Aaron Potechin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ SoS Certification for Symmetric Quadratic Functions and Its Connection to Constrained Boolean Hypercube Optimization 2025 Adam Kurpisz
Aaron Potechin
Elias Wirth
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-squares lower bounds for Non-Gaussian Component Analysis 2024 Ilias Diakonikolas
Sushrut Karmalkar
Shuo Pang
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat On the second moment of the determinant of random symmetric, Wigner, and Hermitian matrices 2024 Dominik Beck
Zelin Lv
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat Hardness of sampling for the anti-ferromagnetic Ising model on random graphs 2024 Neng Huang
Will Perkins
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Independent Set in Ultra-Sparse Random Graphs 2024 Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Jeff Xu
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Independent Set on Ultra-Sparse Random Graphs 2024 Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Jeff Xu
+ PDF Chat On induced subgraphs of $H(n,3)$ with maximum degree $1$ 2024 Aaron Potechin
Hing Yin Tsang
+ PDF Chat Clique Is Hard on Average for Sherali-Adams with Bounded Coefficients 2024 Susanna F. de Rezende
Aaron Potechin
Kilian Risse
+ PDF Chat Separating MAX 2-AND, MAX DI-CUT and MAX CUT 2023 Joshua Brakensiek
Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
Uri Zwick
+ Clique Is Hard on Average for Unary Sherali-Adams 2023 Susanna F. de Rezende
Aaron Potechin
Kilian Risse
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Densest k-Subgraph 2023 C. A. Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
Jeff Xu
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Densest $k$-Subgraph 2023 Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
Jeff L. Xu
+ Ellipsoid Fitting Up to a Constant 2023 Jun-Ting Hsieh
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Jeff Xu
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sparse Independent Set 2022 Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
Madhur Tulsiani
Jeff Xu
+ Bounds on the Total Coefficient Size of Nullstellensatz Proofs of the Pigeonhole Principle and the Ordering Principle 2022 Aaron Potechin
Aaron Zhang
+ On Mixing Distributions Via Random Orthogonal Matrices and the Spectrum of the Singular Values of Multi-Z Shaped Graph Matrices 2022 Wenjun Cai
Aaron Potechin
+ Separating MAX 2-AND, MAX DI-CUT and MAX CUT 2022 Joshua Brakensiek
Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
Uri Zwick
+ The Sixth Moment of Random Determinants 2022 Zelin Lv
Aaron Potechin
+ SoS certification for symmetric quadratic functions and its connection to constrained boolean hypercube optimization 2021 Adam Kurpisz
Aaron Potechin
Elias Samuel Wirth
+ Almost-Orthogonal Bases for Inner Product Polynomials. 2021 Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sparse Independent Set 2021 Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
Madhur Tulsiani
Jeff Xu
+ SoS certification for symmetric quadratic functions and its connection to constrained Boolean hypercube optimization 2021 Adam Kurpisz
Aaron Potechin
Elias Samuel Wirth
+ Almost-Orthogonal Bases for Inner Product Polynomials 2021 Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
+ Exact nuclear norm, completion and decomposition for random overcomplete tensors via degree-4 SOS 2020 Bohdan Kivva
Aaron Potechin
+ Machinery for Proving Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds on Certification Problems. 2020 Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick via Planted Affine Planes 2020 Mrinalkanti Ghosh
Fernando Granha Jeronimo
Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ On the Mysteries of MAX NAE-SAT. 2020 Joshua Brakensiek
Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
Uri Zwick
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick via Planted Affine Planes 2020 Mrinalkanti Ghosh
Fernando Granha Jeronimo
Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ PDF Chat Lengths of words accepted by nondeterministic finite automata 2020 Aaron Potechin
Jeffrey Shallit
+ PDF Chat The Spectrum of the Singular Values of Z-Shaped Graph Matrices 2020 Wenjun Cai
Aaron Potechin
+ A Conjecture on Induced Subgraphs of Cayley Graphs 2020 Aaron Potechin
Hing Yin Tsang
+ The Spectrum of the Singular Values of Z-Shaped Graph Matrices 2020 Wenjun Cai
Aaron Potechin
+ On the Approximability of Presidential Type Predicates 2020 Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
+ Exact nuclear norm, completion and decomposition for random overcomplete tensors via degree-4 SOS 2020 Bohdan Kivva
Aaron Potechin
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick via Planted Affine Planes 2020 Mrinalkanti Ghosh
Fernando Granha Jeronimo
Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ Machinery for Proving Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds on Certification Problems 2020 Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ On the Mysteries of MAX NAE-SAT 2020 Joshua Brakensiek
Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
Uri Zwick
+ PDF Chat On the approximation resistance of balanced linear threshold functions 2019 Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2019 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ On the Approximability of Presidential Type Predicates 2019 Neng Huang
Aaron Potechin
+ Sum of squares bounds for the total ordering principle. 2018 Aaron Potechin
+ On the Approximation Resistance of Balanced Linear Threshold Functions 2018 Aaron Potechin
+ Lengths of Words Accepted by Nondeterministic Finite Automata 2018 Aaron Potechin
Jeffrey Shallit
+ Sum of squares bounds for the ordering principle 2018 Aaron Potechin
+ On the Approximation Resistance of Balanced Linear Threshold Functions 2018 Aaron Potechin
+ Lengths of Words Accepted by Nondeterministic Finite Automata 2018 Aaron Potechin
Jeffrey Shallit
+ Sum of squares lower bounds from symmetry and a good story 2017 Aaron Potechin
+ The power of sum-of-squares for detecting hidden structures 2017 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
David Steurer
+ PDF Chat The Power of Sum-of-Squares for Detecting Hidden Structures 2017 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
David Steurer
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Monotone Switching Networks for Directed Connectivity 2017 Aaron Potechin
+ Exact tensor completion with sum-of-squares 2017 Aaron Potechin
David Steurer
+ Exact tensor completion with sum-of-squares 2017 Aaron Potechin
David Steurer
+ A Note on Property Testing Sum of Squares and Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation 2017 Aaron Potechin
Liu Yang
+ Sum of squares lower bounds from symmetry and a good story 2017 Aaron Potechin
+ Exact tensor completion with sum-of-squares 2017 Aaron Potechin
David Steurer
+ The power of sum-of-squares for detecting hidden structures 2017 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
David Steurer
+ A Note on Amortized Space Complexity. 2016 Aaron Potechin
+ A Note on Amortized Branching Program Complexity 2016 Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2016 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ Bounds on the Norms of Uniform Low Degree Graph Matrices 2016 Dhruv Medarametla
Aaron Potechin
+ A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2016 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ On the integrality gap of degree-4 sum of squares for planted clique 2016 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
+ A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem. 2016 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ Bounds on the Norms of Uniform Low Degree Graph Matrices 2016 Dhruv Medarametla
Aaron Potechin
+ Graph Matrices: Norm Bounds and Applications 2016 Kwangjun Ahn
Dhruv Medarametla
Aaron Potechin
+ A Note on Amortized Branching Program Complexity 2016 Aaron Potechin
+ A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2016 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ On the Integrality Gap of Degree-4 Sum of Squares for Planted Clique 2015 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-squares Lower Bounds for Planted Clique 2015 Raghu Meka
Aaron Potechin
Avi Wigderson
+ Sum-of-squares lower bounds for planted clique 2015 Raghu Meka
Aaron Potechin
Avi Wigderson
+ SoS and Planted Clique: Tight Analysis of MPW Moments at all Degrees and an Optimal Lower Bound at Degree Four 2015 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
+ Sum-of-squares lower bounds for planted clique 2015 Raghu Meka
Aaron Potechin
Avi Wigderson
+ A note on a problem of Erdos and Rothschild 2014 Aaron Potechin
+ A note on a problem of Erdos and Rothschild 2014 Aaron Potechin
+ Bounds on the Size of Sound Monotone Switching Networks Accepting Permutation Sets of Directed Trees 2013 Joshua Brakensiek
Aaron Potechin
+ Improved upper and lower bound techniques for monotone switching networks for directed connectivity 2013 Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat The Critical Group of a Line Graph 2012 Andrew Berget
Andrew Manion
Molly Maxwell
Aaron Potechin
Victor Reiner
+ Monotone switching networks for directed connectivity are strictly more powerful than certain-knowledge switching networks 2011 Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Monotone Switching Networks for Directed Connectivity 2010 Aaron Potechin
+ Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity 2009 Aaron Potechin
+ The critical group of a line graph 2009 Andrew Berget
Andrew Manion
Molly Maxwell
Aaron Potechin
Victor Reiner
+ The critical group of a line graph 2009 Andrew Berget
A. Manion
Molly Maxwell
Aaron Potechin
Victor Reiner
+ Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity 2009 Aaron Potechin
+ Maximal caps in AG (6, 3) 2008 Aaron Potechin
+ Proof of Han's Hook Expansion Conjecture 2008 Kevin Carde
Joe Loubert
Aaron Potechin
Adrian L. Sanborn
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming 1995 Michel X. Goemans
David P. Williamson
+ Structured semidefinite programs and semialgebraic geometry methods in robustness and optimization 2000 Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-squares Lower Bounds for Planted Clique 2015 Raghu Meka
Aaron Potechin
Avi Wigderson
+ PDF Chat Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications 2012 Boaz Barak
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Aram W. Harrow
Jonathan A. Kelner
David Steurer
Yuan Zhou
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2016 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat Rounding sum-of-squares relaxations 2014 Boaz Barak
Jonathan A. Kelner
David Steurer
+ Sum of squares lower bounds for refuting any CSP 2017 Pravesh K. Kothari
Ryuhei Mori
Ryan O’Donnell
David Witmer
+ PDF Chat Rounding Semidefinite Programming Hierarchies via Global Correlation 2011 Boaz Barak
Prasad Raghavendra
David Steurer
+ PDF Chat Dictionary Learning and Tensor Decomposition via the Sum-of-Squares Method 2015 Boaz Barak
Jonathan A. Kelner
David Steurer
+ Sum-of-squares proofs and the quest toward optimal algorithms 2014 Boaz Barak
David Steurer
+ Complexity Theoretic Lower Bounds for Sparse Principal Component Detection 2013 Quentin Berthet
Philippe Rigollet
+ PDF Chat Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick via Planted Affine Planes 2020 Mrinalkanti Ghosh
Fernando Granha Jeronimo
Chris Jones
Aaron Potechin
Goutham Rajendran
+ Improved Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Hidden Clique and Hidden Submatrix Problems 2015 Yash Deshpande
Andrea Montanari
+ Graph Matrices: Norm Bounds and Applications 2016 Kwangjun Ahn
Dhruv Medarametla
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat The Power of Sum-of-Squares for Detecting Hidden Structures 2017 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
David Steurer
+ Lifting sum-of-squares lower bounds: degree-2 to degree-4 2020 Sidhanth Mohanty
Prasad Raghavendra
Jeff Xu
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds on the Size of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations 2015 James R. Lee
Prasad Raghavendra
David Steurer
+ PDF Chat Sum of Squares Lower Bounds from Pairwise Independence 2015 Boaz Barak
Siu On Chan
Pravesh K. Kothari
+ An approach to obtaining global extremums in polynomial mathematical programming problems 1988 N. Z. Shor
+ How well do local algorithms solve semidefinite programs? 2017 Fan Zhou
Andrea Montanari
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-Time Tensor Decompositions with Sum-of-Squares 2016 Tengyu Ma
Jonathan Shi
David Steurer
+ An Explicit Exact SDP Relaxation for Nonlinear 0-1 Programs 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sparse PCA 2015 Tengyu Ma
Avi Wigderson
+ Tight Lower Bounds for Planted Clique in the Degree-4 SOS Program 2015 Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
+ PDF Chat Fast spectral algorithms from sum-of-squares proofs: tensor decomposition and planted sparse vectors 2016 Samuel B. Hopkins
Tselil Schramm
Jonathan Shi
David Steurer
+ Tensor principal component analysis via sum-of-square proofs. 2015 Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan Shi
David Steurer
+ Sum-of-squares lower bounds for Sparse PCA 2015 Tengyu Ma
Avi Wigderson
+ Undirected ST-connectivity in log-space 2005 Omer Reingold
+ SoS and Planted Clique: Tight Analysis of MPW Moments at all Degrees and an Optimal Lower Bound at Degree Four 2015 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
+ PDF Chat Finding a large hidden clique in a random graph 1998 Noga Alon
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Strongly refuting random CSPs below the spectral threshold 2017 Prasad Raghavendra
Satish Rao
Tselil Schramm
+ On colouring random graphs 1975 Geoffrey Grimmett
Colin McDiarmid
+ Improved Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Hidden Clique and Hidden Submatrix Problems. 2015 Yash Deshpande
Andrea Montanari
+ Infinite Number of Order Parameters for Spin-Glasses 1979 Giorgio Parisi
+ PDF Chat A new proof of Friedman's second eigenvalue theorem and its extension to random lifts 2020 Charles Bordenave
+ PDF Chat Randomly Supported Independence and Resistance 2011 Per Austrin
Johan Håstad
+ A nullstellensatz and a positivstellensatz in semialgebraic geometry 1974 Gilbert Stengle
+ Spectral norm of random tensors 2014 Ryota Tomioka
Taiji Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Expander flows, geometric embeddings and graph partitioning 2009 Sanjeev Arora
Satish Rao
Umesh Vazirani
+ Mixture models, robustness, and sum of squares proofs 2018 Samuel B. Hopkins
Jerry Li
+ PDF Chat Maximum independent sets on random regular graphs 2016 Jian Ding
Allan Sly
Nike Sun
+ PDF Chat On independent sets in random graphs 2014 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
Charilaos Efthymiou
+ PDF Chat On Quadratic Threshold CSPs 2010 Per Austrin
Siavosh Benabbas
Avner Magen
+ Harald Cramér and the distribution of prime numbers 1995 Andrew Granville
+ PDF Chat Finding Hidden Cliques in Linear Time with High Probability 2013 Yael Dekel
Ori Gurel-Gurevich
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Chat Hidden Cliques and the Certification of the Restricted Isometry Property 2014 Pascal Koiran
Anastasios Zouzias
+ Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity 2009 Aaron Potechin
+ On the integrality gap of degree-4 sum of squares for planted clique 2016 Samuel B. Hopkins
Pravesh K. Kothari
Aaron Potechin
Prasad Raghavendra
Tselil Schramm
+ Finding a large hidden clique in a random graph 1998 Noga Alon
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov