Michael D. Fetters


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Special Issue on COVID-19 and Novel Mixed Methods Methodological Approaches During Catastrophic Social Changes 2021 Michael D. Fetters
JosĂ© F. Molina‐AzorĂ­n
+ PDF Chat Conceptual models to guide integration during analysis in convergent mixed methods studies 2017 Ellen Moseholm
Michael D. Fetters
+ PDF Chat A conceptual model for the development process of confirmatory adaptive clinical trials within an emergency research network 2017 Samkeliso Mawocha
Michael D. Fetters
Laurie J. Legocki
Timothy C. Guetterman
Shirley Frederiksen
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
William J. Meurer
+ PDF Chat The life cycles of six multi-center adaptive clinical trials focused on neurological emergencies developed for the Advancing Regulatory Science initiative of the National Institutes of Health and US Food and Drug Administration: Case studies from the Adaptive Designs Accelerating Promising Treatments Into Trials Project 2017 Timothy C. Guetterman
Michael D. Fetters
Samkeliso Mawocha
Laurie J. Legocki
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
William J. Meurer
+ PDF Chat Attitudes and opinions regarding confirmatory adaptive clinical trials: a mixed methods analysis from the Adaptive Designs Accelerating Promising Trials into Treatments (ADAPT-IT) project 2016 William J. Meurer
Laurie J. Legocki
Samkeliso Mawocha
Shirley M. Frederiksen
Timothy C. Guetterman
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
Michael D. Fetters
+ PDF Chat Reflections on the adaptive designs accelerating promising trials into treatments (ADAPT-IT) process—Findings from a qualitative study 2015 Timothy C. Guetterman
Michael D. Fetters
Laurie J. Legocki
Samkeliso Mawocha
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
William J. Meurer
+ PDF Chat Clinical trialist perspectives on the ethics of adaptive clinical trials: a mixed-methods analysis 2015 Laurie J. Legocki
William J. Meurer
Shirley Frederiksen
Roger Lewis
Valerie Durkalski
Donald A. Berry
William G. Barsan
Michael D. Fetters
+ PDF Chat An Overview of the Adaptive Designs Accelerating Promising Trials Into Treatments (ADAPT-IT) Project 2012 William J. Meurer
Roger J. Lewis
Danilo A. Tagle
Michael D. Fetters
Laurie Legocki
Scott Berry
Jason Connor
Valerie Durkalski
Jordan Elm
Wenle Zhao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat An Overview of the Adaptive Designs Accelerating Promising Trials Into Treatments (ADAPT-IT) Project 2012 William J. Meurer
Roger J. Lewis
Danilo A. Tagle
Michael D. Fetters
Laurie Legocki
Scott Berry
Jason Connor
Valerie Durkalski
Jordan Elm
Wenle Zhao
+ PDF Chat Clinical trialist perspectives on the ethics of adaptive clinical trials: a mixed-methods analysis 2015 Laurie J. Legocki
William J. Meurer
Shirley Frederiksen
Roger Lewis
Valerie Durkalski
Donald A. Berry
William G. Barsan
Michael D. Fetters
+ PDF Chat Bayesian adaptive trials offer advantages in comparative effectiveness trials: an example in status epilepticus 2013 Jason T. Connor
Jordan Elm
Kristine Broglio
+ PDF Chat Adaptive trial designs: a review of barriers and opportunities 2012 John A. Kairalla
Christopher S. Coffey
Mitchell A Thomann
Keith E. Muller
+ PDF Chat Reflections on the adaptive designs accelerating promising trials into treatments (ADAPT-IT) process—Findings from a qualitative study 2015 Timothy C. Guetterman
Michael D. Fetters
Laurie J. Legocki
Samkeliso Mawocha
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
William J. Meurer
+ Adaptive Design: Results of 2012 Survey on Perception and Use 2014 Caroline C. Morgan
Susan Huyck
Martin Jenkins
Li Chen
Alun Bedding
Christopher S. Coffey
Brenda Gaydos
J. Kyle Wathen
+ PDF Chat The Stroke Hyperglycemia Insulin Network Effort (SHINE) trial: an adaptive trial design case study 2015 Jason T. Connor
Kristine Broglio
Valerie Durkalski
William J. Meurer
Karen C. Johnston
+ Adaptive Designs: Terminology and Classification 2006 Vladimir Dragalin
+ Adaptive Designs in Clinical Drug Development—An Executive Summary of the PhRMA Working Group 2006 Paul Gallo
Christy Chuang‐Stein
Vladimir Dragalin
Brenda Gaydos
Michael Krams
JosĂ© Cirı́aco Pinheiro
+ Barriers and opportunities for implementation of adaptive designs in pharmaceutical product development 2010 Judith Quinlan
Brenda Gaydos
Jeff Maca
Michael Krams
+ Impact of Dose Selection Strategies Used in Phase II on the Probability of Success in Phase III 2010 Zoran Antonijevic
José Paulo Pinheiro
Parvin Fardipour
Roger Lewis
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Clinical Trials: The Promise and the Caution 2010 Donald A. Berry
+ PDF Chat Spinal Cord Injury Neuroprotection and the Promise of Flexible Adaptive Clinical Trials 2013 William J. Meurer
William G. Barsan
+ PDF Chat Adaptive design methods in clinical trials – a review 2008 Shein‐Chung Chow
Mark Chang
+ PDF Chat Overview, hurdles, and future work in adaptive designs: perspectives from a National Institutes of Health-funded workshop 2012 Christopher S. Coffey
Bruce Levin
Christina Clark
Cate Timmerman
Janet Wittes
Peter R. Gilbert
Sara Harris
+ Scientific and Regulatory Reasons for Delay and Denial of FDA Approval of Initial Applications for New Drugs, 2000-2012 2014 Leonard Sacks
Hala Shamsuddin
Yuliya Yasinskaya
Khaled Bouri
Michael Lanthier
Rachel E. Sherman
+ A Regulatory View on Adaptive/Flexible Clinical Trial Design 2006 Hung Hung
Robert T. O’Neill
Sue‐Jane Wang
John Lawrence
+ PDF Chat Are outcome-adaptive allocation trials ethical? 2015 Spencer Phillips Hey
Jonathan Kimmelman
+ Adaptive clinical trials in oncology 2011 Donald A. Berry
+ PDF Chat Commentary on Hey and Kimmelman 2015 J. Jack Lee
+ Group sequential methods in the design and analysis of clinical trials 1977 Stuart J. Pocock
+ PDF Chat The hazards of randomized phase II trials 2011 Primo N. Lara
Mary W. Redman
+ Learning versus confirming in clinical drug development* 1997 Lewis B. Sheiner
+ PDF Chat Missing steps in a staircase: a qualitative study of the perspectives of key stakeholders on the use of adaptive designs in confirmatory trials 2015 Munyaradzi Dimairo
Jonathan Boote
Steven A. Julious
J P Nicholl
Susan Todd
+ Commentary on Hey and Kimmelman 2015 Donald A. Berry
+ Bayesian adaptive clinical trials: a dream for statisticians only? 2011 Sylvie Chevret
+ Adaptive Clinical Trials 2008 Christopher S. Coffey
John A. Kairalla
+ Adaptive trial design: Its growing role in clinical research and implications for pharmacists 2011 Joshua Cirulli
Wesley McMillian
Mojdeh Saba
David D. Stenehjem
+ How large should a phase II trial of a new drug be? 1987 Ronald Simon
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Designs for Clinical Trials 2016 Deepak L. Bhatt
Cyrus R. Mehta
+ Mixed Methods Research: A Guide to the Field 2016 Vicki L. Plano Clark
Nataliya V. Ivankova
+ PDF Chat Attitudes and opinions regarding confirmatory adaptive clinical trials: a mixed methods analysis from the Adaptive Designs Accelerating Promising Trials into Treatments (ADAPT-IT) project 2016 William J. Meurer
Laurie J. Legocki
Samkeliso Mawocha
Shirley M. Frederiksen
Timothy C. Guetterman
William G. Barsan
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry
Michael D. Fetters
+ PDF Chat Opportunities and Challenges for Drug Development: Public–Private Partnerships, Adaptive Designs and Big Data 2016 Oktay Yıldırım
Matthias Gottwald
Peter SchĂŒler
Martin C. Michel
+ Infectious disease, human capital, and the BRICS economy in the time of COVID-19 2020 Devi Prasad Dash
Narayan Sethi
Aruna Kumar Dash
+ Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective 1997 Paul J. Smith
Donald A. Berry
+ Bayesian Methods in Health-Related Research 2018 1
+ Adaptive Bayesian Designs for Dose-Ranging Drug Trials 2002 Donald A. Berry
Peter MĂŒller
Andrew P. Grieve
Michael K. Smith
Tom Parke
Richard Blazek
Neil Mitchard
Michael Krams
+ Bayesian Adaptive Methods for Clinical Trials 2010 Scott Berry
Bradley P. Carlin
J. Jack Lee
Peter MĂŒller
+ Innovative Approaches for Designing and Analyzing Adaptive Dose-Ranging Trials 2007 Björn Bornkamp
Frank Bretz
Alex Dmitrienko
Greg Enas
Brenda Gaydos
Chyi‐Hung Hsu
Franz König
Michael Krams
Qing Liu
Beat Neuenschwander
+ Integrative Analysis Strategies for Mixed Data Sources 2011 Pat Bazeley
+ I-SPY 2: An Adaptive Breast Cancer Trial Design in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 2009 AD Barker
C C Sigman
Kelloff Gj
NM Hylton
DA Berry
L. Esserman
+ PDF Chat Bayesian clinical trials at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 2009 Swati Biswas
Diane D. Liu
J. Jack Lee
Donald A. Berry
+ A Bayesian dose-finding trial with adaptive dose expansion to flexibly assess efficacy and safety of an investigational drug 2010 Scott Berry
Walter Spinelli
Gary S. Littman
John Z. Liang
Parvin Fardipour
Donald A. Berry
Roger Lewis
Michael Krams
+ Adaptive designs for confirmatory clinical trials 2009 Frank Bretz
Franz Koenig
Werner Brannath
Ekkehard Glimm
Martin Posch
+ Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective 1995 Donald A. Berry
+ Adaptive Designs, Informed Consent, and the Ethics of Research 2001 Daryl Pullman
Xikui Wang
+ The future of drug development: advancing clinical trial design 2009 John J. Orloff
Frank L. Douglas
JosĂ© Cirı́aco Pinheiro
Susan L. Levinson
Michael Branson
Pravin Chaturvedi
Ene Ette
Paul Gallo
Gigi Hirsch
Cyrus R. Mehta
+ Comments on the Draft Guidance on “Adaptive Design Clinical Trials for Drugs and Biologics” of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2010 Werner Brannath
Hans Ulrich Burger
Ekkehard Glimm
Nigel Stallard
Marc Vandemeulebroecke
Gernot Wassmer
+ PDF Chat Bayesian clinical trials in action 2012 J. Jack Lee
Caleb T. Chu
+ Adaptive Clinical Trials 2012 William J. Meurer
Roger Lewis
Donald A. Berry