Trevor Hawkes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat HowCloud: Round-the-Clock Maths Support 2016 Trevor Hawkes
Mark Hodds
+ sigma: university-wide mathematics & statistics support — three years on 2008 Tony Croft
Duncan Lawson
Trevor Hawkes
Moira Petrie
+ Ischia Group Theory 2006 : proceedings of a conference in honour of Akbar Rhemtulla, Ischia, Naples, Italy, 29 March - 1 April 2006 2007 A. H. Rhemtulla
Trevor Hawkes
Patrizia Longobardi
Mercede Maj
+ PDF Chat Sets of $p$-powers as conjugacy class sizes 1999 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
+ On generating a finite group by nilpotent subgroups 1994 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
+ Groups with Abundant Fong Characters 1994 Trevor Hawkes
+ On Groups with Isomorphic Complex Group Algebras 1994 Trevor Hawkes
+ Computing the order of the nilpotent residual of a finite group from knowledge of its group algebra 1993 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
+ Finite Soluble Groups 1992 Klaus Doerk
Trevor Hawkes
+ A Criterion for a Group to be Nilpotent 1992 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
Avinoam Mann
+ PDF Chat On the Möbius function of a finite group 1989 Trevor Hawkes
I. M. Isaacs
Murad Özaydın
+ On the Poset of <i>p</i> -SUBGROUPS of a <i>p</i> -SOLVABLE GROUP 1988 Trevor Hawkes
I. M. Isaacs
+ Subgroup embedding properties 1987 Trevor Hawkes
+ On the structure of a group whose orbits on a finite module are the orbits of a proper subgroup 1985 Trevor Hawkes
Graham Jones
+ A character-theoretic criterion for the existence of normal complements to subgroups of finite groups 1985 Trevor Hawkes
John M. Humphreys
+ Groups whose subnormal subgroups have bounded defect 1984 Trevor Hawkes
+ On Subgroups Like Hall's 1981 Trevor Hawkes
Don Parker
+ On Gasch�tz's theory of generalized Sylow subgroups 1980 Trevor Hawkes
+ On metanilpotent Fitting classes 1980 Trevor Hawkes
+ On irreducible representations ofp-soluble groups in characteristicp 1980 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
Wolfgang M. Willems
+ On the residual of a direct product 1978 Klaus Doerk
Trevor Hawkes
+ Ein Beispiel aus der Theorie der Schunckklassen 1978 Klaus Doerk
Trevor Hawkes
+ A Fitting class construction 1976 Trevor Hawkes
+ Bounding the Nilpotent Length of a Finite Group, I 1976 Trevor Hawkes
+ The family of Schunck classes as a lattice 1976 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat Two Applications of Twisted Wreath Products to Finite Soluble Groups 1975 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat Two applications of twisted wreath products to finite soluble groups 1975 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat Closure operations for Schunck classes 1973 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat On the Automorphism Group of A 2-Group 1973 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat On the Fitting length of a soluble linear group 1973 Trevor Hawkes
+ Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra. 1972 A. G. Heinicke
B. Hartley
Trevor Hawkes
+ Two questions in the theory of formations 1970 Klaus Doerk
Trevor Hawkes
+ On Fitting formations 1970 Trevor Hawkes
+ An example in the theory of solubl groups 1970 Trevor Hawkes
+ On Formation Subgroups of a Finite Soluble Group 1969 Trevor Hawkes
+ Extreme classes of finite soluble groups 1968 Roger Carter
Bernd Fischer
Trevor Hawkes
+ On the class of Sylow tower groups 1968 Trevor Hawkes
+ A note on system normalizers of a finite soluble group 1966 Trevor Hawkes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Extreme classes of finite soluble groups 1968 Roger Carter
Bernd Fischer
Trevor Hawkes
+ Zur theorie der formationen endlicher auflösbarer Gruppen 1969 Klaus Doerk
+ PDF Chat Carter subgroups and Fitting heights of finite solvable groups 1969 Everett C. Dade
+ Automorphisms of solvable groups 1964 John G. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Character theory of finite groups 1999 I. M. Isaacs
+ PDF Chat Character Theory of Finite Groups 1976 2
+ PDF Chat The formation generated by a finite group 1970 R. M. Bryant
Richard A. Bryce
B. Hartley
+ On the System Normalizers of a Soluble Group 1938 P. Hall
+ The family of Schunck classes as a lattice 1976 Trevor Hawkes
+ PDF Chat Solvable Groups Having System Normalizers of Prime Order 1973 Gary M. Seitz
+ PDF Chat <i>G</i><sub><i>δ</i></sub>-diagonals and metrization theorems 1973 William G. McArthur
+ Principal indecomposable representations for the group SL(2, q) 1974 A. Vincent Jeyakumar
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimensions for compact sets in<i>R</i><sup><i>n</i></sup> 1973 Robert C. Buck
+ On the structure of a group whose orbits on a finite module are the orbits of a proper subgroup 1985 Trevor Hawkes
Graham Jones
+ PDF Chat Simple periodic rings 1973 W. J. R. Mitchell
+ Üeber die Struktur der endlichen Gruppen, deren echte Untergruppen sämtlich nilpotent sind 1941 Kenkiti Iwasawa
+ PDF Chat Existence of normal complements and extension of characters in finite groups 1962 Chih-Han Sah
+ The Burnside algebra of a finite group 1967 Louis Solomon
+ Bounding the Nilpotent Length of a Finite Group, I 1976 Trevor Hawkes
+ Über Homomorphe endlicher auflösbarer Gruppen 1974 Klaus Doerk
+ PDF Chat On the radical of a group algebra 1958 W. E. Deskins
+ PDF Chat Fundamental groups of compact complete locally affine complex surfaces 1973 Jay P. Fillmore
John Scheuneman
+ PDF Chat Die Eulersche Funktion endlicher auflösbarer Gruppen 1959 Wolfgang Gaschütz
+ The top homology of the lattice of subgroups of a soluble group 1985 Jacques Thévenaz
+ PDF Chat Bounded entire solutions of elliptic equations 1973 Avner Friedman
+ On <i>A</i>-groups 1949 D. R. Taunt
+ The fitting class $$\mathfrak{F}^* $$ 1974 F.P. Lockett
+ On non-strictly simple groups 1963 Philip Hall
+ PDF Chat Extensions of inequalities of the Laguerre and Turán type 1973 Merrell L. Patrick
+ Subdirect Product Closed Fitting Classes 1974 Richard A. Bryce
John Cossey
+ Finite soluble groups whose subnormal subgroups have defect at most two 1980 D. J. McCaughan
S. E. Stonehewer
+ Strict normality in fitting classes, II 1978 James C. Beidleman
Ben Brewster
+ PDF Chat Summability of subsequences and stretchings of sequences 1973 D. Dawson
+ PDF Chat Expanded radical ideals and semiregular ideals 1973 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Conically bounded sets in Banach spaces 1973 Richard D. Bourgin
+ A Criterion for a Group to be Nilpotent 1992 John Cossey
Trevor Hawkes
Avinoam Mann
+ PDF Chat Wild arcs in three-space. II. An invariant of non-oriented local type 1973 James M. McPherson
+ PDF Chat Archimedean extensions of directed interpolation groups 1973 Andrew Glass
+ PDF Chat On the relationship of a ring and the subring generated by its symmetric elements 1973 Charles Lanski
+ A character-theoretic criterion for the existence of normal complements to subgroups of finite groups 1985 Trevor Hawkes
John M. Humphreys
+ La Géométrie des Groupes Classiques 1963 Jean Dieudonné
+ Existenz und konjugiertsein von untergruppen, die in endlichen auflösbaren Gruppen durch gewisse indexschranken definiert sind 1978 Wolfgang Gaschütz
+ PDF Chat Some applications of the Eulerian functions of a finite group 1961 G. E. Wall
+ PDF Chat Inverse systems of group-valued measures 1973 H. Millington
Maurice Sion
+ Euler characteristics of groups: Thep-fractional part 1975 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Homotopy type of posets and lattice complementation 1981 Anders Björner
+ PDF Chat A constructive Riemann mapping theorem 1973 Henry Cheng
+ PDF Chat Starlike and convex mappings in several complex variables 1973 Keizō Kikuchi
+ On the <i>p</i> -Length of <i>p</i> -Soluble Groups and Reduction Theorems for Burnside's Problem 1956 P. Hall
Graham Higman
+ Some examples in the theory of injectors of finite soluble groups 1972 Rex Dark