Andrew Silberfarb


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
Andrew Silberfarb
John Byrnes
Indranil Sur
Ed Chow
Ajay Divakaran
Richard Rohwer
+ Transformer Based Molecule Encoding for Property Prediction 2020 Prateeth Nayak
Andrew Silberfarb
Ran Chen
Tulay Muezzinoglu
John Byrnes
+ Zero-Shot Learning with Knowledge Enhanced Visual Semantic Embeddings 2020 Karan Sikka
Jihua Huang
Andrew Silberfarb
Prateeth Nayak
Luke Rohrer
Pritish Sahu
John Byrnes
Ajay Divakaran
Richard Rohwer
+ Transformer Based Molecule Encoding for Property Prediction 2020 Prateeth Nayak
Andrew Silberfarb
Ran Chen
Tulay Muezzinoglu
John Byrnes
+ Deep Adaptive Semantic Logic (DASL): Compiling Declarative Knowledge into Deep Neural Networks 2020 Karan Sikka
Andrew Silberfarb
John Byrnes
Indranil Sur
Ed Chow
Ajay Divakaran
Richard Rohwer
+ PDF Chat Physical model of continuous two-qubit parity measurement in a cavity-QED network 2009 Joseph Kerckhoff
Luc Bouten
Andrew Silberfarb
Hideo Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Chaos, entanglement, and decoherence in the quantum kicked top 2008 Shohini Ghose
R. Stock
Poul Jessen
Roshan Lal
Andrew Silberfarb
+ PDF Chat Quantum stochastic calculus approach to modeling double-pass atom-field coupling 2008 Gopal Sarma
Andrew Silberfarb
Hideo Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Elimination in Quantum Stochastic Models 2008 Luc Bouten
Andrew Silberfarb
+ Approximation and limit theorems for quantum stochastic models with unbounded coefficients 2008 Luc Bouten
Ramon van Handel
Andrew Silberfarb
+ PDF Chat Quantum Control of the Hyperfine Spin of a Cs Atom Ensemble 2007 Souma Chaudhury
Seth Merkel
Tobias Herr
Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ Approximation and limit theorems for quantum stochastic models with unbounded coefficients 2007 Luc Bouten
Ramon van Handel
Andrew Silberfarb
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Hermitian pseudopotential for higher partial wave scattering 2006 Iris Reichenbach
Andrew Silberfarb
R. Stock
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Efficient Quantum-State Estimation by Continuous Weak Measurement and Dynamical Control 2006 Greg Smith
Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ Quasi-Hermitian pseudopotential for higher partial wave scattering (8 pages) 2006 Andrew Silberfarb
Iris Reichenbach
+ PDF Chat Efficient Quantum State Estimation by Continuous Weak Measurement and Dynamical Control 2006 Andrew Silberfarb
Greg Smith
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Minimal Informationally Complete Measurements for Pure States 2005 Steven T. Flammia
Andrew Silberfarb
Carlton M. Caves
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Reconstruction via Continuous Measurement 2005 Andrew Silberfarb
Poul Jessen
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Generalized Pseudopotentials for Higher Partial Wave Scattering 2005 R. Stock
Andrew Silberfarb
Eric L. Bolda
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Continuous Weak Measurement and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Cold Spin Ensemble 2004 Greg Smith
Souma Chaudhury
Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Entanglement generated between a single atom and a laser pulse 2004 Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Continuous measurement with traveling-wave probes 2003 Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state control in optical lattices 1998 Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Continuous Weak Measurement and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Cold Spin Ensemble 2004 Greg Smith
Souma Chaudhury
Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Faraday spectroscopy in an optical lattice: a continuous probe of atom dynamics 2003 Greg Smith
Souma Chaudhury
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Scalable Photonic Quantum Computation through Cavity-Assisted Interactions 2004 Luming Duan
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Quantum Ito's formula and stochastic evolutions 1984 R. L. Hudson
K. R. Parthasarathy
+ PDF Chat Extended Weak Coupling Limit for Pauli-Fierz Operators 2008 Jan Dereziński
Wojciech De Roeck
+ One-parameter semigroups 2007 E. B. Davies
+ A limit theorem for perturbed operator semigroups with applications to random evolutions 1973 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Singular Perturbation of Quantum Stochastic Differential Equations with Coupling Through an Oscillator Mode 2007 John Gough
Ramon van Handel
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Elimination in Quantum Stochastic Models 2008 Luc Bouten
Andrew Silberfarb
+ PDF Chat Quantum feedback control and classical control theory 2000 Andrew C. Doherty
Salman Habib
Kurt Jacobs
Hideo Mabuchi
Sze M. Tan
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Reconstruction via Continuous Measurement 2005 Andrew Silberfarb
Poul Jessen
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Flows as Markovian Limit of Emission, Absorption and Scattering Interactions 2004 John Gough
+ PDF Chat Tensor polarizability and dispersive quantum measurement of multilevel atoms 2006 J. M. Geremia
John K. Stockton
Hideo Mabuchi
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Nondivergent pseudopotential treatment of spin-polarized fermions under one- and three-dimensional harmonic confinement 2004 Krittika Kanjilal
D. Blume
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Control via Trap-Induced Shape Resonance in Ultracold Atomic Collisions 2003 R. Stock
Ivan Deutsch
Eric L. Bolda
+ PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library 2019 Adam Paszke
Sam Gross
Francisco Massa
Adam Lerer
James Bradbury
Gregory Chanan
Trevor Killeen
Zeming Lin
Natalia Gimelshein
Luca Antiga
+ One Parameter Semigroups 2001 2
+ PDF Chat Label-Free Supervision of Neural Networks with Physics and Domain Knowledge 2017 Russell J. Stewart
Stefano Ermon
+ Harnessing Deep Neural Networks with Logic Rules 2016 Zhiting Hu
Xuezhe Ma
Zhengzhong Liu
Eduard Hovy
Eric P. Xing
+ PDF Chat Continuous measurement with traveling-wave probes 2003 Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Efficient Quantum-State Estimation by Continuous Weak Measurement and Dynamical Control 2006 Greg Smith
Andrew Silberfarb
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Effective-scattering-length model of ultracold atomic collisions and Feshbach resonances in tight harmonic traps 2002 Eric L. Bolda
Eite Tiesinga
Paul S. Julienne
+ PDF Chat Entangling power of quantized chaotic systems 2001 Arul Lakshminarayan
+ PDF Chat Quantum stochastic operator cocycles via associated semigroups 2007 J. Martin Lindsay
Stephen J. Wills
+ Logic Tensor Networks: Deep Learning and Logical Reasoning from Data and Knowledge 2016 Luciano Serafini
Artur S. d’Avila Garcez
+ PDF Chat Pseudopotential model of ultracold atomic collisions in quasi-one- and two-dimensional traps 2003 Eric L. Bolda
Eite Tiesinga
Paul S. Julienne
+ PDF Chat Quantum Kalman Filtering and the Heisenberg Limit in Atomic Magnetometry 2003 J. M. Geremia
John K. Stockton
Andrew C. Doherty
Hideo Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Spin Projection Noise in Broadband Atomic Magnetometry 2005 J. M. Geremia
John K. Stockton
Hideo Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Feedback control of quantum systems using continuous state estimation 1999 Andrew C. Doherty
Kurt Jacobs
+ PDF Chat Separability Criterion for Density Matrices 1996 Asher Peres
+ PDF Chat Construction of some quantum stochastic operator cocycles by the semigroup method 2006 J. Martin Lindsay
Stephen J. Wills
+ PDF Chat Universal quantum control in irreducible state-space sectors: Application to bosonic and spin-boson systems 2003 Paolo Giorda
Paolo Zanardi
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat The Hamiltonian Operator Associated with Some Quantum Stochastic Evolutions 2006 Matteo Gregoratti
+ PDF Chat Ultracold atomic collisions in tight harmonic traps: Quantum-defect model and application to metastable helium atoms 2004 G. Peach
Ian B. Whittingham
Timothy J. Beams
+ PDF Chat Effective<i>s</i>- and<i>p</i>-wave contact interactions in trapped degenerate Fermi gases 2001 R.S. Roth
H. Feldmeier
+ PDF Chat Nonmaximally Entangled States: Production, Characterization, and Utilization 1999 A. G. White
Daniel F. V. James
Philippe Eberhard
Paul G. Kwiat
+ Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1997 Ola Bratteli
Derek W. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Quantum State of a Large Angular Momentum 2001 Gerd Klose
Greg Smith
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaos border for quantum computing 2000 Bertrand Georgeot
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Revised Huang-Yang multipolar pseudopotential 2005 Andrei Derevianko
+ PDF Chat Quantum error correction for continuously detected errors with any number of error channels per qubit 2004 Charlene Ahn
Howard M. Wiseman
Kurt Jacobs
+ PDF Chat Entanglement versus relaxation and decoherence in a quantum algorithm for quantum chaos 2003 S. Bettelli
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Reliable quantum computers 1998 John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Reply II to “Comment on ‘Some implications of the quantum nature of laser fields for quantum computations’ ” 2003 Julio Gea-Banacloche
+ PDF Chat Coherent states and the reconstruction of pure spin states 1999 Jean-Pierre Amiet
Stefan Weigert
+ PDF Chat Generalized entanglement as a natural framework for exploring quantum chaos 2006 Yaakov S. Weinstein
Lorenza Viola
+ PDF Chat Computable measure of entanglement 2002 GuifrĂŠ Vidal
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Formation of an Arbitrary State of Two Qubits 1998 William K. Wootters