Yoann Dabrowski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Free transport for convex potentials 2021 Yoann Dabrowski
Alice Guionnet
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
Alice Guionnet
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
+ PDF Chat Continuous model theories for von Neumann algebras 2019 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Models of Linear Logic based on the Schwartz $\varepsilon$-product 2017 Yoann Dabrowski
Marie Kerjean
+ PDF Chat Linear rigidity of stationary stochastic processes 2017 Alexander I. Bufetov
Yoann Dabrowski
Yanqi Qiu
+ PDF Chat Free Analysis and Planar Algebras 2017 Stephen Curran
Yoann Dabrowski
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
+ Models of Linear Logic based on the Schwartz $\varepsilon$-product 2017 Yoann Dabrowski
Marie Kerjean
+ A Laplace Principle for Hermitian Brownian Motion and Free Entropy 2016 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A Laplace Principle for Hermitian Brownian Motion and Free Entropy I: the convex functional case 2016 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A Laplace Principle for Hermitian Brownian Motion and Free Entropy I: the convex functional case 2016 Yoann Dabrowski
+ PDF Chat Unbounded derivations, free dilations, and indecomposability results for II$_1$ factors 2015 Yoann Dabrowski
Adrian Ioana
+ Continuous model theories for von Neumann algebras 2015 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Analytic functions relative to a covariance map $\eta$: I. Generalized Haagerup products and analytic relations 2015 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Continuous model theories for von Neumann algebras 2015 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Analytic functions relative to a covariance map $η$: I. Generalized Haagerup products and analytic relations 2015 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions II : Multilinear maps and applications to spaces of functionals with wave front set conditions 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions I : Duality theory, completions and bornologifications 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ PDF Chat A free stochastic partial differential equation 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ PDF Chat Functional Properties of Hörmander’s Space of Distributions Having a Specified Wavefront Set 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Christian Brouder
+ The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Kenneth J. Dykema
Kunal Mukherjee
+ Time Reversal of free diffusions I : Reversed Brownian motion, Reversed SDE and first order regularity of conjugate variables 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Free analysis and planar algebras 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
Stephen Curran
+ PDF Chat The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Kenneth J. Dykema
Kunal Mukherjee
+ Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions I : Duality theory, completions and bornologifications 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Functional properties of Generalized Hörmander spaces of distributions II : Multilinear maps and applications to spaces of functionals with wave front set conditions 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
+ The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Kenneth J. Dykema
Kunal Mukherjee
+ Functional properties of H\"ormander's space of distributions having a specified wavefront set 2013 Yoann Dabrowski
Christian Brouder
+ Functional properties of Hörmander's space of distributions having a specified wavefront set 2013 Yoann Dabrowski
Christian Brouder
+ Unbounded derivations, free dilations and indecomposability results for II$_1$ factors 2012 Yoann Dabrowski
Adrian Ioana
+ Concavification of free entropy 2012 Philippe Biane
Yoann Dabrowski
+ Concavification of free entropy 2012 Philippe Biane
Yoann Dabrowski
+ Unbounded derivations, free dilations and indecomposability results for II$_1$ factors 2012 Yoann Dabrowski
Adrian Ioana
+ Concavification of free entropy 2012 Philippe Biane
Yoann Dabrowski
+ Free entropies, free Fisher information, free stochastic differential equations, with applications to Von Neumann algebras 2011 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A Free Stochastic Partial Differential Equation 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A non-commutative Path Space approach to stationary free Stochastic Differential Equations 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A note about proving non-Γ under a finite non-microstates free Fisher information assumption 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A non-commutative Path Space approach to stationary free Stochastic Differential Equations 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
+ A Free Stochastic Partial Differential Equation 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat L 2-rigidity in von Neumann algebras 2008 Jesse Peterson
+ A note about proving non-Γ under a finite non-microstates free Fisher information assumption 2010 Yoann Dabrowski
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 h.c. Gottfried Köthe
+ PDF Chat A free probability analogue of the Wasserstein metric on the trace-state space 2001 Dan-Virgil Voiculescu
Philippe Biane
+ The analogues of entropy and of Fisher's information measure in free probability theory, II 1994 Dan Voiculescu
+ Large deviation bounds for matrix Brownian motion 2003 Philippe Biane
Mireille Capitaine
Alice Guionnet
+ Generalization of an Inequality by Talagrand and Links with the Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality 2000 FĂ©lix Otto
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Derivations as square roots of Dirichlet forms 2003 Fabio Cipriani
Jean-Luc Sauvageot
+ PDF Chat On a class of type II<sub>1</sub>factors with Betti numbers invariants 2006 Sorin Popa
+ The Analogues of Entropy and of Fisher's Information Measure in Free Probability Theory 1999 Dan Voiculescu
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. I 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces 1972 Albrecht Pietsch
+ PDF Chat Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism in the Functional Approach to Classical Field Theory 2012 Klaus Fredenhagen
Kasia Rejzner
+ The analogues of entropy and of fisher's information measure in free probability theory III: The absence of cartan subalgebras 1996 Dan Voiculescu
+ PDF Chat Lower estimates on microstates free entropy dimension 2009 Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
+ Non-commutative symmetric Markov semigroups 1992 E. B. Davies
J. Martin Lindsay
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François TrÚves
+ <i>L</i><sup>2</sup>-homology for von Neumann algebras 2005 Alain Connes
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms 1992 Zhi-Ming Ma
Michael Röckner
+ PDF Chat The analogues of entropy and of Fisher's information measure in free probability theory 1998 Dan Voiculescu
+ PDF Chat Microlocal Analysis and¶Interacting Quantum Field Theories:¶Renormalization on Physical Backgrounds 2000 Romeo Brunetti
Klaus Fredenhagen
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Structure of Classical Field Theory: Kinematics and Linearized Dynamics for Real Scalar Fields 2019 Romeo Brunetti
Klaus Fredenhagen
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro
+ None 1998 Dan Voiculescu
+ Topological vector spaces and distributions 1966 Juan HorvĂĄth
+ Applications of Free Entropy to Finite von Neumann Algebras, II 1998 Liming Ge
+ Quantum gravity from the point of view of locally covariant quantum field theory 2013 Romeo Brunetti
Klaus Fredenhagen
Kasia Rejzner
+ The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis 1997 Andreas Kriegl
Peter W. Michor
+ Barrelled Locally Convex Spaces 1987 Pedro PĂ©rez Carreras
José Bonet
+ Introduction to Operator Space Theory 2003 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF Chat The Poulsen simplex 1978 Joram Lindenstrauss
Gunnar Hans Olsen
Yaki Sternfeld
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I: Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis 1983 Lars Hörmander
Lars Hörmander
+ None 2004 Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
+ PDF Chat On a class of II<sub>1</sub>factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra 2010 Narutaka Ozawa
Sorin Popa
+ Derived Functors in Functional Analysis 2003 Jochen Wengenroth
+ Closed graph theorems and webbed spaces 1978 Marc de Wilde
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Combinatorial aspects of matrix models 2005 Alice Guionnet
Édouard Maurel-Segala
+ The Dual of the Haagerup Tensor Product 1992 David P. Blecher
Roger R. Smith
+ PDF Chat Functional Properties of Hörmander’s Space of Distributions Having a Specified Wavefront Set 2014 Yoann Dabrowski
Christian Brouder
+ PDF Chat Strong rigidity of II1 factors arising from malleable actions of w-rigid groups, I 2006 Sorin Popa
+ PDF Chat Free Analog of Pressure and Its Legendre Transform 2005 Fumio Hiai
+ PDF Chat An example of a generalized Brownian motion 1991 Marek BoĆŒejko
Roland Speicher
+ On the superrigidity of malleable actions with spectral gap 2007 Sorin Popa
+ The Haagerup Norm on the Tensor Product of Operator Modules 1995 Bojan Magajna
+ C[*]-algebras and W[*]-algebras 1971 æ­Łäž€éƒŽ 湃
+ PDF Chat A 1-cohomology characterization of property (T) in von Neumann algebras 2009 Jesse Peterson
+ Strong Operator Modules and the Haagerup Tensor Product 1997 Bojan Magajna
+ Remarks on Free Entropy Dimension 2006 Dimitri Shlyakhtenko