Jaigyoung Choe


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Free boundary minimal surfaces and the reflection principle 2025 Jaigyoung Choe
+ Complete minimal surfaces of finite topology in the doubled Schwarzschild 3-manifold 2023 Jaigyoung Choe
Jaehoon Lee
Eungbeom Yeon
+ Generating Axially Symmetric Minimal Hyper-surfaces in R^{1,3} 2022 Jens Hoppe
Jaigyoung Choe
O. Teoman Turgut
+ The periodic Plateau problem and its application 2021 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat The minimality of determinantal varieties 2020 Martin Bordemann
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ The Minimality of Determinantal Varieties. 2020 Martin Bordemann
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ The Minimality of Determinantal Varieties 2020 Martin Bordemann
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ PDF Chat Some minimal submanifolds generalizing the Clifford torus 2018 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional Schwarz’s surfaces and Scherk’s surfaces 2018 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ PDF Chat Mean curvature in manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below 2018 Jaigyoung Choe
Ailana Fraser
+ Characterizing the harmonic manifolds by the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian 2018 Jaigyoung Choe
Sinhwi Kim
JeongHyeong Park
+ Some minimal submanifolds generalizing the Clifford torus 2017 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ Density of a minimal submanifold and total curvature of its boundary 2017 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ PDF Chat Density of a minimal submanifold and total curvature of its boundary 2017 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Minimal Surfaces 2016 Joakim Arnlind
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ On the Area of Minimal Surfaces in a Slab 2016 Jaigyoung Choe
Benôıt Daniel
+ PDF Chat Stable capillary hypersurfaces in a wedge 2016 Jaigyoung Choe
Miyuki Koiso
+ Mean curvature in manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below 2016 Jaigyoung Choe
Ailana Fraser
+ Higher dimensional Schwarz's surfaces and Scherk's surfaces 2016 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ New minimal surfaces in $${\mathbb {S}}^3$$ S 3 desingularizing the Clifford tori 2015 Jaigyoung Choe
Marc Soret
+ On the area of minimal surfaces in a slab 2015 Jaigyoung Choe
Benôıt Daniel
+ Stable capillary hypersurfaces in a wedge 2014 Jaigyoung Choe
Miyuki Koiso
+ Classical mechanics of minimal tori in S^3 2013 Joakim Arnlind
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ New minimal surfaces in S^3 desingularizing the Clifford tori 2013 Jaigyoung Choe
Marc Soret
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional minimal submanifolds generalizing the catenoid and helicoid 2013 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ Classical mechanics of minimal tori in S^3 2013 Joakim Arnlind
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ Noncommutative Minimal Surfaces 2013 Joakim Arnlind
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ Noncommutative Minimal Surfaces 2012 Joakim Arnlind
Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ Capillary surfaces in a convex cone 2009 Jaigyoung Choe
Sungho Park
+ First eigenvalue of symmetric minimal surfaces in $\mathbb{S}^3$ 2009 Jaigyoung Choe
Marc Soret
+ First Eigenvalue of Symmetric Minimal Surfaces in S^3 2009 Jaigyoung Choe
Marc Soret
+ The relative isoperimetric inequality outside convex domains in R n 2007 Jaigyoung Choe
Mohammad Ghomi
Manuel Ritoré
+ The relative isoperimetric inequality in Cartan-Hadamard 3-manifolds 2007 Jaigyoung Choe
Manuel Ritoré
+ PDF Chat The double cover relative to a convex domain and the relative isoperimetric inequality 2006 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat Total positive curvature of hypersurfaces with convex boundary 2006 Jaigyoung Choe
Mohammad Ghomi
Manuel Ritoré
+ PDF Chat Embedded Minimal Surfaces and Total Curvature of Curves in a Manifold 2003 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ Sufficient conditions for constant mean curvature surfaces to be round 2002 Jaigyoung Choe
+ The isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces in a Riemannian manifold 1999 Jaigyoung Choe
+ The isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces in a Riemannian manifold 1999 Jaigyoung Choe
+ The Third Pacific Rim Geometry Conference 1998 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Hardt
+ On the existence of higher dimensional Enneper's surface 1996 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat Every stationary polyhedral set in R<sup><i>n</i></sup>is area minimizing under diffeomorphisms 1996 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat Sharp isoperimetric inequalities for stationary varifolds and area minimizing flat chains mod $k$ 1996 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat On the analytic reflection of a minimal surface 1993 Jaigyoung Choe
+ The sharp isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces with radially connected boundary in hyperbolic space 1992 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric inequalities on minimal submanifolds of space forms 1992 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ Index, vision number and stability of complete minimal surfaces 1990 Jaigyoung Choe
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal surface with radially connected boundary 1990 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat On the existence and regularity of fundamental domains with least boundary area 1989 Jaigyoung Choe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal surface with radially connected boundary 1990 Jaigyoung Choe
+ PDF Chat On a Generalization of the Catenoid 1975 David E. Blair
+ Stationary partitioning of convex bodies 1985 Johannes C. C. Nitsche
+ The sharp isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces with radially connected boundary in hyperbolic space 1992 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness, symmetry, and embeddedness of minimal surfaces 1983 Richard Schoen
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ Complete Minimal Surfaces in S 3 1970 H. Blaine Lawson
+ Minimal Varieties in Riemannian Manifolds 1968 James Simons
+ PDF Chat �ber die isoperimetrische Eigenschaft des Kreises auf der Kugeloberfl�che und in der Ebene 1905 Felix Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric inequalities on minimal submanifolds of space forms 1992 Jaigyoung Choe
Robert Gulliver
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ Every ring type spanner in a wedge is spherical 2005 Sungho Park
+ On the existence of higher dimensional Enneper's surface 1996 Jaigyoung Choe
+ Embeddedness of Minimal Surfaces with Total Boundary Curvature at Most 4p 2002 Tobias Ekholm
Brian White
Daniel Wienholtz
+ The Structure of Singularities in Soap-Bubble-Like and Soap-Film-Like Minimal Surfaces 1976 Jean E. Taylor
+ An optimal relative isoperimetric inequality in concave cylindrical domains in 2000 Kim In-Ho
+ The relative isoperimetric inequality in Cartan-Hadamard 3-manifolds 2007 Jaigyoung Choe
Manuel Ritoré
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional minimal submanifolds generalizing the catenoid and helicoid 2013 Jaigyoung Choe
Jens Hoppe
+ A sharp four dimensional isoperimetric inequality 1984 Christopher B. Croke
+ PDF Chat Counterexample to a conjecture of H. Hopf 1986 Henry C. Wente
+ A new uniqueness theorem for minimal surfaces 1973 Johannes C. C. Nitsche
+ PDF Chat New minimal surfaces in $S^3$ 1988 Hermann Karcher
Ulrich Pinkall
Ivan Sterling
+ PDF Chat New minimal hypersurfaces in and 2017 Jens Hoppe
Γεώργιος Λιναρδόπουλος
O. Teoman Turgut
+ Index, vision number and stability of complete minimal surfaces 1990 Jaigyoung Choe
+ Differential Geometry in the Large 1989 Heinz Hopf
+ On the isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces 1984 Peter Li
Richard Schoen
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ An isoperimetric comparison theorem 1992 Bruce Kleiner
+ Doubly-connected minimal surfaces 1975 Robert Osserman
M. Schiffer
+ PDF Chat A note on the stability theorem of J. L. Barbosa and M. Do Carmo for closed surfaces of constant mean curvature 1991 Henry C. Wente
+ PDF Chat Minimal Cubic Cones via Clifford Algebras 2010 Vladimir G. Tkachev
+ Complete minimal surfaces with index one and stable constant mean curvature surfaces 1989 Francisco J. López
Antonio R�os
+ Sufficient conditions for constant mean curvature surfaces to be round 2002 Jaigyoung Choe
+ Minimal surfaces in the three-sphere by doubling the Clifford torus 2010 Nikolaos Kapouleas
Seong-Deog Yang
+ On complete minimal surfaces with finite Morse index in three manifolds 1985 D. Fischer-Colbrie
+ PDF Chat On embedded complete minimal surfaces of genus zero 1991 Francisco J. López
Antonio R�os
+ Complete minimal varieties in hyperbolic space 1982 Michael T. Anderson
+ Optimal regularity for codimension one minimal surfaces with a free boundary 1987 Michael Gr�ter
+ PDF Chat Area minimizing sets subject to a volume constraint in a convex set 1997 Edward W. Stredulinsky
William P. Ziemer
+ PDF Chat On soap bubbles and isoperimetric regions in noncompact symmetric spaces, I 1992 Wu-Yi Hsiang
+ PDF Chat Stability for hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature with free boundary 1995 Antonio R�os
Enaldo Vergasta
+ PDF Chat The world as quantized minimal surfaces 2013 Joakim Arnlind
Jens Hoppe
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ The isoperimetric inequality 1978 Robert Osserman
+ Extending minimal varieties 1975 Reese Harvey
Benjamin Lawson
+ Anisotropic capillary surfaces with wetting energy 2006 Miyuki Koiso
Bennett Palmer
+ PDF Chat Multi-linear Formulation of Differential Geometry and Matris Regularizations 2012 Joakim Arnlind
Jens Hoppe
Gerhard Huisken
+ Boundary regularity for solutions of a partitioning problem 1987 Michael Grüter
+ PDF Chat Minimal annuli with constant contact angle along the planar boundaries 2009 Juncheol Pyo
+ Stationary minimal surfaces with boundary on a simplex 1984 Brian Smyth
+ The relative isoperimetric inequality outside convex domains in R n 2007 Jaigyoung Choe
Mohammad Ghomi
Manuel Ritoré