Vincent Beffara


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ La marche auto-évitante 2024 Vincent Beffara
+ PDF Chat Local geometry of the rough-smooth interface in the two-periodic Aztec diamond 2022 Vincent Beffara
Sunil Chhita
Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of global multiple SLEs 2021 Vincent Beffara
Eveliina Peltola
Hao Wu
+ Local Geometry of the rough-smooth interface in the two-periodic Aztec diamond 2020 Vincent Beffara
Sunil Chhita
Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Trees of self-avoiding walks 2019 Vincent Beffara
Cong Bang Huynh
+ Scaling limits for random triangulations on the torus. 2019 Vincent Beffara
Cong Bang Huynh
Benjamin Lévêque
+ Scaling limits for random triangulations on the torus 2019 Vincent Beffara
Cong Bang Huynh
Benjamin Lévêque
+ PDF Chat Airy point process at the liquid-gas boundary 2018 Vincent Beffara
Sunil Chhita
Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness of Global Multiple SLEs 2018 Vincent Beffara
Eveliina Peltola
Hao Wu
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness of Global Multiple SLEs 2018 Vincent Beffara
Eveliina Peltola
Hao Wu
+ PDF Chat Percolation of random nodal lines 2017 Vincent Beffara
Damien Gayet
+ Percolation without FKG 2017 Vincent Beffara
Damien Gayet
+ Trees of self-avoiding walks 2017 Vincent Beffara
Cong Bang Huynh
+ V. Beffara - Percolation of random nodal lines 2016 Vincent Beffara
Fanny Bastien
Pauline Martinet
+ Airy point process at the liquid-gas boundary 2016 Vincent Beffara
Sunil Chhita
Kurt Johansson
+ Percolation of random nodal lines 2016 Vincent Beffara
Damien Gayet
+ Airy point process at the liquid-gas boundary 2016 Vincent Beffara
Sunil Chhita
Kurt Johansson
+ Percolation of random nodal lines 2016 Vincent Beffara
Damien Gayet
+ PDF Chat On the critical parameters of the<i>q</i>≤ 4 random-cluster model on isoradial graphs 2015 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
С. Н. Смирнов
+ On the critical parameters of the $q\ge4$ random-cluster model on isoradial graphs 2015 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Stanislav Smirnov
+ Dessins d'enfants for analysts 2015 Vincent Beffara
+ On the critical parameters of the $q\ge4$ random-cluster model on isoradial graphs 2015 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Stanislav Smirnov
+ PDF Chat Bridges and random truncations of random matrices 2014 Vincent Beffara
Catherine Donati-Martin
Alain Rouault
+ Bridges and random truncations of random matrices 2014 Vincent Beffara
Catherine Donati-Martin
Alain Rouault
+ Confidence intervals for the critical value in the divide and color model 2013 András Bálint
Vincent Beffara
Vincent Tassion
+ Critical percolation on mesoscopic triangulations 2013 Vincent Beffara
+ Confidence intervals for the critical value in the divide and color model 2013 András Bálint
Vincent Beffara
Vincent Tassion
+ PDF Chat Planar percolation with a glimpse of Schramm–Loewner evolution 2013 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ On the critical value function in the divide and color model 2013 András Bálint
Vincent Beffara
Vincent Tassion
+ Bridges and random truncations of random matrices 2013 Vincent Beffara
Catherine Donati-Martin
Alain Rouault
+ Smirnov’s fermionic observable away from criticality 2012 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ PDF Chat On monochromatic arm exponents for 2D critical percolation 2011 Vincent Beffara
Pierre Nolin
+ Planar percolation with a glimpse of Schramm-Loewner Evolution 2011 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ PDF Chat The self-dual point of the two-dimensional random-cluster model is critical for q ≥ 1 2011 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ La percolation, et un résultat de S. Smirnov 2011 Vincent Beffara
+ On the critical value function in the divide and color model 2011 András Bálint
Vincent Beffara
Vincent Tassion
+ Planar percolation with a glimpse of Schramm-Loewner Evolution 2011 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ PDF Chat Scaling Limit of the Prudent Walk 2010 Vincent Beffara
Sacha Friedli
Yvan Velenik
+ The self-dual point of the two-dimensional random-cluster model is critical for $q\geq 1$ 2010 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ PDF Chat Randomized polynuclear growth with a columnar defect 2009 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ PDF Chat Grands graphes planaires aléatoires et carte brownienne 2009 Vincent Beffara
+ PDF Chat The dimension of the SLE curves 2008 Vincent Beffara
+ PDF Chat Is Critical 2D Percolation Universal? 2008 Vincent Beffara
+ Cardy’s formula on the triangular lattice, the easy way 2007 Vincent Beffara
+ On a randomized PNG model with a columnar defect 2007 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Is critical 2D percolation universal? 2007 Vincent Beffara
+ PDF Chat Polymer pinning in a random medium as influence percolation 2006 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
Herbert Spohn
M. E. Vares
+ Percolation Theory 2006 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Polymer pinning in a random medium as influence percolation 2006 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
H. Spohn
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Percolation theory 2005 Vincent Beffara
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimensions for SLE6 2004 Vincent Beffara
+ On conformally invariant subsets of the planar Brownian curve 2003 Vincent Beffara
+ Planar Brownian motion, SLE, conformal invariance and fractal dimensions 2003 Vincent Beffara
+ Mouvement brownien plan, SLE, invariance conforme et dimensions fractales 2003 Vincent Beffara
+ Hausdorff dimensions for SLE_6 2002 Vincent Beffara
+ On conformally invariant subsets of the planar Brownian curve 2001 Vincent Beffara
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Critical percolation in the plane: conformal invariance, Cardy's formula, scaling limits 2001 Stanislav Smirnov
+ PDF Chat Scaling limits of loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees 2000 Oded Schramm
+ The critical probability of bond percolation on the square lattice equals 1/2 1980 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents for two-dimensional percolation 2001 Stanislav Smirnov
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Sharp thresholds for the random-cluster and Ising models 2010 Benjamin Graham
Geoffrey Grimmett
+ Percolation Probabilities on the Square Lattice 1978 Paul Seymour
Dominic Welsh
+ PDF Chat Values of Brownian intersection exponents, II: Plane exponents 2001 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ Percolation 1999 Geoffrey Grimmett
+ PDF Chat Connection probabilities and RSW‐type bounds for the two‐dimensional FK Ising model 2011 Hugo Duminil‐Copin
Clément Hongler
Pierre Nolin
+ Basic properties of SLE 2011 Steffen Rohde
Oded Schramm
+ Hölder regularity and dimension bounds for random curves 1999 Michael Aizenman
Almut Burchard
+ A lower bound for the critical probability in a certain percolation process 1960 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat The critical probability for random Voronoi percolation in the plane is 1/2 2005 Béla Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
+ PDF Chat Percolation Theory for Mathematicians. 1984 J. M. Hammersley
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Two-Dimensional Critical Percolation: The Full Scaling Limit 2006 Federico Camia
Charles M. Newman
+ None 2002 Michael Prähofer
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance of planar loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees 2004 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Scaling relations for 2D-percolation 1987 Harry Kesten
+ On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations 1999 Jinho Baik
Percy Deift
Kurt Johansson
+ Conformal Invariance Of Planar Loop-Erased Random Walks and Uniform Spanning Trees 2011 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Critical percolation exploration path and SLE6: a proof of convergence 2007 Federico Camia
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Chat A note on percolation 1978 Lucio Russo
+ PDF Chat Conformal restriction: The chordal case 2003 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Gibbsianness and non-Gibbsianness in divide and color models 2010 András Bálint
+ PDF Chat Exact results for the asymmetric simple exclusion process with a blockage 1994 Steven A. Janowsky
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Hammersley's interacting particle process and longest increasing subsequences 1995 David Aldous
Persi Diaconis
+ Statistics of the Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet. Part I 1941 H. A. Kramers
Gregory H. Wannier
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance in random cluster models. I. Holmorphic fermions in the Ising model 2010 Stanislav Smirnov
+ PDF Chat The self-dual point of the two-dimensional random-cluster model is critical for q ≥ 1 2011 Vincent Beffara
Hugo Duminil‐Copin
+ PDF Chat Percolation Model for Nodal Domains of Chaotic Wave Functions 2002 E. Bogomolny
C. Schmit
+ PDF Chat Positively Correlated Normal Variables are Associated 1982 Loren D. Pitt
+ PDF Chat One-Arm Exponent for Critical 2D Percolation 2002 Gregory F. Lawler
Oded Schramm
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Discrete Polynuclear Growth and Determinantal Processes 2003 Kurt Johansson
+ The phase transition in a general class of Ising-type models is sharp 1987 Michael Aizenman
David J. Barsky
R. Fern�ndez
+ PDF Chat Conformal loop ensembles: the Markovian characterization and the loop-soup construction 2012 Scott Sheffield⋆
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Dimers and amoebae 2006 Richard Kenyon
Andreĭ Okounkov
Scott Sheffield⋆
+ PDF Chat Phases coexistence and surface tensions for the potts model 1986 Lahoussine Laanait
Alain Messager
J. Stephany
+ PDF Chat Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane 2008 Gregory F. Lawler
+ The Nevai condition and a local law of large numbers for orthogonal polynomial ensembles 2014 Jonathan Breuer
Maurice Duits
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance of spin correlations in~the~planar Ising model 2014 Dmitry Chelkak
Clément Hongler
Konstantin Izyurov
+ Coloring percolation clusters at random 2001 Olle Häggström
+ PDF Chat The incipient infinite cluster in two-dimensional percolation 1986 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariance in two-dimensional percolation 1994 R. P. Langlands
Philippe Pouliot
Yvan Saint-Aubin
+ PDF Chat Limit shapes and the complex Burgers equation 2007 Richard Kenyon
Andreĭ Okounkov
+ PDF Chat Local statistics of lattice dimers 1997 Rachael Kenyon
+ Crystal Statistics. I. A Two-Dimensional Model with an Order-Disorder Transition 1944 Lars Onsager
+ Coupling functions for domino tilings of Aztec diamonds 2014 Sunil Chhita
Benjamin Young
+ PDF Chat The spectral function of an elliptic operator 1968 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Universality in the 2D Ising model and conformal invariance of fermionic observables 2012 Dmitry Chelkak
Stanislav Smirnov
+ A variational principle for domino tilings 2000 Henry Cohn
Richard Kenyon
James Propp