Pablo Suárez‐Serrato


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Volume entropy and rigidity for RCD-spaces 2024 Chris Connell
Xianzhe Dai
Jesús Núñez‐Zimbrón
Raquel Perales
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Zero entropy on entire Grauert tubes 2024 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Learning from landmarks, curves, surfaces, and shapes in Geomstats 2024 Luís F. Pereira
Alice Le Brigant
Adele Myers
Emmanuel Hartman
Amil Khan
Malik Tuerkoen
Trey Dold
Mengyang Gu
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Nina Miolane
+ Asymptotic dimension and geometric decompositions in dimensions 3 and 4 2024 Haydeé Contreras Peruyero
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ A conservative Turing complete $S^4$ flow 2023 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Contour parametrization via anisotropic mean curvature flow 2022 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
E. I. Velázquez Richards
+ Turing approximations, toric isometric embeddings & manifold convolutions 2021 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Collapsing and group growth as obstructions to Einstein metrics on some smooth 4-manifolds 2021 Haydeé Contreras Peruyero
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Maximal volume entropy rigidity for RCD∗(−(N−1),N) spaces 2021 Chris Connell
Xianzhe Dai
Jesús Núñez‐Zimbrón
Raquel Perales
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On computational Poisson geometry II: Numerical methods 2021 Miguel Ángel Evangelista-Alvarado
J. C. Ruíz-Pantaleón
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Examples of Symbolic and Numerical Computation in Poisson Geometry 2021 Miguel Ángel Evangelista-Alvarado
J. C. Ruíz-Pantaleón
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat On computational Poisson geometry I: Symbolic foundations 2021 Miguel Ángel Evangelista-Alvarado
J. C. Ruíz-Pantaleón
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Areas on the space of smooth probability density functions on $S^2$ 2021 J. C. Ruíz-Pantaleón
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Collapsing and group growth as obstructions to Einstein metrics on some smooth 4-manifolds 2021 Haydeé Contreras Peruyero
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Turing approximations, toric isometric embeddings & manifold convolutions 2021 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ On Computational Poisson Geometry I: Symbolic Foundations. 2019 Miguel Ángel Evangelista-Alvarado
J. C. Ruíz-Pantaleón
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Poisson and near-symplectic structures on generalized wrinkled fibrations in dimension 6 2019 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
J. Torres Orozco
Ramón Vera
+ PDF Chat On Bott-Morse Foliations and their Poisson structures in dimension three 2019 Miguel Ángel Evangelista-Alvarado
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
J. Torres Orozco
Ramón Vera
+ PDF Chat BoostNet: Bootstrapping Detection of Socialbots, and a Case Study from Guatemala 2019 E. I. Velázquez Richards
Eugene B. Gallagher
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Socialbots Supporting Human Rights 2018 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
E. I. Velázquez Richards
Mehrdad Yazdani
+ PDF Chat Socialbots Whitewashing Contested Elections; A Case Study from Honduras 2018 Eugene B. Gallagher
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
E. I. Velázquez Richards
+ Contour Parametrization via Anisotropic Mean Curvature Flows 2018 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
E. I. Velázquez Richards
+ Graph Distance from the Topological View of Non-backtracking Cycles 2018 Leo Torres
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Tina Eliassi‐Rad
+ Socialbots supporting human rights 2017 Elisa Ortega Velázquez
Majid Yazdani
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat On Higher Graph Manifolds 2017 Chris Connell
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat On the influence of social bots in online protests. Preliminary findings of a Mexican case study 2016 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Margaret E. Roberts
Clayton A. Davis
Filippo Menczer
+ PDF Chat Topological rigidity of higher graph manifolds 2016 Noé Bárcenas
Daniel Juan-Pineda
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat On the Influence of Social Bots in Online Protests 2016 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Margaret E. Roberts
Clayton A. Davis
Filippo Menczer
+ PDF Chat Poisson structures on wrinkled fibrations 2015 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
J. Torres Orozco
+ PDF Chat Poisson Structures on Smooth 4–Manifolds 2015 Luis C. García-Naranjo
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Ramón Vera
+ Dynamics and Zeta functions on conformally compact manifolds 2014 Julie Rowlett
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Samuel Tapie
+ PDF Chat A note on collapse, entropy, and vanishing of the Yamabe invariant of symplectic 4-manifolds 2014 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Rafael Torres
+ On Higher Graph Manifolds 2012 Chris Connell
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Bonn 2012 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Samuel Tapie
+ Conformal entropy rigidity through Yamabe flows 2011 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Samuel Tapie
+ A note on the volume flux group of four-manifolds 2009 Jimmy Petean
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s $${\bar{\lambda}}$$ -invariant and collapsing via geometric characteristic splittings 2009 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ A smooth codimension-one foliation of the five-sphere by symplectic leaves 2009 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Alberto Verjovsky
+ PDF Chat Minimal entropy and geometric decompositions in dimension four 2009 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat An essential relation between Einstein metrics, volume entropy, and exotic smooth structures 2009 Michael Brunnbauer
Masashi Ishida
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ A smooth codimension-one foliation of the five-sphere by symplectic leaves 2009 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Alberto Verjovsky
+ PDF Chat The volume flux group and nonpositive curvature 2008 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ An essential relation between Einstein metrics, volume entropy, and exotic smooth structures 2008 Michael Brunnbauer
Masashi Ishida
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Perelman's invariant and collapse via geometric characteristic splittings 2008 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Affine Configurations and Pure Braids 2008 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ PDF Chat Atoroïdalité complète et annulation de l’invariant <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>λ</mml:mi> <mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:math> de Perelman 2008 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1982 Michael Gromov
+ Poisson Structures and Their Normal Forms 2005 Jean-Paul Dufour
Nguyen Tien Zung
+ PDF Chat Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping their curvature bounded. I 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Minimal entropy and collapsing with curvature bounded from below 2003 Gabriel P. Paternain
Jimmy Petean
+ PDF Chat Entropy and collapsing of compact complex surfaces 2004 Gabriel P. Paternain
Jimmy Petean
+ PDF Chat The rise of social bots 2016 Emilio Ferrara
Onur Varol
Clayton A. Davis
Filippo Menczer
Alessandro Flammini
+ PDF Chat Entropies, Volumes, and Einstein Metrics 2011 D. Kotschick
+ PDF Chat Poisson Brackets with Prescribed Casimirs 2011 Pantelis A. Damianou
Fani Petalidou
+ PDF Chat The local structure of Poisson manifolds 1983 Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Sifting robotic from organic text: A natural language approach for detecting automation on Twitter 2015 Eric M. Clark
Jake Ryland Williams
Chris Jones
Richard A. Galbraith
Christopher M. Danforth
Peter Sheridan Dodds
+ Topological Entropy for Geodesic Flows 1979 Anthony Manning
+ PDF Chat Poisson Structures on Smooth 4–Manifolds 2015 Luis C. García-Naranjo
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Ramón Vera
+ Lectures on the Geometry of Poisson Manifolds 1994 Izu Vaisman
+ PDF Chat Variational theory for the total scalar curvature functional for riemannian metrics and related topics 1989 Richard Schoen
+ Entropies et rigidités des espaces localement symétriques de courbure strictement négative 1995 Gérard Besson
G. Courtois
Sylvestre Gallot
+ BotOrNot 2016 Clayton A. Davis
Onur Varol
Emilio Ferrara
Alessandro Flammini
Filippo Menczer
+ PDF Chat Kodaira dimension and the Yamabe problem 1999 Claude LeBrun
+ PDF Chat Poisson structures on wrinkled fibrations 2015 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
J. Torres Orozco
+ The Seiberg-Witten invariants and symplectic forms 1994 Clifford Henry Taubes
+ PDF Chat A geometric characteristic splitting in all dimensions 2000 Bernhard Leeb
Peter J. H. Scott
+ PDF Chat Homological Invariance For Asymptotic Invariants and Systolic Inequalities 2008 Michael Brunnbauer
+ PDF Chat Lie-Poisson structure on some Poisson Lie groups 1992 Viktor L. Ginzburg
Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Compact four-dimensional Einstein manifolds 1974 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat Minimal entropy and geometric decompositions in dimension four 2009 Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
+ Deformations of Poisson structures on fibered manifolds and adiabatic slow–fast systems 2017 Misael Avendaño-Camacho
Yu. Vorobiev
+ Poisson Structures 2012 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Anne Pichereau
Pol Vanhaecke
+ PDF Chat Four-Manifolds without Einstein Metrics 1996 Claude LeBrun
+ PDF Chat Un th�or�me de rigidit� diff�rentielle 1998 L. Bessi�res
+ Poisson Structures and Their Normal Forms 2005 Jean-Paul Dufour
Nguyen Tien Zung
H. E. Bass
J. Oesterlé
Alan Weinstein
+ An obstruction to the existence of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds 1998 Andrea Sambusetti
+ PDF Chat Wrinkled fibrations on near-symplectic manifolds 2009 Yankı Lekili
+ PDF Chat Singular Lefschetz pencils 2005 Denis Auroux
Simon Donaldson
Ludmil Katzarkov
+ The modular automorphism group of a Poisson manifold 1997 Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s invariant, Ricci flow, and the Yamabe invariants of smooth manifolds 2006 Kazuo Akutagawa
Masashi Ishida
Claude LeBrun
+ A canonical form for compact nonpositively curved manifolds whose fundamental groups have nontrivial center 1982 Patrick Eberlein
+ On the entropy of the geodesic flow in manifolds without conjugate points 1982 André Pimenta Freire
Ricardo Ma��
+ PDF Chat Poisson Geometry with a 3-Form Background 2001 Pavol Ševera
Alan Weinstein
+ A New Construction of Symplectic Manifolds 1995 Robert E. Gompf
+ Twisted doubles and nonpositive curvature 2009 C. S. Aravinda
F. T. Farrell
+ PDF Chat The modular class of a regular Poisson manifold and the Reeb class of its symplectic foliation 2003 Abdelhak Abouqateb
Mohamed Boucetta
+ PDF Chat Compact manifolds of nonpositive curvature 1972 H. Blaine Lawson
Shing Tung Yau
+ Topics in Differential Geometry 1976 Peter W. Michor
+ PDF Chat On the topological entropy of geodesic flows 1997 Ricardo Ma né
Peter B. Shalen
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and the Dirac operator on complete riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Remarks on conformal transformations 1973 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology 1997 William P. Thurston
Silvio Levy
+ PDF Chat On the structure of infinitesimal automorphisms of linear Poisson manifolds II 1991 Nobutada Nakanishi
+ Volume et entropie minimale des espaces localement sym�triques 1991 Gérard Besson
G. Courtois
Sylvestre Gallot