R. Liptser


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ When a Stochastic Exponential Is a True Martingale. Extension of the Beneš Method 2014 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Beneš condition for a discontinuous exponential martingale 2013 R. Liptser
+ Threshold estimation in autoregressive models driven by colored noise 2011 P. Chigansky
Yury A. Kutoyants
R. Liptser
+ When a Stochastic Exponential is a True Martingale. Extension of a Method of Bene^s 2011 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Asymptotic Analysis of Ruin in the Constant Elasticity of Variance Model 2011 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations Application to Billingsley's Example 2010 R. Liptser
+ The Euler-Maruyama approximations for the CEV model 2010 Vyacheslav M. Abramov
Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for a Diffusion-Type Process in a Random Environment 2010 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ The Euler-Maruyama approximations for the CEV model 2010 Vyacheslav M. Abramov
Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ The Girsanov exponential martingale 2009 R. Liptser
+ LDP application for Billingsley's example 2009 R. Liptser
+ Bene$\check{\bf S}$ condition for discontinuous exponential martingale 2009 R. Liptser
+ Large Deviations Application to Billingsley's Example 2009 R. Liptser
+ Large Deviations Analysis of Extinction in Branching Models 2008 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Cramer’s Theorem for Nonnegative Multivariate Point Processes with Independent Increments 2008 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ FCLT and MDP for Stochastic Lotka–Volterra Model 2007 Fima C. Klebaner
Angelina Lim
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat A filtering approach to tracking volatility from prices observed at random times 2006 Jakša Cvitanić
R. Liptser
B. L. Rozovskiĭ
+ PDF Chat On-line Tracking of a Smooth Regression Function 2006 L. Goldentayer
R. Liptser
+ Large deviations for a scalar diffusion in random environment 2006 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ Large Deviations for Past-Dependent Recursions 2006 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ The Freidlin-Wentzell LDP with rapidly growing coefficients 2006 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ Moderate Deviation Principle for Ergodic Markov Chain. Lipschitz Summands 2006 Bernard Delyon
Anatoly Juditsky
R. Liptser
+ Tail Distributions of Supremum and Quadratic Variation of Local Martingales 2006 R. Liptser
Alexander Novikov
+ PDF Chat On a role of predictor in the filtering stability 2006 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ Examples of moderate deviation principle for diffusion processes 2006 Arnaud Guillin
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Likely path to extinction in simple branching models with large initial population 2006 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Ruin Analysis in Constant Elasticity of Variance Model with large initial funds 2005 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Cramer's theorem for nonnegative summands 2005 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ What is always stable in nonlinear filtering 2005 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ MDP for integral functionals of fast and slow processes with averaging 2005 Arnaud Guillin
R. Liptser
+ Likely path to extinction for simple branching model (Large Deviations approach) 2005 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Asymptotic analysis of ruin in CEV model 2005 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Limit theorems on large deviations for semimartingales 2005 R. Liptser
A. A. Pukhal’skii
+ Large deviations for two scaled diffusions 2005 R. Liptser
+ Examples of moderate deviation principle for diffusion processes 2005 Arnaud Guillin
R. Liptser
+ On tail distributions of supremum and quadratic variation of local martingales 2005 R. Liptser
Alexander Novikov
+ On a role of predictor in the filtering stability 2005 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ A filtering approach to tracking volatility from prices observed at random times 2005 Jakvsa Cvitani'c
R. Liptser
B. L. Rozovskiĭ
+ Cramer's theorem for nonnegative multivariate point processes with independent increments 2005 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Stability of nonlinear filters in nonmixing case 2004 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ On Existence of Limiting Distribution for Time-Nonhomogeneous Countable Markov Process 2004 Vyacheslav M. Abramov
R. Liptser
+ Tracking of Historical Volatility 2004 L. Goldentayer
Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ Moderate deviation principle for exponentially ergodic Markov chain 2004 Bernard Delyon
Anatoli Juditsky
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Stability of the Wonham Filter: Ergodic and Nonergodic Signals 2004 Peter H. Baxendale
P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ On Tail Distributions of Supremum and Quadratic Variation of Local Martingales 2004 R. Liptser
Alexander Novikov
+ Online Estimation of a Smooth Regression Function 2003 R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
R. Liptser
+ MDP for integral functionals of fast and slow processes with averaging 2003 Arnaud Guillin
R. Liptser
+ On diffusion approximation with discontinuous coefficients 2002 Н. В. Крылов
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Markovianity of a subset of components of a Markov process 2002 P.I. Kitsul
R. Liptser
A. P. Serebrovski
+ On exponential stability of Wonham filter 2002 P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ Freidlin-Wentzell type large deviations for smooth processes 2002 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
A. Yu. Veretennikov
+ Asymptotic stability of the Wonham filter for ergodic and nonergodic signals 2002 Peter H. Baxendale
P. Chigansky
R. Liptser
+ On-line tracking of a smooth regression function 2002 L. Goldentayer
R. Liptser
+ On diffusion approximation with discontinuous coefficients 2002 Н. В. Крылов
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Analysis and Extinction in a Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Model 2001 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ On estimation of time dependent spatial signal in Gaussian white noise 2001 P. L. Chow
R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
R. Liptser
+ The Structure of Local Martingales, Absolute Continuity of Measures for Point Processes, and Filtering 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ The Wiener Process, the Stochastic Integral over the Wiener Process, and Stochastic Differential Equations 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Square Integrable Martingales and Structure of the Functionals on a Wiener Process 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Martingales and Related Processes: Discrete Time 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Linear Estimation of Random Processes 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Optimal Filtering, Interpolation and Extrapolation of Markov Processes with a Countable Number of States 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Nonnegative Supermartingales and Martingales, and the Girsanov Theorem 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Absolute Continuity of Measures corresponding to the Itô Processes and Processes of the Diffusion Type 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Introduction 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Essentials of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Application of Optimal Nonlinear Filtering Equations to some Problems in Control Theory and Estimation Theory 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Random Point Processes: Stieltjes Stochastic Integrals 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Parameter Estimation and Testing of Statistical Hypotheses for Diffusion-Type Processes 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Statistics of Random Processes 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Statistics of Random Processes 2001 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ PDF Chat Deviation probability bound for martingales with applications to statistical estimation 2000 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ None 2000 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ An Example of Large Deviations for a Stationary Process 2000 O. V. Gulinsky
R. Liptser
+ Moderate deviations for randomly perturbed dynamical systems 1999 Fima C. Klebaner
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations Type Evaluation for Integral Functionals of Diffusion Processes 1999 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ Deviation probability bound for martingales with applications to statistical estimation 1999 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ Stochastic Calculus on Filtered Probability Spaces 1998 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
P. Muzhikanov
+ PDF Chat Filtering with a limiter 1998 R. Liptser
P. Muzhikanov
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear filtering problem with contamination 1997 M. L. Kleptsina
R. Liptser
A. P. Serebrovski
+ Large Deviations for Occupation Measures of Markov Processes: Discrete Time, Noncompact Case 1997 R. Liptser
+ Robust diusion approximation for nonlinear ltering 1997 R. Liptser
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for two scaled diffusions 1996 R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Approximation for Stochastic Control Problems 1996 R. Liptser
Wolfgang J. Runggaldier
Michael Taksar
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear filters for linear models (a robust approach) 1995 R. Liptser
Wolfgang J. Runggaldier
+ PDF Chat State-Dependent Benes Buffer Model with Fast Loading and Output Rates 1995 Yaakov Kogan
R. Liptser
M. Shenfild
+ State-dependent buffer model with large loading and output rates 1994 R. Liptser
Y. Rogan
M. Shenfild
+ Limit non-stationary behavior of large closed queueing networks with bottlenecks 1993 Yaakov Kogan
R. Liptser
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems on large deviations for semimartingales 1992 R. Liptser
A. A. Pukhal’skii
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theorem for Semimartingale-Helix 1991 R. Liptser
+ Stochastic version of the averaging principle for diffusion type processes 1990 R. Liptser
Jordan Stoyanov
+ Random Measures and their Compensators 1989 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Diffusion Approximation of Systems with Arrival Depending on Queue, and with Arbitrary Servicing 1989 Elena V. Krichagina
R. Liptser
A. A. Pukhal’skii
+ Weak Convergence of Distributions of Semimartingales to Distributions of Processes with Conditionally Independent Increments 1989 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Diffusion Approximation for Semimartingales with a Normal Reflection in a Convex Region 1989 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ The Space D. Relative Compactness of Probability Distributions of Semimartingales 1989 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Weak Convergence of Finite-Dimensional Distributions of Semimartingales to Distributions of Processes with Conditionally Independent Increments 1989 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ PDF Chat On the variation distance for probability measures defined on a filtered space 1986 Yu. M. Kabanov
R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Weak and Strong Convergence of the Distributions of Counting Processes 1984 Yu. M. Kabanov
R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ PDF Chat On convergence in variation of the distributions of multivariate point processes 1983 Yu. M. Kabanov
R. Liptser
+ Weak and strong convergence of distributions of counting processes 1983 Yuri Kabanov
R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ On the problem of "predictable" criteria of contiguity 1983 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ PDF Chat Necessary and sufficient conditions for contiguity and entire asymptotic separation of probability measures 1982 R. Liptser
Friedrich Pukelsheim
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ On the Rate of Convergence in the Central Limit Theorem for Semimartingales 1982 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ PDF Chat On a problem of necessary and sufficient conditions in the functional central limit theorem for local martingales 1982 R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Some limit theorems for simple point processes (a martingale approach) 1980 Yu. M. Kabanov
R. Liptser
Albert N. Shiryaev
+ Application of optimal nonlinear filtering equations to some problems in control theory and information theory 1978 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Parameter estimation and testing of statistical hypotheses for diffusion type processes 1978 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Random point processes: Stieltjes stochastic integrals 1978 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Application of filtering equations to problems of statistics of random sequences 1978 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ The structure of local martingales, absolute continuity of measures for point processes, and filtering 1978 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ On the Representation of Local Martingales 1977 R. Liptser
+ Absolute continuity of measures corresponding to the Ito processes and processes of the diffusion type 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Nonnegative supermartingales and martingales, and the Girsanov theorem 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Statistics of Random Processes I 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ The Wiener process, the stochastic integral over the Wiener process, and stochastic differential equations 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Martingales and semimartingales: continuous time 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ Martingales and semimartingales: discrete time 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev
+ On a recurrence method for computing normal solutions of linear algebraic equations 1972 E.L. Zhukovskii
R. Liptser
+ Extrapolation and filtration of some Markov processes. II 1972 R. Liptser
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random perturbations of dynamical systems 1997 Michael Blank
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems on large deviations for semimartingales 1992 R. Liptser
A. A. Pukhal’skii
+ Statistics of Random Processes 2021 Michael F. Insana
+ Large Deviations and Idempotent Probability 2001 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ Large Deviations and Applications 2012 S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems 1984 Mark Freidlin
Alexander D. Wentzell
R Š Lipcer
A N Širjaev
+ Convergence of Probability Measures 1969 J. F. C. Kingmán
P. Billingsley
+ The method of stochastic exponentials for large deviations 1994 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
+ PDF Chat Multivariate point processes: predictable projection, Radon-Nikodym derivatives, representation of martingales 1975 Jean Jacod
+ Moderate Deviations of Dependent Random Variables Related to CLT 1995 Liming Wu
+ Large Deviations Of Semimartingales: A Maxingale Problem Approach.II. Uniqueness For The Maxingale Problem. Applications 1999 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
+ A Weak Convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations 1998 James Lynch
Paul Dupuis
Richard S. Ellis
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations Type Evaluation for Integral Functionals of Diffusion Processes 1999 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
+ PDF Chat On the functional central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm for Markov processes 1982 Ritwik Bhattacharya
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat On Some Degenerate Large Deviation Problems 2004 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
+ Exponential Forgetting and Geometric Ergodicity in Hidden Markov Models 2000 François Le Gland
Laurent Mevel
+ Martingale approach to some limit theorems 1977 George Papanicolaou
+ Freidlin-Wentzell type large deviations for smooth processes 2002 R. Liptser
Vladimir Spokoiny
A. Yu. Veretennikov
+ PDF Chat Statistical Estimation: Asymptotic Theory 2014 I. A. Ibragimov
R. Z. Khasʹminskiĭ
+ Large deviations of semimartingales via convergence of the predictable characteristics 1994 Anatolii A. Puhalskii
+ PDF Chat A Limit Theorem for Partially Observed Markov Chains 1975 Thomas Kaijser
+ PDF Chat The Exit Problem for a Class of Density-Dependent Branching Systems 1994 Fima C. Klebaner
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat A Discrete-Time Version of the Wentzell-Friedlin Theory 1990 Yuri Kifer
+ Weak Convergence Methods and Singularly Perturbed Stochastic Control and Filtering Problems 1990 Harold J. Kushner
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Processes with Independent Increments 1987 James Lynch
Jayaram Sethuraman
+ Limit non-stationary behavior of large closed queueing networks with bottlenecks 1993 Yaakov Kogan
R. Liptser
+ Lyapunov Exponents for Finite State Nonlinear Filtering 1997 Rami Atar
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Optimal Global Rates of Convergence for Nonparametric Regression 1982 Charles J. Stone
+ On the stability of interacting processes with applications to filtering and genetic algorithms 2001 Pierre Del Moral
Alice Guionnet
+ Weak convergence of probability measures and random functions in the function space <i>D</i>[0,∞) 1973 Torgny Lindvall
+ PDF Chat On the Poisson equation and diffusion approximation 3 2005 Étienne Pardoux
A. Yu. Veretennikov
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for squares of Bessel and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes 2004 Catherine Donati-Martin
Alain Rouault
Marc Yor
Marguerite Zani
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations 2011 R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
+ Probability 1996 Albert N. Shiryaev
+ On Transforming a Certain Class of Stochastic Processes by Absolutely Continuous Substitution of Measures 1960 Igor Vladimirovich Girsanov
R Š Lipcer
A N Širjaev
+ Moderate deviations of inhomogeneous functionals of Markov processes and application to averaging 2001 Arnaud Guillin
R Š Lipcer
A N Širjaev
+ Asymptotic evaluation of certain markov process expectations for large time, II 1975 M. D. Donsker
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ Convergence of filters with applications to the Kalman-Bucy case 1992 Eimear M. Goggin
+ Exponential stability of discrete-time filters for bounded observation noise 1997 Amarjit Budhiraja
Daniel Ocone
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Some Nonparametric Estimates of a Density Function 1956 Murray Rosenblatt
+ Random point processes and martingales 1976 B. Grigelionis
+ PDF Chat Conditions for absolute continuity between a certain pair of probability measures 1970 T. Kadota
L. A. Shepp
+ PDF Chat Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering 1997 Rami Atar
+ Asymptotic behavior of the nonlinear filtering errors of Markov processes 1971 Hiroshi Kunita
+ Statistics of Random Processes I 1977 R. Liptser
A. N. Shiryayev