Felix Nissen


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase transitions of light 2006 Andrew D. Greentree
Charles Tahan
Jared H. Cole
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
+ PDF Chat Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity 2010 Kristian Baumann
Christine Guerlin
Ferdinand Brennecke
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Quantum many‐body phenomena in coupled cavity arrays 2008 Michael J. Hartmann
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Strongly interacting polaritons in coupled arrays of cavities 2006 Michael J. Hartmann
Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
Martin B. Plenio
+ Superfluid–Mott-insulator transition of light in the Jaynes-Cummings lattice 2009 Jens Koch
Karyn Le Hur
+ Photon-blockade-induced Mott transitions and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>spin models in coupled cavity arrays 2007 Dimitris G. Angelakis
Marcelo F. Santos
Sougato Bose
+ PDF Chat Dressed Collective Qubit States and the Tavis-Cummings Model in Circuit QED 2009 J. M. Fink
R. Bianchetti
M. Baur
M. Göppl
L. Steffen
Stefan Filipp
Peter Leek
Alexandre Blais
A. Wallraff
+ PDF Chat Antiferromagnetic phase transition in a nonequilibrium lattice of Rydberg atoms 2011 Tony E. Lee
Hartmut Häffner
M. C. Cross
+ PDF Chat Collective Quantum Jumps of Rydberg Atoms 2012 Tony E. Lee
Hartmut Häffner
M. C. Cross
+ PDF Chat Polariton Crystallization in Driven Arrays of Lossy Nonlinear Resonators 2010 Michael J. Hartmann
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear response of the vacuum Rabi resonance 2008 Lev S. Bishop
Jerry M. Chow
Jens Koch
Andrew Houck
Michel Devoret
E. V. Thuneberg
S. M. Girvin
Robert Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Photon correlations in a two-site nonlinear cavity system under coherent drive and dissipation 2010 Sara Ferretti
Lucio Claudio Andreani
Hakan E. Türeci
Dario Gerace
+ PDF Chat Matrix product simulations of non-equilibrium steady states of quantum spin chains 2009 Tomaž Prosen
Marko Žnidarič
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of nonequilibrium Dicke models 2012 M. J. Bhaseen
James Mayoh
Benjamin D. Simons
Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Proposed realization of the Dicke-model quantum phase transition in an optical cavity QED system 2007 Felipe Dimer
Benoit Estienne
A. S. Parkins
H. J. Carmichael
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium many-body effects in driven nonlinear resonator arrays 2012 Thomas Grujic
Stephen R. L. Clark
Dieter Jaksch
Dimitris G. Angelakis
+ PDF Chat Quantum and classical thermal correlations in the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">XY</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:math>chain 2010 Jonas Maziero
H. C. Guzman
Lucas C. Céleri
M. S. Sarandy
R. M. Serra
+ PDF Chat Cavity Optomechanics with a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2008 Ferdinand Brennecke
Stephan Ritter
Tobias Donner
Tilman Esslinger
+ Phonon Effects on Population Inversion in Quantum Dots: Resonant, Detuned and Frequency-Swept Excitations 2012 Doris E. Reiter
S. Lüker
Krzysztof Gawarecki
A. Grodecka‐Grad
Paweł Machnikowski
V. M. Axt
T. Kühn
+ PDF Chat Signatures of the superfluid-insulator phase transition in laser-driven dissipative nonlinear cavity arrays 2010 Andrea Tomadin
Vittorio Giovannetti
Rosario Fazio
Dario Gerace
Iacopo Carusotto
Hakan E. Türeci
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ PDF Chat No-go theorem for superradiant quantum phase transitions in cavity QED and counter-example in circuit QED 2010 Pierre Nataf
Cristiano Ciuti
+ PDF Chat Dynamics and universality in noise-driven dissipative systems 2012 Emanuele G. Dalla Torre
Eugene Demler
Thierry Giamarchi
Ehud Altman
+ PDF Chat Excitations of Strongly Correlated Lattice Polaritons 2010 Sebastian Schmidt
G. Blatter
+ PDF Chat Single Atom Transistor in a 1D Optical Lattice 2004 A. Micheli
Andrew J. Daley
Dieter Jaksch
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Partial scaling transform of multiqubit states as a criterion of separability 2005 Cosmo Lupo
V. I. Man’ko
G. Marmo
E. C. G. Sudarshan
+ PDF Chat Towards a generalized Landau-Zener formula for an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-level system 2006 Dirk Witthaut
Eva-Maria Graefe
H. J. Korsch
+ PDF Chat Entanglement in Quantum Critical Phenomena 2003 Guifré Vidal
José I. Latorre
E. Rico
Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Exact spectrum of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in the thermodynamic limit and finite-size corrections 2008 Pedro Ribeiro
Julien Vidal
Rémy Mosseri
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Phase Transitions and Instabilities in Open Atomic Many-Body Systems 2010 Sebastian Diehl
Andrea Tomadin
A. Micheli
Rosario Fazio
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Atom-Molecule Coexistence and Collective Dynamics Near a Feshbach Resonance of Cold Fermions 2004 Roman Barankov
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Phonon-Dressed Mollow Triplet in the Regime of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Excitation-Induced Dephasing and Nonperturbative Cavity Feeding Effects 2011 C. Roy
Stephen Hughes
+ PDF Chat Observation of Resonant Photon Blockade at Microwave Frequencies Using Correlation Function Measurements 2011 C. B. Lang
Deniz Bozyigit
Christopher Eichler
L. Steffen
J. M. Fink
A. A. Abdumalikov
M. Baur
Stefan Filipp
Marcus P. da Silva
Alexandre Blais
+ PDF Chat Cavity-Assisted Quantum Bath Engineering 2012 Kater Murch
U. Vool
Dong Zhou
Steven Weber
S. M. Girvin
Irfan Siddiqi
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Response of the Strongly Driven Jaynes-Cummings Oscillator 2010 Lev S. Bishop
Eran Ginossar
S. M. Girvin
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition of Light in Cavity QED Lattices 2012 Marco Schirò
Mykola Bordyuh
Barış Öztop
Hakan E. Türeci
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium delocalization-localization transition of photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics 2010 Sebastian Schmidt
Dario Gerace
Andrew Houck
G. Blatter
Hakan E. Türeci
+ PDF Chat Superradiant Phase Transitions and the Standard Description of Circuit QED 2011 Oliver Viehmann
Jan von Delft
Florian Marquardt
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Adiabatic Passage from Fermion Atoms to Boson Molecules 2005 E. Pazy
I. Tikhonenkov
Y. B. Band
Michael Fleischhauer
Amichay Vardi
+ PDF Chat Single-Atom Density of States of an Optical Lattice 2004 C. Hooley
Jorge Quintanilla
+ PDF Chat Efficient Simulation of One-Dimensional Quantum Many-Body Systems 2004 Guifré Vidal
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group using adaptive effective Hilbert spaces 2004 Andrew J. Daley
Corinna Kollath
Ulrich Schollwöck
Guifré Vidal
+ PDF Chat Photon Solid Phases in Driven Arrays of Nonlinearly Coupled Cavities 2013 Jiasen Jin
Davide Rossini
Rosario Fazio
Martin Leib
Michael J. Hartmann
+ PDF Chat Density Matrix Renormalization Group in the Heisenberg Picture 2009 Michael J. Hartmann
Javier Prior
Stephen R. L. Clark
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Scaling of entanglement close to a quantum phase transition 2002 Andreas Osterloh
Luigi Amico
G. Falci
Rosario Fazio
+ PDF Chat Strong Coupling Theory for the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model 2009 Sebastian Schmidt
G. Blatter
+ PDF Chat Quantum corrections to the semiclassical collective dynamics in the Tavis-Cummings model 2009 Jonathan Keeling
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a Single Bosonic Josephson Junction 2005 M. Albiez
Rudolf Gati
Jonas Fölling
S. Hunsmann
Matteo Cristiani
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ PDF Chat Single Photons from Coupled Quantum Modes 2010 T. C. H. Liew
Vincenzo Savona
+ PDF Chat Power of One Bit of Quantum Information 1998 Emanuel Knill
Raymond Laflamme