A. A. Logunov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Effect of Accumulation of Excess Energy of a Body in Gravitational Compression 2014 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat Impossibility of unlimited gravitational contraction 2007 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat On gravitational flow in the relativistic theory of gravitation 2006 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ On the impossibility of an extremely rigid equation of state for matter 2006 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat The internal Schwarzschild-type solution in the field theory of gravity 2006 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat On the boundedness of the admissible dilation of time by the gravitational field 2006 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Self-restriction of Gravitational Field and its Role in the Universe 2006 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
+ PDF Chat The field theory of gravitation and the rest mass of particles 2005 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat Repulsive Forces in the Field Theory of Gravity 2005 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Henry Poincare and Large Relativity Theory 2004 A. A. Logunov
+ PDF Chat Graviton mass, quintessence, and oscillatory character of Universe evolution 2004 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Н. П. Ткаченко
+ PDF Chat How were the Hilbert–Einstein equations discovered? 2004 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
V.A. Petrov
+ Henri Poincare and Relativity Theory 2004 A. A. Logunov
+ On one fundamental property of gravitational field in the field theory 2004 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat How were the Hilbert – Einstein equations discovered? 2004 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
В. А. Петров
+ PDF Chat Василий Сергеевич Владимиров (к 80-летию со дня рождения) 2003 Андрей Андреевич Болибрух
Andrey Andreevich Bolibrukh
A A Gonchar
A A Gonchar
И. В. Волович
И. В. Волович
Владимир Георгиевич Кадышевский
Владимир Георгиевич Кадышевский
A. A. Logunov
Anatoly Alekseevich Logunov
+ Graviton mass and total relative density of mass Omega_tot in Universe 2003 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ The Theory Of Gravity 2002 A. A. Logunov
+ The theory of gravity 2001 A. A. Logunov
+ The Graviton Production in a Hot Homogeneous Isotropic Universe 2001 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat Принцип причинности в полевой теории гравитации 2001 A. A. Logunov
Anatoly Alekseevich Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ The Causality Principle in the Field Theory of Gravitation 2001 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ What happens in the vicinity of the Schwarzschild sphere when nonzero graviton rest mass is present 1999 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ The upper limit on the graviton mass 1997 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ On incorrect formulations of the equivalence principle 1996 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Yu. V. Chugreev
+ The equivalence principle 1994 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Yu. V. Chugreev
+ Basic equations for the massive gravitational field 1992 A. A. Logunov
+ Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich Akhmanov (Obituary) 1991 П. А. Апанасевич
A M Bonch-Bruevich
F. V. Bunkin
М А Воронцов
Vyacheslav M Gordienko
B. B. Kadomtsev
N. V. Karlov
Andrei Kovrigin
Н.И. Коротеев
A. A. Logunov
+ The Technique of Generalized Functions 1990 N. N. Bogolubov
A. A. Logunov
A. I. Oksak
Иван Тодоров
G. G. Gould
+ Analytic Properties of the Four-Point Green’s Function 1990 N. N. Bogolubov
A. A. Logunov
A. I. Oksak
Иван Тодоров
G. G. Gould
+ 5th International Symposium on Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics : 22-24 August 1989, Dubna, USSR 1990 A. A. Logunov
+ Nonuniqueness of predictions in the general theory of relativity 1988 A. A. Logunov
Yu. M. Loskutov
+ The relativistic theory of gravitation and new notions of space-time 1987 A. A. Logunov
+ Relativistic theory of gravitation 1986 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Current problems of mathematics : differential equations, mathematical analysis, and their applications : collection of papers dedicated to Akademician [sic] Lev Semenovich Pontryagin on his seventy-fifth birthday 1986 L. S. Pontri︠a︡gin
A. A. Logunov
+ Current problems of mathematics : mathematical analysis, algebra, topology : collection of papers dedicated to akademician Lev Semenovich Pontryagin on his seventy-fifth birthday 1986 L. S. Pontri︠a︡gin
A. A. Logunov
+ Evgeniĭ Ivanovich Zababakhin (Obituary) 1985 А П Александров
Yu N Babaev
N G Basov
Евгений Павлович Велихов
Ya. B. Zel’dovich
A. A. Logunov
E A Negin
Алексей Игоревич Павловский
A. M. Prokhorov
Aleksander Andreevich Samarskii
+ Theory of gravitation based on Minkowski space and the principle of geometrization 1984 А. А. Власов
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Relativistic theory of gravitation 1984 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Minkowski space as a basis for a physical theory of gravitation 1984 A. A. Logunov
А. А. Власов
+ Contribution from far singularities in the cos ? plane to the scattering amplitude and to the distribution function of inclusive processes 1980 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
G. L. Rcheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ Singularities of the amplitude in the cos ? plane and scattering at high energies 1979 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
G. L. Rcheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ C an the weak interaction become strong? 1978 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
G. L. Recheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ The energy-momentum problem and the theory of gravitation 1977 A. A. Logunov
V.N. Folomeshkin
+ Does the u channel in the t plane influence the behavior of the forward differential scattering cross section at high energies? 1976 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
G. L. Rcheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ New bounds of the distribution function of an inclusive process 1974 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
V. A. Petrov
+ Asymptotic equality of mean multiplicities of particles in crossed inclusive processes 1974 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ On the limiting regime of cross sections in strong interactions at high energy 1973 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
О.А. Хрусталев
+ Inclusive processes at high energies 1973 В. В. Ежела
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
V. Petrov
+ Low energy theorem and scale invariance at high energies 1971 A. A. Logunov
M.A. Mestvirishvily
+ One-time equation for a two-particle system in quantum field theory 1971 A. A. Logunov
V. I. Savrin
N. E. Tyurin
О.А. Хрусталев
+ On the equality of the total cross sections for the interaction of particles and antiparticles at high energy 1971 G.G. Volkov
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Unitary condition and decrease of the differential cross section of multiparticle production with increasing energy 1971 В. В. Ежела
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
V.I. Savrin
N. E. Tyurin
О.А. Хрусталев
+ High-energy behaviour of inelastic cross sections 1967 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Nguyen Van Hieu
+ Analyticity in the t-plane and the exponential growth of the scattering amplitude 1967 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Asymptotic relations between scattering amplitudes in local field theory 1966 A. A. Logunov
Van Hung Nguyen
I.T. Todorov
+ Asymptotic relations between amplitudes of the processes with a variable number of particles 1964 A. A. Logunov
Nguyễn Văn Hiếu
L.T. Todorov
+ Higher symmetries of strong interactions and asymptotic relations between Meson-Baryon scattering cross sections 1964 A. A. Logunov
Hsien Ting-Chang
+ Regge Poles and the Bethe-Salpeter Equation 1963 A. B. Arbuzov
A. A. Logunov
А.Н. Тавхелидзе
Р. Н. Фаустов
+ Asymptotic relations between cross sections in local field theory 1963 A. A. Logunov
Nguyen Van Hieu
Иван Тодоров
О.А. Хрусталев
+ Regge-poles and perturbation theory - II 1963 B.A. Arbuzov
B.M. Barbashov
A. A. Logunov
Nguyen Van Hieu
А.Н. Тавхелидзе
R.N. Faustov
A.T. Filipov
+ Fredholm Method in the Relativistic Problem of Scattering; METOD FREDGOL'MA RELYATIVISTSKOI ZADACHE RASSEYANIYA 1963 A. B. Arbuzov
A. A. Logunov
А. Т. Филиппов
O.A. Krustalev
V.A. Meshcheryakov
А.Н. Тавхелидзе
A. A. Logunov
А.Н. Тавхелидзе
Р. Н. Фаустов
+ On the theory of dispersion relations for virtual processes 1959 A. A. Logunov
A. A. Logunov
Дмитрий Васильевич Ширков
A. A. Logunov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The theory of gravity 2001 A. A. Logunov
+ Unitary condition and decrease of the differential cross section of multiparticle production with increasing energy 1971 В. В. Ежела
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Relativistic theory of gravitation 1984 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ Asymptotic relations between cross sections in local field theory 1963 A. A. Logunov
Nguyen Van Hieu
Иван Тодоров
О.А. Хрусталев
+ Minkowski space as a basis for a physical theory of gravitation 1984 A. A. Logunov
А. А. Власов
+ On the discovery of the gravitational field equations by Einstein and Hilbert: new materials 2001 Vladimir P. Vizgin
+ PDF Chat “Problems of Theoretical Physics” 2013 Viktor L. Ginzburg
Ya. B. Zel’dovich
V. I. Ritus
A. D. Sakharov
E.L. Feinberg
+ Asymptotic relations between scattering amplitudes in local field theory 1966 A. A. Logunov
Van Hung Nguyen
I.T. Todorov
+ Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant 1998 Adam G. Riess
A. V. Filippenko
P. Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
P. Garnavich
Ron Gilliland
Craig J. Hogan
Saurabh W. Jha
R. Kirshner
+ PDF Chat Critical velocities $c/\sqrt{3}$ and $c/\sqrt{2}$ in the general theory of relativity 2003 С. И. Блинников
L.B. Okun
Михаил Иосифович Высоцкий
+ PDF Chat Cosmology from MAXIMA-1, BOOMERANG, and COBE DMR Cosmic Microwave Background Observations 2001 A. H. Jaffe
P. A. R. Ade
A. Balbi
J. J. Bock
J. R. Bond
J. Borrill
A. Boscaleri
K. Coble
B. P. Crill
P. de Bernardis
+ PDF Chat Slightly Bimetric Gravitation 2001 J. Brian Pitts
William C. Schieve
+ PDF Chat Four-Year [ITAL]COBE[/ITAL] DMR Cosmic Microwave Background Observations: Maps and Basic Results 1996 C. L. Bennett
A. J. Banday
K. M. Górski
G. Hinshaw
P. Jackson
P. Keegstra
A. Kogut
G. F. Smoot
David T. Wilkinson
E. L. Wright
+ High-energy behaviour of inelastic cross sections 1967 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Nguyen Van Hieu
+ Influence of singularities of the amplitude on the behavior of the differential scattering cross section 1977 G. L. Rcheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ Born Approximation and Large-Momentum-Transfer Processes in Potential Scattering 1966 Tai Tsun Wu
+ Does the u channel in the t plane influence the behavior of the forward differential scattering cross section at high energies? 1976 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
G. L. Rcheulishvili
A. P. Samokhin
+ PDF Chat Supernova Limits on the Cosmic Equation of State 1998 P. Garnavich
Saurabh W. Jha
Peter Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
A. V. Filippenko
Ron Gilliland
Craig J. Hogan
R. Kirshner
B. Leibundgut
+ PDF Chat Cosmological-parameter determination with microwave background maps 1996 Gerard Jungman
Marc Kamionkowski
Arthur Kosowsky
David N. Spergel
+ Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State 1998 R. R. Caldwell
R. Dave
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ Some problems of analysis on the field of<i>p</i>-adic numbers 1998 V. S. Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Constraining large–scale structure theories with the cosmic background radiation 1999 J. R. Bond
Andrew H. Jaffe
+ Quasipotential type equation for the relativistic scattering amplitude 1968 V. G. Kadyshevsky
+ Remarks About the Hypothesis of Limiting Fragmentation 1970 T. T. Chou
Chongming Yang
+ PDF Chat On a Composite Model for the New Particles 1956 Shoichi Sakata
+ PDF Chat First‐Year <i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i> ( <i>WMAP</i> ) Observations: Preliminary Maps and Basic Results 2003 C. L. Bennett
M. Halpern
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
A. Kogut
M. Limon
S. S. Meyer
Lyman A. Page
David N. Spergel
Gregory S. Tucker
+ Experimental tests of unitary symmetry 1962 C. A. Levinson
Harry J. Lipkin
S. Meshkov
+ Vector field associated with the unitary theory of the Sakata model 1961 Abdus Salam
J. C. Ward
+ PDF Chat Weighing the Universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background 1996 Gerard Jungman
Marc Kamionkowski
Arthur Kosowsky
David N. Spergel
+ Postulates of Quantum Field Theory 1962 Rudolf Haag
Bert Schroer
+ PDF Chat Graviton mass, quintessence, and oscillatory character of Universe evolution 2004 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Н. П. Ткаченко
+ New bounds of the distribution function of an inclusive process 1974 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
V. A. Petrov
+ The equivalence principle 1994 A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
Yu. V. Chugreev
+ PDF Chat First‐Year <i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i> ( <i>WMAP</i> ) Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters 2003 David N. Spergel
Licia Verde
Hiranya V. Peiris
Eiichiro Komatsu
M. R. Nolta
C. L. Bennett
M. Halpern
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
A. Kogut
+ PDF Chat A Cyclic Model of the Universe 2002 Paul J. Steinhardt
Neil Turok
+ Special Functions and the Theory of Group Representations 1968 N. I︠a︡. Vilenkin
+ PDF Chat Cosmological parameters from SDSS and WMAP 2004 Max Tegmark
Michael A. Strauss
Michael R. Blanton
Kevork N. Abazajian
Scott Dodelson
H. B. Sandvik
Xiaomin Wang
David H. Weinberg
Idit Zehavi
Neta A. Bahcall
+ Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie 1916 Albert Einstein
+ PDF Chat Cosmological Results from High‐<i>z</i>Supernovae 2003 J. Tonry
B. Schmidt
B. Barris
P. Candia
Peter Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alison L. Coil
A. V. Filippenko
P. Garnavich
Craig J. Hogan
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 1
+ On one fundamental property of gravitational field in the field theory 2004 С.С. Герштейн
A. A. Logunov
M. A. Mestvirishvili
+ PDF Chat The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary 2000 Donald G. York
Jennifer Adelman
John E. Anderson
Scott F. Anderson
James Annis
Neta A. Bahcall
Jon Arne Bakken
Robert H. Barkhouser
Steven Bastian
Eileen Berman
+ Lectures on Relativity Theory 1966 John R. Ray
+ PDF Chat Discovery of a supernova explosion at half the age of the Universe 1998 S. Perlmutter
G. Aldering
M. Della Valle
Susana E. Deustua
Richard S. Ellis
S. Fabbro
A. S. Fruchter
G. Goldhaber
D. E. Groom
I. Hook
+ Uber Die Ausdrucke Der Gesamtenergie Und Des Gesamtimpulses Eines Materiellen Systems in Der Allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie 1939 Ph. Freud
+ PDF Chat Нарушается ли принцип причинности для гравитационных волн? 2004 Юрий Викторович Чугреев
Yurii Viktorovich Chugreev
+ PDF Chat Адельные формулы для гамма- и бета-функций пополнений полей алгебраических чисел и их применения к струнным амплитудам 1996 Vasilii S Vladimirov
Vasilii S Vladimirov
+ PDF Chat Бета-функции локальных полей характеристики нуль. Применения к струнным амплитудам 2002 Vasilii S Vladimirov
Vasilii S Vladimirov
+ Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation 2015 Wolfgang Trageser