Jordi Marzo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Linear Statistics of Determinantal Point Processes and Norm Representations 2024 Matteo Levi
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Expected Energy of Zeros of Elliptic Polynomials 2024 Víctor de la Torre
Jordi Marzo
+ QMC Strength for Some Random Configurations on the Sphere 2024 Víctor de la Torre
Jordi Marzo
+ QMC strength for some random configurations on the sphere 2023 Víctor De La Torre
Jordi Marzo
+ Linear statistics of determinantal point processes and norm representations 2023 Matteo Levi
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Expected energy of zeros of elliptic polynomials 2022 Victor de la Torre
Jordi Marzo
+ PDF Chat Necessary Conditions for Interpolation by Multivariate Polynomials 2021 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Discrepancy of Minimal Riesz Energy Points 2021 Jordi Marzo
Albert Mas Blesa
+ Interpolation by multivariate polynomials in convex domains. 2021 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Interpolation by multivariate polynomials in convex domains 2021 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ A sequence of polynomials with optimal condition number 2020 Carlos Beltrán
Ujué Etayo
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Discrepancy of minimal Riesz energy points 2019 Jordi Marzo
Albert Mas Blesa
+ Discrepancy of minimal Riesz energy points 2019 Jordi Marzo
Albert Mas Blesa
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution and <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>β</mml:mi></mml:math>-ensembles 2018 Tom Carroll
Jordi Marzo
Xavier Massaneda
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically optimal designs on compact algebraic manifolds 2018 Ujué Etayo
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Expected Riesz Energy of Some Determinantal Processes on Flat Tori 2017 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Energy and discrepancy of rotationally invariant determinantal point processes in high dimensional spheres 2016 Carlos Beltrán
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Zeros of Random Functions Generated with de Branges Kernels 2016 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ PDF Chat Uniformly bounded orthonormal polynomials on the sphere 2015 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Zeros of random functions generated with de Branges kernels 2015 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ Zeros of random functions generated with de Branges kernels 2015 Jorge Antezana
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ PDF Chat Sufficient Conditions for Sampling and Interpolation on the Sphere 2014 Jordi Marzo
Bharti Pridhnani
+ Orthonormal flat polynomials in the unit sphere 2014 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Sufficient conditions for sampling and interpolation on the sphere 2013 Jordi Marzo
Bharti Pridhnani
+ PDF Chat Gap probabilities for the cardinal sine 2012 Jorge Antezana
Jeremiah Buckley
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ PDF Chat Sampling and interpolation in de Branges spaces with doubling phase 2012 Jordi Marzo
Shahaf Nitzan
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ Gap probabilities for the cardinal sine 2011 Jorge Antezana
Jeremiah Buckley
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ Sampling and interpolation in de Branges spaces with doubling phase 2011 Jordi Marzo
Shahaf Nitzan
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mo>∞</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math> to <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> constants for Riesz projections 2011 Jordi Marzo
Kristian Seip
+ Com repartir punts uniformement en esferes 2011 Jordi Marzo
+ Sampling and interpolation in de Branges spaces with doubling phase 2011 Jordi Marzo
Shahaf Nitzan
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ Gap probabilities for the cardinal sine 2011 Jorge Antezana
Jeremiah Buckley
Jordi Marzo
Jan‐Fredrik Olsen
+ $L^\infty$ to $L^p$ constants for Riesz projections 2010 Jordi Marzo
Kristian Seip
+ $L^\infty$ to $L^p$ constants for Riesz projections 2010 Jordi Marzo
Kristian Seip
+ PDF Chat Pointwise Estimates for the Bergman Kernel of the Weighted Fock Space 2009 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat The Kadets $1/4$ theorem for polynomials 2009 Jordi Marzo
Kristian Seip
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of Fekete Points on the Sphere 2009 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Equivalent norms for polynomials on the sphere 2008 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Sampling sequences in spaces of bandlimited functions in several variables 2008 Jordi Marzo
+ Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequalities and interpolation by spherical harmonics 2007 Jordi Marzo
+ Equivalent norms for polynomials on the sphere 2007 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ The Kadets 1/4 theorem for polynomials 2007 Jordi Marzo
Kristian Seip
+ Equivalent norms for polynomials on the sphere 2007 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and interpolation by spherical harmonics 2006 Jordi Marzo
+ Riesz basis of exponentials for a union of cubes in R^{d} 2006 Jordi Marzo
+ Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and interpolation by spherical harmonics 2006 Jordi Marzo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 9
+ Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes 2009 J. Hough
Manjunath Krishnapur
Yuval Peres
Bálint Virág
+ Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequalities 2006 Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
Jordi Saludes
+ The next-order term for optimal Riesz and logarithmic energy asymptotics on the sphere 2012 J. Brauchart
Douglas P. Hardin
E. B. Saff
+ Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund inequalities and interpolation by spherical harmonics 2007 Jordi Marzo
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of Fekete Points on the Sphere 2009 Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Energy and discrepancy of rotationally invariant determinantal point processes in high dimensional spheres 2016 Carlos Beltrán
Jordi Marzo
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Spherical Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and positive quadrature 2000 H. N. Mhaskar
F. J. Narcowich
J. D. Ward
+ Interpolation and Sampling in Spaces of Analytic Functions 2004 Kristian Seip
+ PDF Chat The spherical ensemble and uniform distribution of points on the sphere 2015 Kasra Alishahi
Mohammadsadegh Zamani
+ PDF Chat Mean values of trigonometrical polynomials 1937 J. Marcinkiewicz
Antoni Zygmund
+ Polynomial Interpolation and Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities on the Unit Circle 1999 Charles K. Chui
Lefan Zhong
+ PDF Chat Minimal Discrete Energy on the Sphere 1994 Evguenii Andreevich Rakhmanov
Edward B. Saff
Yao Zhou
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for minimal discrete energy on the sphere 1998 Arno B. J. Kuijlaars
E. B. Saff
+ On the Connection between Exponential Bases and Certain Related Sequences in L2(− π,π) 1995 Kristian Seip
+ Weighted Polynomial Inequalities with Doubling and A ∞ Weights 2000 G. Mastroianni
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Optimal logarithmic energy points on the unit sphere 2008 Johann S. Brauchart
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution estimates for Fekete points on complex manifolds 2016 Nir Lev
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ PDF Chat Tables of Integral Transforms 2005 Bateman Manuscript
H. Bateman
Arthur Erdélyi
+ PDF Chat Sommes de Cesàro et multiplicateurs des développements en harmoniques sphériques 1973 Aline Bonami
Jean-Louis Clerc
+ PDF Chat Extremal Systems of Points and Numerical Integration on the Sphere 2004 Ian H. Sloan
Robert S. Womersley
+ An introduction to nonharmonic Fourier series 1980 Robert M. Young
+ PDF Chat Renormalized Energy and Asymptotic Expansion of Optimal Logarithmic Energy on the Sphere 2016 Laurent Bétermin
Étienne Sandier
+ Sums of distances between points on a sphere — an application of the theory of irregularities of distribution to discrete Geometry 1984 József Beck
+ A Quadrature Formula for Diffusion Polynomials Corresponding to a Generalized Heat Kernel 2010 Frank Filbir
H. N. Mhaskar
+ PDF Chat Fekete points and convergence towards equilibrium measures on complex manifolds 2011 Robert J. Berman
Sébastien Boucksom
David Witt Nyström
+ PDF Chat Distributing many points on spheres: Minimal energy and designs 2015 Johann S. Brauchart
Peter J. Grabner
+ PDF Chat From random matrices to random analytic functions 2009 Manjunath Krishnapur
+ PDF Chat On Lagrange interpolation at disturbed roots of unity 1993 Charles K. Chui
Xie Chang Shen
Le Fan Zhong
+ PDF Chat Tables of integral transforms 1954 3
+ Orthogonal Polynomials 1939 Gábor Szegő
+ Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund measures on manifolds 2011 Frank Filbir
H. N. Mhaskar
+ On Some Interpolation Problems for Analytic Functions 1961 H. S. Shapiro
A. L. Shields
+ Riesz Spherical Potentials with External Fields and Minimal Energy Points Separation 2006 Peter D Dragnev
Edward B. Saff
+ PDF Chat Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions 2000 Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat Tight spherical designs, I 1979 Eiichi Bannaĭ
R. M. Damerell
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Spherical Symmetries in Euclidean Spaces 1998 Claus Müller
+ Sampling, data transmission, and the Nyquist rate 1967 H. J. Landau
+ Hecke operators and distributing points on the sphere I 1986 Alexander Lubotzky
Ralph S. Phillips
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat On the average number of real roots of a random algebraic equation 1943 Mark Kac
+ Minimizing the discrete logarithmic energy on the sphere: The role of random polynomials 2011 Diego Armentano
Carlos Beltrán
Michael Shub
+ PDF Chat Concentration of Lipschitz Functionals of Determinantal and Other Strong Rayleigh Measures 2013 Robin Pemantle
Yuval Peres
+ On point energies, separation radius and mesh norm for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:math>-extremal configurations on compact sets in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2005 Steven B. Damelin
V. Maymeskul
+ PDF Chat Zeroes of Gaussian analytic functions with translation-invariant distribution 2012 Naomi Feldheim
+ PDF Chat Sampling of real multivariate polynomials and pluripotential theory 2018 Robert J. Berman
Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
+ Commuting self-adjoint partial differential operators and a group theoretic problem 1974 Bent Fuglede
+ Incompleteness of Sparse Coherent States 1995 Jayakumar Ramanathan
Tim Steger
+ Approximation with interpolatory constraints 2001 H. N. Mhaskar
F. J. Narcowich
N. Sivakumar
Joseph Ward
+ Beurling–Landauʼs density on compact manifolds 2012 Joaquim Ortega‐Cerdà
Bharti Pridhnani
+ PDF Chat Necessary density conditions for sampling and interpolation of certain entire functions 1967 H. J. Landau