Cristian Lenart


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A general Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory 2024 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ Quantum K-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case 2024 Takafumi Kouno
Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Weihong Xu
+ PDF Chat New structure on the quantum alcove model with applications to representation theory and Schubert calculus 2023 Takafumi Kouno
Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
+ PDF Chat Inverse K-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, II: Arbitrary weights in ADE type 2023 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daniel L. Orr
Daisuke Sagaki
+ PDF Chat Geometric properties of the Kazhdan–Lusztig Schubert basis 2023 Cristian Lenart
Changjian Su
Kirill Zainoulline
Changlong Zhong
+ PDF Chat Geometric properties of the Kazhdan–Lusztig Schubert basis 2023 Cristian Lenart
Changjian Su
Kirill Zainoulline
Changlong Zhong
+ Elliptic classes via the periodic Hecke module and its Langlands dual 2023 Cristian Lenart
Gufang Zhao
Changlong Zhong
+ Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Macdonald Polynomials via a Path Model with a Pseudo-crystal Structure 2022 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Fumihiko Nomoto
Daisuke Sagaki
+ Towards a Combinatorial Model for $q$-weight Multiplicities of Simple Lie Algebras (Extended Abstract) 2021 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
Adam Schultze
+ Generalization of quantum Yang-Baxter moves 2021 Takafumi Kouno
Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
+ On Combinatorial Models for Affine Crystals 2021 Carly J. A. Briggs
Cristian Lenart
Adam Schultze
+ Relating three combinatorial formulas for type $A$ Whittaker functions 2021 Cristian Lenart
James Sidoli
+ Inverse $K$-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, II: arbitrary weights in ADE type 2021 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daniel L. Orr
Daisuke Sagaki
+ Towards a Combinatorial Model for $q$-weight Multiplicities of Simple Lie Algebras (Extended Abstract) 2021 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
Adam Schultze
+ Quantum K-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case 2021 Takafumi Kouno
Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ Lusztig’s t-Analogue of Weight Multiplicity via Crystals 2020 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Atomic decomposition of characters and crystals 2020 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
+ Geometric properties of the Kazhdan-Lusztig Schubert basis 2020 Cristian Lenart
Changjian Su
Kirill Zainoulline
Changlong Zhong
+ A general Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory 2020 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ A Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory (Extended abstract) 2019 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ On higher level Kirillov–Reshetikhin crystals, Demazure crystals, and related uniform models 2019 Cristian Lenart
Travis Scrimshaw
Kirill Zainoulline
Changlong Zhong
+ A Chevalley formula for semi-infinite flag manifolds and quantum K-theory (Extended abstract) 2019 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ PDF Chat Quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and root operators 2018 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat A uniform realization of the combinatorial R-matrix for column shape Kirillov–Reshetikhin crystals 2018 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ PDF Chat Combinatorics of Generalized Exponents 2018 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
Cristian Lenart
Cristian Lenart
Cristian Lenart
Dongwen Liu
Seiji Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ New results on Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and Macdonald polynomials 2017 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Towards generalized cohmology Schubert calculus via formal root polynomials 2017 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
+ Combinatorics of generalized exponents 2017 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial representation theory of Lie algebras. Richard Stanley’s work and the way it was continued 2016 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat From the weak Bruhat order to crystal posets 2016 Patricia Hersh
Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat A Uniform Model for Kirillov–Reshetikhin Crystals II. Alcove Model, Path Model, and $P=X$ 2016 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ Whittaker functions and Demazure characters 2016 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Cristian Lenart
Dongwen Liu
Dinakar Muthiah
Anna PuskĂĄs
+ Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig basis, Schubert classes, and equivariant oriented cohomology 2016 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
Changlong Zhong
+ Whittaker functions and Demazure characters 2016 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Cristian Lenart
Dongwen Liu
Dinakar Muthiah
Anna PuskĂĄs
+ From the weak Bruhat order to crystal posets 2015 Patricia Hersh
Cristian Lenart
+ A Schubert basis in equivariant elliptic cohomology 2015 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
+ PDF Chat On Schubert calculus in elliptic cohomology 2015 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
+ Explicit description of the degree function in terms of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths 2015 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ The many faces of modern combinatorics 2015 Cristian Lenart
+ Explicit description of the degree function in terms of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths 2015 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat On Schubert calculus in elliptic cohomology 2015 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
+ PDF Chat A uniform realization of the combinatorial $R$-matrix 2015 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ From the weak Bruhat order to crystal posets 2015 Patricia Hersh
Cristian Lenart
+ The many faces of modern combinatorics 2015 Cristian Lenart
+ A Schubert basis in equivariant elliptic cohomology 2015 Cristian Lenart
Kirill Zainoulline
+ PDF Chat Equivariant K -Chevalley rules for Kac-Moody flag manifolds 2014 Cristian Lenart
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the alcove model and its applications 2014 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ PDF Chat A Uniform Model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals I: Lifting the Parabolic Quantum Bruhat Graph 2014 Cristian Lenart
Seiji Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ Combinatorial representation theory of Lie algebras. Richard Stanley's work and the way it was continued 2014 Cristian Lenart
+ Specialized Macdonald polynomials, quantum K-theory, and Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals 2013 Cristian Lenart
+ Explicit description of the action of root operators on quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths 2013 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat A uniform model for Kirillov―Reshetikhin crystals 2013 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ Quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and root operators 2013 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat Crystal energy functions via the charge in types A and C 2012 Cristian Lenart
Anne Schilling
+ A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals. Extended abstract 2012 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the alcove model and its applications 2012 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ PDF Chat Crystal energy via charge 2012 Cristian Lenart
Anne Schilling
+ Equivariant K-Chevalley Rules for Kac-Moody Flag Manifolds 2012 Cristian Lenart
Mark Shimozono
+ A generalization of the alcove model and its applications 2011 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ PDF Chat From Macdonald polynomials to a charge statistic beyond type A 2011 Cristian Lenart
+ From Macdonald Polynomials to a Charge Statistic beyond Type A 2011 Cristian Lenart
+ A generalization of the alcove model and its applications 2011 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ From Macdonald Polynomials to a Charge Statistic beyond Type A 2011 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Haglund–Haiman–Loehr type formulas for Hall–Littlewood polynomials of type<i>B</i>and<i>C</i> 2010 Cristian Lenart
+ Hall–Littlewood polynomials, alcove walks, and fillings of Young diagrams 2010 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Constructions of Weight Bases: The Gelfand-Tsetlin Basis 2010 Patricia Hersh
Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Growth diagrams for the Schubert multiplication 2010 Cristian Lenart
+ Haglund-Haiman-Loehr Type Formulas for Hall-Littlewood Polynomials of Type B and C 2009 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Formulas for Macdonald and Hall-Littlewood Polynomials 2009 Cristian Lenart
+ Growth Diagrams for the Schubert Multiplication 2009 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat On combinatorial formulas for Macdonald polynomials 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat On q-analogs of weight multiplicities for the Lie superalgebras $\mathfrak{gl}(n,m)$ and $\mathfrak{spo(}2n,M)$ 2008 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
+ Hall-Littlewood Polynomials, Alcove Walks, and Fillings of Young Diagrams 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial model for crystals of Kac-Moody algebras 2008 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ Combinatorial Formulas for Macdonald and Hall-Littlewood Polynomials of Types A and C. Extended Abstract 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ Combinatorial Constructions of Weight Bases: The Gelfand-Tsetlin Basis 2008 Patricia Hersh
Cristian Lenart
+ On Combinatorial Formulas for Macdonald Polynomials 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ Hall-Littlewood Polynomials, Alcove Walks, and Fillings of Young Diagrams 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ On the combinatorics of crystal graphs, II. The crystal commutor 2007 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Affine Weyl Groups in K-Theory and Representation Theory 2007 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ On q-analogs of weight multiplicities for the Lie superalgebras gl(n,m) and spo(2n,M) 2007 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat A Pieri-type formula for the ${K}$-theory of a flag manifold 2006 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorics of crystal graphs, I. Lusztig's involution 2006 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Grothendieck polynomials via permutation patterns and chains in the Bruhat order 2006 Cristian Lenart
Shawn Robinson
Frank Sottile
+ Quantum Grothendieck Polynomials 2006 Cristian Lenart
Toshiaki Maeno
+ PDF Chat Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant K-theory of generalized flag varieties 2006 Cristian Lenart
Toshiaki Maeno
+ Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant $K$-theory of generalized flag varieties 2006 Cristian Lenart
Toshiaki Maeno
+ On the Combinatorics of Crystal Graphs, II. The Crystal Commutator 2006 Cristian Lenart
+ On the Combinatorics of Crystal Graphs, I 2005 Cristian Lenart
+ On the Combinatorics of Crystal Graphs, I. Lusztig's Involution 2005 Cristian Lenart
+ A Combinatorial Model for Crystals of Kac-Moody Algebras 2005 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ The K-theory of the flag variety and the Fomin–Kirillov quadratic algebra 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat A Unified Approach to Combinatorial Formulas for Schubert Polynomials 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ A Pieri-type formula for the K-theory of a flag manifold 2004 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ Grothendieck polynomials via permutation patterns and chains in the Bruhat order 2004 Cristian Lenart
Shawn Robinson
Frank Sottile
+ The K-theory of the Flag Variety and the Fomin-Kirillov Quadratic Algebra 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ A Unified Approach to Combinatorial Formulas for Schubert Polynomials 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ The K-theory of the Flag Variety and the Fomin-Kirillov Quadratic Algebra 2004 Cristian Lenart
+ A Pieri-type formula for the K-theory of a flag manifold 2004 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ Grothendieck polynomials via permutation patterns and chains in the Bruhat order 2004 Cristian Lenart
Shawn Robinson
Frank Sottile
+ Skew Schubert polynomials 2003 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ A K-theory version of Monk's formula and some related multiplication formulas 2003 Cristian Lenart
+ Affine Weyl groups in K-theory and representation theory 2003 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ Skew Schubert polynomials 2002 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ Skew Schubert polynomials 2002 Cristian Lenart
Frank Sottile
+ Combinatorial Aspects of the K-Theory of Grassmannians 2000 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Cristian Lenart
+ Noncommutative Schubert Calculus and Grothendieck Polynomials 1999 Cristian Lenart
+ The Combinatorics of Steenrod Operations on the Cohomology of Grassmannians 1998 Cristian Lenart
+ Symmetric Functions, Formal Group Laws, and Lazard's Theorem 1998 Cristian Lenart
+ Hopf algebras of set systems 1998 Cristian Lenart
Nigel Ray
+ Formal Group-Theoretic Generalizations of the Necklace Algebra, Including aq-Deformation 1998 Cristian Lenart
+ The combinatorics of Steenrod operations on the cohomology of Grassmannians 1997 Cristian Lenart
+ Chromatic polynomials of partition systems 1997 Cristian Lenart
Nigel Ray
+ The combinatorics of Steenrod operations on the cohomology of Grassmannians 1997 Cristian Lenart
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial model for crystals of Kac-Moody algebras 2008 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ Paths and Root Operators in Representation Theory 1995 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Affine Weyl Groups in K-Theory and Representation Theory 2007 Cristian Lenart
Alexander Postnikov
+ A Littlewood-Richardson rule for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras 1994 Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat LS galleries, the path model, and MV cycles 2005 Stéphane Gaussent
Peter Littelmann
+ None 1999 Francesco Brenti
Sergey Fomin
Alexander Postnikov
+ Crystal Graphs for Representations of the q-Analogue of Classical Lie Algebras 1994 Masaki Kashiwara
Tohru Nakashima
+ A combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials 2010 Arun Ram
Martha Yip
+ PDF Chat A Uniform Model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals I: Lifting the Parabolic Quantum Bruhat Graph 2014 Cristian Lenart
Seiji Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorics of crystal graphs, I. Lusztig's involution 2006 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat From Macdonald polynomials to a charge statistic beyond type A 2011 Cristian Lenart
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ Hecke algebras and shellings of Bruhat intervals 1993 Matthew Dyer
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the alcove model and its applications 2014 Cristian Lenart
Arthur Lubovsky
+ On crystal bases of the Q-analogue of universal enveloping algebras 1991 Masaki Kashiwara
+ A combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials 2005 J. Haglund
Mark Haiman
Nicholas A. Loehr
+ PDF Chat On the quantum product of Schubert classes 2004 William Fulton
Chris Woodward
+ REFLECTION GROUPS AND COXETER GROUPS (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 29) 1991 R. W. Carter
+ PDF Chat Demazure Crystals, Kirillov-Reshetikhin Crystals, and the Energy Function 2012 Anne Schilling
Peter Tingley
+ Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups 2005 Anders Björner
Francesco Brenti
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat A Uniform Model for Kirillov–Reshetikhin Crystals II. Alcove Model, Path Model, and $P=X$ 2016 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ A symplectic jeu de taquin bijection between the tableaux of King and of De Concini 1999 John E. Sheats
+ Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials and Demazure characters 2003 Bogdan Ion
+ PDF Chat Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1990 Victor G. Kač
+ A K-theory version of Monk's formula and some related multiplication formulas 2003 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Lakshmibai–Seshadri paths of level-zero shape and one-dimensional sums associated to level-zero fundamental representations 2008 Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ A splitting criterion for the bruhat orderings on coxeter groups 1987 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ Standard monomial theory 1981 C. Musili
C. S. Seshadri
+ PDF Chat On combinatorial formulas for Macdonald polynomials 2008 Cristian Lenart
+ On level-zero representation of quantized affine algebras 2002 Masaki Kashiwara
+ Crystal structure on the set of Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths of an arbitrary level-zero shape 2007 Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
+ Crystalizing theq-analogue of universal enveloping algebras 1990 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat Alcove Walks, Hecke Algebras, Spherical Functions, Crystals and Column Strict Tableaux 2006 Arun Ram
+ Lusztig's q-analogue of weight multiplicity and one-dimensional sums for affine root systems 2006 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
Mark Shimozono
+ A Pieri-Chevalley formula in the K-theory of a đș/đ”-bundle 1999 Harsh Pittie
Arun Ram
+ PDF Chat Kirillov–Reshetikhin crystals for nonexceptional types 2009 Ghislain Fourier
Masato Okado
Anne Schilling
+ Combinatorial Models for Weyl Characters 2002 John R. Stembridge
+ Kostka polynomials and energy functions in solvable lattice models 1997 Atsushi Nakayashiki
Yasuhiro Yamada
+ PDF Chat Galleries, Hall-Littlewood polynomials, and structure constants of the spherical Hecke algebra 2006 Christoph Schwer
+ PDF Chat Crystals and coboundary categories 2006 André Henriques
Joel Kamnitzer
+ On the Combinatorics of Crystal Graphs, I 2005 Cristian Lenart
+ PDF Chat Crystal energy functions via the charge in types A and C 2012 Cristian Lenart
Anne Schilling
+ Crystal bases of modified quantized enveloping algebra 1994 Masaki Kashiwara
+ PDF Chat A uniform model for Kirillov―Reshetikhin crystals 2013 Cristian Lenart
Satoshi Naito
Daisuke Sagaki
Anne Schilling
Mark Shimozono
+ PDF Chat Representations of Yangians and multiplicities of occurrence of the irreducible components of the tensor product of representations of simple Lie algebras 1990 A. N. Kirillov
Nicolai Reshetikhin
+ PDF Chat Kostka-Foulkes Polynomials Cyclage Graphs and Charge Statistic for the Root System Cn 2005 CĂ©dric Lecouvey
+ Some characterizations of Bruhat ordering on a Coxeter group and determination of the relative Mïżœbius function 1977 Vinay V. Deodhar
+ PDF Chat Tensor Product Structure of Affine Demazure Modules and Limit Constructions 2006 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ PDF Chat Quantum cohomology of G/P and homology of affine Grassmannian 2010 Thomas Lam
Mark Shimozono