H. A. Weidenmüller


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Statistical theory of neutron-induced nuclear fission and of heavy-ion fusion 2024 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Thermalization of closed chaotic many-body quantum systems 2024 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix model for thermalization 2024 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix approach to transition-state theory 2022 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Transport equations for driven many-body quantum systems 2022 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Tests of the Porter-Thomas Distribution for Reduced Partial Neutron Widths 2021 H. L. Harney
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for deformed odd-mass nuclei 2020 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ The Statistical Model of Nuclear Reactions: Open Problems 2018 P. Fanto
Y. Alhassid
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for deformed atomic nuclei 2016 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix approach to the statistical compound nuclear reaction at low energies using the Monte Carlo technique 2015 Toshihiko Kawano
P. Talou
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory of emergent symmetry breaking in deformed atomic nuclei 2015 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Random-matrix approach to the statistical compound nuclear reaction at low energies using the Monte-Carlo technique 2015 Toshihiko Kawano
P. Talou
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Open problems in applying random-matrix theory to nuclear reactions 2014 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for finite systems with spontaneously broken symmetry 2014 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Ambiguities in the analysis of neutron resonance data 2012 J. F. Shriner
H. A. Weidenmüller
G. E. Mitchell
+ Uncertainties in the analysis of neutron resonance data 2012 J. F. Shriner
H. A. Weidenmüller
G. E. Mitchell
+ PDF Chat Chaos in fermionic many-body systems and the metal-insulator transition 2011 T. Papenbrock
Z. Pluhař
Jeffrey Tithof
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Photonuclear reactions induced by intense short laser pulses 2010 Barbara Dietz
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaotic scattering in microwave resonators 2010 Barbara Dietz
Thomas Friedrich
H. L. Harney
M. Miski-Oglu
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Cross-section fluctuations in chaotic scattering 2010 Barbara Dietz
H. L. Harney
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Induced Violation of Time-Reversal Invariance in the Regime of Weakly Overlapping Resonances 2009 Barbara Dietz
Thomas Friedrich
H. L. Harney
M. Miski-Oglu
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
J. J. M. Verbaarschot
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random matrices and chaos in nuclear physics: Nuclear structure 2009 H. A. Weidenmüller
G. E. Mitchell
+ PDF Chat Spectral fluctuation properties of constrained unitary ensembles of Gaussian-distributed random matrices 2009 Z. Pluhař
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Chaotic scattering in the regime of weakly overlapping resonances 2008 Barbara Dietz
Thomas Friedrich
H. L. Harney
M. Miski-Oglu
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Random matrices and chaos in nuclear spectra 2007 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Interaction of regular and chaotic states 2007 A. De Pace
A. Molinari
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Level repulsion in constrained Gaussian random-matrix ensembles 2006 T. Papenbrock
Z. Pluhař
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Nuclear masses, chaos, and the residual interaction 2006 A. Molinari
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Persistent currents in n-fold twisted Moebius strips 2004 Erlon H. Martins Ferreira
M. C. Nemes
Marcos Sampaio
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Statistical fluctuations of ground-state energies and binding energies in nuclei 2004 A. Molinari
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Spectral Widths and Preponderance of Spin-0 Ground States in Nuclei 2004 T. Papenbrock
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Mean-field approximation to the master equation for sympathetic cooling of trapped bosons 2002 S. J. Wang
M. C. Nemes
A. N. Salgueiro
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Sympathetic cooling and growth of a Bose-Einstein condensate 2002 T. Papenbrock
A. N. Salgueiro
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Transmission phase of an isolated Coulomb blockade resonance 2002 H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices for Bosons 2002 Tomoko Asaga
Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Symmetry Properties of the k-Body Embedded Unitary Gaussian Ensemble of Random Matrices 2002 Z. Pluhař
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Rate equations for sympathetic cooling of trapped bosons or fermions 2002 T. Papenbrock
A. N. Salgueiro
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices 2001 Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random matrix ensembles for semi-separable systems 2001 Tomaž Prosen
T. H. Seligman
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Density Matrix of a Bose--Einstein Condensate: Steady--State versus Mean--Field Approach 2001 S. J. Wang
M. C. Nemes
A. N. Salgueiro
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Decay out of a superdeformed band 1999 Jianzhong Gu
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Correlations of conductance peaks and transmission phases in deformed quantum dots 1999 R. Baltin
Yuval Gefen
Gregor Hackenbroich
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Expansion for the Magnetoconductance Autocorrelation Function 1999 Z. Pluhař
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Quantum Zeno Effect and Parametric Resonance in Mesoscopic Physics 1998 Gregor Hackenbroich
Bernd Rosenow
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat A mesoscopic quantum eraser 1998 Gregor Hackenbroich
Bernd Rosenow
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Crossover to non-universal microscopic spectral fluctuations in lattice gauge theory 1998 M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch
M. Göckeler
Thomas Guhr
A.D. Jackson
Junzhang Ma
S. Meyer
Andreas Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
Tilo Wettig
T. Wilke
+ PDF Chat Magnetoconductance Autocorrelation Function for Few–Channel Chaotic Microstructures 1998 Pol-Bernard Gossiaux
Z. Pluhař
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear supersymmetric σ model for scalar classical waves 1998 B. Elattari
V. Kagalovsky
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ The chiral phase transition, random matrix models, and lattice data 1997 Tilo Wettig
Thomas Guhr
Andreas Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ The chiral phase transition and random matrix models 1996 Tilo Wettig
Andreas Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Chaotic scattering with resonance enhancement 1996 B. Elattari
V. Kagalovsky
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat The chiral phase transition in a random matrix model with molecular correlations 1996 Tilo Wettig
Andreas Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Universality of Random-Matrix Results for Non-Gaussian Ensembles 1995 Gregor Hackenbroich
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble Statistics in a Microwave Stadium Billiard with Chaotic Dynamics: Porter-Thomas Distribution and Algebraic Decay of Time Correlations 1995 H. Alt
H.-D. Gräf
H. L. Harney
Ralph Hofferbert
H. Lengeler
A. Richter
P. Schardt
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ The chiral phase transition in a random matrix model with molecular correlations 1995 Tilo Wettig
Andreas Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Statistical theory of precompound reactions: The multistep direct process 1988 H. Nishioka
H. A. Weidenmüller
S. Yoshida
+ Evaluation of ensemble averages for simple Hamiltonians perturbed by a GOE interaction 1984 J. J. M. Verbaarschot
H. A. Weidenmüller
Martin R. Zirnbauer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Statistical properties of many-particle spectra 1975 K.K Mon
J.B. French
+ Two-body random hamiltonian and level density 1971 O. Bohigas
Jorge Luis Flores
+ PDF Chat Orderly Spectra from Random Interactions 1998 Calvin Johnson
G. F. Bertsch
D. J. Dean
+ PDF Chat Scattering, reflection and impedance of waves in chaotic and disordered systems with absorption 2005 Yan V. Fyodorov
Dmitry V. Savin
H.-J. Sommers
+ PDF Chat Chaotic scattering in the regime of weakly overlapping resonances 2008 Barbara Dietz
Thomas Friedrich
H. L. Harney
M. Miski-Oglu
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Crossover from Orthogonal to Unitary Symmetry for Ballistic Electron Transport in Chaotic Microstructures 1995 Z. Pluhař
Hans A. Weidenmüller
Josef Zuk
Caio Lewenkopf
Franz Wegner
+ PDF Chat Periodic-Orbit Theory of Level Correlations 2007 Stefan Heusler
Sebastian Müller
Alexander Altland
P. A. Braun
Fritz Haake
+ PDF Chat Review of the<i>k</i>-body embedded ensembles of Gaussian random matrices 2003 Luis Benet
Hans A Weidenm ller
+ Structure of Phenomenological Lagrangians. I 1969 Sidney Coleman
J. Wess
Bruno Zumino
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator and chiral random matrix theory 1994 J. J. M. Verbaarschot
+ Two-body random ensemble in nuclei 2006 T. Papenbrock
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Random matrices and chaos in nuclear physics: Nuclear structure 2009 H. A. Weidenmüller
G. E. Mitchell
+ Statistical properties of many-particle spectra. IV. New ensembles by Stieltjes transform methods 1981 Akhilesh Pandey
+ Validity of random matrix theories for many-particle systems 1970 J.B. French
S.S.M. Wong
+ PDF Chat Rotor spectra, berry phases, and monopole fields: From antiferromagnets to QCD 2008 Shailesh Chandrasekharan
Fu-Jiun Jiang
Michele Pepe
U.-J. Wiese
+ PDF Chat Nuclear Masses: Evidence of Order-Chaos Coexistence 2002 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ PDF Chat Nonrelativistic effective Lagrangians 1994 H. Leutwyler
+ The planar approximation. II 1980 C. Itzykson
Jean-Bernard Zuber
+ PDF Chat Nuclear structure, random interactions and mesoscopic physics 2004 V. G. Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Effective theory for deformed nuclei 2011 T. Papenbrock
+ Nuclear Ground-State Masses and Deformations 1995 P. Möller
J.R. Nix
W.D. Myers
W.J. Świa̧tecki
+ Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble Statistics in a Microwave Stadium Billiard with Chaotic Dynamics: Porter-Thomas Distribution and Algebraic Decay of Time Correlations 1995 H. Alt
H.-D. Gräf
H. L. Harney
Ralph Hofferbert
H. Lengeler
A. Richter
P. Schardt
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Simple approach to the angular momentum distribution in the ground states of many-body systems 2002 Y. M. Zhao
A. Arima
N. Yoshinaga
Joan Soto
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Quantum Chaos in Finite Interacting Fermi Systems 1997 Philippe Jacquod
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Distribution of eigenmodes in a superconducting stadium billiard with chaotic dynamics 1992 H.-D. Gräf
H. L. Harney
H. Lengeler
Caio Lewenkopf
C. Rangacharyulu
A. Richter
P. Schardt
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Rotational constants of multi-phonon bands in an effective theory for deformed nuclei 2013 Jialin Zhang
T. Papenbrock
+ PDF Chat Random matrices and chaos in nuclear physics: Nuclear reactions 2010 G. E. Mitchell
A. Richter
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Band Structure from Random Interactions 2000 R. Bijker
A. Frank
+ Spacing and individual eigenvalue distributions of two-body random hamiltonians 1971 O. Bohigas
J. Flores
+ PDF Chat Generalized seniority from random Hamiltonians 1999 Calvin Johnson
G. F. Bertsch
D. J. Dean
Igal Talmi
+ PDF Chat Correlation functions of scattering matrix elements in microwave cavities with strong absorption 2003 R Sch fer
T. Gorin
T. H. Seligman
H-J St ouml ckmann
+ PDF Chat Origin of chaos in the spherical nuclear shell model: Role of symmetries 2005 T. Papenbrock
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Some random-matrix level and spacing distributions for fixed-particle-rank interactions 1971 J.B. French
S.S.M. Wong
+ Statistics of 2+ levels in even–even nuclei 2003 A. Y. Abul-Magd
H. L. Harney
M. H. Simbel
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Pions versus magnons: from QCD to antiferromagnets and quantum Hall ferromagnets 2004 Oliver Bär
Matthias Imboden
U.‐J. Wiese
+ PDF Chat Magnetic dipole excitations in nuclei: Elementary modes of nucleonic motion 2010 Kris Heyde
P. von Neumann–Cosel
A. Richter
+ PDF Chat Dominance of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>ground states in even-even nuclei from random two-body interactions 1999 R. Bijker
A. Frank
S. P̧ittel
+ PDF Chat Experimental and numerical investigation of the reflection coefficient and the distributions of Wigner’s reaction matrix for irregular graphs with absorption 2008 Michał Ławniczak
Oleh Hul
Szymon Bauch
P. Sěba
Leszek Sirko
+ PDF Chat Microscopic mass formulas 1995 J. Duflo
A. P. Zuker
+ PDF Chat Effective Lagrangians with higher derivatives and equations of motion 1994 Carsten Grosse Knetter
+ PDF Chat Single-particle Green’s functions of the Calogero-Sutherland model at couplings λ=1/2, 1, and 2 1995 Martin R. Zirnbauer
F. D. M. Haldane
+ PDF Chat Systematic low-energy effective theory for magnons and charge carriers in an antiferromagnet 2005 F. Kämpfer
Markus Moser
U.-J. Wiese
+ PDF Chat Scaling at the Chaos Threshold for Interacting Electrons in a Quantum Dot 2000 X. Leyronas
P. G. Silvestrov
C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Open system of interacting fermions: Statistical properties of cross sections and fluctuations 2007 G. L. Celardo
F. M. Izrailev
V. G. Zelevinsky
G. P. Berman
+ PDF Chat Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Finite System: A Nonperturbative Approach 1997 B. L. Altshuler
Yuval Gefen
Alex Kamenev
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Does localization occur in a hierarchical random-matrix model for many-body states? 2000 Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
J. Richert
+ PDF Chat Induced Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Observed in Microwave Billiards 2007 Barbara Dietz
Thomas Friedrich
H. L. Harney
M. Miski-Oglu
A. Richter
F. Schäfer
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Random matrices and information theory 1968 R. Balian