Jack Morava


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Boundary framings for locally conformally symplectic four-manifolds 2025 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Some very low-dimensional algebraic topology 2024 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Circular symmetry-breaking and topological Noether currents 2024 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Swan-Tate cohomology of meromorphic circle actions 2024 Jack Morava
+ Notes on $δ$-algebras and prisms in homotopy theory 2024 Jack Morava
+ Periods for topological circle actions 2023 Jack Morava
+ Notes toward a Newtonian thermodynamics 2023 Jack Morava
+ Brauer-Wall Groups and Truncated Picard Spectra of $K$-theory 2023 Jonathan Beardsley
Kiran Luecke
Jack Morava
+ A homotopy-theoretic context for CKM/Birkhoff renormalization 2023 Jack Morava
+ The universal cover of the real projective line 2023 Jack Morava
+ Toward the group completion of the Burau representation 2022 Jack Morava
Dale Rolfsen
+ A locally conformally symplectic structure on Kerr space-time 2022 Jack Morava
+ At the boundary of Minkowski space. 2021 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat At the boundary of Minkowski space 2021 Jack Morava
+ At the boundary of Minkowski space 2021 Jack Morava
+ What $Ell$ sees that $K$ doesn't (when $p >3$) 2020 Jack Morava
+ On the canonical formula of C Lévi-Strauss, II 2020 Jack Morava
+ On oriented planar trees with three leaves 2020 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Operations on Integral Lifts of K(n) 2020 Jack Morava
+ Renormalization groupoids in algebraic topology 2020 Jack Morava
+ Topological invariants of some chemical reaction networks 2019 Jack Morava
+ On formal groups and geometric quantization 2019 Jack Morava
+ Complex orientations for 𝑇𝐻𝐻 of some perfectoid fields 2019 Jack Morava
+ Topological invariants of some chemical reaction networks 2019 Jack Morava
+ Reeling & Writhing & Categorification 2018 Jack Morava
Dale Rolfsen
+ Operations on integral lifts of K(n). 2018 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Toward a Galois theory of the integers over the sphere spectrum 2018 Jonathan Beardsley
Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat The stable symplectic category and a conjecture of Kontsevich 2018 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ Operations on integral lifts of K(n) 2018 Jack Morava
+ Toward the group completion of the Burau representation 2018 Jack Morava
Dale Rolfsen
+ Toward a Galois Theory of $S^0\to\mathbb{Z}$ 2017 Jack Morava
Jonathan Beardsley
+ PDF Chat Homotopy-theoretically enriched categories of noncommutative motives 2015 Jack Morava
+ Navigation in tree spaces 2015 Satyan L. Devadoss
Jack Morava
+ Categories of orbit types for proper Lie groupoids 2014 Jack Morava
+ $MSp$ localized away from $2$ and odd formal group laws 2014 Andrew Baker
Jack Morava
+ The Bagger-Lambert model and Type IIA string theory 2014 Jack Morava
+ A remark on Hopkins' chromatic splitting conjecture 2014 Jack Morava
+ $MSp$ localized away from $2$ and odd formal group laws 2014 Andrew Baker
Jack Morava
+ Categories of orbit types for proper Lie groupoids 2014 Jack Morava
+ A topological group of extensions of $\Q$ by $\Z$ 2013 Jack Morava
+ A topological group of extensions of $\Q$ by $\Z$ 2013 Jack Morava
+ The Grothendieck--Teichm\"uller group and the stable symplectic category 2012 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ The Stable Symplectic category and a conjecture of Kontsevich 2012 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ Geometric Tate-Swan cohomology of equivariant spectra 2012 Jack Morava
+ Quantized timelines 2012 Jack Morava
+ Theories of anything 2012 Jack Morava
+ The Baker-Richter spectrum as cobordism of quasitoric manifolds 2012 Jack Morava
Nitu Kitchloo
+ Diagonalizing the genome II: toward possible applications 2012 Satyan L. Devadoss
Jack Morava
+ Local fields and extraordinary K-theory 2012 Jack Morava
+ The Baker-Richter spectrum as cobordism of quasitoric manifolds 2012 Jack Morava
Nitu Kitchloo
+ Geometric Tate-Swan cohomology of equivariant spectra 2012 Jack Morava
+ The Stable Symplectic category and a conjecture of Kontsevich 2012 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ On gauge theories of mass 2011 Jack Morava
+ The Cosmic Galois group as Koszul dual to Waldhausen's A(pt) 2011 Jack Morava
+ Abelian varieties and the Kervaire invariant 2011 Jack Morava
+ An integral lift of the Gamma-genus 2011 Jack Morava
+ Abelian varieties and the Kervaire invariant 2011 Jack Morava
+ The Cosmic Galois group as Koszul dual to Waldhausen's A(pt) 2011 Jack Morava
+ Cobordism of involutions revisited, revisited 2011 Jack Morava
+ Diagonalizing the genome I 2010 Satyan L. Devadoss
Jack Morava
+ Diagonalizing the genome I: navigation in tree spaces 2010 Satyan L. Devadoss
Jack Morava
+ Notes on two elementary evolutionary games 2010 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat String Orientations of Simplicial Homology Manifolds 2010 Jack Morava
+ On the Algebraic K-theory of Monoids 2010 Chenghao Chu
Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Spin Cobordism Categories in Low Dimensions 2010 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Moonshine elements in elliptic cohomology 2009 Jack Morava
+ Spin cobordism categories in low dimensions 2009 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ A theory of base motives 2009 Jack Morava
+ String orientations of simplicial homology manifolds 2008 Jack Morava
+ On the visual appearance of relativistic objects 2008 Jack Morava
+ String orientations of simplicial homology manifolds 2008 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Toward a fundamental groupoid for the stable homotopy category 2007 Jack Morava
+ Thom prospectra for loopgroup representations 2007 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat The motivic Thom isomorphism 2007 Jack Morava
+ Complex cobordism and algebraic topology 2007 Jack Morava
+ Moonshine elements in elliptic cohomology 2007 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat HKR characters and higher twisted sectors 2006 Jack Morava
+ Tempering the polylogarithm 2006 Charles L. Epstein
Jack Morava
+ Chiral structures on the 4D spin cobordism category 2006 Jack Morava
+ Some measure theory on stacks of graphs 2006 Jack Morava
+ Notes on the geography of the plane at infinity 2006 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Heisenberg groups and algebraic topology 2004 Jack Morava
+ Thom Prospectra for Loopgroup representations 2004 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava
+ Topological gravity in Minkowski space 2004 Jack Morava
+ The motivic Thom isomorphism 2003 Jack Morava
+ Heisenberg groups in algebraic topology 2003 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “The tangent bundle of an almost-complex free loopspace” [HHA, v. 3(2)(2001), 407-415] 2003 Jack Morava
+ Heisenberg groups in algebraic topology 2003 Jack Morava
+ The motivic Thom isomorphism 2003 Jack Morava
+ On the canonical formula of C. Levi-Strauss 2003 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics 2002 Alejandro Ádem
Jack Morava
Yongbin Ruan
+ Recent Progress in Homotopy Theory 2002 Donald M. Davis
Jack Morava
Goro Nishida
W. Stephen Wilson
Nobuaki Yagita
+ Orbifolds in mathematics and physics : proceedings of a Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Orbifold String Theory, May 4-8, 2001, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 2002 Alejandro Ádem
Jack Morava
Yongbin Ruan
+ Braids, trees, and operads 2001 Jack Morava
+ Tate cohomology of circle actions as a Heisenberg group 2001 Jack Morava
+ A renormalized Riemann-Roch formula and the Thom isomorphism for the free loop space 2001 Matthew Ando
Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat The tangent bundle of an almost-complex free loopspace 2001 Jack Morava
+ The tangent bundle of an almost-complex free loopspace 2001 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat An algebraic analog of the Virasoro group 2001 Jack Morava
+ A renormalized Riemann-Roch formula and the Thom isomorphism for the free loop space 2001 Matthew Ando
Jack Morava
+ Pretty Good Gravity 2000 Jack Morava
+ The Swiss-cheese operad 1999 J.-P. Meyer
Jack Morava
W. Stephen Wilson
Alexander A. Voronov
+ Topological gravity in dimensions two and four 1999 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Cobordism of involutions revisited, revisited 1999 Jack Morava
+ Cobordism of symplectic manifolds and asymptotic expansions 1999 Jack Morava
+ Homotopy Invariant Algebraic Structures 1999 Jean-Pierre Meyer
Jack Morava
W. Stephen Wilson
+ Homotopy invariant algebraic structures : a conference in honor of J. Michael Boardman : AMS Special Session on Homotopy Theory, January 7-10, 1998, Baltimore, MD 1999 J. M. Boardman
Jean-Pierre Meyer
Jack Morava
W. Stephen Wilson
+ PDF Chat Completions of ℤ<i>∕</i>(<i>p</i>)–Tate cohomology of periodic spectra 1998 Matthew Ando
Jack Morava
Hal Sadofsky
+ Schur Q-functions and a Kontsevich-Witten genus 1998 Jack Morava
+ Schur 𝑄-functions and a Kontsevich-Witten genus 1998 Jack Morava
+ Quantum generalized cohomology 1998 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Quantum generalized cohomology 1997 Jack Morava
+ Primitive Mumford classes 1993 Jack Morava
+ Some examples of Hopf algebras and Tannakian categories 1993 Jack Morava
+ Topological gravity and algebraic topology 1992 Jack Morava
+ On the complex cobordism ring as a Fock representation 1990 Jack Morava
+ Browder-Fröhlich symbols 1989 Jack Morava
+ Some weil group representations motivated by algebraic topology 1988 Jack Morava
+ A Vanishing Theorem for the Conformal Anomaly in Dimension &gt; 2 1987 Jack Morava
Hirotaka Tamanoi
+ PDF Chat A vanishing theorem for the conformal anomaly in dimension &gt;2 1987 Jack Morava
Hirotaka Tamanoi
+ PDF Chat Conformal Invariants of Minkowski Space 1985 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Complex Powers of the Laplace Operator on the Circle 1985 Jack Morava
+ Noetherian Localisations of Categories of Cobordism Comodules 1985 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariants of Minkowski space 1985 Jack Morava
+ PDF Chat Complex powers of the Laplace operator on the circle 1985 Jack Morava
+ Cohomology of some improper group actions 1982 Jack Morava
+ A product for the odd-primary bordism of manifolds with singularities 1979 Jack Morava
+ Completions of complex cobordism 1978 Jack Morava
+ The E2-term of Novikov's spectral sequence 1978 Jack Morava
+ Hypercohomology of topological categories 1978 Jack Morava
+ Unitary cobordism and extraordinary k-theories 1971 Jack Morava
+ Fredholm maps and Gysin homomorphisms 1970 Jack Morava
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Elementary proofs of some results of cobordism theory using Steenrod operations 1971 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Quasisymmetric functions from a topological point of view 2008 Andrew Baker
Birgit Richter
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Invariant Algebraic Structures on Topological Spaces 1973 J. M. Boardman
R. M. Vogt
+ Noetherian Localisations of Categories of Cobordism Comodules 1985 Jack Morava
+ Rings, Modules, and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory 1997 Anthony Elmendorf
Michael Cole
+ PDF Chat Formal moduli for one-parameter formal Lie groups 1966 Jonathan Lubin
John Tate
+ PDF Chat Classifying spaces and spectral sequences 1968 Graeme Segal
+ A general framework for homotopic descent and codescent 2010 Kathryn Hess
+ Floer’s infinite dimensional Morse theory and homotopy theory 1995 Ralph L. Cohen
John D. S. Jones
Graeme Segal
+ PDF Chat Elliptic spectra, the Witten genus and the theorem of the cube 2001 Matthew Ando
Michael J. Hopkins
Neil Strickland
+ Categories and cohomology theories 1974 Graeme Segal
+ Complex Cobordism and Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres 2003 Douglas C. Ravenel
+ The units of a ring spectrum and a logarithmic cohomology operation 2006 Charles Rezk
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space 1990 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Homotopy-theoretically enriched categories of noncommutative motives 2015 Jack Morava
+ Group representations, λ-rings and the J-homomorphism 1969 Michael Atiyah
David Tall
+ PDF Chat Unitary representations of some infinite dimensional groups 1981 Graeme Segal
+ Generalized Tate cohomology 1995 J. P. C. Greenlees
J. P. May
+ PDF Chat Differentiable Periodic Maps 1979 P. E. Conner
+ Morava K-Theories and Localisation 1999 Mark Hovey
Neil Strickland
+ PDF Chat On Bordism Theory of Manifolds with Singularities. 1973 Nils A. Baas
+ PDF Chat An ∞-categorical approach to <i>R</i> -line bundles, <i>R</i> -module Thom spectra, and twisted <i>R</i> -homology 2013 Matthew Ando
Charles Rezk
Andrew J. Blumberg
David Gepner
Michael J. Hopkins
+ Symmetric functions in the Kontsevich-Witten intersection theory of the moduli space of curves 1995 Tadeusz J�zefiak
+ Symmetric spectra 1999 Mark Hovey
Brooke Shipley
Jeff Smith
+ Recovering Symbolically Dated, Rooted Trees from Symbolic Ultrametrics 1998 Sebastian Böcker
Andreas Dress
+ On the homotopy of the stable mapping class group 1997 Ulrike Tillmann
+ PDF Chat Topological Hochschild homology of Thom spectra which are <i>E</i> <sub>∞</sub> -ring spectra 2010 Andrew J. Blumberg
+ Stable homotopy and generalised homology 1974 J. F. Adams
+ None 2003 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ The classifying spaces for surgery and cobordism of manifolds 1980 Ib Madsen
R. James Milgram
+ Convex polytopes, Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions 1991 Michael W. Davis
Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
+ PDF Chat The Stable Symplectic Category and Quantization 2014 Nitu Kitchloo
+ Nilpotence and Stable Homotopy Theory I 1988 Ethan S. Devinatz
Michael J. Hopkins
Jeffrey H. Smith
+ Geometry of the space of phylogenetic trees 2000 Louis J. Billera
Susan Holmes
Karen Vogtmann
+ The Hopf ring for complex cobordism 1977 Douglas C. Ravenel
W. Stephen Wilson
+ Calculation of contact and symplectic cobordism groups 1992 Viktor L. Ginzburg
+ Intersection theory on deligne-mumford compactifications (after Witten and Kontsevich) 1993 Eduard Looijenga
+ Stable equivariant bordism 1972 Theodor Br�cker
Edward C. Hook
+ The permutoassociahedron, Mac Lane's coherence theorem and asymptotic zones for the KZ equation 1993 Mikhail Kapranov
+ A Course in Arithmetic 1973 Jean Pierre Serre
+ Basic Number Theory 1967 André Weil
+ The Algebra of Multiple Harmonic Series 1997 Michael E. Hoffman
+ Singularities in spaces 1971 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Generalized group characters and complex oriented cohomology theories 2000 Michael J. Hopkins
Nicholas J. Kuhn
Douglas C. Ravenel
+ Localization with Respect to Certain Periodic Homology Theories 1984 Douglas C. Ravenel
+ PDF Chat Groupes fondamentaux motiviques de Tate mixte 2005 Pierre Deligne
A. B. Goncharov
+ Isogenies of formal group laws and power operations in the cohomology theories En 1995 Matthew Ando
+ Thom Prospectra for Loopgroup representations 2004 Nitu Kitchloo
Jack Morava