Alfredo N. Iusem


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Univariate representations of solutions to generic polynomial complementarity problems 2024 Vu Trung Hieu
Alfredo N. Iusem
Paul Hugo Schmölling
Akiko Takeda
+ PDF Chat Fej\'er* monotonicity in optimization algorithms 2024 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Ademir A. Ribeiro
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ A Two-Step Proximal Point Algorithm for Nonconvex Equilibrium Problems with Applications to Fractional Programming 2024 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
R. T. Marcavillaca
Le Hai Yen
+ PDF Chat A Finitely Convergent Circumcenter Method for the Convex Feasibility Problem 2024 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Di Liu
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ On Proximal Algorithms with Inertial Effects Beyond Monotonicity 2023 Alfredo N. Iusem
R. T. Marcavillaca
+ PDF Chat A successive centralized circumcentered-reflection method for the convex feasibility problem 2023 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Di Liu
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat On the centralization of the circumcentered-reflection method 2023 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ A finitely convergent circumcenter method for the Convex Feasibility Problem 2023 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Di Liu
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat Circumcentering approximate reflections for solving the convex feasibility problem 2022 Gustavo Araujo
Reza Arefidamghani
Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ A circumcentered-reflection method for finding common fixed points of firmly nonexpansive operators 2022 Reza Arefidamghani
Roger Behling
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ A successive centralized circumcenter reflection method for the convex feasibility problem 2022 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Di Liu
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat On the centralization of the circumcentered-reflection method 2021 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat On the centralization of the circumcentered-reflection method 2021 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ Proximal Point Algorithms for Quasiconvex Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problems 2021 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
+ A Strongly Convergent Proximal Point Method for Vector Optimization 2021 Alfredo N. Iusem
Jefferson G. Melo
Ray V.G. Serra
+ PDF Chat The circumcentered-reflection method achieves better rates than alternating projections 2021 Reza Arefidamghani
Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat An extragradient method for vector equilibrium problems on Hadamard manifolds 2021 Alfredo N. Iusem
Vahid Mohebbi
+ On the centralization of the circumcentered-reflection method 2021 Roger Behling
Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
Luiz-Rafael Santos
+ PDF Chat A Note on “Existence Results for Noncoercive Mixed Variational Inequalities in Finite Dimensional Spaces” 2020 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
+ An alternating direction method of multipliers for the eigenvalue complementarity problem 2020 JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
Masao Fukushima
Alfredo N. Iusem
J. M. Martı́nez
Valentina Sessa
+ Convergence analysis of the extragradient method for equilibrium problems in Hadamard spaces 2020 Alfredo N. Iusem
Vahid Mohebbi
+ PDF Chat Primal-dual partitions in linear semi-infinite programming with bounded coefficients 2020 Abraham Án
Lidia Hern Ández
Alfredo N. Iusem
M. I. Todorov
+ PDF Chat On diametrically maximal sets, maximal premonotone operators and premonotone bifunctions 2020 Alfredo N. Iusem
Wilfredo Sosa
Honoring Juan
Enrique MartĂ­nez-Legaz
+ Quasiconvex optimization problems and asymptotic analysis in Banach spaces 2019 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
+ Extragradient Methods for Vector Equilibrium Problems in Banach Spaces 2019 Alfredo N. Iusem
Vahid Mohebbi
+ PDF Chat Incremental Constraint Projection Methods for Monotone Stochastic Variational Inequalities 2018 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Philip Thompson
+ Splitting methods for the Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem 2018 Alfredo N. Iusem
JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
Valentina Sessa
Paula Sarabando
+ Optimality Conditions for Vector Equilibrium Problems with Applications 2018 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
+ Extragradient methods for nonsmooth equilibrium problems in Banach spaces 2018 Alfredo N. Iusem
Vahid Mohebbi
+ The <i>q</i>-asymptotic function in <i>c</i>-convex analysis 2018 Alfredo N. Iusem
Felipe Lara
+ On OM-decomposable sets 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
M. I. Todorov
+ Incremental constraint projection methods for monotone stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Philip Thompson
+ Variance-based stochastic extragradient methods with line search for stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Roberto I. Oliveira
Philip Thompson
+ Extragradient method with variance reduction for stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Roberto I. Oliveira
Philip Thompson
+ PDF Chat Extragradient Method with Variance Reduction for Stochastic Variational Inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
A. Jofré
Roberto I. Oliveira
Philip Thompson
+ Fixed points of Legendre-Fenchel type transforms 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Daniel Reem
Simeon Reich
+ Variance-based stochastic extragradient methods with line search for stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Roberto I. Oliveira
Philip E. Thompson
+ Incremental constraint projection methods for monotone stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Philip E. Thompson
+ Extragradient method with variance reduction for stochastic variational inequalities 2017 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alejandro Jofré
Roberto I. Oliveira
Philip E. Thompson
+ On the numerical solution of the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem 2015 Alfredo N. Iusem
JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
Valentina Sessa
Hanif D. Sherali
+ On the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem over a general convex cone 2015 Carmo P. BrĂĄs
Masao Fukushima
Alfredo N. Iusem
JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
+ PDF Chat Order preserving and order reversing operators on the class of convex functions in Banach spaces 2015 Alfredo N. Iusem
Daniel Reem
B. F. Svaiter
+ A proximal method with logarithmic barrier for nonlinear complementarity problems 2015 Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem 2014 Carmo P. BrĂĄs
Alfredo N. Iusem
JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
+ Order preserving and order reversing operators on the class of convex functions in Banach spaces 2014 Alfredo N. Iusem
Daniel Reem
B. F. Svaiter
+ An existence result for quasi-equilibrium problems 2014 D. AusselJ
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the symmetric quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem 2013 LuĂ­s M. Fernandes
JoaquĂ­m J. JĂșdice
Masao Fukushima
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ The exact penalty map for nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization 2013 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
Jefferson G. Melo
+ PDF Chat Motzkin predecomposable sets 2013 Alfredo N. Iusem
Juan Enrique MartĂ­nez-Legaz
M. I. Todorov
+ A Levenberg-Marquardt method with approximate projections 2013 Roger Behling
Andreas Fischer
Markus Herrich
Alfredo N. Iusem
Y. Ye
+ PDF Chat Motzkin decomposition of closed convex sets via truncation 2012 Miguel Á. Goberna
Alfredo N. Iusem
Juan Enrique MartĂ­nez-Legaz
M. I. Todorov
+ Fixed-Point Methods for a Certain Class of Operators 2012 Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ An Inexact Modified Subgradient Algorithm for Primal-Dual Problems via Augmented Lagrangians 2012 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
Jefferson G. Melo
+ PDF Chat A New Criterion for Optimality in Nonlinear Programming 2012 L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ The effect of calmness on the solution set of systems of nonlinear equations 2011 Roger Behling
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On Diagonal Subdifferential Operators in Nonreflexive Banach Spaces 2011 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ A Strongly Convergent Method for Nonsmooth Convex Minimization in Hilbert Spaces 2011 Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Regularity results for semimonotone operators 2011 Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the proximal point method for equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces 2010 Alfredo N. Iusem
Wilfredo Sosa
+ Korpelevich’s method for variational inequality problems in Banach spaces 2010 Alfredo N. Iusem
Mostafa Nasri
+ Full convergence of an approximate projection method for nonsmooth variational inequalities 2010 Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Duality and Exact Penalization for General Augmented Lagrangians 2010 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
Jefferson G. Melo
+ On the Maximal Monotonicity of Diagonal Subdifferential Operators 2010 Alfredo N. Iusem
Theodore E. Simos
George Psihoyios
Ch. Tsitouras
+ PDF Chat Augmented Lagrangian methods for variational inequality problems 2010 Alfredo N. Iusem
Mostafa Nasri
+ Distances between closed convex cones: old and new results 2010 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ A Proximal Point Method in Nonreflexive Banach Spaces 2009 Alfredo N. Iusem
Elena Resmerita
+ A primal dual modified subgradient algorithm with sharp Lagrangian 2009 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
Jefferson G. Melo
+ Convergence of direct methods for paramonotone variational inequalities 2009 Yunier Bello-Cruz
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat The expectation-maximization algorithm for ill-posed integral equations: a convergence analysis 2008 Elena Resmerita
Heinz W. Engl
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Antipodal pairs, critical pairs, and Nash angular equilibria in convex cones 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Inexact Proximal Point Methods for Equilibrium Problems in Banach Spaces 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Mostafa Nasri
+ Enlargements of Monotone Operators 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Convex Analysis and Fixed Point Theorems 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Recent Topics in Proximal Theory 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Set Convergence and Point-to-Set Mappings 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Maximal Monotone Operators 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Set-Valued Mappings and Enlargements of Monotone Operators 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ The expectation-maximization algorithm for ill-posed integral equations: a convergence analysis 2007 Elena Resmerita
Heinz W. Engl
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Antipodality in convex cones and distance to unpointedness 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Searching for critical angles in a convex cone 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Normality and modulability indices. Part I: Convex cones in normed spaces 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Normality and modulability indices. Part II: Convex cones in Hilbert spaces 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ On certain conditions for the existence of solutions of equilibrium problems 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
G. Kassay
Wilfredo Sosa
+ PDF Chat Angular analysis of two classes of non-polyhedral convex cones: the point of view of optimization theory 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Computing the radius of pointedness of a convex cone 2006 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ On convex cones with infinitely many critical angles 2006 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Proximal methods in reflexive Banach spaces without monotonicity 2006 Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Dual convergence of the proximal point method with Bregman distances for linear programming 2006 J. X. Cruz Neto
O. P. Ferreira
Alfredo N. Iusem
Renato D. C. Monteiro
+ Measuring the degree of pointedness of a closed convex cone: a metric approach 2006 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ On pairs of vectors achieving the maximal angle of a convex cone 2005 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ PDF Chat Axiomatization of the index of pointedness for closed convex cones 2005 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Proximal Methods in Vector Optimization 2005 H. Bonnel
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ Proximal Methods with Penalization Effects in Banach Spaces 2004 Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ A Projected Gradient Method for Vector Optimization Problems 2004 L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat An interior point method for constrained saddle point problems 2004 Alfredo N. Iusem
Markku Kallio
+ Pointedness, Connectedness, and Convergence Results in the Space of Closed Convex Cones 2004 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Pointedness, connectedness, and convergence results in the space of closed vonvex cones 2004 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ On First Order Optimality Conditions for Vector Optimization 2003 L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ Iterative Algorithms for Equilibrium Problems 2003 Alfredo N. Iusem
Wilfredo Sosa
+ PDF Chat Inexact Variants of the Proximal Point Algorithm without Monotonicity 2003 Alfredo N. Iusem
Teemu Pennanen
B. F. Svaiter
+ PDF Chat On the convergence properties of the projected gradient method for convex optimization 2003 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On Uniform Convexity, Total Convexity and Convergence of the Proximal Point and Outer Bregman Projection Algorithms in Banach Spaces 2003 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
Constantin Zălinescu
+ First Order Conditions for Ideal Minimization of Matrix-Valued Problems 2003 L. M. Gra
Alfredo N. Iusem
Estrada Dona Castorina
+ PDF Chat On the convergence properties of the projected gradient method for convex optimization 2003 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ New existence results for equilibrium problems 2002 Alfredo N. Iusem
Wilfredo Sosa
+ PDF Chat On the need for hybrid steps in hybrid proximal point methods 2001 O.Rolando GĂĄrciga
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
+ None 2001 Ya. I. Alber
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Linear and Nonlinear Programming 2001 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On Dual Convergence of the Generalized Proximal Point Method with Bregman Distances 2000 Alfredo N. Iusem
Renato D. C. Monteiro
+ PDF Chat On the central path for nonlinear semidefinite programming 2000 L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ None 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
Regina S. Burachik
+ Totally Convex Functions for Fixed Points Computation and Infinite Dimensional Optimization 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ An extragradient-type algorithm for non-smooth variational inequalities 2000 Alfredo N. Iusem
L. R. Lucambio PĂ©rez
+ Total Convexity for Powers of the Norm in Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
Elena Resmerita
+ PDF Chat On mixed Hölder-Minkowski inequalities and total convexity of certain functions in ℒ^p(Ω) 2000 Carlos A. Isnard
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Computation of Fixed Points 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Totally Convex Functions 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Infinite Dimensional Optimization 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat A generalized proximal point algorithm for the nonlinear complementarity problem 1999 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat A mixed Hölder and Minkowski inequality 1999 Alfredo N. Iusem
Carlos A. Isnard
Dan Butnariu
+ Central Paths, Generalized Proximal Point Methods, and Cauchy Trajectories in Riemannian Manifolds 1999 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
JoĂŁo Xavier da Cruz Neto
+ An interior point method with Bregman functions for the variational inequality problem with paramonotone operators 1998 Yair Censor
Alfredo N. Iusem
Stavros A. Zenios
+ PDF Chat On the projected subgradient method for nonsmooth convex optimization in a Hilbert space 1998 Ya. I. Alber
Alfredo N. Iusem
M. V. Solodov
+ A Generalized Proximal Point Algorithm for the Variational Inequality Problem in a Hilbert Space 1998 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On Some Properties of Generalized Proximal Point Methods for Variational Inequalities 1998 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On some properties of paramonotone operators. 1998 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ An interior point method for the nonlinear complementarity problem 1997 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ None 1997 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ None 1997 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ On a proximal point method for convex optimization in banach spaces 1997 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ A variant of korpelevich’s method for variational inequalities with a new search strategy 1997 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ PDF Chat A proximal point method for nonsmooth convex optimizationproblems in Banach spaces 1997 Yakov Alber
Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat Local moduli of convexity and their application to finding almost common fixed points of measurable families of operators 1997 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Preconditioned conjugate gradient method for generalized least squares problems 1996 Jin Yuan
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Multiplicative Interior Gradient Methods for Minimization over the Nonnegative Orthant 1996 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
Marc Teboulle
+ Convergence Rate Analysis of Nonquadratic Proximal Methods for Convex and Linear Programming 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
Marc Teboulle
+ Primal-dual row-action method for convex programming 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ Some properties of generalized proximal point methods for quadratic and linear programming 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ An interior point multiplicative method for optimization under positivity constraints 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Interval underrelaxed bregman's method with an application 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
Stavros A. Zenios
+ Full convergence of the steepest descent method with inexact line searches 1995 Regina S. Burachik
L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ PDF Chat A proximal regularization of the steepest descent method 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ A new interior point method for the variational inequality problem 1994 Alfredo N. Iusem
Regina S. Burachik
+ Entropy-Like Proximal Methods in Convex Programming 1994 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
Marc Teboulle
+ A new smoothing-regularization approach for a maximum-likelihood estimation problem 1994 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ A row-action method for convex programming 1994 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ A regularized dual-based iterative method for a class of image reconstruction problems 1993 Alfredo N. Iusem
Marc Teboulle
+ Convergence Properties of Iterative Methods for Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Linear Complementarity Problems 1993 Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the convergence of iterative methods for symmetric linear complementarity problems 1993 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ A characterization of the set of fixed points of some smoothed operators 1992 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alvaro R. De Pierro
+ A primal-dual iterative algorithm for a maximum likelihood estimation problem 1992 Alfredo N. Iusem
Marc Teboulle
+ On the convergence of SOR- and JOR-type methods for convex linear complementarity problems 1991 Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the convergence of Han's method for convex programming with quadratic objective 1991 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alvaro R. De Pierro
+ Optimization of Burg's entropy over linear constraints 1991 Yair Censor
Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the convergence properties of Hildreth's quadratic programming algorithm 1990 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alvaro R. De Pierro
+ On the asymtotic behavior of some alternate smoothing series expansion iterative methods 1990 Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat On iterative methods for linearly constrained entropy maximization 1990 Yair Censor
Alvaro R. De-Pierro
Tommy Elfving
GĂĄbor T. Herman
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ A finitely convergent “row-action” method for the convex feasibility problem 1988 Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On finitely convergent iterative methods for the convex feasibility problem 1987 Alfredo N. Iusem
Leonardo Moledo
+ A Simultaneous Iterative Method for Computing Projections on Polyhedra 1987 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alvaro R. De Pierro
+ Convergence results for an accelerated nonlinear cimmino algorithm 1986 Alfredo N. Iusem
A.R. De Pierro
+ A simultaneous projections method for linear inequalities 1985 Alvaro R. De Pierro
Alfredo N. Iusem
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Monotone Operators and the Proximal Point Algorithm 1976 R. T. Rockafellar
+ The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming 1967 L.M. Bregman
+ Proximal minimization algorithm withD-functions 1992 Yair Censor
Stavros A. Zenios
+ A relaxed version of Bregman's method for convex programming 1986 A.R. De Pierro
A. N. Iusem
+ Convergence Analysis of a Proximal-Like Minimization Algorithm Using Bregman Functions 1993 Gong Chen
Marc Teboulle
+ Variational Analysis 1998 R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ Nonlinear Proximal Point Algorithms Using Bregman Functions, with Applications to Convex Programming 1993 Jonathan Eckstein
+ Entropy-Like Proximal Methods in Convex Programming 1994 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
Marc Teboulle
+ Row-Action Methods for Huge and Sparse Systems and Their Applications 1981 Yair Censor
+ On certain conditions for the existence of solutions of equilibrium problems 2007 Alfredo N. Iusem
G. Kassay
Wilfredo Sosa
+ Convex analysis and minimization algorithms 1993 Jean‐Baptiste Hiriart‐Urruty
Claude Lemaréchal
+ Some properties of generalized proximal point methods for quadratic and linear programming 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ The extragradient method for finding saddle points and other problems 1976 G. M. Korpelevich
+ PDF Chat Proximité et dualité dans un espace hilbertien 1965 Jean Jacques Moreau
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative iterative algorithms for convex programming 1990 P. P. B. Eggermont
+ An interior point method with Bregman functions for the variational inequality problem with paramonotone operators 1998 Yair Censor
Alfredo N. Iusem
Stavros A. Zenios
+ PDF Chat Proximal Minimization Methods with Generalized Bregman Functions 1997 Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
+ On some properties of paramonotone operators. 1998 Alfredo N. Iusem
+ PDF Chat On Projection Algorithms for Solving Convex Feasibility Problems 1996 Heinz H. Bauschke
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ An iterative row-action method for interval convex programming 1981 Yair Censor
Arnold Lent
+ A Generalized Proximal Point Algorithm for the Variational Inequality Problem in a Hilbert Space 1998 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems 2004 Francisco Facchinei
Jong‐Shi Pang
+ PDF Chat Axiomatization of the index of pointedness for closed convex cones 2005 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ On eigenvalues induced by a cone constraint 2003 Alberto Seeger
Mounir Torki
+ Full convergence of the steepest descent method with inexact line searches 1995 Regina S. Burachik
L. M. Graña Drummond
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ New existence results for equilibrium problems 2002 Alfredo N. Iusem
Wilfredo Sosa
+ On pairs of vectors achieving the maximal angle of a convex cone 2005 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ A hybrid projection-proximal point algorithm. 1998 M. V. Solodov
B. F. Svaiter
+ Convergence Rate Analysis of Nonquadratic Proximal Methods for Convex and Linear Programming 1995 Alfredo N. Iusem
Marc Teboulle
+ Generalized monotone bifunctions and equilibrium problems 1996 Monica Bianchi
Siegfried Schaible
+ On a proximal point method for convex optimization in banach spaces 1997 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Modification of the extra-gradient method for solving variational inequalities and certain optimization problems 1987 Е. Н. Đ„ĐŸĐ±ĐŸŃ‚ĐŸĐČ
+ Eigenvalue analysis of equilibrium processes defined by linear complementarity conditions 1999 Alberto Seeger
+ A variant of korpelevich’s method for variational inequalities with a new search strategy 1997 Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ Convex statistical distances 1987 Friedrich Liese
Igor Vajda
+ Decomposition through formalization in a product space 1984 Guy Pierra
+ Measuring the degree of pointedness of a closed convex cone: a metric approach 2006 Alfredo N. Iusem
Alberto Seeger
+ Set-Valued Mappings and Enlargements of Monotone Operators 2007 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ Nonlinear operators and nonlinear equations of evolution in Banach spaces 1976 Felix E. Browder
+ Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems 2004 Francisco Facchinei
Jong‐Shi Pang
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ None 1997 Regina S. Burachik
Alfredo N. Iusem
B. F. Svaiter
+ Computing approximate solutions for convex conic systems of constraints 2000 Javier Peña
James Renegar
Rolando GĂĄrciga Otero
+ PDF Chat Continuity of some convex-cone-valued mappings 1967 David W. Walkup
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ The Linear Complementarity Problem 2009 Richard W. Cottle
Jong‐Shi Pang
Richard Stone
+ Totally Convex Functions for Fixed Points Computation and Infinite Dimensional Optimization 2000 Dan Butnariu
Alfredo N. Iusem
+ On the method of generalized stochastic gradients and quasi-Fïżœjer sequences 1972 Yu. M. Ermol’ev
+ Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces 2017 Heinz H. Bauschke
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Augmented Lagrangians and Applications of the Proximal Point Algorithm in Convex Programming 1976 R. T. Rockafellar