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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Applications for the Exponential Dispersion Model Generated by the Landau Distribution 2024 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
Xu Liu
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Ziyu Xiang
+ A delineation of new classes of exponential dispersion models supported on the set of nonnegative integers 2024 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
GĂ©rard Letac
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+ PDF Chat The Large Arcsine Exponential Dispersion Model—Properties and Applications to Count Data and Insurance Risk 2022 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat Exponential dispersion models for overdispersed zero-inflated count data 2021 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat New exponential dispersion models for count data: the ABM and LM classes 2021 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ Exponential Dispersion Models for Overdispersed Zero-Inflated Count Data 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ New exponential dispersion models for count data -- properties and applications 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ New exponential dispersion models for count data -- the ABM and LM classes 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat New exponential dispersion models for count data -- the ABM and LM classes 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat New exponential dispersion models for count data -- the ABM and LM classes 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ New exponential dispersion models for count data -- the ABM and LM classes 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ Exponential Dispersion Models for Overdispersed Zero-Inflated Count Data 2020 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation 2019 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation 2018 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation 2018 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ A simulation tool for truck loading at fuel filling plants 2017 Ben Cohen
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Bart Mateman
+ Variance Reduction 2017 Zdravko I. Botev
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+ PDF Chat Semiparametric cross entropy for rare-event simulation 2016 Zdravko I. Botev
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Leonardo Rojas‐Nandayapa
+ PDF Chat Sequential Monte Carlo for counting vertex covers in general graphs 2015 Radislav Vaisman
Zdravko I. Botev
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+ Splitting Method for Counting and Optimization 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ Stochastic Enumeration Method 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ PDF Chat Bibliography 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ PDF Chat Abbreviations and Acronyms 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ PDF Chat Index 2013 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
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Radislav Vaisman
+ Sequential Monte Carlo for Counting Vertex Covers in General Graphs 2013 Radislav Vaisman
Zdravko I. Botev
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+ Semiparametric Cross Entropy for rare-event simulation 2013 Zdravko I. Botev
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Leonardo Rojas‐Nandayapa
+ PDF Chat Semiparametric Cross Entropy for Rare-Event Simulation 2013 Zdravko I. Botev
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Leonardo Rojas‐Nandayapa
+ Sequential Monte Carlo for Counting Vertex Covers in General Graphs 2013 Radislav Vaisman
Zdravko I. Botev
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+ PDF Chat Probabilistic bounded relative error for rare event simulation learning techniques 2012 Bruno Tuffin
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+ Counting with Combined Splitting and Capture–Recapture Methods 2012 Paul Dupuis
Bahar Kaynar
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
Radislav Vaisman
+ Probabilistic Bounded Relative Error Property for Learning Rare Event Simulation Techniques 2012 Ad Ridder
Bruno Tuffin
+ PDF Chat Finite-state Markov Chains Obey Benford’s Law 2011 Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
Bahar Kaynar
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+ Counting with Combined Splitting and Capture-Recapture Methods 2011 Paul Dupuis
Bahar Kaynar
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
Radislav Vaisman
Dinard van der Laan
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+ Counting with Combined Splitting and Capture-Recapture Methods 2011 Paul Dupuis
Bahar Kaynar
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
Radislav Vaisman
+ Counting with Combined Splitting and Capture-Recapture Methods 2011 Paul Dupuis
Bahar Kaynar
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
Radislav Vaisman
+ Counting with Combined Splitting and Capture-Recapture Methods 2011 Paul Dupuis
Bahar Kaynar
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
Radislav Vaisman
+ Approximate results for a generalized secretary problem 2010 Chris Dietz
Dinard van der Laan
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+ PDF Chat The cross-entropy method with patching for rare-event simulation of large Markov chains 2010 Bahar Kaynar
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+ Asymptotic optimality of the cross-entropy method for Markov chain problems 2010 Ad Ridder
+ Finite-State Markov Chains obey Benford's Law 2010 Bahar Kaynar
Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
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+ Asymptotic optimality of the cross-entropy method for Markov chain problems 2010 Ad Ridder
+ Finite-state Markov Chains obey Benford's Law 2010 Bahar Kaynar
Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
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+ PDF Chat Variance Reduction Techniques in Monte Carlo Methods 2010 J.P.C. Kleijnen
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Reuven Y. Rubinstein
+ Finite-state Markov Chains Obey Benford’s Law 2010 Babar Kaynar
Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
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+ Approximate Results for a Generalized Secretary Problem 2010 Chris Dietz
Dinard van der Laan
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+ PDF Chat Finite-State Markov Chains Obey Benford's Law 2010 Bahar Kaynar
Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
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+ Variance Reduction Techniques in Monte Carlo Methods 2010 Ad Ridder
J.P.C. Kleijnen
R.Y. Rubinstein
+ Finite-state Markov Chains obey Benford's Law 2010 Bahar Kaynar
Arno Berger
Theodore P. Hill
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+ Asymptotic optimality of the cross-entropy method for Markov chain problems 2010 Ad Ridder
+ Approximate results for a generalized secretary problem 2010 Chris Dietz
Dinard van der Laan
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+ The Cross-Entropy Method with Patching for Rare-Event Simulation of Large Markov Chains 2009 Bahar Kaynar
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+ PDF Chat Importance Sampling Simulations of Markovian Reliability Systems Using Cross-Entropy 2005 Ad Ridder
+ Importance Sampling Simulations of Markovian Reliability Systems using Cross Entropy 2004 Ad Ridder
+ None 1999 Michel Mandjes
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+ Weak stochastic ordering for multidimensional Markov chains 1995 Ad Ridder
+ Finding the Conjugate of Markov Fluid Processes 1995 Michel Mandjes
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Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic robustness of estimators in rare-event simulation 2010 Pierre L’Ecuyer
José Blanchet
Bruno Tuffin
Peter W. Glynn
+ On the mean value parametrization of natural exponential families — a revisited review 2017 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
CĂ©lestin C. Kokonendji
+ PDF Chat A Sequential Importance Sampling Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs with Prescribed Degrees 2011 Joseph K. Blitzstein
Persi Diaconis
+ Efficient Monte Carlo simulation via the generalized splitting method 2010 Zdravko I. Botev
Dirk P. Kroese
+ PDF Chat Dynamic importance sampling for queueing networks 2007 Paul Dupuis
Ali Devin Sezer
Hui Wang
+ PDF Chat Natural Real Exponential Families with Cubic Variance Functions 1990 GĂ©rard Letac
Marianne Mora
+ Randomized Algorithms with Splitting: Why the Classic Randomized Algorithms Do Not Work and How to Make them Work 2009 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
+ Rare Event Simulation using Monte Carlo Methods 2009 Gerardo Rubino
Bruno Tuffin
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Algorithm for Rare-event Probability Estimation, Combinatorial Optimization, and Counting 2008 Zdravko I. Botev
Dirk P. Kroese
+ Rare events, splitting, and quasi-Monte Carlo 2007 Pierre L’Ecuyer
Valérie Demers
Bruno Tuffin
+ PDF Chat Natural Exponential Families with Quadratic Variance Functions 1982 Carl N. Morris
+ PDF Chat Approximating zero-variance importance sampling in a reliability setting 2009 Pierre L’Ecuyer
Bruno Tuffin
+ Exponential Dispersion Models 1987 Bent JĂžrgensen
+ The discrete Lindley distribution: properties and applications 2011 Emilio GĂłmez–DĂ©niz
Enrique Calderín–Ojeda
+ PDF Chat Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods 2011 Dirk P. Kroese
Thomas Taimre
Zdravko I. Botev
+ Importance Sampling for the Simulation of Highly Reliable Markovian Systems 1994 Perwez Shahabuddin
+ The Poisson-Inverse Gaussian distribution as an alternative to the negative binomial 1987 Gordon E. Willmot
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo Methods for Insurance Risk Computation 2019 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ Approximate counting by sampling the backtrack-free search space 2007 Vibhav Gogate
Rina Dechter
+ A new infinitely divisible discrete distribution with applications to count data modeling 2018 Deepesh Bhati
Hassan S. Bakouch
+ Subsolutions of an Isaacs Equation and Efficient Schemes for Importance Sampling 2007 Paul Dupuis
Hui Wang
+ Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Analysis of Tables 2005 Yuguo Chen
Persi Diaconis
Susan Holmes
Jun S. Liu
+ On Strict Arcsine Distribution 2004 CĂ©lestin C. Kokonendji
Mohamed Khoudar
+ PDF Chat Improved cross-entropy method for estimation 2011 Joshua C. C. Chan
Dirk P. Kroese
+ A new discrete distribution with actuarial applications 2011 Emilio GĂłmez–DĂ©niz
JosĂ© Marı́a Sarabia
Enrique Calderín–Ojeda
+ None 1999 Reuven Y. Rubinstein
+ The splitting method in rare event simulation 2000 M.J.J. Garvels
+ Asymptotic optimality of the cross-entropy method for Markov chain problems 2010 Ad Ridder
+ PDF Chat Exponential dispersion models for overdispersed zero-inflated count data 2021 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
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+ PDF Chat Reproducibility and Natural Exponential Families with Power Variance Functions 1986 Shaul K. Bar‐Lev
Peter Enis
+ PDF Chat Improving the Asmussen–Kroese-Type Simulation Estimators 2012 Samim Ghamami
Sheldon M. Ross
+ Generalized Poisson Distributions: Properties and Applications. 1992 Adrienne W. Kemp
P. C. Consul
+ On error rates in rare event simulation with heavy tails 2012 SĂžren Asmussen
Dominik Kortschak
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat Base-invariance implies Benford’s law 1995 Theodore P. Hill
+ Splitting-based importance-sampling algorithm for fast simulation of Markov reliability models with general repair-policies 2001 S. Juneja
Perwez Shahabuddin
+ PDF Chat Importance Sampling Simulations of Markovian Reliability Systems Using Cross-Entropy 2005 Ad Ridder
+ On the two-parameter Bell–Touchard discrete distribution 2019 Fredy Castellares
Artur J. Lemonte
Germán Moreno–Arenas
+ PDF Chat A Fast Cross-Entropy Method for Estimating Buffer Overflows in Queueing Networks 2004 P. T. de Boer
Dirk P. Kroese
R.Y. Rubinstein
+ Monte-Carlo approximation algorithms for enumeration problems 1989 Richard M. Karp
Michael Luby
Neal Madras
+ The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering 2003 Paul Glasserman
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of Leading Digits and Uniform Distribution Mod 1 1977 Persi Diaconis
+ Overdispersion: Models and estimation 1998 John Hinde
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
+ Discrete Gamma Distributions: Properties and Parameter Estimations 2012 Subrata Chakraborty
Dhrubajyoti Chakravarty
+ PDF Chat Discrete dispersion models and their Tweedie asymptotics 2015 Bent JĂžrgensen
CĂ©lestin C. Kokonendji
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities by Fourier inversion 2007 Peter K. Dunn
Gordon K. Smyth
+ On Benford's Law for Continued Fractions 1990 Peter Schatte
+ PDF Chat Series evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities 2005 Peter K. Dunn
Gordon K. Smyth
+ PDF Chat A Primer of Real Analytic Functions 2002 Steven G. Krantz
Harold R. Parks