau Functional in the Surface Superconductivity Regime 2014 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Boundary Behavior of the Ginzburg–Landau Order Parameter in the Surface Superconductivity Regime 2015 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Giant hole and circular superflow in a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate 2002 Kenichi Kasamatsu
Makoto Tsubota
Masahito Ueda
+ PDF Chat Rotating vortex lattice in a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in combined quadratic and quartic radial potentials 2001 Alexander L. Fetter
+ PDF Chat Vortex Rings in Fast Rotating Bose–Einstein Condensates 2011 Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Superconductivity between $H_{C_2}$ and $H_{C_3}$ 2011 SĂžren Fournais
Bernard Helffer
Mikael Persson
+ Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in homogeneous traps 2007 Michele Correggi
Tanja Rindler-Daller
Jakob Yngvason
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Nucleation of bulk superconductivity close to critical magnetic field 2010 SĂžren Fournais
Ayman Kachmar
+ PDF Chat Effects of Boundary Curvature on Surface Superconductivity 2016 Michele Correggi
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Self-Adjointness Criterion for Operators in Fock Spaces 2015 Marco Falconi
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 J. W. W.
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat On the Third Critical Field in Ginzburg-Landau Theory 2006 SĂžren Fournais
Bernard Helffer
+ The giant vortex state for a Bose–Einstein condensate in a rotating anharmonic trap: Extreme rotation regimes 2010 Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Partially Classical Limit of the Nelson Model 2006 J. Ginibre
Fabio Nironi
G. Velo
+ PDF Chat Rotating trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 2009 Alexander L. Fetter
+ PDF Chat Transition to the giant vortex state in a harmonic-plus-quartic trap 2006 Han Fu
E. Zaremba
+ Asymptotics for the minimization of a Ginzburg-Landau functional 1993 Fabrice BĂ©thuel
Haı̈m Brezis
Frïżœdïżœric Hïżœlein
+ Non-existence of vortices in the small density region of a condensate 2010 Amandine Aftalion
Robert L. Jerrard
Jimena Royo-Letelier
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Fractional Statistics for Tracer Particles in a Laughlin Liquid 2016 Douglas Lundholm
Nicolas Rougerie
+ PDF Chat Surface superconductivity in presence of corners 2017 Michele Correggi
Emanuela L. Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Limit for Bosons and Infinite Dimensional Phase-Space Analysis 2008 Zied Ammari
Francis Nier
+ PDF Chat Rapid rotation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic plus quartic trap 2005 Alexander L. Fetter
Brian Jackson
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of a Strongly Coupled Polaron 2014 Rupert L. Frank
Benjamin Schlein
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in a harmonic plus quartic trap 2005 Jong-kwan Kim
Alexander L. Fetter
+ PDF Chat Mean field propagation of infinite dimensional Wigner measures with a singular two-body interaction potential 2015 Zied Ammari
Francis Nier
+ PDF Chat Rapidly rotating atomic gases 2008 Nigel R. Cooper
+ The ground state energy of the three dimensional Ginzburg–Landau functional. Part II: Surface regime 2012 Sþren Fournais
Ali Kachmar
Mikael Persson
+ Mean field limit for bosons and propagation of Wigner measures 2009 Zied Ammari
Francis Nier
+ PDF Chat Gross-Pitaevskii Theory of the Rotating Bose Gas 2002 Robert Seiringer
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for the Low-Lying Eigenstates of the Schrödinger Operator with Magnetic Field near Corners 2006 Virginie Bonnaillie‐NoĂ«l
Monique Dauge
+ PDF Chat Concentration of cylindrical Wigner measures 2017 Marco Falconi
+ Cylindrical Wigner measures 2018 Marco Falconi
+ On the fundamental state energy for a Schrödinger operator with magnetic field in domains with corners 2005 Virginie Bonnaillie
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Schrödinger operators as the quasi-classical limit of Pauli–Fierz-type models 2019 Michele Correggi
Marco Falconi
Marco Olivieri
+ PDF Chat The TF Limit for Rapidly Rotating Bose Gases in Anharmonic Traps 2008 J.-B. Bru
Michele Correggi
Peter Pickl
Jakob Yngvason
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition Curves for Mesoscopic Superconducting Samples 1999 Hala Jadallah
Jacob Rubinstein
Peter Sternberg