Axel Ruhe


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Bibliography of Publications of Axel Ruhe (1942{2015) 2016 Axel Ruhe
+ A Bibliography of Publications of Axel Ruhe 2015 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Preface to BIT 53:3 2013 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Preface to BIT 53:2 2013 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Preface to BIT 52:1 2012 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the contents of issue 50:2 2010 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Contents of Issue 49:3 2009 Axel Ruhe
+ Rational Krylov for eigenvalue computation and model order reduction 2006 K. Henrik A. Olsson
Axel Ruhe
+ Rational Krylov for Large Nonlinear Eigenproblems 2006 Axel Ruhe
+ Rational Krylov for Model Order Reduction and Eigenvalue Computation 2005 K. Henrik A. Olsson
Axel Ruhe
+ 4. Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems 2000 Ming Gu
Axel Ruhe
Richard B. Lehoucq
D. C. Sorensen
Robert M. Freund
Gérard L. G. Sleijpen
Henk van der Vorst
Zheng‐Jian Bai
Ran Li
+ Rational Krylov: A Practical Algorithm for Large Sparse Nonsymmetric Matrix Pencils 1998 Axel Ruhe
+ Rational Krylov, A Practical Algorithm for Large 1995 Axel Ruhe
+ The rational Krylov algorithm for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. III: Complex shifts for real matrices 1994 Axel Ruhe
+ Reliable Numerical Computation. 1992 Axel Ruhe
M G Cox
Sven Hammarling
+ A New Algorithm for Numerical Path Following Applied to an Example from Hydrodynamical Flow 1990 Jacques Huitfeldt
Axel Ruhe
+ Closest normal matrix finally found! 1987 Axel Ruhe
+ Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: A Practical Guide 1987 James Demmel
Jack Dongarra
Axel Ruhe
Henk van der Vorst
Zhaojun Bai
+ The Collinearity Problem in Linear Regression. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Approach to Generalized Inverses 1984 Svante Wold
Axel Ruhe
Herman Wold
William J. Dunn
+ Rational Krylov sequence methods for eigenvalue computation 1984 Axel Ruhe
+ Numerical aspects of gram-schmidt orthogonalization of vectors 1983 Axel Ruhe
+ Fitting Empirical Data by Positive Sums of Exponentials 1980 Axel Ruhe
+ The Spectral Transformation Lanczos Method for the Numerical Solution of Large Sparse Generalized Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems 1980 Thomas Ericsson
Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat An Algorithm for Numerical Computation of the Jordan Normal Form of a Complex Matrix 1980 Bo Kågström
Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 560: JNF, An Algorithm for Numerical Computation of the Jordan Normal Form of a Complex Matrix [F2] 1980 Bo Kågström
Axel Ruhe
+ Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems 1980 Axel Ruhe
Per Åke Wedin
+ The relation between the Jacobi algorithm and inverse iteration and a Jacobi algorithm based on elementary reflections 1980 Axel Ruhe
+ Accelerated Gauss-Newton algorithms for nonlinear least squares problems 1979 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat Implementation aspects of band Lanczos algorithms for computation of eigenvalues of large sparse symmetric matrices 1979 Axel Ruhe
+ Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors 1977 Axel Ruhe
+ On the closeness of eigenvalues and singular values for almost normal matrices 1975 Axel Ruhe
+ SOR-Methods for the Eigenvalue Problem with Large Sparse Matrices 1974 Axel Ruhe
+ Iterative Eigenvalue Algorithms for Large Symmetric Matrices 1974 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat 𝑆𝑂𝑅-methods for the eigenvalue problem with large sparse matrices 1974 Axel Ruhe
+ Algorithms for the Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem 1973 Axel Ruhe
+ The method of conjugate gradients used in inverse iteration 1972 Axel Ruhe
Torbjörn Wiberg
+ Perturbation bounds for means of eigenvalues and invariant subspaces 1970 Axel Ruhe
+ Properties of a matrix with a very ill-conditioned eigenproblem 1970 Axel Ruhe
+ On the quadratic convergence of a generalization of the Jacobi Method to arbitrary matrices 1968 Axel Ruhe
+ On the quadratic convergence of the Jabobi method for normal matrices 1967 Axel Ruhe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators 1950 Cornelius Lanczos
+ Rational Krylov: A Practical Algorithm for Large Sparse Nonsymmetric Matrix Pencils 1998 Axel Ruhe
+ New iterative methods for solution of the eigenproblem 1966 W. W. Bradbury
R. Fletcher
+ Bounds for iterates, inverses, spectral variation and fields of values of non-normal matrices 1962 Peter Henrici
+ Iterative Eigenvalue Algorithms for Large Symmetric Matrices 1974 Axel Ruhe
+ The rational Krylov algorithm for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. III: Complex shifts for real matrices 1994 Axel Ruhe
+ Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: A Practical Guide 1987 James Demmel
Jack Dongarra
Axel Ruhe
Henk van der Vorst
Zhaojun Bai
+ Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems 1952 Magnus R. Hestenes
Eduard Stiefel
+ PDF Chat Computing invariant subspaces of a general matrix when the eigensystem is poorly conditioned 1970 J. M. Varah
+ Note on the quadratic convergence of the cyclic Jacobi process 1962 J. H. Wilkinson
+ Complex shift and invert strategies for real matrices 1987 Beresford Ν. Parlett
Yousef Saad
+ The method of conjugate gradients used in inverse iteration 1972 Axel Ruhe
Torbjörn Wiberg
+ Algorithms for Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems 1980 Axel Ruhe
Per Åke Wedin
+ PDF Chat Reorthogonalization and stable algorithms for updating the Gram-Schmidt 𝑄𝑅 factorization 1976 Jemma Daniel
William B. Gragg
Linda Kaufman
G. W. Stewart
+ Accelerated Gauss-Newton algorithms for nonlinear least squares problems 1979 Axel Ruhe
+ A comparison of some algorithms for the nonlinear least squares problem 1977 Håkan Ramsin
Per-Åke Wedin
+ On the asymptotic directions of thes-dimensional optimum gradient method 1968 George E. Forsythe
+ On the convergence of the Rayleigh quotient iteration for the computation of the characteristic roots and vectors. I 1957 Alexander Ostrowski
+ PDF Chat A Procedure for the Diagonalization of Normal Matrices 1959 Herman H. Goldstine
L. P. Horwitz
+ Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors 1977 Axel Ruhe
+ Relaxation methods for an eigenproblem 1966 W. Kahan
+ Iterative eigenvalue algorithms based on convergent splittings 1975 Axel Rune
+ The Rotation of Eigenvectors by a Perturbation. III 1970 Chandler Davis
W. Kahan
+ Lanz: Software Solving the Large Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem 1990 Mark T. Jones
Merrell L. Patrick
+ PDF Chat The principle of minimized iterations in the solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem 1951 Walter E. Arnoldi
+ Properties of a matrix with a very ill-conditioned eigenproblem 1970 Axel Ruhe
+ Solving linear least squares problems by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 1967 Åke Björck
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Algorithms for the Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem 1973 Axel Ruhe
+ PDF Chat LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares 1982 Christopher C. Paige
Michael A. Saunders
+ The Collinearity Problem in Linear Regression. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) Approach to Generalized Inverses 1984 Svante Wold
Axel Ruhe
Herman Wold
William J. Dunn
+ On the quadratic convergence of the Jacobi method for normal matrices 1972 George Loizou
+ On the quadratic convergence of the special cyclic Jacobi method 1966 H. P. M. van Kempen
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ Perturbation bounds for means of eigenvalues and invariant subspaces 1970 Axel Ruhe
+ An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 1973 C Moler
G. W. Stewart
+ Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations 1973 A. S. H.
John Reid
+ Evaluation of eigensolutions of discrete space diffusion equation 1967 G. Buffoni
+ PDF Chat Estimates for some computational techniques in linear algebra 1966 Shmuel Kaniel
+ Über ein leichtes Verfahren, die in der Theorie der Sacularstorungen vorkommenden Gleichungen numerisch aufzulosen 2013 Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Karl Weierstrass
+ The Solution of Large Sparse Unsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations 1971 A. R. Curtis
John Reid
+ A mimmax theory for overdamped systems 1964 E. Rogers
+ On the quadratic convergence of the Jabobi method for normal matrices 1967 Axel Ruhe
+ Rational Krylov sequence methods for eigenvalue computation 1984 Axel Ruhe
+ Numerical Path Following and Eigenvalue Criteria for Branch Switching 1986 Yong Feng Zhou
Axel Rune
+ A Jacobi-Like Method for the Automatic Computation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of an Arbitrary Matrix 1962 P. J. Eberlein
+ PDF Chat The cyclic Jacobi method for computing the principal values of a complex matrix 1960 George E. Forsythe
Peter Henrici
+ Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter 1979 Gene H. Golub
Michael T. Heath
Grace Wahba
+ A Shifted Block Lanczos Algorithm for Solving Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblems 1994 Roger G. Grimes
John G. Lewis
Horst D. Simon
+ A Krylov--Schur Algorithm for Large Eigenproblems 2002 G. W. Stewart