Dan Ciubotaru


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The wavefront sets of unipotent supercuspidal representations 2024 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ PDF Chat The ($\Gamma$-asymptotic) wavefront sets: $GL_n$ 2024 Dan Ciubotaru
Ju-Lee Kim
+ PDF Chat The wavefront set: bounds for the Langlands parameter 2024 Dan Ciubotaru
Ju-Lee Kim
+ PDF Chat Some Unipotent Arthur Packets for Reductive p-adic Groups 2023 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations of Reductive $p$-adic Groups II 2023 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ Local character expansions via positive depth Barbasch-Moy theory 2023 Dan Ciubotaru
Emile Okada
+ On the generalized Ramanujan and Arthur conjectures over function fields 2023 Dan Ciubotaru
M. P. Harris
Marcelo De Martino
Philippe Meyer
+ On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture over function fields 2022 Dan Ciubotaru
M. P. Harris
+ The Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Supercuspidal Representations 2022 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ Some Unipotent Arthur Packets for Reductive $p$-adic Groups 2022 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ PDF Chat Weyl groups, the Dirac inequality, and isolated unitary unramified representations 2021 Dan Ciubotaru
+ A nonabelian Fourier transform for tempered unipotent representations 2021 Anne‐Marie Aubert
Dan Ciubotaru
Beth Romano
+ Wavefront Sets of Unipotent Representations of Reductive $p$-adic Groups I 2021 Dan Ciubotaru
Lucas Mason-Brown
Emile Okada
+ PDF Chat Weyl groups, the Dirac inequality, and isolated unitary unramified representations 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Cocenters of p-adic Groups, III: Elliptic and Rigid Cocenters 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ The Dunkl-Cherednik deformation of a Howe duality 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
Marcelo De Martino
+ The nonabelian Fourier transform for elliptic unipotent representations of exceptional $p$-adic groups 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Deformations of unitary Howe dual pairs 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
Hendrik De Bie
Marcelo De Martino
Roy Oste
+ Weyl groups, the Dirac inequality, and isolated unitary unramified representations 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Symplectic Dirac operators for Lie algebras and graded Hecke algebras 2020 Dan Ciubotaru
Marcelo De Martino
Philippe Meyer
+ PDF Chat On the reducibility of induced representations for classical p-adic groups and related affine Hecke algebras 2019 Dan Ciubotaru
Volker Heiermann
+ An Euler-Poincaré formula for a depth zero Bernstein projector 2019 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat Dirac Induction for Rational Cherednik Algebras 2018 Dan Ciubotaru
Marcelo De Martino
+ PDF Chat One-W-type Modules for Rational Cherednik Algebra and Cuspidal Two-sided Cells 2018 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Types and unitary representations of reductive p-adic groups 2018 Dan Ciubotaru
+ The Dunkl-Cherednik Deformation of a Howe duality 2018 Dan Ciubotaru
Marcelo De Martino
+ PDF Chat Cocenters and representations of affine Hecke algebras 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ PDF Chat A uniform classification of discrete series representations of affine Hecke algebras 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
+ Cocenters of $p$-adic groups, III: Elliptic and rigid cocenters 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ On the reducibility of induced representations for classical p-adic groups and related affine Hecke algebras 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Volker Heiermann
+ Dirac induction for rational Cherednik algebras 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Marcelo De Martino
+ PDF Chat On the Elliptic Nonabelian Fourier Transform for Unipotent Representations of p-Adic Groups 2017 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
+ On the elliptic nonabelian Fourier transform for unipotent representations of p-adic groups 2016 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
+ An Euler-Poincaré formula for depth zero Bernstein projector 2016 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat Dirac cohomology for symplectic reflection algebras 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Green polynomials of Weyl groups, elliptic pairings, and the extended Dirac index 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ PDF Chat The cocenter of the graded affine Hecke algebra and the density theorem 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ Dirac cohomology for symplectic reflection algebras 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
+ One-W-type modules for rational Cherednik algebra and cuspidal two-sided cells 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Star operations for affine Hecke algebras 2015 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Ladder representations of GL ( n , ℚ p ) $$\mathrm{GL}(n, \mathbb{Q}_{p})$$ 2015 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Formal degrees of unipotent discrete series representations and the exotic Fourier transform 2014 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat Dirac cohomology of one-$W$-type representations 2014 Dan Ciubotaru
Allen Moy
+ PDF Chat Unitary Hecke algebra modules with nonzero Dirac cohomology 2014 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Cocenters and representations of affine Hecke algebra 2014 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ Ladder representations of GL(n,Q_p) 2014 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Unitary equivalences for reductive p -adic groups 2013 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Classification of generic unitary irreducible representations 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Algebraic and analytic Dirac induction for graded affine Hecke algebras 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat Characters of Springer representations on elliptic conjugacy classes 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ Hermitian forms for affine Hecke algebras 2013 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Green polynomials of Weyl groups, elliptic pairings, and the extended Dirac index 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ Duality between GL( n ,R), GL( n ,Q p ), and the degenerate affine Hecke algebra for gl( n ) 2012 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat Dirac cohomology for graded affine Hecke algebras 2012 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ The cocenter of graded affine Hecke algebra and the density theorem 2012 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ Dirac cohomology of one K-type representations 2012 Dan Ciubotaru
Allen Moy
+ Regular Orbits of Symmetric Subgroups on Partial Flag Varieties 2011 Dan Ciubotaru
Kyo Nishiyama
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat Spin representations of Weyl groups and the Springer correspondence 2011 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat On characters and formal degrees of discrete series of affine Hecke algebras of classical types 2011 Dan Ciubotaru
Midori Kato
Syu Kato
+ Functors for unitary representations of classical real groups and affine Hecke algebras 2011 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat Ramanujan bigraphs associated with $SU(3)$ over a $p$-adic field 2011 Cristina Ballantine
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Unitary Hecke algebra modules with nonzero Dirac cohomology 2011 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Tempered modules in exotic Deligne–Langlands correspondence 2010 Dan Ciubotaru
Syu Kato
+ On W-structure and formal degrees of discrete series for classical affine Hecke algebras 2010 Dan Ciubotaru
Syu Kato
+ Ramanujan bigraphs associated with SU(3) over a p-adic field 2010 Cristina Ballantine
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Spin representations of Weyl groups and the Springer correspondence 2010 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Dirac cohomology for graded affine Hecke algebras 2010 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ On characters and formal degrees of discrete series of affine Hecke algebras of classical types 2010 Dan Ciubotaru
Midori Kato
Syu Kato
+ PDF Chat Whittaker unitary dual of affine graded Hecke algebras of type <i>E</i> 2009 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Unitary functorial correspondences for p-adic groups 2009 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Duality between GL(n,R) and the degenerate affine Hecke algebra for gl(n) 2009 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ Generic unipotent standard modules 2009 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Unitary equivalences for reductive p-adic groups 2009 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
+ Functors for unitary representations of classical real groups and affine Hecke algebras 2009 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ Tempered modules in exotic Deligne-Langlands correspondence 2009 Dan Ciubotaru
Syu Kato
+ Regular orbits of symmetric subgroups on partial flag varieties 2009 Dan Ciubotaru
Kyo Nishiyama
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat On unitary unipotent representations of 𝑝-adic groups and affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters 2008 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity matrices for the affine graded Hecke algebra 2008 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Multiplicity matrices for the affine graded Hecke algebra 2008 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Unitarizable minimal principal series of reductive groups 2008 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Alessandra Pantano
+ On unitary unipotent representations of $p$-adic groups and affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters 2008 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Unitarizable minimal principal series of reductive groups 2008 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Alessandra Pantano
+ Unitary ℐ-spherical representations for split 𝓅-adic 𝐄₆ 2006 Dan Ciubotaru
+ The unitary 𝕀–spherical dual for split 𝕡–adic groups of type 𝔽₄ 2005 Dan Ciubotaru
+ None 2005 Dan Ciubotaru
+ PDF Chat Spherical Unitary Principal Series 2005 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Affine Hecke algebras and their graded version 1989 G. Lusztig
+ Proof of the Deligne-Langlands conjecture for Hecke algebras 1987 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Cuspidal local systems and graded Hecke algebras, I 1988 G. Lusztig
+ A unitarity criterion forp-adic groups 1989 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ Finite groups of Lie type 1985 Meinolf Geck
+ PDF Chat Reduction to real infinitesimal character in affine Hecke algebras 1993 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ Unitarizability of Certain Series of Representations 1984 David A. Vogan
+ A construction of representations of Weyl groups 1978 T. A. Springer
+ Intersection cohomology complexes on a reductive group 1984 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat The Langlands classification for graded Hecke algebras 1996 Sam Evens
+ Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups 2000 A. Borel
Nolan R. Wallach
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Mark Reeder
+ Admissible representations of a semi-simple group over a local field with vectors fixed under an iwahori subgroup 1976 Armand Borel
+ Formal degrees and L--packets of unipotent discrete series representations of exceptional p--adic groups 2000 Mark Reeder
Frank Lübeck
+ PDF Chat Dirac cohomology for graded affine Hecke algebras 2012 Dan Barbasch
Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ Homological algebra for affine Hecke algebras 2008 Eric Opdam
Maarten Solleveld
+ PDF Chat On some bruhat decomposition and the structure of the hecke rings of p-Adic chevalley groups 1965 Nagayoshi Iwahori
Hisatake Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat Classification of unitary representations in irreducible representations of general linear group (non-Archimedean case) 1986 Marko Tadić
+ PDF Chat Representation theory and sheaves on the bruhat-tits building 1997 Peter Schneider
Ulrich Stuhler
+ PDF Chat Algebraic and analytic Dirac induction for graded affine Hecke algebras 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
Eric Opdam
Peter E. Trapa
+ Representation Theory and Complex Geometry 2009 Neil Chriss
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Characters of Springer representations on elliptic conjugacy classes 2013 Dan Ciubotaru
Peter E. Trapa
+ PDF Chat An exotic Deligne-Langlands correspondence for symplectic groups 2009 Syu Kato
+ Cuspidal local systems and graded Hecke algebras, III 2002 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Spin representations of Weyl groups and the Springer correspondence 2011 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Shifted tableaux and the projective representations of symmetric groups 1989 John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat Affine Hecke Algebras and Their Graded Version 1989 G. Lusztig
+ Isogenies of Hecke algebras and a Langlands correspondence for ramified principal series representations 2002 Mark Reeder
+ PDF Chat Symplectic reflection algebras, Calogero-Moser space, and deformed Harish-Chandra homomorphism 2002 Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Green polynomials of Weyl groups, elliptic pairings, and the extended Dirac index 2015 Dan Ciubotaru
Xuhua He
+ None 1995 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat Unitary spherical spectrum for p-adic classical groups 1996 Dan Barbasch
Allen Moy
+ Dirac Operator and the Discrete Series 1972 R. Parthasarathy
+ Tempered modules in exotic Deligne–Langlands correspondence 2010 Dan Ciubotaru
Syu Kato
+ Trigonometric sums, green functions of finite groups and representations of Weyl groups 1976 T. A. Springer
+ Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups: An Overview Based on Examples 1986 Anthony W. Knapp
+ Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan 2001 Jing-Song Huang
Pavle Pandžić
+ Homology of graded Hecke algebras 2010 Maarten Solleveld
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Discrete series characters for affine Hecke algebras and their formal degrees 2010 Eric Opdam
Maarten Solleveld
+ Unitary spherical spectrum for split classical groups 2006 Dan Barbasch
+ PDF Chat On the category 𝒪 for rational Cherednik algebras 2003 Victor Ginzburg
Nicolas Guay
Eric Opdam
Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat On unitary unipotent representations of 𝑝-adic groups and affine Hecke algebras with unequal parameters 2008 Dan Ciubotaru
+ Induce/restrict matrices for exceptional Weyl groups 2005 Dean Alvis
+ Projective characters of exceptional Weyl groups 1974 A. O. Morris
+ Characters of reductive groups over a finite field 1984 G. Lusztig
+ On the K0 of a p-adic group 2000 Jean-François Dat
+ PDF Chat Trace paley-wiener theorem for reductivep-adic groups 1986 Joseph Bernstein
Pierre Deligne
David Kazhdan
+ PDF Chat A geometric construction of the discrete series for semisimple Lie groups 1979 Michael Atiyah
Wilfried Schmid