Florent Pruvost


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ STAG-a new unified software program for the study of the dynamic behaviour of electrical power systems 1989 M. Stubbe
A. Bihain
Jacques Deuse
J. C. Baader
+ The mixed Adams-BDF variable step size algorithm to simulate transient and long term phenomena in power systems 1994 Jean-Yves Astic
A. Bihain
M. Jerosolimski
+ Domain decomposition: Parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial differential equations 1997 Barry Smith
Petter E. Bjørstad
William Gropp
+ A Class of New Preconditioners for Linear Solvers Used in Power System Time-Domain Simulation 2010 Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan
James D. McCalley
+ A multirate time stepping strategy for stiff ordinary differential equations 2006 Valeriu Savcenco
Willem Hundsdorfer
J.G. Verwer
+ PDF Chat Une méthode de décomposition en temps avec des schémas dʼintégration réversible pour la résolution de système dʼéquations différentielles ordinaires 2011 Patrice Linel
Damien Tromeur-Dervout
+ Parallel adaptive time domain decomposition for stiff systems of ODEs/DAEs 2006 David Guibert
Damien Tromeur-Dervout
+ PDF Chat A Supernodal Approach to Sparse Partial Pivoting 1999 James Demmel
Stanley C. Eisenstat
John R. Gilbert
Xiaoye Sherry Li
Joseph W. H. Liu
+ Convergence conditions on waveform relaxation of general differential-algebraic equations 2010 Yao‐Lin Jiang
+ Solution of the differential algebraic equations via homotopy perturbation method and their engineering applications 2009 Fahimeh Soltanian
Mehdi Dehghan
S. M. Karbassi
+ Distributed Transient Stability Simulation of Power Systems Based on a Jacobian-Free Newton-GMRES Method 2009 Ying Chen
Chen Shen
Jian Wang
+ A Schur Complement Method for DAE/ODE Systems in Multi-Domain Mechanical Design 2008 David Guibert
Damien Tromeur-Dervout
+ Parallel computation of large power system networks using the multi-area Thévenin equivalents 2009 Marcelo A. Tomim
+ Schwarz Methods over the Course of Time 2008 Martin J. Gander