C. Parrinello


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
M.L. Paciello
S. Petrarca
B. Taglienti
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Lattice calculation of 1/<i>p</i><sup>2</sup> corrections to α<sub><i>s</i></sub> and of Λ<sub>(QCD)</sub> in the <i>MOM</i>-tilde scheme 2000 P. Boucaud
Giuseppe Burgio
Francesco Di Renzo
Jean Pierre Leroy
Jacques Micheli
C. Parrinello
O. Pène
C. Pittori
J. Rodrı́guez-Quintero
C. Roiesnel
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Asymptotic scaling and infrared behavior of the gluon propagator [Phys. Rev. D<b>60</b>, 094507 (1999)] 2000 Derek B. Leinweber
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic scaling and infrared behavior of the gluon propagator 1999 Derek B. Leinweber
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat The running QCD coupling in the pre-asymptotic region 1999 G. F. Burgio
Francesco Di Renzo
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
+ PDF Chat Search for corrections to the QCD running coupling 1999 G. F. Burgio
Francesco Di Renzo
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
+ PDF Chat Modelling the gluon propagator 1999 Derek B. Leinweber
C. Parrinello
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat The structure of the gluon propagator 1999 Derek B. Leinweber
C. Parrinello
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat Massive Yang-Mills model and diffractive scattering 1999 J. R. Forshaw
Joannis Papavassiliou
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Gluon propagator in the infrared region 1998 Derek B. Leinweber
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Status of αs determinations from the non-perturbatively renormalised three-gluon vertex 1998 C. Parrinello
D.G. Richards
B. Allés
H. Panagopoulos
C. Pittori
+ Search for 1/p^2 Corrections to the Running QCD Coupling 1998 G. F. Burgio
Francesco Di Renzo
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
+ PDF Chat α from the non-perturbatively renormalised lattice three-gluon vertex 1997 B. Allés
David Henty
H. Panagopoulos
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
David Richards
+ PDF Chat Pomerons and lattices: a progress report 1997 C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Soft covariant gauges on the lattice 1996 David Henty
Orlando Oliveira
C. Parrinello
Sinéad M. Ryan
+ Lattice Study of the Pomeron 1996 David Henty
C. Parrinello
David Richards
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
+ Running QCD coupling from the lattice 3-gluon vertex 1996 B. Allés
David Henty
H. Panagopoulos
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
+ PDF Chat Testing the quasi-temporal gauge on the lattice 1996 L. Conti
C. Parrinello
S. Petrarca
A. Vladikas
+ PDF Chat The Landshoff-Nachtmann Pomeron on the lattice 1996 David Henty
C. Parrinello
D.G. Richards
+ Soft Pomeron Physics on the Lattice 1996 David Henty
C. Parrinello
David Richards
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
+ Lattice Study of the Pomeron 1996 David Henty
C. Parrinello
David Richards
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
+ The SU(3) running coupling from lattice gluons 1995 David Henty
C. Parrinello
+ The Strong Coupling Constant from the Lattice 3-Gluon Vertex 1995 David Henty
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
+ Exploratory study of the three-gluon vertex on the lattice 1994 C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant top quark form factors from<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">e</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math><mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">e</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">−</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml… 1994 Joannis Papavassiliou
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat 2- and 3-point gluon correlation functions on the lattice 1994 C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Lattice study of the gluon propagator in momentum space 1994 C. Bérnard
C. Parrinello
A. Soni
+ The SU(3) running coupling from lattice gluons 1994 David Henty
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat The gluon propagator in momentum space 1993 C. Bérnard
C. Parrinello
A. Soni
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Quantization, Stochastic Calculus and Path Integrals: Selected Topics 1993 Lorenzo Bertini
G. Jona‐Lasinio
C. Parrinello
+ The gluon propagator in momentum space 1992 C. Bérnard
C. Parrinello
A. Soni
+ PDF Chat Gribov copies and smeared correlation functions in lattice QCD 1992 M.L. Paciello
C. Parrinello
S. Petrarca
B. Taglienti
A. Vladikas
+ The Gribov problem in the frame of stochastic quantization 1990 C. Parrinello
+ The Gribov problem in the frame of stochastic quantization 1990 C. Parrinello
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Lattice study of the gluon propagator in momentum space 1994 C. Bérnard
C. Parrinello
A. Soni
+ PDF Chat The gluon propagator on a large volume, at β = 6.0 1995 P. Marenzoni
G. Martinelli
N. Stella
+ PDF Chat Running coupling and the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi></mml:math>parameter from SU(3) lattice simulations 1993 Gunnar Bali
Klaus Schilling
+ PDF Chat α from the non-perturbatively renormalised lattice three-gluon vertex 1997 B. Allés
David Henty
H. Panagopoulos
C. Parrinello
C. Pittori
David Richards
+ PDF Chat Gribov noise on the lattice axial current renormalisation constant 1994 M.L. Paciello
S. Petrarca
B. Taglienti
A. Vladikas
+ PDF Chat Gluon propagator in the infrared region 1998 Derek B. Leinweber
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Anthony G. Williams
C. Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Gribov copies in the minimal Landau gauge: The influence on gluon and ghost propagators 1997 Attilio Cucchieri
+ PDF Chat A precise determination of the running coupling in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory 1994 Martin Lüscher
Rainer Sommer
Peter Weisz
Ulli Wolff
+ All Gauge Orbits and Some Gribov Copies Encompassed by the Gribov Horizon 1990 Gianfausto Dell’Antonio
Daniel Zwanziger
+ PDF Chat A general method for non-perturbative renormalization of lattice operators 1995 G. Martinelli
C. Pittori
C.T. Sachrajda
M. Testa
A. Vladikas
+ PDF Chat Λ2-contribution to the condensate in lattice gauge theory 1998 G. F. Burgio
Francesco Di Renzo
G. Marchesini
E. Onofri
+ PDF Chat The running coupling from SU (3) lattice gauge theory 1992 Stephen Booth
David Henty
Arjan Hulsebos
A.C. Irving
C. Michael
P.W. Stephenson
+ PDF Chat Infrared Behavior of Gluon and Ghost Propagators in Landau Gauge QCD 1997 Lorenz von Smekal
A. Hauck
Reinhard Alkofer
+ PDF Chat The Landshoff-Nachtmann Pomeron on the lattice 1996 David Henty
C. Parrinello
D.G. Richards
+ PDF Chat Diffraction and the gluon mass 1993 M. B. Gay Ducati
F. Halzen
A. A. Natale
+ PDF Chat Dispersive approach to power-behaved contributions in QCD hard processes 1996 Yuri L. Dokshitzer
G. Marchesini
B.R. Webber
+ Lattice QCD on small computers 1995 Mark Alford
W. Dimm
G. Peter Lepage
G. Hockney
Paul B. Mackenzie
+ PDF Chat Random perturbations of dynamical systems 1997 Michael Blank
+ Dyson-Schwinger equations and their application to hadronic physics 1994 Craig D. Roberts
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat Gribov copies and smeared correlation functions in lattice QCD 1992 M.L. Paciello
C. Parrinello
S. Petrarca
B. Taglienti
A. Vladikas
+ PDF Chat Phenomenology with Wilson fermions using smeared sources 1992 David Daniel
Rajan Gupta
Gregory W. Kilcup
Apoorva Patel
Stephen R. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat P-vortices, nexuses, and effects of gauge copies 2000 V. G. Bornyakov
Д. А. Комаров
M. I. Polikarpov
A.I. Veselov
+ PDF Chat Note on the gauge fixing in gauge theory 2000 Kazuo Fujikawa
Hiroaki Terashima
+ PDF Chat Investigation of Laplacian gauge fixing for U(1) and SU(2) gauge fields 1995 Jeroen C. Vink
+ PDF Chat Gluon Regge trajectory in the two-loop approximation 1996 V. S. Fadin
Roberto Fiore
M.I. Kotsky
+ <i>Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View</i> 1982 J. Gllmm
Arthur Jaffe
Frank Wilczek
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative gauge fixing and perturbation theory 2001 Wolfgang Böck
Maarten Golterman
Michael C. Ogilvie
Yigal Shamir
+ PDF Chat The interest of large-t elastic scattering 1996 A. Donnachie
P.V. Landshoff
+ PDF Chat Casimir scaling from center vortices: Towards an understanding of the adjoint string tension 1998 M. Faber
Jeff Greensite
Š. Olejník
+ XI. Soliton operators for the quantized sine-Gordon equation 1976 S. Mandelstam
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative quark mass renormalization 1998 Stefano Capitani
Marco Guagnelli
Martin Lüscher
Stefan Sint
Rainer Sommer
Peter Weisz
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat The role of center vortices in QCD 2000 Constantia Alexandrou
Ph. de Forcrand
Massimo D’Elia
+ PDF Chat Instantons and fixed-point actions in SU(2) gauge theory 1996 Thomas DeGrand
Anna Hasenfratz
Decai Zhu
+ Stochastic Differential Equations 2006 Iosif Il’ich Gihman
Anatoliĭ Vladimirovich Skorohod
+ PDF Chat Renormalons from eight-loop expansion of the gluon condensate in lattice gauge theory 1995 Francesco Di Renzo
E. Onofri
G. Marchesini
+ PDF Chat Multigrid implementation of the Fourier acceleration method for Landau gauge fixing 1998 Attilio Cucchieri
Tereza Mendes
+ Directed percolation in 3+1 dimensions 1988 Joan Adler
Jorge Berger
J. A. M. S. Duarté
Yigal Meir
+ PDF Chat k-Factorization and small-x anomalous dimensions 1997 G. Camici
M. Ciafaloni
+ PDF Chat Improved lattice operators: Case of the topological charge density 1996 Constantinos Christou
A. Di Giacomo
H. Panagopoulos
Ettore Vicari
+ PDF Chat Monopole characteristics in various Abelian gauges 2000 E.-M. Ilgenfritz
Stefan Thurner
H. Markum
M. Müller–Preussker
+ PDF Chat Infrared behaviour of propagators and vertices 1998 Frederick T. Hawes
Pieter Maris
Craig D. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Gauge-invariant resummation formalism for two-point correlation functions 1996 Joannis Papavassiliou
Apostolos Pilaftsis
+ PDF Chat P-vortices and the Gribov problem 1999 Tamás G. Kovács
E. T. Tomboulis
+ PDF Chat Lattice gauge fixing, Gribov copies and BRST symmetry 1998 M. Testa
+ PDF Chat Gribov copies and gauge variant correlators in U(1) lattice gauge theory 1999 I.L. Bogolubsky
Luigi Del Debbio
V.K. Mitrjushkin
+ PDF Chat Critical slowing-down in SU(2) Landau gauge-fixing algorithms 1996 Attilio Cucchieri
Tereza Mendes
+ PDF Chat Quark-antiquark contribution to the BFKL kernel 1998 V. S. Fadin
Roberto Fiore
Antonino Flachi
M.I. Kotsky
+ PDF Chat Current renormalization constants with an<i>O</i>(<i>a</i>)-improved fermion action 1995 David Henty
R.D. Kenway
B.J. Pendleton
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
+ PDF Chat Running coupling in nonperturbative QCD: Bare vertices and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>y</mml:mi></mml:math>-max approximation 1998 David Atkinson
Jacques Bloch
+ PDF Chat Testing the quasi-temporal gauge on the lattice 1996 L. Conti
C. Parrinello
S. Petrarca
A. Vladikas