Giovanni Monegato


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Polynomial Collocation Methods for 1D Integral Equations with Nonsmooth Solutions 2024 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ Erratum to: ”On a time discrete convolution - space collocation BEM for the numerical solution of two-dimensional wave propagation problems in unbounded domains” 2023 Giovanni Monegato
+ Properties and numerical solution of an integral equation system to minimize airplane drag for a multiwing system 2020 Peter Junghanns
Giovanni Monegato
Luciano Demasi
+ Properties and Numerical Solution of an Integral Equation to Minimize Airplane Drag 2018 Peter Junghanns
Giovanni Monegato
Luciano Demasi
+ Minimum Induced Drag Theorems for Multi-Wing Systems 2016 Luciano Demasi
Giovanni Monegato
Rauno Cavallaro
+ Kronrod and other quadratures 2013 Giovanni Monegato
+ Numerical integration of functions with a very small significant support 2011 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat A space-time BIE method for nonhomogeneous exterior wave equation problems. The Dirichlet case 2011 Silvia Falletta
Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ PDF Chat Lubich convolution quadratures and their application to problems described by space-time BIEs 2010 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
Marija P. Stanić
+ On the numerical solution of integral equations with logarithmic kernels 2010 Peter Junghanns
Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Some new applications of truncated Gauss-Laguerre quadrature formulas 2009 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Some new applications of truncated Gauss-Laguerre quadrature formulas 2008 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Definitions, properties and applications of finite-part integrals 2008 Giovanni Monegato
+ The numerical evaluation of two integral transforms 2006 Giovanni Monegato
Antonio Strozzi
+ Truncated interpolation processes on unbounded intervals and their applications 2006 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat On the Analytical Solutions of Two Singular Integral Equations with Hilbert Kernels 2005 Giovanni Monegato
Antonio Strozzi
+ Asymptotic Expansions for Two-Dimensional Hypersingular Integrals 2005 J. N. Lyness
Giovanni Monegato
+ A polynomial collocation method for the numerical solution of weakly singular and singular integral equations on non‐smooth boundaries 2003 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ Truncated Quadrature Rules Over $(0,\infty)$ and Nyström-Type Methods 2003 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Quadrature rules over (0,infty) and Nystroem type methods 2003 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Weighted Sobolev-type spaces and numerical methods for 1D integral equations 2002 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ Ordinary Differential Equations and Integral Equations 2001 Giovanni Monegato
Christopher Baker
G. Vanden Berghe
+ Erratum to: “Some new properties of Chebyshev polynomials” [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 117 (2000) 175–181] 2001 G. Belforte
P. Gay
Giovanni Monegato
+ None 2001 Giovanni Monegato
+ Truncated Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rules 2000 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Numerical integration of functions with boundary singularities 1999 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ Polynomial collocation methods for1D integral equations with nonsmooth solutions 1999 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ The Euler-Maclaurin expansion and finite-part integrals 1998 Giovanni Monegato
J. N. Lyness
+ Approximation of nonsmooth solutions of linear integral equations on bounded intervals 1998 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ PDF Chat High order methods for weakly singular integral equations with nonsmooth input functions 1998 Giovanni Monegato
L. Scuderi
+ Numerical resolution of the generalized airfoil equation with Possio kernel 1998 Giovanni Monegato
+ Numerical Solution of the Generalized Airfoil Equation for an Airfoil with a Flap 1997 Giovanni Monegato
Ian H. Sloan
+ Nystroem interpolants based on zeros of Laguerre polynomials for some Weiner-Hopf equations 1997 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Integral evaluation in the BEM solution of (hyper)singular integral equations. 2D problems on polygonal domains 1997 M. Diligenti
Giovanni Monegato
+ A stable Nyström interpolant for some Mellin convolution equations 1996 Giovanni Monegato
+ Elementi di Calcolo Numerico 1995 Giovanni Monegato
+ Convergence of Product Integration Rules Over (0, ∞) for Functions with Weak Singularities at the Origin 1995 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Numerical evaluation of hypersingular integrals 1994 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Approximations of Functions with Endpoint Singularities and Product Integration Formulas 1994 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ The Numerical Evaluation of a 2-D Cauchy Principal Value Integral Arising in Boundary Integral Equation Methods 1994 Giovanni Monegato
+ Error Estimates for Gauss-Laguerre and Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Formulas 1994 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Nyström interpolants based on the zeros of Legendre polynomials for a non-compact integral operator equation 1994 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Polynomial approximations of functions with endpoint singularities and product integration formulas 1994 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat The numerical evaluation of a 2-D Cauchy principal value integral arising in boundary integral equation methods 1994 Giovanni Monegato
Siegfried Prößdorf
+ Hypersingular integrals: their occurence and computation 1993 M. Diligenti
Giovanni Monegato
+ Orthogonal polynomials and numerical methods 1992 Giovanni Monegato
+ Product integration for one-dimensional integral equations of Fredholm type 1991 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Convergence Properties of a Class of Product Formulas for Weakly Singular Integral Equations 1990 G. Criscuolo
G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ On the numerical treatment of an integral equation arising from a cruciform crack problem 1990 Giovanni Monegato
Siegfried Prößdorf
+ PDF Chat Convergence properties of a class of product formulas for weakly singular integral equations 1990 G. Criscuolo
G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ On the numerical resolution of the generalized airfoil equation with Possio kernel 1989 Giovanni Monegato
Paolo Lepora
+ Orthogonal polynomials and product integration for one-dimensional Fredholm integral equations with nasty kernels 1989 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Product integration for the linear transport equation in slab geometry 1988 Giovanni Monegato
Vittorio Colombo
+ Product Formulas for Fredholm Integral Equations with Rational Kernel Functions 1988 Giovanni Monegato
Annamaria Palamara Orsi
+ PDF Chat Quadrature Formulas for Functions with Poles Near the Interval of Integration 1986 Giovanni Monegato
+ Quadrature rules for Prandtl's integral equation 1986 Giovanni Monegato
V. Pennacchietti
+ PDF Chat Quadrature formulas for functions with poles near the interval of integration 1986 Giovanni Monegato
+ On a set of polynomials of Geronimus 1985 Giovanni Monegato
Annamaria Palamara Orsi
+ Convergence of product formulas for the numerical evaluation of certain two-dimensional Cauchy principal value integrals 1984 Giovanni Monegato
+ Stieltjes Polynomials and Related Quadrature Rules 1982 Giovanni Monegato
+ Some New Inequalities Related to Certain Ultra-Spherical Polynomials 1980 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat On the Numerical Evaluation of a Particular Singular Two-Dimensional Integral 1979 Giovanni Monegato
J. N. Lyness
+ PDF Chat On the numerical evaluation of a particular singular two-dimensional integral 1979 Giovanni Monegato
J. N. Lyness
+ PDF Chat Positivity of the weights of extended Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules 1978 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the construction of extended Gaussian quadrature rules 1978 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on the Construction of Extended Gaussian Quadrature Rules 1978 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Positivity of the Weights of Extended Gauss-Legendre Quadrature Rules 1978 Giovanni Monegato
+ Quadrature Rules for Regions Having Regular Hexagonal Symmetry 1977 J. N. Lyness
Giovanni Monegato
+ On optimal Chebyshev-type quadratures 1977 Walter Gautschi
Giovanni Monegato
+ A Note on Extended Gaussian Quadrature Rule 1976 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat A note on extended Gaussian quadrature rules 1976 Giovanni Monegato
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 19
+ Properties of Interpolatory Product Integration Rules 1982 Ian H. Sloan
William E. Smith
+ The numerical evaluation of one-dimensional Cauchy principal value integrals 1982 G. Monegato
+ Über gewisse orthogonale Polynome, die zu einer oszillierenden Belegungsfunktion gehören 1935 Gábor Szegő
+ Approximation of functions 2017 George G. Lorentz
+ PDF Chat A note on extended Gaussian quadrature rules 1976 Giovanni Monegato
+ A Survey of Numerical Methods for the Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind 1977 Lars B. Wahlbin
Kendall Atkinson
+ PDF Chat Product integration for the linear transport equation in slab geometry 1988 Giovanni Monegato
Vittorio Colombo
+ PDF Chat The properties of solutions of weakly singular integral equations 1981 Gennadi Vainikko
Arvet Pedas
+ Product-Integration Rules Based on the Zeros of Jacobi Polynomials 1980 William E. Smith
Ian H. Sloan
+ <i>Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations</i> 1953 Jacques Hadamard
Philip Μ. Morse
+ Product-integration rules and their convergence 1976 David Elliott
D. F. Paget
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat A piecewise polynomial approximation to the solution of an integral equation with weakly singular kernel 1981 Gennadi Vainikko
Peep Uba
+ Numerical evaluation of hypersingular integrals 1994 Giovanni Monegato
+ Product Formulas for Fredholm Integral Equations with Rational Kernel Functions 1988 Giovanni Monegato
Annamaria Palamara Orsi
+ Equazioni integrali contenenti il valor principale di un integrale doppio 1928 Francesco G. Tricomi
+ On the Differential Properties of Solutions to Fredholm Equations with Weakly Singular Kernels 1979 Juhani Pitkäranta
+ Kernel Properties and Representations of Boundary Integral Operators 1992 C. Schwab
Wolfgang L. Wendland
+ PDF Chat A note on the optimal addition of abscissas to quadrature formulas of Gauss and Lobatto type 1974 Robert Piessens
Maria Branders
+ Analysis of general quadrature methods for integral equations of the second kind 1981 Ian H. Sloan
+ Product Integration for Weakly Singular Integral Equations In ℝm 1985 Ivan G. Graham
Claus Schneider
+ PDF Chat The optimum addition of points to quadrature formulae 1968 T. N. L. Patterson
+ PDF Chat Positivity of the weights of extended Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules 1978 Giovanni Monegato
+ PDF Chat Convergence properties of a class of product formulas for weakly singular integral equations 1990 G. Criscuolo
G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Stieltjes Polynomials and Related Quadrature Rules 1982 Giovanni Monegato
+ On orthogonal polynomials 1975 P. Túrán
+ PDF Chat Mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation. III 1984 Paul Nevai
+ Mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation, I 1976 Г. П. Неваи
+ Theory of Approximation of Functions of a Real Variable 1963 A.F. TIMAN
+ Numerical Analysis for Integral and Related Operator Equations 1991 Siegfried Prößdorf
Bernd Silbermann
+ On the numerical treatment of an integral equation arising from a cruciform crack problem 1990 Giovanni Monegato
Siegfried Prößdorf
+ Modified Clenshaw-Curtis Integration and Applications to Numerical Computation of Integral Transforms 1987 R. Piessens
+ Nyström interpolants based on the zeros of Legendre polynomials for a non-compact integral operator equation 1994 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Product-integration with the Clenshaw-Curtis and related points 1978 Ian H. Sloan
William E. Smith
+ PDF Chat On weakly singular Fredholm integral equations with displacement kernels 1976 Gerard R. Richter
+ Nystrom-Product Integration for Wiener-Hopf Equations with Applications to Radiative Transfer 1989 Ivan G. Graham
Wendy R. Mendes
+ Regularity of the solution to a class of weakly singular fredholm integral equations of the second kind 1979 Claus Schneider
+ On the weights of certain quadratures for the numerical evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals and their derivatives 1986 G. Monegato
+ Calculating singular integrals as an ill-posed problem 1990 А. Г. Рамм
A. van der Sluis
+ A fast algorithm for solving the generalized airfoil equation 1992 D. Berthold
W Hoppe
Bernd Silbermann
+ Truncated Quadrature Rules Over $(0,\infty)$ and Nyström-Type Methods 2003 G. Mastroianni
Giovanni Monegato
+ Numerical Solution of the Generalized Airfoil Equation for an Airfoil with a Flap 1997 Giovanni Monegato
Ian H. Sloan
+ Rates of convergence for collocation with Jacobi polynomials for the airfoil equation 1994 Thomas Hartmann
Ernst P. Stephan
+ Asymptotic Error Bounds for a Class of Interpolatory Quadratures 1984 Martin Kütz
+ PDF Chat Product integration over infinite intervals. I. Rules based on the zeros of Hermite polynomials 1983 William E. Smith
Ian H. Sloan
A. H. Opie
+ Moduli of Smoothness 1987 Z. Ditzian
Вилмос Тотик
+ Pointwise approximation by algebraic polynomials 1989 Rainer Dahlhaus
+ An optimal order collocation method for first kind boundary integral equations on polygons 1995 Johannes Elschner
Ivan G. Graham
+ A Survey of Gauss-Christoffel Quadrature Formulae 1981 Walter Gautschi