Évelyne Hubert


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Computational Algebra and Geometry: A special issue in memory and honor of Agnes Szanto 2024 Carlos D’Andrea
Hoon Hong
Évelyne Hubert
Térésa Krick
+ Optimization of trigonometric polynomials with crystallographic symmetry and spectral bounds for set avoiding graphs 2024 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Philippe Moustrou
Cordian Riener
+ Algebraically independent generators for the invariant field of SO 3 (R) and O 3 (R) representations R 3 ⊕ H 2024 Évelyne Hubert
Martin Jalard
+ Orbit Spaces of Weyl Groups Acting on Compact Tori: A Unified and Explicit Polynomial Description 2024 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Cordian Riener
+ Rationality of the invariant field for a class of representations of the real orthogonal groups 2024 Évelyne Hubert
Martin Jalard
+ Optimization of trigonometric polynomials with crystallographic symmetry and spectral bounds for set avoiding graphs 2023 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Philippe Moustrou
Cordian Riener
+ PDF Chat Symmetry in multivariate ideal interpolation 2022 Erick Rodriguez Bazan
Évelyne Hubert
+ T-orbit spaces of multiplicative actions and applications 2022 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Philippe Moustrou
Cordian Riener
+ Algorithms for fundamental invariants and equivariants of finite groups 2022 Évelyne Hubert
Erick Rodriguez Bazan
+ PDF Chat Polynomial description for the T-Orbit Spaces of Multiplicative Actions 2022 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Cordian Riener
+ Orbit spaces of Weyl groups acting on compact tori: a unified and explicit polynomial description 2022 Évelyne Hubert
Tobias Metzlaff
Cordian Riener
+ PDF Chat Sparse Interpolation in Terms of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials 2021 Évelyne Hubert
Michael F. Singer
+ PDF Chat Rational Invariants of Even Ternary Forms Under the Orthogonal Group 2018 Paul Görlach
Évelyne Hubert
Théodore Papadopoulo
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for computing cubatures based on moment theory 2018 Mathieu Collowald
Évelyne Hubert
+ Invariant algebraic sets and symmetrization of polynomial systems 2018 Évelyne Hubert
+ Research in Shape Analysis 2018 Aslı Gençtav
Kathryn Leonard
Sibel Tarı
Évelyne Hubert
Géraldine Morin
Noha El-Zehiry
Erin Wolf Chambers
+ Invariantization and Polynomial Systems with Symmetry 2016 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat A moment matrix approach to computing symmetric cubatures 2015 Mathieu Collowald
Évelyne Hubert
+ Computation of invariants of finite abelian groups 2015 Évelyne Hubert
George Labahn
+ PDF Chat Numerical reconstruction of convex polytopes from directional moments 2015 Mathieu Collowald
Annie Cuyt
Évelyne Hubert
Wen-shin Lee
Oliver Salazar Celis
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian Curves in a 4-Dimensional Affine Symplectic Space 2014 Emilio Musso
Évelyne Hubert
+ Lagrangian Curves in Affine Symplectic 4-space 2013 Emilio Musso
Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Rational Invariants of a Group Action 2013 Évelyne Hubert
+ Lagrangian Curves in Affine Symplectic 4-space 2013 Emilio Musso
Évelyne Hubert
+ Algebraic and Differential Invariants 2012 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Rational invariants of scalings from Hermite normal forms 2012 Évelyne Hubert
George Labahn
+ Algebraic invariants and their differential algebras 2010 Évelyne Hubert
+ Algebra of Dierential Invariants 2010 Évelyne Hubert
+ Differential invariants of a Lie group action: Syzygies on a generating set 2008 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic algorithms for computing resolvent representations of regular differential ideals 2008 Thomas Cluzeau
Évelyne Hubert
+ Generation properties of Maurer-Cartan invariants 2007 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Differential Invariants of Conformal and Projective Surfaces 2007 Évelyne Hubert
Peter J. Olver
+ Differential Invariants of Conformal and Projective Surfaces 2007 Évelyne Hubert
Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Smooth and Algebraic Invariants of a Group Action: Local and Global Constructions 2007 Évelyne Hubert
Irina A. Kogan
+ Polynomial Time Nondimensionalisation of Ordinary Differential Equations via their Lie Point Symmetries 2006 Évelyne Hubert
Alexandre Sedoglavic
+ New Results - Resolvent representation for systems of ordinary differential equations 2006 Thomas Cluzeau
Évelyne Hubert
+ Polynomial Time Nondimensionalisation of Ordinary Differential Equations via their Lie Point Symmetries 2006 Évelyne Hubert
Alexandre Sedoglavic
+ Rational and replacement invariants of a group action 2005 Évelyne Hubert
Irina A. Kogan
+ PDF Chat Differential algebra for derivations with nontrivial commutation rules 2005 Évelyne Hubert
+ Rational, Replacement, and Local Invariants of a Group Action 2005 Évelyne Hubert
Irina A. Kogan
+ New Results - Formal solutions of partial differential systems at a singular point 2005 Nicolas Le Roux
Moulay A. Barkatou
Évelyne Hubert
+ Improvements to a triangulation-decomposition algorithm for ordinary differential systems in higher degree cases 2004 Évelyne Hubert
+ Newton-Hensel algorithm to compute power series solution to non linear ODE of order 1 2004 Nicolas Le Roux
Évelyne Hubert
+ Differential Algebra for Invariant Differential Systems 2004 Évelyne Hubert
+ Computing power series solutions of a nonlinear PDE system 2003 Évelyne Hubert
Nicolas Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Resolvent Representation for Regular Differential Ideals 2003 Thomas Cluzeau
Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Notes on Triangular Sets and Triangulation-Decomposition Algorithms II: Differential Systems 2003 Évelyne Hubert
+ Notes on Triangular Sets and Triangulation-Decomposition Algorithms I: Polynomial Systems 2003 Évelyne Hubert
+ New Results - Algorithmes pour les systèmes non linéaires 2002 Évelyne Hubert
Nicolas Le Roux
+ Factorization-free Decomposition Algorithms in Differential Algebra 2000 Évelyne Hubert
+ A note on the Lax pairs for Painlevéequations 1999 Andrei Kapaev
Évelyne Hubert
+ Essential Components of an Algebraic Differential Equation 1999 Évelyne Hubert
+ Detecting degenerate behaviors in first order algebraic differential equations 1997 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Algebra and algorithm for singularities of implicit differential equations 1997 Évelyne Hubert
+ Etude algébrique et algorithmique des singularités des équations différentielles implicites 1997 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat The general solution of an ordinary differential equation 1996 Évelyne Hubert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ None 1999 Mark E. Fels
Peter J. Olver
+ Gröbner Bases: A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra 2011 Thomas Becker
Volker Weispfenning
Heinz Kredel
+ PDF Chat Representation for the radical of a finitely generated differential ideal 1995 François Boulier
Daniel Lazard
François Ollivier
Michel Petitot
+ PDF Chat Smooth and Algebraic Invariants of a Group Action: Local and Global Constructions 2007 Évelyne Hubert
Irina A. Kogan
+ PDF Chat Differential algebra for derivations with nontrivial commutation rules 2005 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Computing representations for radicals of finitely generated differential ideals 2009 François Boulier
Daniel Lazard
François Ollivier
Michel Petitot
+ Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups 2012 E. R. Kolchin
+ PDF Chat Applications of lie groups to differential equations 1990 Peter J. Olver
+ Factorization-free Decomposition Algorithms in Differential Algebra 2000 Évelyne Hubert
+ Algorithms for Symmetric Differential Systems 2001 Elizabeth L. Mansfield
+ Differential invariants of a Lie group action: Syzygies on a generating set 2008 Évelyne Hubert
+ Unmixed-dimensional Decomposition of a Finitely Generated Perfect Differential Ideal 2001 Driss Bouziane
Abdelilah Kandri Rody
Hamid Maârouf
+ PDF Chat Specializations in differential algebra 1959 Azriel Rosenfeld
+ Calculating Generators for Invariant Fields of Linear Algebraic Groups 1999 Jörn Müller‐Quade
Thomas Beth
+ Computational Invariant Theory 2002 Harm Derksen
Gregor Kemper
+ None 2003 Irina A. Kogan
Peter J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Notes on Triangular Sets and Triangulation-Decomposition Algorithms II: Differential Systems 2003 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Contact of Submanifolds of Homogeneous Spaces 1977 Gary R. Jensen
+ PDF Chat Algorithms in Invariant Theory 1993 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Differential Invariants of Conformal and Projective Surfaces 2007 Évelyne Hubert
Peter J. Olver
+ Some Basic Theorems on Algebraic Groups 1956 Maxwell Rosenlicht
+ Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations 1986 Peter J. Olver
+ Generating differential invariants 2006 Peter J. Olver
+ Symmetry groups, semidefinite programs, and sums of squares 2004 Karin Gatermann
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ On the Singular Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations 1936 J. F. Ritt
+ Algebraic and Differential Invariants 2012 Évelyne Hubert
+ Generation properties of Maurer-Cartan invariants 2007 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ Notes on Triangular Sets and Triangulation-Decomposition Algorithms I: Polynomial Systems 2003 Évelyne Hubert
+ PDF Chat Sums of Squares, Moment Matrices and Optimization Over Polynomials 2008 Monique Laurent
+ PDF Chat Rational invariants of scalings from Hermite normal forms 2012 Évelyne Hubert
George Labahn
+ A Generalized Euclidean Algorithm for Computing Triangular Representations of Algebraic Varieties 1993 Michael Kalkbrener
+ Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms 2015 David A. Cox
John B. Little
Donal O’Shea
+ Standard bases of differential ideals 1991 François Ollivier
+ The Differential Ideal [ P ] : M∞ 1999 Sally Morrison
+ PDF Chat Spectral bounds for the independence ratio and the chromatic number of an operator 2014 Christine Bachoc
Evan DeCorte
Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho
Frank Vallentin
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 2020 J. H. van Lint
+ Cubature formulae for orthogonal polynomials in terms of elements of finite order of compact simple Lie groups 2010 Robert V. Moody
J. Patera
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ Reflection Groups and Invariant Theory 2001 Richard Kane
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ PDF Chat Cartan for Beginners 2003 Thomas Ivey
J. M. Landsberg
+ A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra 2007 Gert–Martin Greuel
Gerhard Pfister
+ An elimination theory for differential algebra 1956 A. Seidenberg
+ Computation of Invariants for Reductive Groups 1999 Harm Derksen
+ Reduction of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations to simplified involutive forms 1996 Gregory J. Reid
Allan Wittkopf
Alan Boulton
+ PDF Chat Computing canonical representatives of regular differential ideals 2000 François Boulier
François Lemaire
+ Group Analysis of Differential Equations. 1985 Willard Miller
Л.В. Овсянников
+ Discrete Fourier Analysis on Fundamental Domain and Simplex of A d Lattice in d-Variables 2009 Huiyuan Li
Yuan Xu