Thomas Schmidt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Proofs of ergodicity of piecewise Möbius interval maps using planar extensions 2024 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ Continuous deformation of the Bowen-Series map associated to a cocompact triangle group 2024 Thomas Schmidt
Ayşe Yıltekin-Karataş
+ Continuity of entropy for all $α$-deformations of an infinite class of continued fraction transformations 2023 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ Continuous deformation of the Bowen-Series map associated to a cocompact triangle group 2023 Thomas Schmidt
Ayşe Yıltekin-Karataş
+ Distinctness of two pseudo-Anosov maps 2023 Thomas Schmidt
Mesa Walker
+ Proofs of ergodicity of piecewise Möbius interval maps using planar extensions 2022 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Subgroup analyses in randomized clinical trials: value and limitations. Review #3 on important aspects of randomized clinical trials in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy 2021 Heinz Drexel
Stuart J. Pocock
Basil S. Lewis
Christoph H. Saely
Juan Carlos Kaski
Giuseppe Rosano
Gerda Tautermann
Kurt Huber
Joern F Dopheide
Arthur Mader
+ Computing Veech groups 2020 Brandon Edwards
Slade Sanderson
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat The age of randomized clinical trials: three important aspects of randomized clinical trials in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy with examples from lipid, diabetes, and antithrombotic trials 2020 Heinz Drexel
Basil S. Lewis
Giuseppe M.C. Rosano
Christoph H. Saely
Gerda Tautermann
Kurt Huber
Joern F Dopheide
Juan Carlos Kaski
Arthur Mader
Alexander Niessner
+ Canonical translation surfaces for computing Veech groups 2020 Brandon E. Edwards
Slade Sanderson
Thomas Schmidt
+ Synchronization is full measure for all α-deformations of an infinite class of continued fractions 2018 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ Remarks on the Rosen λ-Continued Fractions 2017 Thomas Schmidt
+ Remarks on the Rosen λ-Continued Fractions 2017 Thomas Schmidt
+ Synchronization is full measure for all $\alpha$-deformations of an infinite class of continued fraction transformations 2017 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ Natural extensions and Gauss measures for piecewise homographic continued fractions 2017 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ Synchronization is full measure for all $α$-deformations of an infinite class of continued fraction transformations 2017 Kariane Calta
Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat New infinite families of pseudo-Anosov maps with vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant 2016 Hieu Trung
Thomas Schmidt
+ New infinite families of pseudo-Anosov maps with vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant 2016 Hieu Trung
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Commensurable continued fractions 2014 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Commensurable continued fractions 2014 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Distribution of approximants and geodesic flows 2013 Albert M. Fisher
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Cross sections for geodesic flows and<i>α</i>-continued fractions 2013 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Infinitely many lattice surfaces with special pseudo-Anosov maps 2013 Kariane Calta
Thomas Schmidt
+ Commensurable continued fractions 2013 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Transcendence with Rosen continued fractions 2012 Yann Bugeaud
Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Infinitely many lattice surfaces with special pseudo-Anosov maps 2012 Kariane Calta
Thomas Schmidt
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Natural extensions and entropy of<i>α</i>-continued fractions 2012 Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
Wolfgang Steiner
+ Hausdorff dimension of the set of real numbers of Lagrange value three 2012 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation on Veech surfaces 2012 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Hausdorff dimension of the set of real numbers of Lagrange value three 2012 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ Infinitely many lattice surfaces with special pseudo-Anosov maps 2012 Kariane Calta
Thomas Schmidt
+ Continued fractions for a class of triangle groups 2011 Kariane Calta
Thomas Schmidt
+ Diophantine approximation on Veech surfaces 2010 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Rosen fractions and Veech groups, an overly brief introduction 2010 Thomas Schmidt
+ Transcendence with Rosen continued fractions 2010 Yann Bugeaud
Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Natural extensions for α-Rosen continued fractions 2010 Cornelis Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
Ionica Smeets
+ Transcendence with Rosen continued fractions 2010 Yann Bugeaud
Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Diophantine approximation on Veech surfaces 2010 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Quilting natural extensions for alpha-Rosen Fractions 2009 Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
Ionica Smeets
+ PDF Chat Metric and arithmetic properties of mediant-Rosen maps 2009 Cor Kraaikamp
Hitoshi Nakada
Thomas Schmidt
+ Veech surfaces with nonperiodic directions in the trace field 2009 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ Veech surfaces with non-periodic directions in the trace field 2009 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ LOW HEIGHT GEODESICS ON $\Gamma^3 \backslash \mathcal{H}$: HEIGHT FORMULAS AND EXAMPLES 2007 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ Tong's spectrum for Rosen continued fractions 2007 Cor Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
Ionica Smeets
+ PDF Chat Tong’s spectrum for Rosen continued fractions 2007 Cornelis Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
Ionica Smeets
+ Geometry of infinitely generated Veech groups 2006 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ An Introduction to Veech Surfaces 2006 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Problems on billiards, flat surfaces and translation surfaces 2006 Pascal Hubert
Howard Masur
Thomas Schmidt
Anton Zorich
+ Infinitely generated Veech groups 2004 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Low height geodesics and the Markoff spectrum 2004 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat Affine diffeomorphisms of translation surfaces: Periodic points, Fuchsian groups, and arithmeticity 2003 Eugène Gutkin
Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Parametrizing simple closed geodesy on Γ<sup>3</sup>\ℋ 2003 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat Correlation-function spectroscopy of inelastic lifetime in heavily doped GaAs heterostructures 2001 J. Könemann
P. König
Thomas Schmidt
Edward McCann
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
R. J. Haug
+ PDF Chat Energy Dependence of Quasiparticle Relaxation in a Disordered Fermi Liquid 2001 Thomas Schmidt
P. König
Edward McCann
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
R. J. Haug
+ PDF Chat Invariants of translation surfaces 2001 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Resonant tunneling through zero-dimensional impurity states: Effects of a finite temperature 2001 P. König
U. Zeitler
J. Könemann
Thomas Schmidt
R. J. Haug
+ Natural extensions for the Rosen fractions 1999 Robert Burton
Cornelis Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Closed curves and geodesics with two self-intersections on the Punctured torus 1998 David J. Crisp
Susan Dziadosz
Dennis J. Garity
Thomas R. Insel
Thomas Schmidt
Peter Wiles
+ PDF Chat Riemann surfaces have Hall rays at each cusp 1997 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ None 1997 Thomas Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of local density of states fluctuations in a disordered conductor 1996 Thomas Schmidt
R. J. Haug
Vladimir I. Fal’ko
K. von Klitzing
A. Förster
H. Lüth
+ PDF Chat Hecke groups and continued fractions 1992 David W. Rosen
Thomas Schmidt
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A class of continued fractions associated with certain properly discontinuous groups 1954 David W. Rosen
+ Teichm�ller curves in moduli space, Eisenstein series and an application to triangular billiards 1989 William A. Veech
+ Natural extensions for the Rosen fractions 1999 Robert Burton
Cornelis Kraaikamp
Thomas Schmidt
+ Fractions continues sur les surfaces de Veech 2000 Pierre Arnoux
Pascal Hubert
+ PDF Chat Metrical Theory for a Class of Continued Fraction Transformations and Their Natural Extensions 1981 Hitoshi Nakada
+ Veech surfaces and complete periodicity in genus two 2004 Kariane Calta
+ Affine mappings of translation surfaces: geometry and arithmetic 2000 Eugène Gutkin
Chris Judge
Shunji Ito
Shigeru Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Algebraically periodic translation surfaces 2008 Kariane Calta
John Smillie
+ �ber die Heckeschen GruppenG(?)II 1974 Armin Leutbecher
+ PDF Chat Billiards on rational-angled triangles 2000 Richard Kenyon
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat A new class of continued fraction expansions 1991 Cor Kraaikamp
+ PDF Chat On the Lenstra constant associated to the Rosen continued fractions 2009 Hitoshi Nakada
+ PDF Chat Metrical theory for $α$-Rosen fractions 2009 Karma Dajani
Cor Kraaikamp
Wolfgang Steiner
+ Rational billiards and flat structures 2002 Howard Masur
Serge Tabachnikov
+ PDF Chat On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces 1988 William P. Thurston
+ Length spectra of the Hecke triangle groups 1995 Thomas A. Schmidt
Mark Sheingorn
+ Continued Fractions, Geodesic Flows and Ford Circles 1995 Hitoshi Nakada
+ Continued fraction representations of units associated with certain Hecke groups 2001 David W. Rosen
Christopher Towse
+ PDF Chat Geodesic flows, interval maps, and symbolic dynamics 1991 Roy L. Adler
Leopold Flatto
+ Ergodicity of Billiard Flows and Quadratic Differentials 1986 Steven P. Kerckhoff
Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Veech surfaces with nonperiodic directions in the trace field 2009 Pierre Arnoux
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Teichmüller geodesics of infinite complexity 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ Veech groups and polygonal coverings 2000 Pascal Hubert
Thomas A. Schmidt
+ The Hurwitz Constant and Diophantine Approximation on Hecke Groups 1986 Andrew Haas
Caroline Series
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Discrete Groups 1983 Alan F. Beardon
+ Some metrical observations on the approximation by continued fractions 1983 W. Bosma
H. Jager
Freek Wiedijk
+ Gauss Measures for Transformations on the Space of Interval Exchange Maps 1982 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat Invariants of translation surfaces 2001 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Semi-Arithmetic Fuchsian Groups and Modular Embeddings 2000 Paul Schmutz Schaller
Jürgen Wolfart
+ Rational approximations to algebraic numbers 1955 K. F. Roth
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximation on Hecke groups 1985 Joseph Lehner
+ Ergodic Theory of Fibred Systems and Metric Number Theory 1995 Fritz Schweiger
+ Characterization of simple closed geodesics on Fricke surfaces 1985 Mark Sheingorn
+ PDF Chat On triangular billiards 2001 J.-C. Puchta
+ The Modular Surface and Continued Fractions 1985 Caroline Series
+ Infinitely generated Veech groups 2004 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ PDF Chat On the entropy of Japanese continued fractions 2008 Laura Luzzi
Stefano Marmi
+ PDF Chat Symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on Hecke surfaces 2008 Dieter Mayer
Fredrik Strömberg
+ Ergodic theory of numbers 2002 Karma Dajani
Cor Kraaikamp
+ Calculation of Fuchsian groups associated to billiards in a rational triangle 1998 Clayton Collin Ward
+ The billiard in a regular polygon 1992 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat The local Hurwitz constant and Diophantine approximation on Hecke groups 1990 Joseph Lehner
+ PDF Chat Veech groups without parabolic elements 2006 Pascal Hubert
Erwan Lanneau
+ Planar structures and billiards in rational polygons: the Veech alternative 1996 З. Д. Воробец
+ PDF Chat Generalized continued fractions and orbits under the action of Hecke triangle groups 2008 Elise Hanson
Adam Merberg
Christopher Towse
Elena Yudovina
+ On the complexity of algebraic numbers I. Expansions in integer bases 2007 Boris Adamczewski
Yann Bugeaud
+ PDF Chat Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Topological transitivity of billiards in polygons 1975 A. N. Zemlyakov
A. Katok