Márton Balázs


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Road layout in the KPZ class 2024 Márton Balázs
Sudeshna Bhattacharjee
Karambir Das
David B. Harper
+ ASEP proofs of some partition identities and the blocking stationary behaviour of second class particles 2023 D. H. Adams
Márton Balázs
Jessica Jay
+ Geodesic trees in last passage percolation and some related problems 2023 Márton Balázs
Riddhipratim Basu
Sudeshna Bhattacharjee
+ PDF Chat Interacting particle systems and Jacobi style identities 2022 Márton Balázs
Dan Fretwell
Jessica Jay
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic limit of the zero range process on a randomly oriented graph 2022 Márton Balázs
Felix Maxey-Hawkins
+ PDF Chat Local stationarity in exponential last-passage percolation 2021 Márton Balázs
Ofer Busani
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of bi-infinite geodesics in the exponential corner growth model – Corrigendum 2021 Márton Balázs
Ofer Busani
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Non-existence of bi-infinite geodesics in the exponential corner growth model 2020 Márton Balázs
Ofer Busani
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Large deviations and wandering exponent for random walk in a dynamic beta environment 2019 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat q-Zero Range has Random Walking Shocks 2019 Márton Balázs
Louise Duffy
Dimitri Pantelli
+ PDF Chat Unifying Particle‐Based and Continuum Models of Hillslope Evolution With a Probabilistic Scaling Technique 2018 Jacob Calvert
Márton Balázs
Katerina Michaelides
+ PDF Chat Product blocking measures and a particle system proof of the Jacobi triple product 2018 Márton Balázs
Ross Bowen
+ Wandering exponent and large deviations for random walk in a dynamic beta environment 2018 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ How to initialize a second class particle? 2017 Márton Balázs
Attila Nagy
+ PDF Chat Coexistence of Shocks and Rarefaction Fans: Complex Phase Diagram of a Simple Hyperbolic Particle System 2016 Márton Balázs
Attila Nagy
Bálint Tóth
István Tóth
+ PDF Chat An Electric Network for Nonreversible Markov Chains 2016 Márton Balázs
Áron Folly
+ How to initialize a second class particle 2015 Márton Balázs
Attila Nagy
+ PDF Chat Dependent double branching annihilating random walk 2015 Márton Balázs
Attila Nagy
+ How to initialize a second class particle? 2015 Márton Balázs
Attila Nagy
+ Comparing dealing methods with repeating cards 2014 Márton Balázs
Dávid Szabó
+ PDF Chat Modeling flocks and prices: Jumping particles with an attractive interaction 2014 Márton Balázs
Miklós Rácz
Bálint Tóth
+ Comparing dealing methods with repeating cards 2012 Márton Balázs
Dávid Szabó
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Bounds in the Exponential Bricklayers Process 2012 Márton Balázs
Júlia Komjáthy
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Microscopic concavity and fluctuation bounds in a class of deposition processes 2012 Márton Balázs
Júlia Komjáthy
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Comparing dealing methods with repeating cards 2012 Márton Balázs
Dávid Szabó
+ Sztochasztikus kölcsönható rendszerek egyensúlyi viselkedése és fluktuációi = Equilibrium Behavior and Fluctuations of Stochastic Interacting Systems 2012 Márton Balázs
+ Fluid level dependent Markov fluid models with continuous zero transition 2011 Márton Balázs
Gábor Horväth
Sándor Kolumbán
Péter Kovács
Miklós Telek
+ Fluctuation exponent of the KPZ/stochastic Burgers equation 2011 Márton Balázs
Jeremy Quastel
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Order of current variance and diffusivity in the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2010 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Random Walk of Second Class Particles in Product Shock Measures 2010 Márton Balázs
György Farkas
Péter Kovács
A. Rákos
+ PDF Chat Order of Current Variance and Diffusivity in the Rate One Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process 2008 Márton Balázs
Júlia Komjáthy
+ Fluctuation bounds for the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2008 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Fluctuation bounds for the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2008 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Existence of the zero range process and a deposition model with superlinear growth rates 2007 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
Sunder Sethuraman
+ PDF Chat Exact Connections between Current Fluctuations and the Second Class Particle in a Class of Deposition Models 2007 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ A convexity property of expectations under exponential weights 2007 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Order of current variance and diffusivity in the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2006 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat The Random Average Process and Random Walk in a Space-Time Random Environment in One Dimension 2006 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Cube Root Fluctuations for the Corner Growth Model Associated to the Exclusion Process 2006 Márton Balázs
Eric Cator
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Cube root fluctuations for the corner growth model associated to the exclusion process 2006 Márton Balázs
Eric Cator
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Order of current variance and diffusivity in the asymmetric simple exclusion process 2006 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Multiple Shocks in Bricklayers' Model 2004 Márton Balázs
+ Correction to the paper ?Growth fluctuations in a class of deposition models?Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar� Probabilit�s et statistiques 39 (2003) 639?685 2004 Márton Balázs
+ Multiple shocks in a zero range type model 2004 Márton Balázs
+ PDF Chat Growth fluctuations inBaBclassBofBdepositionBmodels 2003 Márton Balázs
+ Stochastic bounds on the zero range processes with superlinear jump rates 2003 Márton Balázs
+ Coupling methods in stochastic deposition models (PhD thesis) 2003 Márton Balázs
+ Lagrange formalism of point-masses 2002 Márton Balázs
P. Ván
+ PDF Chat Microscopic shape of shocks in a domain growth model 2001 Márton Balázs
+ On the approximate solution of operator equations in Hilbert space by a Steffensen-type method 1988 Márton Balázs
G. Göldner
+ On a method for approximate solving of non-linear operational equations 1986 Márton Balázs
+ On a method of third order in Fréchet spaces 1983 Márton Balázs
+ A note on the convergence of Steffensen's method 1981 Márton Balázs
+ On convergent sequences of second order with respect to a mapping 1979 Márton Balázs
+ On approximate solving by sequences the equations in Banach spaces 1979 Márton Balázs
G. Göldner
+ On the method of the chords and Steffensen's method in bounded regions in Banach spaces 1978 Márton Balázs
+ On the approximative solving of the integral equations 1977 Márton Balázs
G. Göldner
+ PDF Chat On existence of divided differences in linear spaces 1973 Márton Balázs
G. Göldner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Growth fluctuations inBaBclassBofBdepositionBmodels 2003 Márton Balázs
+ Scaling Limits of Interacting Particle Systems 1999 C. Kipnis
Cláudio Landim
+ PDF Chat Invariant Measures for the Zero Range Process 1982 Enrique D. Andjel
+ PDF Chat Current Fluctuations for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 1994 Pablo A. Ferrari
Luiz Renato Fontes
+ PDF Chat Scaling Limit for the Space-Time Covariance of the Stationary Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 2006 Patrik L. Ferrari
Herbert Spohn
+ Hydrodynamic limit for attractive particle systems on 417-1417-1417-1 1991 F. Rezakhanlou
+ PDF Chat Exact Connections between Current Fluctuations and the Second Class Particle in a Class of Deposition Models 2007 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Existence of the zero range process and a deposition model with superlinear growth rates 2007 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
Sunder Sethuraman
+ PDF Chat Microscopic shape of shocks in a domain growth model 2001 Márton Balázs
+ PDF Chat Existence of Hydrodynamics for the Totally Asymmetric Simple K-Exclusion Process 1999 Timo Seppäläinen
+ Interaction of Markov Processes 1991 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Current Fluctuations for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 2002 Michael Prähofer
Herbert Spohn
+ Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes 1999 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Processus des misanthropes 1985 Christiane Cocozza-Thivent
+ PDF Chat An Infinite Particle System with Zero Range Interactions 1973 Thomas M. Liggett
+ None 2002 Bálint Tóth
Benedek Valkó
+ On the construction and stationary distributions of some spatial queueing and particle systems 2002 C.M. Quant
+ A convexity property of expectations under exponential weights 2007 Márton Balázs
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Microscopic structure of shocks in one conservation laws 1995 Fraydoun Rezakhanlou
+ PDF Chat Multiple Shocks in Bricklayers' Model 2004 Márton Balázs
+ PDF Chat Shock profiles for the asymmetric simple exclusion process in one dimension 1997 B. Derrida
Joel L. Lebowitz
Eugène R. Speer
+ PDF Chat Second class particles and cube root asymptotics for Hammersley’s process 2006 Eric Cator
Piet Groeneboom
+ Interaction of Markov processes 1970 Frank Spitzer
+ On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations 1999 Jinho Baik
Percy Deift
Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Shape Fluctuations and Random Matrices 2000 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Competition interfaces and second class particles 2005 Pablo A. Ferrari
Leandro P. R. Pimentel
+ PDF Chat Microscopic Structure of Travelling Waves in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 1991 Pablo A. Ferrari
C. Kipnis
Ellen Saada
+ Random Spatial Structures and Sums 2002 Lorna Booth
+ Second class particles in the rarefaction fan 1995 Pablo A. Ferrari
C. Kipnis
+ PDF Chat Strong Hydrodynamic Limit for Attractive Particle Systems on $\mathbb{Z}$ 2010 Christophe Bahadoran
Hervé Guiol
K. Ravishankar
Ellen Saada
+ PDF Chat Euler hydrodynamics of one-dimensional attractive particle systems 2006 Christophe Bahadoran
Hervé Guiol
K. Ravishankar
E. Saada
+ PDF Chat t 1/3 Superdiffusivity of Finite-Range Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on $${\mathbb{Z}}$$ 2007 Jeremy Quastel
Benedek Valkó
+ PDF Chat Cube Root Fluctuations for the Corner Growth Model Associated to the Exclusion Process 2006 Márton Balázs
Eric Cator
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat The Random Average Process and Random Walk in a Space-Time Random Environment in One Dimension 2006 Márton Balázs
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ Between equilibrium fluctuations and Eulerian scaling: Perturbation of equilibrium for a class of deposition models 2002 Bálint Tóth
Benedek Valkó
+ PDF Chat Hammersley's interacting particle process and longest increasing subsequences 1995 David Aldous
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat Coupling the Simple Exclusion Process 1976 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Shock fluctuations in asymmetric simple exclusion 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Second-order fluctuations and current across characteristic for a one-dimensional growth model of independent random walks 2005 Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Microscopic concavity and fluctuation bounds in a class of deposition processes 2012 Márton Balázs
Júlia Komjáthy
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Infinite particle systems 1973 Sidney C. Port
Charles J. Stone
+ PDF Chat Random Walk of Second Class Particles in Product Shock Measures 2010 Márton Balázs
György Farkas
Péter Kovács
A. Rákos
+ Strong hydrodynamic limit for attractive particle systems on . 2010 Christophe Bahadoran
Hervé Guiol
K. Ravishankar
Ellen Saada
+ PDF Chat Second class particles as microscopic characteristics in totally asymmetric nearest-neighbor $K$-exclusion processes 2001 Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Stationary cocycles and Busemann functions for the corner growth model 2016 Nicos Georgiou
Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Diffusion and Scattering of Shocks in the Partially Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 2002 Vladimir Belitsky
Gunter M. Schütz
+ PDF Chat Conservation of Local Equilibrium for Attractive Particle Systems on $Z^d$ 1993 Cláudio Landim
+ Microscopic structure at the shock in the asymmetric simple exclusion 1989 Anna De Masi
C. Kipnis
E. Presutti
E. Saada
+ PDF Chat Existence theorems for infinite particle systems 1972 Thomas M. Liggett