Łukasz Czajka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Polymorphic Higher-order Termination 2019 Łukasz Czajka
Cynthia Kop
+ An infinitary rewriting interpretation of coinductive types 2018 Łukasz Czajka
+ A new coinductive confluence proof for infinitary lambda calculus 2018 Łukasz Czajka
+ An operational interpretation of coinductive types 2018 Łukasz Czajka
+ PDF Chat Concrete Semantics with Coq and CoqHammer 2018 Łukasz Czajka
Burak Ekici
Cezary Kaliszyk
+ An infinitary rewriting interpretation of coinductive types. 2018 Łukasz Czajka
+ PDF Chat Goal Translation for a Hammer for Coq (Extended Abstract) 2016 Łukasz Czajka
Cezary Kaliszyk
+ On the equivalence of different presentations of Turner's bracket abstraction algorithm 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ Coinductive Techniques in Infinitary Lambda-Calculus 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ Coinduction: an elementary approach 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ On the equivalence of different presentations of Turner's bracket abstraction algorithm. 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ On the equivalence of different presentations of Turner's bracket abstraction algorithm 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ A Coinductive Confluence Proof for Infinitary Lambda-Calculus. 2014 Łukasz Czajka
+ PDF Chat Higher-Order Illative Combinatory Logic 2013 Łukasz Czajka
+ Confluence of an extension of Combinatory Logic by Boolean constants 2013 Łukasz Czajka
+ Confluence of an extension of Combinatory Logic by Boolean constants 2013 Łukasz Czajka
+ Partiality and Recursion in Higher-order Logic 2012 Łukasz Czajka
+ Partiality and Recursion in Higher-Order Logic. 2012 Łukasz Czajka
+ Higher-order illative combinatory logic 2012 Łukasz Czajka
+ Partiality and Recursion in Higher-order Logic 2012 Łukasz Czajka
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Cezary Kaliszyk 2
Cynthia Kop 1
Burak Ekici 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Coinductive big-step operational semantics 2008 Xavier Leroy
Hervé Grall
+ PDF Chat MiniAgda: Integrating Sized and Dependent Types 2010 Andreas Abel
+ PDF Chat Resumptions, Weak Bisimilarity and Big-Step Semantics for While with Interactive I/O: An Exercise in Mixed Induction-Coinduction 2010 Keiko Nakata
Tarmo Uustalu
+ PDF Chat On streams that are finitely red 2012 Marc Bezem
Keiko Nakata
Tarmo Uustalu
+ Terminal coalgebras in well-founded set theory 1993 Michael Barr
+ PDF Chat Nominal Coalgebraic Data Types with Applications to Lambda Calculus 2013 Alexander Kurz
Daniela Petrişan
Paula Severi
Fer-Jan de Vries
+ Inductive-data-type systems 2002 Frédéric Blanqui
Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
Mitsuhiro Okada
+ On the final sequence of a finitary set functor 2005 James Worrell
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Dependency Pairs for Algebraic Functional Systems 2012 Cynthia Kop
Femke van Raamsdonk
+ On the greatest fixed point of a set functor 1995 Jiřı́ Adámek
Vácłav Koubek
+ PDF Chat Argument Filterings and Usable Rules in Higher-order Rewrite Systems 2011 Sho Suzuki
Keiichirou Kusakari
Frédéric Blanqui
+ PDF Chat Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Confluence 2009 Jeroen Ketema
Jakob Grue Simonsen
+ PDF Chat Learning-Assisted Automated Reasoning with Flyspeck 2014 Cezary Kaliszyk
Josef Urban
+ PDF Chat Goal Translation for a Hammer for Coq (Extended Abstract) 2016 Łukasz Czajka
Cezary Kaliszyk
+ PDF Chat Congruence Closure in Intensional Type Theory 2016 Daniel Selsam
Leonardo de Moura
+ Coinduction: an elementary approach 2015 Łukasz Czajka
+ Data-Oblivious Stream Productivity 2008 Jörg Endrullis
Clemens Grabmayer
Dimitri Hendriks
+ PDF Chat Infinitary Combinatory Reduction Systems: Normalising Reduction Strategies 2010 Jeroen Ketema
Jakob Grue Simonsen
+ PDF Chat On the Mints Hierarchy in First-Order Intuitionistic Logic 2017 Aleksy Schubert
Paweł Urzyczyn
Konrad Zdanowski
+ PDF Chat Definitions by rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions 2005 Frédéric Blanqui
+ PDF Chat Developing Corpus-Based Translation Methods between Informal and Formal Mathematics: Project Description 2014 Cezary Kaliszyk
Josef Urban
J Vyskočil
Herman Geuvers
+ Developments in Formal Proofs 2014 Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Data-Oblivious Stream Productivity 2008 Jörg Endrullis
Clemens Grabmayer
Dimitri Hendriks
+ A final coalgebra theorem 2005 Peter Aczel
N. P. Mendler
+ PDF Chat MizAR 40 for Mizar 40 2015 Cezary Kaliszyk
Josef Urban
+ Developments in Formal Proofs 2014 Thomas C. Hales
+ PDF Chat Partial Order Infinitary Term Rewriting 2014 Patrick Bahr